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Philosophy Learner's Packet: Death & Authenticity

Learning Area
Learning Days
Week No.
Date Covered
November 1-5, 2021
1. Enumerate the objectives he/she really wants to achieve and to define the
projects he/she really wants to do in his/her life.
2. Reflect on the meaning of his/her own life.
The learner understands human beings as oriented towards their impending death.
I. Introduction
What is your initial reaction when you read the title of this part of the module? Is death really a terrifying phenomenon? If
death is a dreadful thing, what makes it fearsome?
On the other hand, death, as part of human reality, may have meaningful messages. At this junction, we will try to uncover
the mystery of death by rationalizing its phenomenon so that we get to understand it better, accept it as part of human
nature, and treat it as a condition that allows us to create a meaningful existence.
INTERPRETATING THE STORY: Discuss the symbolisms in the short story and story’s possible meaning.
From Leo Tolstoy’s A Confession and Other Religious Writings
There is an old Eastern fable about a traveller who is taken unawares on the steppes by a ferocious animal. In order to
escape the beast, the traveller hides in an empty well, but at the bottom of the well, he sees a dragon with its jaws open,
ready to devour him. The poor fellow does not dare to climb out because he is afraid of being eaten by the ferocious beast,
neither does he dare drop to the bottom of the well for fear of being eaten by the dragon. So he seizes hold of a branch of
a bush that is growing in the crevices of the well and clings on to it. His arms grow weak and he knows that he will soon have
to resign himself to the death that awaits him on the either side. Yet he clings on and while he is holding on to the one
branch, he looks around and sees that two mice, one black and one white are steadily working on their way round the bush
he is hanging from, gnawing away at it. Sooner or later, they will eat through it and the branch will snap, and he will fall into
the jaws of the dragon. The traveller sees this and knows that he will inevitably perish. But while he is still hanging there, he
sees some drops of honey on the leaves of the bush, stretches his tongue and licks them.
Interpretation and Meaning of Symbols
D. Development
According to Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in his book Being and Time, death is (a) certain, (b) indefinite, (c) one’s
property, (d) non-relational, and (e) not to be outstripped.
Death is certain. As part of humanness, we are all born (in Heideggerian sense, we are “thrown”) in the world. The world is
governed by time. We, humans, are existing in time, thus, as being thrown in the world, we have beginning and since we
are finite beings, we also have end – death. Birth and death are two things we cannot remove from our existence.
Whether we like it or not, we will die.
Death is indefinite. While death is sure to come, it is however indefinite as to when it will come. Death is impending,
meaning to say, it can happen anytime. We do not know exactly when. That is why, we should try to live the best life that
we can for we never know the day of our end.
Death is one’s property. The death of the person belongs to him. Nobody can experience his death except himself. There
can be no proxies or substitutes for a person in experiencing death.
Death is non-relational. This means that when we die, we die alone. We have no choice but to face it on our own. Death
also removes all our relations to others. In contemplating death, we realize our own individuality and independence from
the world.
Death is not to be outstripped. Death cannot be taken away from a person. Even the person himself cannot remove the
possibility of death in his life. One cannot make himself live forever. Even though we see in fiction movies the idea of
immortality, death, in real life is a definite reality which we nothing can be done to be outstripped.
E. Engagement
Death and Authenticity
What does death really mean? Is it just a reminder that human existence has a limitation? We may accept the reality
of death as it is, but it also reminds us that we have to value life while we have it.
Since we cannot control it, things that remain within our control are those which belong to life. While still alive, we have
choices to take. The question now is not focused on death but on how we live in the world. Let us ask ourselves before we
die. Did we ever truly live?
Authenticity is an idea mostly used in existentialism which means having true and meaningful existence. According to
Soren Kierkegaard, we have to avoid the crowd – the majority of the society which we think that should be the pattern of
our lives. For example, we see people marrying, therefore, we also have to marry. But authenticity is not like that. We have
to freely choose marrying. The intention to marry should not come from the crowd as we usually hear but it should come
from our deliberate choice.
Another reason why we fail to lead an authentic life is fear. Just because we are afraid of the possible consequences
and what others might say, we fail to pursue what we truly want in life. This challenge of authenticity is one of the
important messages of death. As we accept death, we realize the value of having a true life – an authentic life!
AUTHENTICITY PROJECT: List down the 3 things you truly want in life, the challenges you see in pursuing your goals and the
possible solutions to these challenges.
A. Assimilation
BEFORE AND AFTER: Write your previous knowledge (before reading this module) and your new understanding on death.
Determine what makes more sense and tell why.
Previous Knowledge about Death
New Understanding about Death
What makes more sense?
Write TRUE if you agree that the statement is correct but write FALSE if you think the statement is incorrect and explain why
the statement is wrong in the space provided under each item
______________ 1. Death is one of the surest thing in the world.
______________ 2. Death comes at the time we expect it will come.
______________ 3. We can always say that there is still time.
______________ 4. Though we don’t know when we will die, we can prepare for it.
______________ 5. Immortality can be achieved by man.
______________ 6. We can always design how we will die.
______________ 7. Following the society would mean a good existence.
______________ 8. We waste our lives by living the life we don’t want.
______________ 9. Death is impending.
______________ 10. Two persons can totally share same experience of death
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
I understand that _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
I realized that______________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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