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Southernization Worksheet: Shaffer's Article

Read Lynda Shaffer’s article on Southernization, published in the Journal of World History. Be prepared
to discuss the following points.
1. What do the two terms “westernization” and “southernization” mean in the context of this
2. Southernization began in __________, which is also known as __________. Give examples of
the early stages of southernization.
3. Where did the Malay sailors sail to and what means did they use to sail so far?
4. How did the Indians lay the foundation for modern mathematics?
5. What were some of the elements of southernization which changed China in the Song and Tang
6. How did southernization lay the foundation for westernization?
7. What was the role of Islam in southernization?
8. According to Lynda Shaffer, what role did the Mongols play in the process of southernization?
9. Why is this article important to the study of World History?