Science Article Due the First Friday Of Every Month 1. Completely read the article and be sure you understand it. If you do not, consider choosing a new article. Copy the link to your article to include with your summary and response. Make sure to paste the link onto your write-up. 2. Write a one-paragraph (at least 5 sentences) summary of the article. Here are some helpful hints: a. Write your summary without looking at the article to help avoid plagiarism. b. Never put your own ideas or opinions into the summary. c. If you do copy a phrase from the article, make sure it is a very important phrase that cannot be paraphrased. In this case put “quotation marks” around the phrase. d. Reference the article again to make sure you have covered the important points. 3. Write a one-paragraph (at least 5 sentences) response to the article. Here are some helpful things to think about: a. Why did you pick the article? (Do not state….”I chose this because I had to.”) b. How do you feel about the article? c. What questions does the article make you think about? d. If you could meet the author of the article, what would you say to them or ask them? e. Do not include the sentence, “That’s how I feel about the article” or anything similar.