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Gross Motor Skills Project Logsheet

Final Year Project Logsheet 1 (Solution-based)
Student Name & ID: Lisa Sean Jia Min (19001001)
Project title: Developing activities and resources for improvement of gross motor skills among
young children: Solutions for Lit-a-MATCH mobile application
Supervisor: Ms Cheryl Khoo
Part 1: Project Definition (Tip: What are you doing here in this project?) [Individual]
a) State the aim of your project (refer to your project proposal)
Develop activities and resources of gross motor skills among young children.
b) Define the key words of your project (where applicable).
GMS, motor development, variations in GMS, object manipulation, stability, early childhood
c) Suggest a guiding question or hypothesis that will be your focus in this project.
What are the possible implications to (How do we ensure) future development of motor
skills when one does not reach his/her motor milestones by the require age?
Part 2: Basic project management [Team]
a) Identify the budget, logistics, manpower and time that the team need.
Estimated Expenditure/ Requirement
Budget ($100 per team)
Logistics & Equipment
Time (Key event dates)
Time (Regular team meetings)
b) Draft a Gantt chart to plan your time and resources as a team. Attached the chart in excel
form in this logsheet.
Sample Workplan_1
Part 3: Literature Review or Situational Analysis [Team]
a) Brainstorm at least 3 topics that are relevant to your project aim—they can be used for
literature review or situational analysis.
b) Fill in the table below (progression and regression – e.g. gentile taxanomy template but applicable to 2.5-6 years old).
Article 1
Article 2
Embed the https://www.kindpng.com/imgv/hToJxmi_literacy- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07303084.1999.10605704?journalCode=ujrd20
information clipart-preoperational-stage-development-grosssource
Article 3
2011_Ch1_Classification of motor skills.pdf
However, both are non-journal articles but are
different models showing progression in the
relevant age group
Write the
of this
e.g. Gentile, A. (2000). Skill acquisition: Action,
Adams, D. L. (1999). Develop better motor skill progressions with gentile's taxonomy of tasks. Journal of
Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 70(8), 35-38.
Magill, R., & Anderson, D.
(2010). Motor learning and
control. New York: McGraw-Hill
Implementing better motor skill progression using Gentile’s Taxonomy
Classifying motor skills
using Gentile’s twodimension taxonomy as a
basis for modifications
movement and neuromotor processes. In J.H.
Carr & R.B. Shepherd (Eds.), Movement
science: Foundations for physical therapy in
rehabilitation (2nd ed., p. 111-187).
Rockville, MD: Aspen.
Write the
e.g. (Gentile, 2000) or Gentile (2000)
ways to do
citation of
this article /
Key Points
of the
Article (title
of topic in
Article Article
findings or
points of
this article
Gentile taxonomy being a useful tool for us to create an environment for successful activities
at individual skill level
Used as a guide to establish training routines who needs to plan meaningful progression
Classification system of how to devise tasks and practice settings that gradually progress
from closed (predictable situations/environment, fixation) to open (unpredictable, always
Open task and close tasks
Body orientation, manipulation
Classification of motor
skills that capture
complexity of many skills
when ones makes decision
of the instructions and
demonstrations to make
sure it is within the range
Considers two general
environmental context in
which the person performs
the skill and the function of
the action characterizing
the skill
Functional guide to
selecting functionally
appropriate activities
Excellent means of
becoming aware of the
characteristics that make
skills distinct from, as well
as related to, other skills
Demonstrates that small
changes in certain
characteristics of a motor
skill can result in a
considerable increase in
the demands placed on a
person to perform the skill
Excellent guide for
establishing practice or
training routines (relevant
for out topic)
c) Choose one of the two structures provided and write a draft of literature review or situational
Conceptualisation: Literature Review
Tip 1: Grammar for this section: present tense
to discuss present day issues and conclusion;
past tense to discuss past studies; present
perfect tense to discuss on-going actions
Tip 2: Number of words usually used in this
logsheet is 800-1200 words.
Conceptualisation: Situational Analysis
Tip 1: Grammar for this section: present tense
to discuss present day issues and conclusion;
past tense to discuss past studies; present
perfect tense to discuss on-going actions
Tip 2: Number of words usually used in this
logsheet is 800-1200 words.
For our strengths, which we could make use of
to support out the outcome of our research
better is that we have strong background
research and information that developing GMS
in an earlier age, helps with physical
development, another strength would be
targeting the talented and educated PE
teachers where they could use it in the
curriculum, to reach out to target the age
group we are focusing on, exercises to
develop their GMS in early stages
For weaknesses, as the age group we are
focusing on are still building up their GMS
AND FMS, it is important to understand how
we can safely and effectively improve their
GMS while doing so. Some questions that
have brought us into deeper thoughts when
researching on this particular age group was,
how to improve their GMS, the various ways of
doing so. What does it mean to have a good
GMS, meaning the standards, the
requirements like reaching their motor
milestones pathway, what can we do to further
improve their GMS after they are able to do
what we told them to do. Lastly, there is no
one method that fits all, it is difficult to find a
solution that could accommodate to all of them
from the wide variety of development rate.
For opportunities, we do have a market that
we are looking to target such as physical
educators where they undergo additional
training to understand the benefits of
developing GMS and also the skills needed in
implementing them in their physical education.
Another group would be parents of young
children as they might want to ensure their
child grows up with good motor skills to not
miss out and want their child to be active,
sports, athletic or healthy.
Lastly, those who think that GMS are important
for kids especially those who plays an
influential role in the development and upbring
like MOE, international schools.
The last variable would be threats. As this is a
target group that GMS is highly acquainted
with as it is at that age where GMS is highly
important to develop, there may already have
been past research on this age group with a
common purpose. So how can we do it
differently in bringing new solutions only. A
research done in Taiwan have already been
discovered, similarly with an age group of 2-6
years old, in the Asian children’s population,
so there is common intentions in finding a
solution, with this, we need to come up with
new findings, trying to be different in producing
solutions that can value add to our work to
make it more effective.
Part 4: Apply a desirable working attitude toward self and team [Individual]
a) Describe the challenges and progress of the team.
b) Describe the contributions of your team members and you so far.
c) Give an example of an initiative you took to make the project more efficiently or more
effectively. You can also give example of your own personal work process.