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YWCA Greenwich 2012-2013 Annual Report

Making lives better
every sin
gle day
annual report
Our Mission
YWCA Greenwich is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering
women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
Dear Friends of YWCA Greenwich,
“We make a difference every single day” is a phrase that we believe characterizes what we strive
to accomplish here at YWCA Greenwich. It’s something embedded in the psyche of childhood
education teachers…member services representatives and personal trainers…swim coaches and
domestic violence family advocates…dance instructors and camp counselors. It is the reason why
we can report very positive results in this our 94th year of service to the community.
The number, diversity and quality of activities at your YWCA is unmatched in the region. Our 56,000
square foot facility and the 6.5 acres on which it stands are well used. We offer a full Aquatics
Program for fifteen-month-olds to seniors, including a very successful, nationally ranked, competitive
swim team – the YWCA Dolphins; a complete Health and Fitness Program with a state-of-the-art
Fitness Center, group exercises and children’s gymnastics, soccer, tennis and basketball; very
popular children’s dance classes; a wonderful Preschool and an After-School program and Summer
and Vacation Camps. We are the only licensed provider of Domestic Abuse Services in Greenwich;
and the impresario of some of the community’s most popular events – Spirit of Greenwich Awards,
BRAVA Awards, Persimmon Ball, Old Bags Luncheon and Aquatics Hall of Fame. Please visit our
website www.ywcagreenwich.org, read about what we provide and how best to participate.
We would be remiss if we did not offer our sincere thanks to a purposeful and hard-working Board
of Directors, a devoted Leadership Council and an excellent administrative staff.
In these pages we have tried to put a face to our programs, services and events…to introduce
you to the children and adults who partake of them…to a leadership group that ensures their
excellence…and to a committed core of contributors who have helped make YWCA Greenwich one
of the finest in the USA. Please visit. Take a tour. And join…if you are not already a member. We
think we can make a difference in your life, too.
Catherine Seasonwein
Adrianne Singer
Chair of the Board
President & CEO
2012-2013 annual report
Childhood Education
YWCA Greenwich offers an unmatched variety of educational programs that build
social, emotional, cognitive and physical strengths in girls and boys ages 15 months to
11 years. Our good reputation for staff excellence, distinctive curriculums, scheduling
flexibility and facility quality continues. We award scholarships to those in need.
At YWCA Greenwich, we are proud of our diverse preschool population. We believe
it is important for young minds to begin to understand and appreciate others in their
classroom who look different and come from different cultures. Last term, we taught
children of various racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds who represent not only
the United States, but the countries of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark,
England, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, and Switzerland.
Our 1-2-3 Grow preschool program for ages 15 months to 2 years is the only one in the
area that provides a learning experience for 1-year-olds. The Tinker Tots program for
3s and 4s is the only one that adds special classes in gymnastics, music, Spanish and
swimming. Working parents benefit from Extended Day and Full Day programs.
During the academic public school year, there is a very popular, daily Kaleidoscope
After-School (2:30 – 6 pm) program that combines study and play for girls and boys
ages 5 to 11 years; and 2 vacation camps, Preschool and Kaleidoscope, that serve
children ages 15 months to 11 years when regular schools are closed for holidays.
Summer at the YWCA is a terrific time for children. Happiness reigns in the Water
Park, the Kompan Playground and the Sand Play Area. There’s a 3-session Preschool
Summer Camp…plus a 44-years-young Camp Ta-Yi-To for girls and boys ages 5 to 11
years, offering 2 sessions with 24 diverse activities…plus a Girl’s Circle Camp to help
pre-teens gain confidence and self esteem.
YWCA Greenwich Preschool, After-School and Summer Camps are
licensed by the Connecticut Department of Public Health and
comply with all regulation standards for health and safety.
2012-2013 annual report
Health & Fitness
YWCA Greenwich offers a wealth of facilities, activities and equipment that help children
and adults to build body, mind and spirit.
The quiet ambiance of our Fitness Center is home to certified Personal Trainers, a
Massage Therapist and Reiki Master and a Spin Studio. You are surrounded by a
Cybex circuit, Precor bicycles, tread mills, ellipticals, adaptive motion trainers, TVs and
much more. And, there were over 30 Group Exercise Classes.
The mirrored walls of our Royce/Porter Dance and Yoga Studio welcome over 350
children ages 3 to 18 years for classes in modern dance, contemporary jazz, hip hop
and ballet…highlighted by annual recitals.
Our modern gymnasium and 2 outdoor tennis courts are the facilities for many
popular activities: Soccer for girls and boys ages 2 to 5 years features an age-specific
curriculum; Gymnastics classes from beginner to advanced for girls and boys ages
3 to 15 years focus on vault, uneven bars and the balance beam; a Basketball Clinic
for children in kindergarten through fifth grade teaches the basics of the game; a
comprehensive Tennis program adapts equipment and court length to size and age for
easy learning. There are both indoor and outdoor tennis classes for girls and boys ages
3 to 11 years and adults. Badminton is also available.
Special events, such as the heavily attended black-tie Persimmon Ball, help raise funds
for YWCA programs and services.
in Paris
2012-2013 annual report
YWCA 2012-2013 Dolphins Swim Team
Girls and boys and adults, 6-months old to seniors, are well served by a complete
and integrated Aquatics program in a 6-lane, warm water pool. There are group and
private swim lessons, the winning, nationally ranked Dolphins Swim Team, a Masters
Swim Team, Aqua Aerobics, Aqua Arthritis, Aqua Core, Water Polo, Scuba, Kayaking,
Lifeguard Training, CPR/AED and Water Safety Instructor courses. And there are times
for both Family and Lap Swims. All instructors are American Red Cross certified.
Learn to swim, improve technique, build endurance and you may become part of the
200+ member YWCA Dolphins Swim Team that continued its 43-year winning tradition.
In an outstanding performance at the International Swimming Hall of Fame Meet in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, the Dolphins’ girls finished 2nd and the boys 8th out of 40
competing teams. The Dolphins also won a bevy of gold, silver and bronze medals at
swim meets in Middletown, Connecticut; Buffalo, New York; Richmond, Virginia and
Irvine, California. At season’s end, the team had Connecticut’s top ranked boy
swimmers in both the 15-16 and 17-18 age groups...and the nation’s Number One
9-year-old girl. A Dolphins Banquet in May awarded trophies to all team members.
On November 24, 2012, the YWCA Greenwich Aquatic Hall of Fame Luncheon was held
at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. This special event recognized outstanding swimmers,
divers, water polo players, coaches and volunteers who have lived in and given back to
the community. Proceeds were used for YWCA aquatic scholarships.
Class of 2013 Aquatic
Hall of Fame Inductees (in
blue) and others (from left):
Kenneth Garnett, Mary
Wallace, Anton Whiteford,
Senator Richard Blumenthal,
Gary Oztemel, Master of
Ceremonies Nick Cavataro,
YWCA Greenwich President
and CEO Adrianne Singer,
Field Garthwaite, Brad Hittle
and Kristin Norrgard.
Also honored were James
Case, Lauren Church,
Alexander Lewis, Emily
Stotesbury, Rachel Sodokoff
and Mark O’Connell.
2012-2013 annual report
2013 YWCA Father’s Day Campaign Committee Co-Chairs. Top row: James Amine, U. S. Senator Richard
Blumenthal, Christopher Combe, Peter Crumbine; Middle row: Ray Dalio, State Senator Scott Frantz, Police Chief
James Heavey, Congressman Jim Himes, Rabbi Mitchell M Hurvitz; Bottom row: Reverend Dr. James B. Lemler,
Greenwich Superintendent of Schools Dr. William McKersie, Roger Seasonwein, First Selectman Peter Tesei
Domestic Abuse Services
One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime…15.5 million
children are exposed to it each year. Horrific stories of anger, fear, lost hope…even
death…are heard daily. The act is the ultimate cruelty. Yet many have been able to escape
abusive relationships and build new lives with the help of YWCAs across the country,
the largest providers of domestic violence services in the U.S. A Candlelight Vigil in
October each year memorializes those victims whose lives were taken in Connecticut.
YWCA Greenwich, the only licensed provider of domestic abuse services in the
community, delivered a wide range of multi-lingual services to 5,984 victims, including
755 children. Your YWCA provides two, 24/7 hotlines; life-saving safety planning; crisis
intervention; child and adult counseling; and assists victims at Stamford Superior Court.
Emergency shelter was provided for 123 individuals, including 77 children, during the
year...the largest number ever sheltered by the YWCA. A new, life-saving Lethality
Assessment Program in conjunction with the Greenwich Police Department is now in
effect. The YWCA was part of the pilot program.
Again this year, over 200 Greenwich men joined the Father’s Day Campaign Against
Domestic Violence by signing onto a full page advertisement in the Greenwich Time.
Many community leaders united as Co-Chairs of the event.
YNet, a partnership between the YWCA and Greenwich High School, works to end teen
dating violence and foster healthy relationships. Since its inception, over 500 students
have been trained to educate peers and the greater community. The annual Ultimate
Frisbee Tournament was held June 4, 2013 to raise funds for this outreach.
The Old Bags Luncheon, the only event in Greenwich that exclusively benefits YWCA
Domestic Abuse Services, took place May 9, 2013 at the Belle Haven Club. A sellout
every year, it features live and silent auctions of new, vintage and gently used hand bags
donated by designers, retailers and individuals.
2013 Old Bags Luncheon
Co-Chairs were (from left):
Susan Arturi, Mary Ann Henry,
Carole Purse and Cindy Leaman
2012-2013 annual report
2012 Spirit of Greenwich Award Honorees
From left: Sally Michler, Rachel K. McAree, Alease Fisher Tallman, Robbie Kestnbaum, Kathy Barba,
Barbara Netter, Patricia Burns, Nancy Margolis Risman and Suzanne Frank
2013 BRAVA Award Honorees
From left, top row: Linda M. Autore, Sandra Greer, Caroline L. Brecker and Joli L. Gross, Esq.;
middle row: Jennifer D. Port, Esq., and Yumi Mera Kuwana; bottom row: Kathleen Ryan Mufson,
Susan Brown, Shara Israel, M.D. and Dale V. Atkins, Ph.D.
Women’s Leadership Programs
Empowering women is a core mission of the YWCA. We spotlight and honor the
success of women as industry, government and nonprofit business leaders, community
volunteers and mentors in an annual series of special events and interactive seminars.
Their stories, we think, set markers for girls and other women in the community to follow.
There were a number of thought-provoking seminars throughout the year. In October,
Girls Gone Real: Body Image, Self-Esteem & Media, attended by mothers and
daughters, discussed promoting girl’s self-worth and power as an antidote to images
in the media that focus on physical features. In February, at the Bow Tie Cinema in
Greenwich, hundreds attended a screening and discussion of Miss Representation, a
documentary that exposes how the media contributes to the underrepresentation of
women in positions of power in America. Our Bodies, Our Changes, also in February,
featured Dr. Henri Roca, Director of Integrative Medicine at Greenwich Hospital and
New York Times reporter and author Patricia Cohen. Then, author Nancy Collamer also
was featured in February in Second Act Careers: 50 Ways to Profit from Your Passions
during Semi-Retirement. In June, a discussion of healthy children’s diets followed by a
healthy foods cooking demonstration were combined in a seminar titled Let Food Be
Your Medicine. Seminar co-sponsors this year included JCC Greenwich, Girls, Inc., and
the Junior League of Greenwich.
YWCA Women’s Leadership Special Events are among the most popular in the
community. The 19th annual Spirit of Greenwich Awards held September 12, 2012 at
Greenwich Country Club honored ten exceptional women volunteers whose devotion and
accomplishments have enriched the lives of many in our community. The 38th annual
BRAVA Awards, established in 1977, recognized ten, outstanding professional women…
proven executives, role models and established leaders in their respective fields.
Spirit of Greenwich Awards Co-Chairs were
(from left): Courtney Combe, Sabrina Forsythe,
Lynne Wheat and Tracy Holton
BRAVA Awards Co-Chairs were (top row from left):
Ellen Adams, Patricia W. Chadwick, Terri Browne Kutzen,
Randi Nielsen, Stephanie Raia; (bottom row from left):
Elizabeth Richman, Kathy Silard, Sheilah Smith, Stacey Tisdale
2012-2013 annual report
Leslie Novella and Kayla Mollica
First Baptist Church Choir
“Morning Shade” by John Lawson
Annie Zheng
School Superintendent William McKersie
Natan Lutt
Racial Justice
Eliminating Racism is a core mission of the YWCA. From 1915, when the YWCA held
its first Interracial Conference in Kentucky…through its battle for civil rights legislation
in 1965…to its continuing, active support of the Hate Crimes Act, YWCAs have been
unwavering in their historic battle for racial justice. At YWCA Greenwich, we work
constantly to join together people of all ages, races, cultures and backgrounds in a
common goal of justice, freedom and dignity.
Annually, YWCA Greenwich offers racial justice initiatives that promote the attributes of
diversity and direct attention to the patterns of hatred and bigotry that still may remain in
the community and beyond.
Our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration on January 17, 2013…a free, communitywide event…featured presentations of YWCA Racial Justice Scholarships to 2 high
school seniors who had demonstrated special effort to encourage people to respect
differences, to promote equality and to eliminate all forms of bigotry and bias in their
schools. The recipients were Kayla Mollica of Greenwich Academy and Leslie Novella of
Greenwich High School. An African-American themed exhibition by artist John Lawson
was offered in the Gertrude White gallery.
Joined by 58 other community organizations, including every public school, the 4th
annual YWCA Greenwich Stand Against Racism Day took place on April 26, 2013.
Our event at Greenwich Town Hall included talks by Greenwich High School students
Natan Lutt and Annie Zheng, School Superintendent William McKersie and First
Selectman Peter Tesei. Music was provided by the First Baptist Church Choir. In her
keynote address, YWCA President and CEO Adrianne Singer stated a maxim for all to
follow, “Let our daily lives reflect our commitment to eliminating racism. We can make a
difference every day. We can be a positive force for racial justice every day. Let us try.”
The YWCA also hosted a monthly Diversity Book Club meeting in its Board Room.
2012-2013 annual report
Special events are very critical to the success of YWCA Greenwich.
Proceeds provide free services to domestic violence victims, benefit
our scholarship programs, women’s leadership and health and fitness
seminars, racial justice initiatives that are offered free to the community
and allow us to continue as a prized resource for families in Greenwich.
2013 Persimmon Ball
A lavish black tie gala. Our largest fund raiser.
Persimmon Ball Co-Chairs, amidst Samba NY dancers, were Alka Thukral,
Valeria Achoa, Tracy Holton, Natalie Quigley and Shelly Tretter Lynch
Elegant and festive table decor at the Persimmon Ball.
Board of Directors
Leadership Council
Catherine Seasonwein
Pamela Frame & Tony Frascella
Aundrea Amine
Peter J. Appleby
Susan and Perrin Arturi
Jean & Richard Bergstresser
Susan Bevan & Anthony Daddino
Dorinda & William Bishop
Anne & J. Randall Bourne
Caroline Brecker & Jon Yenor
Kimberly & Chris Clarke
Courtney & Chris Combe
Lisa Corvese
Bea & Peter Crumbine
Donna de Varona
Karen & Scott Dillinger
Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael Kovner
Martha & Tom Drake
Thomas Frame
Jenn Frascella
Kathy Gabler
Pamela & Robert Goergen
Myrna Haft
Chris Hikawa
Mark Holton
Anne & Greg Islan
Beverly & Brodie Johnson
Pat & James Kalashian
Yumi & Eiichiro Kuwana
Marc Lautenbach
Pamela & Marek Lewanda
Joan Lynch
Vilma & Richard Matteis
Neal Neilinger
Catherine & Louis Paglia
Lolly Prince
Carole & Charles Purse
Patty & Jim Read
Noah Rhodes
Deborah & Charles Royce
Gloria & Howard Schwartz
Roger Seasonwein
Kathy & Edward Silard
Jennifer Blei Stockman
Wendy & Tony Triscari
Christina Vanderlip
Lance Vitanza
Joan M. Warburg
Sandy & Stephen Waters
David Wax
Lynne Wheat
Chair Elect
Blanca Hirani
Vice Chair, Development
Jieun Wax
Vice Chair, Events
Joy Lautenbach
Vice Chair, Programs
Adriana vdB Phillips
Stephanie Raia
Eva Maria Janerus
Assistant Treasurer
Valeria Achoa
Ellen Adams
Alison A. Barr
Diane Davol
Sabrina Forsythe
Lorraine Gordon
Mary Ann Henry
Tracy Holton
Terri Browne Kutzen
Jasbeena Layman
Shelly Tretter Lynch
Caroline McBride
Susan McCabe
Giovanna Miller
Karen Neilinger
Randi Nielsen
Christine Pascarella
Emma Pennington
Jill Seaman Plancher
Natalie Quigley
Jordan Jones Rhodes
Elizabeth Richman
Mita Spilo
Alka Thukral
Stacey Tisdale
Maureen Vitanza
Judith Wertheimer
President & CEO
Adrianne C. Singer
2012-2013 annual report
We thank you for your financial contributions that enable the YWCA to continue its
important work to eliminate racism and empower women and girls. We have raised money
through contributions, grants and events to support our programs and services. Every
effort has been made to list names accurately. Please contact us at 203-869-6501, ext.
106, if there are any errors or omissions and accept our apologies. Again, we thank you for
your continued support of the YWCA and your commitment to our important mission.
$50,000 +
Anonymous (3)
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic
Violence, Inc.
Christine Hikawa
Jill and Kevin Plancher
Royce Family Fund
Catherine and Roger Seasonwein
Town of Greenwich, CDBG
United Way of Greenwich
$25,000 +
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Dalio Family Foundation Inc.
Suzanne and Ramsey Frank
Rachel McAree
Giovanna and Brian Miller
Peter and Nancy Allatt Family Foundation
Robert and Ardis James Foundation
State of Connecticut
Alka and Nikhil Thukral
Vince and Linda McMahon Family
Jieun and David Wax
$15,000 +
Aundrea and James Amine
Appleby Charitable Lead Trust
Ellen H. Adams Foundation , Inc.
Fairfield County Community Foundation
Fund for Women & Girls
Greenwich Hospital
Blanca and Sunil Hirani
Joy and Marc Lautenbach
Robert G. Burton Charitable Foundation
Rudolph J. & Daphne A. Munzer
Stamford Hospital
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen
Foundation, Inc.
Tudor Foundation, Inc.
$10,000 +
Anonymous (2)
Susan and Perrin Arturi
Katherine and Ronald Barba
Connie and Walter Burke
Dickstein Shapiro LLP
2012-2013 annual report
Edward and Barbara Netter
Foundation Inc.
First Niagara Bank
Frascella Family Foundation
Jennifer and Anthony Frascella
Goldman Sachs Gives
Lorraine and Stephen Gordon
Kirby and Mark Grabowski
Greenwich Department of Social Services
Joli Gross and Peter Maloney
Christine Howley
Judith L. Biggs Foundation
Jasbeena and Ralph Layman
Morris S. & Florence H. Bender
Foundation, Inc.
Karen Morstad and Mark Goldberg
Emma and Mark Pennington
Jordan and Noah Rhodes
Second Congregational Church
Jennifer and Brandon Stranzl
Judith and Stephen Wertheimer
$5,000 +
Anonymous (2)
Valeria and Charles Achoa
Nisha Arora
Alison and Dean Barr
Eryn and Michael Bingle
Caroline Brecker and Jon Yenor
Brown Penny Fund
Paula and Robert Burton
Patricia and John Chadwick
Chubb & Son
Citizens Bank
Anne and Peter Danielsen
Fairfield County Community Foundation
Donor Advised Fund
Pamela and Thomas Frame
Gabelli Funds
Susan and Richard Gibson
Sachiko and Lawrence Goodman
Nora and Madison Grose
Anne and William Harrison
Tracy and Mark Holton
Inner City Foundation for Charity &
Eva Maria Janerus and Kevin Mowers
Roberta and Albert Kestnbaum
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankell LLP
Terri Browne Kutzen and Tom Kutzen
Shelly Tretter Lynch and Ralph Lynch
Mahadeva Family Foundation
Theresa Rogers Matthews and Phil
Susan McCabe and Lawrence Rutowski
Linda and Vincent McMahon
Michael Ashley & Associates
Sally and Robert Michler
Jeffrey Murphy
Karen and Neal Neilinger
Randi Nielsen and Robert Birkenholz
Adriana and Robert Phillips
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Carole and Charles Purse
Natalie and Ronald Quigley
Mary and Richard Radcliffe
Stephanie Raia and Peter Appleby
Nicole Reynolds and Steven Girden
Mary Jo Riddle
Nancy Margolis Risman
Russell Maguire Foundation
Ruth and Hal Launders Charitable Trust
Alease and Paul Tallman
Timothy J. and Linda O’Neill Foundation
United Rentals, Inc.
Velaj Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Maureen and Lance Vitanza
Joan Warburg
Webster Bank, N.A.
Rosemarie and Gary Wendt
Nina and Steven Winoker
Kathleen and Wayne Yu
$2,500 +
Linda and Eugene Autore
Bank of America
Claire Noland Beggans
Breast Cancer Alliance, Inc.
Susan and Jeffrey Brown
Tiffany Burnette and Don Casturo
Cummings & Lockwood
Laura and Stephen Cunningham
Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial
Foundation, Inc.
Lucy and Nathaniel Day
Karen and Scott Dillinger
Ana Ferrer and William Cordingley
First Congregational Church
First County Bank Foundation
Mari Galvin
Goergen Foundation, Inc.
Elizabeth and Matt Harrington
Colleen and Philip Hempleman
Kevin Hoffman
Meagan and Daniel Johnson
Joni and Kevin Kimberlin
Monica and Jerry Knorr
Carol Krinsky
Elizabeth Lazarus
Pamela and Marek Lewanda
MeadWestvaco Corporation
Leslie and John Moriarty
Mutual of America Foundation
Gonzalo Obregon
Lee Parfrey
Patricia A. Quick Charitable Trust
Petit Family Foundation Inc.
Marcos Rodriguez
Round Hill Community Church
Adrianne and David Singer
Nancy Stillerman
Storr Family Foundation
Verizon Wireless Hopeline
$1,000 +
Ellen Adams
Herwinder and Sarbjit Ahuja
Joanne and Marty Alexander
Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy
Anonymous (2)
Ana Arsov
Kim and Neil Augustine
Susan and James Baumann
Mary Bellantoni
Belpointe Asset Management
Jamie Benincasa
Diana and Terry Betteridge
Susan Bevan and Anthony Daddino
Migdalia Bonilla
Elizabeth and David Boutry
Berdie and Mairtin Brady
Joan and Scott Brown
Brunswick School
Anne Carley
Susan and Peter Carlson
Jeannine and Victor Caruso
Christ Church Greenwich
Candee Chusid
Carol and Gary Cohen
Jane Condon and Kenneth Bartels
Jean Marie Connolly and Mark Iannucci
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Natalie Danysh and Steve O’Connell
Diane and Ward Davol
Adria de Haume and George Roush
Ana and Mark Dean
Vivian and Steven Dean
Dolphin Management
Stephanie Dunn-Ashley and Gary Ashley
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
Cynthia and Dennis Ever
Pamela Falk and Ed Wallace
Fasken Martinuau DuMoulin, LLP
Sabrina Forsythe
Allison and L. Scott Frantz
Dorothy and Michael Freeburg
Gabelli Foundation
Geneve Corporation
Carolyn Coulter Gilbert
Rebecca Gillan
Pamela and Robert Goergen
Eileen and Patrick Grasso
Jessica and Griffin Handley
Judith Harrison
Harvard University
Lynne Haven and Paul Rinaldi
Mary Ann Henry
Sandra Herman
Theodore Herman
Ellen and Christopher Hoeffel
Catherine and Blake Holden
Ann Marie and James Hynes
Hynes, Himmelreich, Glennon &
Company, LLC
Shara and David Israel
Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara
Phyllis Jacob
Natalie and Bo Jarnstedt
John L. and Sue Ann Weinberg Foundation
Patricia and James Kalashian
Annette and Timothy Kane
Virginia and Henry Keeshan
Edna and Harry Keleshian
Susan and Sunil Khanna
Gail and Victor Khosla
Eaddo and Peter Kiernan
Tammy and Nick Kiratsous
M. E. and Gudmundur Kjaernested
Julia Knox and Richard Comeau
Flavia and Peter Lasalandra
Laurel House, Inc
Katharina and Marc Lewis
Ann and Kenneth Lockyer
Louis F. & Virginia C. Bantle Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Claudia Maizey
Maura and Lloyd Mandell
Marx-Better Foundation, Inc.
Mercedes-Benz of Greenwich
Mitchells Family of Stores
Tasha Nagler
Neiman Marcus Westchester
Barbara Netter
Netter Center
Vicki Netter Fund
Ohnell Family Foundation
Mairead O’Sullivan and Arthur Landi
Pat and Richard Parker
Christine and Aldo Pascarella
Penn Oberlander Family Foundation. Inc.
Michele Perri
Leslie and Michael Petrick
Purdue Pharma L.P.
Rasika Reddy
Wendy and Diego Reyes
Robert & Dale Rosen Charitable Foundation
Robert K. Steel Family Foundation
Leah and Robert Rukeyser
Elizabeth Ryan
Catie and Steve Salyer
Carol and Robert Santora
Stephanie Schnabel and Brian Keil
Schwartz Family Foundation
Gloria and Howard Schwartz
Meredith Scully
Silver Hill Hospital
Anna and Laurence Simon
Sotheby’s International Realty
Stanwich School, Inc. Parent’s Association
Temple Sholom
Thomas Cleaners
Stacey Tisdale
TJX Companies, Inc
Alison and Michael Troy
Nicole Velaj
Marlene Vitanza
Deborah Ward
Stephanie and John Webb
Samuel Weissman
Kimberly John Wise
Marc Wolpers
Wendy and Peter Wright
Wrightson-Ramsing Foundation, Inc.
$500 +
American Red Cross Metro New York
North Chapter
Verinica Ardemasova
Lilly and Whit Armstrong
Maxine Armstrong
Suzanne and Matt Armstrong
Lourdes Ayala and Juan Diez De Bonilla
Andrea Beall
Barbara Bellafiore
Gail and Joseph Berardino
Susan Bernhardi and David Sternberg
Michelle and John Binnie
Maureen and Charles Bittman
Sareeta and Bjorn Bjerke
Regina and Ted Bobroske
Brooke and Nick Bohnsack
2012-2013 annual report
Ann and William Bresnan
Carol and William Browne
Patricia and Barrett Burns
Calico Burton
Stacey Burton
Elizabeth and Jason Cahilly
Courtenay and Thomas Carella
Lynn and Anthony Carvette
Mary Casey
Dean Chamberlain
Regina and Thomas Cholnoky
Joselynn Chua
Katherine Coates
Lynn Villency Cohen
Crapple Foundation
Brita and Tibor Darany von Regensburg
Jocelyne and David DeNunzio
Julie Disa
Tomoko Dougan
Laurel and Patrick Downes
Nancy and Kenneth Duffy
Edward and Patricia McLaughlin
Doris Eichwald
Alice Eisner
Ann and Edward Elliman
Fairfield County Bank
Fairway Group Central Services LLC
Patricia and Eric Fast
Olivia and Douglas Floren
Betsey and Arnold Frumin
Kim Fulton and Christian Michalik
Elizabeth Galt
GE Foundation
Kristin and Peter Geary
Gene & Ruth Posner Foundation, Inc.
Loredana Grandis and Tom Libassi
Merritt and Bob Greene
Greenwich Water Club
Doreen Griffin
Jennifer Groves
Hope and Robert Grusky
Haebler Capital
Caryl and Jeff Hahn
Stephanie and Scott Haig
Elizabeth and Eugene Hall
Virginia Hamilton
Jenny Harrington
Gervais and Paul Hearn
Rosanne and Thomas Higgins
Hilibrand Foundation
Alice and Christopher Holbrook
Elizabeth and George Hopley
Virginia and Thomas Hughes
Marijane and Bradley Hvolbeck
IBM Employee Services Center
Anne and Robert Ivanhoe
J. McLaughlin
2012-2013 annual report
Virginia and Valdemar Jacobsen
Rona Javitch
Beverly and Brodie Johnson
Junior League of Greenwich CT, Inc.
Regina and Scott Kay
Maya and Levon Kazarian
Miriam and Kurt Kendall
Renuka Khera
Gail Kirhoffer
Barbara and Richard Lane
Tristan Langhorne
Gale and Robert Lawrence
Leora and Steven Levy
Kamie and Richard Charles Lightburn
Carolyn and James Lockhart
Elizabeth and Joseph Longmore
Patricia Lunka
Major, Lindsey & Africa
Anne and G. David Maletta
Sally and Anthony Mann
Diane and Richard Mayberry
Heidi and Thomas McWilliams
Audrey and Christian Meissner
Irina and Alexander Merson
Barbara and Henry Miller
Marian and Edward Mule
Linda and Stephen Munger
Jessica and Jeremy Murphy
Margaret and Frank Nash
Deborah and Bjorn Nielsen
Barbara and Jack Norrgard
Joan and Lucio Noto
Susan and Barry Nova
Izabela O’Brien
Vilma Osorio
Tammy and Daniel O’Sullivan
Suzanne and Craig Packer
Sharon and Barnet Phillips
Natalie Pinchuk
Francine Port
Alyssa and David Portny
Frederic Powers
Candace Presutti
Carol Rasco
Ellen and John Reid
Karen and Andrew Richard
Julie Rivard
Robert A. and Leslie M. Cenci Foundation
Heidi and Allen Roberts
Rodney H. and Judy E. Margolis
Pati Rorke and Ronald Levine
Daryl Roth
Kathleen Ruddy
Paola and Jonathan Ryckman
Ingrida and Christoph Schaefer
Jan Schaefer and Roy Abromowitz
Schinto Dental
Keech Shetty
Shannon Signorinin-Sawyer and
James Sawyer
Kathy and Matt Singleton
Ski and Scuba Connection LLC
Lisa and James Skinner
Kathleen and Kevin Slocum
Anna Sternberg
Barbara and Paul Stevens
Malgorzata and Adrian Stroie
Michele and John Stuart
Judith Talbott
Vicki and Harold Tananbaum
Katherine and David Tenney
Diane and Bruce Terry
Tiff Advisory Services, Inc.
Frances Tompkins
Erica and Gary Tubridy
UBS Financial Services
United Way of Greater Richmond &
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Bennie and Jeanette Wallace
Mary Wallace and Jean Claude Periac
Robyn Wasserman
Jennifer and Lee Weinstein
Lynne Wheat
Anton Whiteford
Sandra Wilson
Allison and Steven Wolowitz
Nancy and William Zisson
Carol and Timothy Zuckert
$250 +
A.B.C.D., Inc.
Jessica Adams
Dan Agro
Cynthia and James Anderson
Hilary Ayala
Susie Baker
Ellen and Robert Barolak
Dina Begetis
Lori Behan
Karen and Mark Bellamy
Amy Peskin Bellsey
Rita and Jeremy Bergbaum
Nancy and James Better
Dorinda and William Bishop
Virginia and Jonathan Blum
Nanci and Paul Borde
Bruce Museum, Inc.
Amy and Kevin Burke
Lisa Byrns and Leo D’Acierno
Virginia and Richard Case
Elizabeth and David Champlin
Christine Chao and Jos Shaver
Karen and C. Edward Chaplin
Linda Chase-Jenkins
Annie Chorbajian
Julie and Chris Church
Robin and Bill Collins
Tamara and David Collins
Bonnie Copp
Maria Correia and Ronnie Shamesh
Cos Cob Liquor
Jean and John Crocco
Beatrice and Peter Crumbine
Trisha and Patrick Dalton
Amanda and Robert Davis
Linda and Alberto Delgado
Carolyn and Keith Denholm
Deutsch Charitable Foundation
Carolyn and Mark Dewing-Hommes
Katha Diddel-Warren
Martha and Thomas Drake
Gayle Dunne
Dustin Dental Associates
Wendy Dye and Christopher Winget
Kristen and John Dyment
Lisa Edwards
Liz and Stephen Edwards
Ellen and Gary Davis Foundation
Endeavor Group
Francis and Kelly Ennis
Carole Epstein
Estate Treasures of Greenwich
Katherine and Thomas Ewald
Jody and John Ewen
Killeen and Joseph Faughnan
Kim and Philip Fett
Fiduciary Trust Company
Finn Family Foundation, Inc.
Fishkin Lucks, LLC.
Joyce and Theodore Fowler
David Fresne
Kathryn Gabler
Helen and Victor Galliano
Sheri and David Gellman
Steve Girden
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Ali and Kenneth Goldstein
Francisco Gonzales
Carolyn Greene
Louisa and Warren Greene
Greenwich Academy
Greenwich Country Day School
Greenwich Swim Committee
Darrelle and Finbarr Griffin
Florence and George Griffin
Tracy and Keith Grossman
Myrna Haft
Donald Harmelin
Kristy and Robert Harteveldt
Bert and Alexandra Hazlett
Nicole and Larry Heath
Susan Heidere and Michael Simko
Connie Hewitt
Diana and Jim Higgins
Eunice Higgins
Judy Higgins
Mary and James Himes
Celia Hopkinson
Susan Huang and Oliver Kane
Jayne and Neil Isford
Gloria and Allen Jackson
Juanita James and Dudley Williams
Jamila Jean
Tiffany and Jon Jester
Michele Johnson
Cheryl Johnson-Simon and
Raymond Simon
Estelle and Charles Jones
Julia Dyckman Andrus Memorial, Inc.
Shanel and Bob Kay
Joel Kaye
Ginna Boyle Kelly
Barbara and William King
Elizabeth and Charles King
Rebecca Kirhoffer
Lynne and John Kramer
Randye and Brian Kwait
Steve Lapin
Lin and F. Tracy Lavery
Daniel Lavoie
Lauren and Michael Lazar
Felitia Lee and Stephen Opuszynski
Leslie and Charles Lee
Dorothy Levine and Alvin Rosenfeld
Lions Club of Old Greenwich
Diane Lorenzat and William Knapp
Lovee Doll & Toy
Julie and Robin Lowe
Bridget Lower
Virginia and John Lyddane
M.J. Rose Associates
Marie Maloney
Leah and James Marmon
Lisa Maronian
Peggy and Edward Marx
Tina and Andrew Mathias
Diane Matt and Chris Ohl
Peggy and Jack McDermott
Patricia and Miles McDonald
Paula McGraime
Anne McLeod
Monica McNally
Alice Melly
Mary and John Melvin
Maria and John Merrill
Mike’s Organic Delivery
Lucy and Robert Moore
Mechelle and Dave Moran
Heather and Dan Mosley
Kim Motola
Kristen and Peter Mullen
Rena and Henry Neville
Mark Newcombe
Mia and Tyler Newton
Anne and Charles Niemeth
Elizabeth and Chris O’Brien
Sandra and Francis O’Connor
Karen Oh
Regina and Dennis Olmstead
Linda and Tim O’Neill
Peter and Beverly Orthwein
Lily O’Sullivan and Brian Collins
Venita Osterer
Ann and W. Hollis Petersen
Eda and Jeffrey Peterson
Photography By Studio 39 LTD
Irene and Mario Ponce
Lilly Port
Patty and James Read
Red Ribbon Foundation
Antoinette Reed
Diana and Charles Revson
Irene and Damien Ricci
Anne and Peter Richardson
Elizabeth Richman
Lori and Phil Robinson
Debora and John Rogan
Michele Ronis
Meryl and Charles Rubin
Diane and C. David Sammons
Sylvia Sarkisian
Kathy Savitz
Cynthia Chang Scanlan and Brian Scanlan
Lauri Scoran
Aimee and Matthew Seasonwein
Bernadette and Francis Serbaroli
Peter Sessa
Robin Sherwood and Gregory Hoelscher
Phyllis Shustak
Cozata Solloway
Kim Spiro
Caralyn and Douglas Stevens
Studio Sherwood
Dora Sung and Henry Lim
Amanda and Daniel Tapiero
Alyssa and Christopher Tice
Michelle and Sean Traynor
Wendy and Tony Triscari
Margot and Charles Tusa
United Way of Westchester & Putnam, Inc.
Urstadt Biddle Properties, Inc.
Elaine Vlahakis
Christine Walker
Patricia and Eben Walker
Stephen Walko
Elizabeth Wallace
Margie and Bruce Warwick
Margaret and David Weisbrod
Nancy Weissler
Benjamin and Lana Welsh
Amy and David Wilfert
Elisa and Thomas Wilson
2012-2013 annual report
Winokur Family Foundation
Susan Wohlforth
Suzanne and Jason Woody
Liz Wooster
Wendy and Christopher Yu
Gina Zambrana
Up to $249
Abraham Kamber Foundation
Susan and William Adamsen
Marilyn and Stuart Adelberg
Margarita Alban
Michal Albanese
Judith Allen
Hollie and Barry Alper
Joann Amundsen
Linda Ardito
Geraldine Armenio
Kimberly and Thomas Athan
Kathryn and Earl Austin
Guy Autore
Amy Badini
Deborah Bandanza and Alec Crawford
Andrea Baranovich
Lorene Barclay
Shira Ronis Barkoe
Lisa Barnett and Bruce Bruning
Marianne and William Barnum
Elizabeth and David Barth
Barbara Bartlett
B.K. Bates
Jennifer and John Behette
Jeanne and John Bennett
Holly Berfield
Alison Berger
Jean and Richard Bergstresser
Jay Berkman
Allan and Nancy Bernard
Heather Bernatchez
Elizabeth Bianco
Melinda and Steven Bickerton
Courtney Bieger
Tracy and Thomas Birkett
Black Forest Pastry Shop
Sarah and Alex Black
Laura Blankfein
Ilene Blechner
Harvi and Robert Bloom
Mary Bolger
Mary Bonnette
Cynthia and Brooks Borcherding
Ehen Borg
Bernice Bornstein
Monica and Mark Bourgie
Allison Bowley-Jordaan
Jane Boyle and Christopher Hentemann
Stephaine and John Brady
Lynda Brandt
Jane Ellen and Alexander Brash
2012-2013 annual report
Susan and James Breck
Kristine Brennan
Laura Broustein
Nancy and David Brown
Margaret and Bill Browne
Jeanne Bruning and John Shaw
Kathleen and Francis Burgweger
Elizabeth and John Butler
Gretchen and Lance Bylow
Libby Callaway
Chris Callies
Ana Capella
Marcia and Gerrard Carino
Carlisle / per se
Joan Carra
Joan and Christopher Carter
Susan and Nick Carter
Cartridge World
Nancy and Jim Case
Leslie Cenci
Becker Chicaiza
Lauren Church
Margaret and Jeffrey Cianci
Maryanne and Gary Ciccone
Rick Cochen
Claudine Cohen and David Rabins
Jennifer Cohen
Ana and Jose Colagrossi
Lisa Corvese
Kim and Christopher Coughlin
Allyson and Andrew Cowin
Donna Craft
Cullinane, Inc.
Maria and Ronan Cunningham
Evelyn Cusack-Landesman
Carol Cusick
Ellen Daly
Jennifer Danzi
Mary and Karl Davies
Laura Davis
Susie Davis
Jan and Robert DeAngelo
Wilma Dellalfar
Carolyn Dempsey
Heather Dennis
Larry Dennis
Cynthia DeRumin
Virginia DiBella
Scott Diddel
John Dolan
Irene Driscoll
Mikel Durham
Christine Edwards
Fran and Burt Ehrlich
Haley and Joseph Elmlinger
Scott Elwell
Ralph Engel
Jesika Estepanian
Laurel Fedor
Robin Fensterheim
Erin Ferguson
Wendy Ferguson
Nancy and William Fertig
Connie Figgie
Danielle Fine
John Finnegan
Kathleen and Michael Finnell
First Connecticut Realty
Elizabeth Fleischman
Thom Flohr
Doreen and David Florence
Wendy Force
Helen Forlano
Lisa Forrow
Vida Foubister
Jacqueline Fowler
Jose Luis Frais
Lauren Franciamore
Amy Fratella
Elizabeth Frayne
Melissa and Brian Frey
Anne Friday
Lynn Elise Friend
Jennifer and William Fullilove
Future Visions Video
Bevan Gacicia
Kenneth Garnett
Ernest and Candice Garthwaite
Frank Gaudio
Meghan Kelly Gefaell
Katherine Geoghegan
Elana Gershon
Kathy and Robert Gilbert
Gillet Farm Inc.
Beth and Samuel Gilliland
Frances Goldberg
Rachelle and Jonas Goldberg
Irmi Goldschmidt
Annette and Jonathan Goldstein
Lynne and Stephen Goldstein
Yajaira Gonzalez
Michelle and John Grady
Cheryl and William Graham
Alina Green
Ira Greenberg
Greenwich Fire Fighters Association
Pamela Griffin
Karen Grinthal
Dana and Ben Grunow
Elaine Guglielmo
Elizabeth and Steve Guidry
Gayle Hagegard
Lynn and Eric Hagerbrant
Mirella and Hadi Hajjar
Helen and Howard Hall
Jane Hall
Kathleen Harrington
Kathy and Scott Harrington
Louise Harris
Sandra and Brooks Harris
Suzanne Harris
Beth Hartley
Barbara and Joseph Havranek
Mary Ann Heaven
Donna and Norman Heller
Peggy Heppelmann and Mike Wacek
Cameron Hicks
Kimberly Higgins
Brad Hittle
Linda Hodge
Deborah Hodys
Vicki Hoffman
John Hohenadel
John Howland
Kathryn and J. Eric Ivester
Betty and E.P. James
JCC Greenwich, Inc.
Alexandra Jean-Francois
Carolyn Jeffrey
Jocelyn Braxton Armstrong Ceramics
Darrah and David Johnson
Murray and Judith Johnston
Heather and Walter Joseph
Jennifer and Thomas Joyce
Candee and Marc Katz
Susan Kean
Helen and Colin Keeler
Cynthia Kellner
Ann Kepcke
Nancy and Alan Kessman
Carole Kiachif
Katsura Kikuzawa
Jodie King
Molly and K.C. King
Marilyn Kipp
Sandra Klein
Susan and Frederick Kolar
Ellen Komar
Anne Kraft
Ellen Kratzer
Regina Kudoyarova
Yumi and Eiichiro Kuwana
Karen Laessig
Lisa and Warren Lagerloef
Kristin Lamendola
Kathleen and Michael Langan
Maria Larramendi
Rachel and Rich Latto
Valerie and Ronald Lauderdale
Mary Laughlin
Sheryl Leach
Helen and J. Richard Leaman
Mary Ellen and Harry LeBien
Mamie and James Lee
Ann and George Lehmann
Leland Services
Santina and Gerald Lessuk
Mary Lewis
Virginia Liddel
Tracy and Stephen Limpe
Irene Loffe
Joan and Terence Lowe
K.K. and George Lowther
Elizabeth and Charles Lynch
Mary and William Lynch
Carol and Wesley Lyvers
Beth and John MacGillivray
Helen and Brian Maher
Malkin Fund, Inc.
Ellen Maniatty
Barbara and Franklin Manley
Domenica Manuli
June and Alan Marks
Irene Martin
Peggy Martino
Ondine and F. Lane McBurney
Susan and Stuart McCalley
Sue McClenachan
Margaret and David McGirr
Hillary and James McGuire
Susan and Mark McKeefy
Barbara and Peter McSpadden
Caitlin McVarish
Patricia and Robert Mendelsohn
Jennifer Mera
Dorothy Merchant and Jane Schnitzer
Elise Merrow
Kathleen and Kendall Meyer
Michelle and Don Lenner Family
Pamela and Donald Miller
Robert Miller
Shari and John Miller
Karen Mindich
Amy and Raymond Minella
Caroline and Bradley Mock
Donna and John Moffly
Maureen Moloney
Cecilia and Robert Morgan
Rhonda and Daniel Morley
Priscilla and James Morphy
Polly Morrow
Joanne Mortimer
Kathleen Ryan Mufson and Paul Mufson
Maggie Mund
Deann Murphy
Sarah Najamy
Kaisa Newhams
Phyllis and Bruce Nicholas
Betsy and Ed Nolan
Susan and Edmund Noonan
Kellie and Erik Norrgard
Veronica and Thomas Nunez
Chrissy and Dennis O’Brien
Sarah and Thomas O’Connor
Joann and John O’Hara
Doris Ohlsen
Patricia and Ernst Ohnell
Marybeth O’Keefe
Loretta and John O’Leary
Teresa O’Neil
Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery
Specialists, PC
Linda and Thomas Ortwein
Irene Oshrin-Furlong
Nancy and Kevin O’Sullivan
Glenn Oztemel
Karen and Gary Oztemel
Mary Oztemel
Catherine and Louis Paglia
Andree and Karl Palmgren
Vinay and Shonu Pande
Victoria Pansky
Lynne and Richard Pasculano
K. Antoinette and Anthony Pawlowski
Michelle and Frank Pennino
Hillary Peruzzi
Linda and Thomas Petrone
Elizabeth Peyton
Anne Pfetsch
Pfizer Inc.
Paulette and Dennis Pipher
Christine and Harvey Place
Patricia and Alexander Platt
Pleasant Ridge Farms
Richard Pober
Elizabeth Pocsik
Alice and Allan Poole
Jennifer Port and Gerald Rhine
Jane and Erford Porter
Mary and Joseph Powers
Lolly Prince
Jacqueline and James Quigley
Kendra and William Raine
Leigh Rappaport
Coral and James Rawn
Sara Rawson
Heather Reed
Leona and John Retzler
Nicole Rincon
Ann and Sean Robertson
Laura Beth and Rand Rodgers
Michael Roe
Dana and Greg Rogers
Katherine and Kenneth Rogers
Sylvia and Stephen Rogers
Whitney and John Rosenberg
Carole Rubin
Jessica Rubin
Anne Russell
Meredith and Christy Sadler
Barbara Salop
Katherine Sanden
Sarah and John Sanders
Sonia and Harvinder Sandhu
2012-2013 annual report
Gifts in Kind
Mara Santivasi
Nancy Savoca and Rich Guay
Mary Allis Schellhorn
Anne and Peter Schereckinger
Elizabeth Schmidt
Betty Schrohe
Elizabeth and David Schrohe
Susan Schruth
Barbara and Allen Schwartz
Nancie and Mark Schwarzman
Christine and Michael Sciacca
Irene and William Senter
Carol and Robert Sharp
Scott Sharp
Sharon Shisler
Ronnie Sichel
Kathleen and Edward Silard
Allison Simon
Claire Simonelli
Cynthia Singer
Leonard Singer
Barbara Kupfer Sinko and Stephen Sinko
Agatha Skoufalos
Florence and Karl Suerig
Townsend Smith
Denise and Scott Sodokoff
Jennifer Solimine
Scott Soper
Sandra Soule
Martha and Marc Spector
James Steen
Emily and Scott Sternberg
Marion and Robert Stone
Emily Stotesbery
Joanne and Frank Strauss
Janet Stroble
Elaine Suchman
Florence and Karl Suerig
John and Ruth Suh
Anita Sullivan
Sarah Summons
Alessandra Sunko
Casey Swan
Sally and Thomas Talbott
Denise Tamayo
Ann Marie and Anthony Tardio
Taylor and Fedor Attorneys At Law
Catherine Thompkins
Lori Tindel-Kahn and David Kahn
Emily Garritt Toohey and Frederick Toohey
Eileen and Paul Toretta
Diana Tscherne
Eugenia Tzoannopoulos
Brook and Michael Urban
Shira Vadel
Susan and Mark van der Griend
Sharon and John Vecchiolla
Lauren and Frank Veneri
Jordan Vera
2012-2013 annual report
Mary and David Versfelt
Carrie and Alexander Vik
Carolyn and Joseph Vitale
Tina and Jim Volkwein
Richard Volonino
Daniel Walker
Terri and Chris Walker
Rebecca Wayland and Lawrence Perry
R. W. Wayne and J. L. Wayne
Candee Weed
Courtney and Alex Weil
Margot and Gary Weinstein
Sharon Weinstock
Carolyn and Steve Westerberg
Susan Whitman
Ruth and Jon Wilson
Theresa and Brian Wilson
Kyle and Hillary Wirtz
Carey and Scott Witmer
Therese Wittner
Ellen and Michael Wolfson
Nicolle Woodruff
Tracy and Thomas Wootton
Carol Wright
Calista and Robert Wulff
William Wulff
Karen and Robert Wylie
Lauren Yanicky
Holly Young
Mary Young
Sun Yung
Val Zaluski
Joanne Zammit
Irene and Carl Zelinsky
5 Square, Inc.
Valeria and Charles Achoa
Agora Spa at the Marriott Hotel
Alba’s Ristorante
Albe Furs
Lia Albo
Alease Fisher Designs
Alice & Olivia
Allura Salon & Day Spa
American Girl
Amore dei Cani
Andaz 5th Avenue Hotel
Andaz Napa Hotel
Andaz Savannah Hotel
Anonymous (3)
AOC Fine Wines
Elinor Appleby
Samantha and Rodrigo Aquim
Suzanne Armstrong
Arrosto Restaurant
Arthur Murray Grande Ballroom of
Susan and Perrin Arturi
Dale Atkins-Rosen and Robert Rosen
Kitty Auerbach
Jillian and Will Aufderheide
Aux Delices
Avenue Nail
Avon Theatre
Alona C. Ayer-Ziegler
Baccarat, Inc.
Janet S. Baldi
Bane of New York
Barcelona Wine Bar
Barks and Bubbles
Allison and Dean Barr
Bear and Doe Banya Spa
Beautiful Nails
Betteridge Jewelers
Black Forest Pastry Shop
Harvi and Robert Bloom
Bloomingdale’s Chestnut Hill
Bloomingdale’s New York
Blue Jean Bar
Senator Richard Blumenthal
BMW of Greenwich
Nanci and Paul Borde
Lou Borelli
Boston Red Sox
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Brandt Foundation Art Study Center
Bridgeport Sound Tigers
Matthew Brown
Tiffany Burnette and Mr. Don Casturo
Holly Caldwell
Courtenary and Thomas Carella
Carlisle / per se
Gifts in Kind
Carneros Inn
Richard Carlson
Lynn Cesaria
Chef Rui
Chicago Park Hyatt
Becker Chicaiza
Rebecca Chin
Regina and Thomas Cholnoky
Chris Pye Photography
Christian Louboutin Madison Avenue
Christopher Noland Salon and Beauty Spa
Joselynn Chua
Circus Fine Brazilian Cuisine
Classic Kids Photography
Lynn Villency Cohen
Jose Colagrossi
Colcord Studio Art School
Courtney and Christopher Combe
Connecticut Cigar Company
Jean Marie Connolly and Mark Iannucci
Cookie Time Productions, LLC
Maria Correia and Ronnie Shamesh
Cottages to Castles Interior Design
Courage. b
Cozy Nail & Spa
Carolyn and Robert E. Crabtree, Jr.
Crane Song Photography
Laura and Stephen Cunningham
Cupcake International
Curtain Call Inc.
Brita and Tibor Darany von Regensburg
Tracey Davidson
Lucy and Nathaniel B. Day
Adria de Haume and George Roush
Ana and Mark Dean
Shirley and Paul Dean
Delamar Spa
Design Lighting by Marks
Di Mare Pastry Shop
Dirt Floral
Doral Arrowwood
Douro Restaurant & Bar
Gayle K. Dunne
Jose Eduardo
Alice Eisner
Jill Eisner
Ella Vickers Recycled Sailcloth
Empire Business Interiors
Enchanted Wishes Boutique
Phoebe and John H. Erdman, Jr.
Erika Bloom Pilates
Estate Treasures of Greenwich
Robin D. Evans of Southern Connecticut
Fairfield County Look
Fairview Winery
Fendi North America
Fernando Luis Alvarez Gallery
Penni-Lynn Foley
For the Republic
Four Seasons Resport Jackson Hole
Frederic Fekkai Greenwich
Frederica’s Mercantile
Anne G. Friday
Friends of Autistic People
Gabriele’s Italian Steakhouse
Patricia and Eduardo Gallardo
Elizabeth Galt
Gametruck of Connecticut
Garden Catering - Old Greenwich, LLC
GiGi New York
Ginger Man
Glenville Pizzeria
Pamela and Robert Goergen
Susan Gormley
Grand Hyatt Atlanta
Grand Hyatt Denver
Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa
Grand Hyatt New York
Grand Hyatt San Francisco on
Union Square
Grand Hyatt Santiago
Grand Hyatt Sao Paulo
Sheila and Ted Graves
Green of Greenwich
Greenwich Dark House
Greenwich Hospital
Greenwich Magazine
Greenwich Medical Skincare & Laser Spa
Greenwich Police Department
Greenwich Symphony Orchestra
Greenwich Time
Greenwich Water Club
Gro Pro Landscape & Design Co.
Mary Ann Haidinger
Jane G. Hall
Lauren and Gray Hampton
Leslie and Peter Hanlon
Harrison Scott by Iris Lane
Mary Ann Henry
Sandra R. Herman
Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens
Congressman Jim Himes
Blanca and Sunil Hirani
Vicki Ho
Hoagland’s of Greenwich
Kevin T. Hoffman
Catherine and Blake Holden
Tracy and Mark Holton
Celia Hopkinson
Elizabeth and George Hopley
Horseneck Wine & Liquors
Christine Howley
Virginia and Thomas Hughes
Hyatt Regency Montreal
Hyatt Regency Old Greenwich
Hyatt Regency Sarasota
Is Art, LLC
Jack Dog Studio
JaaFar Tazi Salon
Jake Kramer Portraits
Jane Mogel Interior Design
Eva Maria T. Janerus and Kevin Mowers
Suan Jansen
Laurie and Richard Jeffrey
Jeffrey Shaw Photography
Beverly and Brodie C. Johnson
Judith Leiber LLC
Julia Knox
Lynne and John Kramer
Kramer Portraits, New York
Malka Kravitz
Carol Krinsky
Kim K. Kristoff LMT, CRM
Terri Browne Kutzen and Tom Kutzen
La Cremaillere
La Suite Salon
Lagoon Beach Hotel
Lake Compounce
Lance Wovens
Landfall Navigation
Bridget Laurer
Joy and Marc Lautenbach
L’Escale Restaurant Bar
Pamela and Marek Lewanda
Lexus of Greenwich, Infinity, Lexus of
Mt. Kisco
Little Black Bird, Inc.
Limited Brands International
Lord & Taylor
Lucille Khornak Photography
Shelly Tretter Lynch and Ralph Lynch
Lynnen’s Inc.
Lynda Macdonald
Madison Square Garden
Tila March
Pamela Marcus
Peggy and Edward Marx
Mary Ann Hall’s Music for Children
and Beyond
Theresa and Phil Matthews
Dee and Richard E. Mayberry, Jr.
Mayflower Renaissance Washington DC
McArdle Florist & Garden Center
Susan McCabe and Lawrence Rutkowski
Mead Farm
Meli-Melo Catering
Mercedes-Benz of Greenwich
Mike’s Organic Delivery
Letty G. Milatano
2012-2013 annual report
Gifts in Kind
Giovanna and Brian P. Miller
Miller Motorcars
Chensun and William E. Mills, III
Mint Theater Company
Mitchells Family of Stores
Moderne Barn
Donna and John Moffly
Morello Italian Bistro
Mystic Seaport
Karen and Neal Neilinger
Neiman Marcus Westchester
Sue Neuman
New York Knicks
New York Rangers
New York Yankees
Ocean House
Office Candy
Olivine Gabbro
Anthony Orlando
Mairead O’Sullivan and Arthur E. Landi
Lee S. Parfrey
Park Hyatt Chicago
Park Hyatt Mendoza
Park Hyatt Milano
Parking Productions
Partners Salon & Spa
Pasta Vera S.P.A.
Peregrine Galleries
Peridot Fine Jewelery
Petticoat Lane
Philip Johnson Glass House
Sharon and Barnet Phillips, IV
Pizza Post
Plush Blow
Pomodoro Pizzeria & Trattoria
Elsebe Prestegaard
Pro Form Tennis, LLC
Carole and Charles R. Purse
Christina Pye
Q Chocolate
Quassy Amusement Park
Quay Performance Sailing, LLC
Natalie and Ronald Quigley
Stephanie Raia and Peter Appleby
Ralph Lauren
Red Hen at the Wesport Inn
Regency Limousine, Inc.
Wendy Reyes
Jordan and Noah F. Rhodes III
Richard’s of Greenwich, Inc.
Mary Jo Riddle
Ritz Carlton, Buckhead
Julie Rivard
Heidi and Allen B. Roberts
Robin Poska’s Ballroom Magic
Linda Ross
Round Hill Fire Company
Deborah and Charles M. Royce
2012-2013 annual report
Rudy’s Executive Transportation
Ruth Elizabeth Dance Studio
Ruthanne and Richard Ruzika
Dottie Sadowsky
Saks Fifth Avenue, Greenwich
Saks Fifth Avenue, New York
Sakura Japanese Restaurant
Sam Bridge Nursery and Greenhouses
Ingrida and Christoph Schaefer
Janice Schaefer and Roy Abromowitz
Gloria and Howard Schwartz
Catherine and Roger Seasonwein
Diana and Robert Seasonwein
Serenity Beauty and Spa
Beth Sharkey
Shelby Katz Jewelry
Adrianne and David M. Singer
Six 1 Five LLC
Ski and Scuba Connection LLC
Donna and Samuel Smith
Smith Party Rentals
Win Smith Jr.
Soho Grand Hotel, New York City
Southern Connecticut Dermatology PC
Spiriterra Vineyards
Splash Car Wash
Stamford Symphony
Stepping Stones Museum for Children
Steven Fox Fine Jewelry
Nancy Stillerman
Jennifer and Brandon Stranzl
Sugarbush Resort
Sarah F. Summons
Joanne Suna
Super Soccer Stars
Sweet Lisa’s, Inc.
Olga A. Sweet
Alease Fisher Tallman and Paul Tallman
Tengda Asian Bistro
Diane and Bruce Terry
Theory of Greenwich
Richard Thomas
Alka and Nikhil Thukral
Tiffany & Co., Greenwich
Tiger Lily’s of Greenwich
TJX Companies, Inc
Tory Burch, Greenwich
Toscana Restaurant
Town of Greenwich Police Department
Stephanie Trotta
Universal Printing & Mailing Services
Christina Hoyt Vanderlip
VARMAXX Liquor Pantry
Ann and Argyris Vassiliou
Venture Portraits
Versailles Patisserie & Bistro
Vintage Vines
Vineyard Vines
Marlene Vitanza
Vitasta Design
W Magazine
Jeffrey A. Waggaman
Noelle Ward
Warren-Tricomi Salon
Robyn Wasserman
Anna and Martin Waters
Jieun and David Wax
Weekapaug Inn
Susan and Torben Weis
Judith and Stephen Wertheimer
White Tiger Tae Kwon Do
Gay Whitehead, OBE
Windsor Court Hotel
Winston Flowers
Whole Foods Market
Woodstock Inn and Resort
Sun Jen Yung
YWCA Greenwich
Z Hospitality Group
Ramze Zakka
Zalta’s Gallery of Fine Jewelry
Eliana Zem and Louis Roma Rocha
Carol and Timothy J. Zuckert
Financial Highlights 2012-2013
Program Fees
Annual Fund
Investment Income
Unrealized Gains on Investments
Management, General &
National Support
Fund Development
Membership Fees
Special Events
Total Income
Program Expense
Total Expense
for fun...for fitness...for friendship..
.for learni
2012-2013 annual report
...for love