Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February1996 Incorporation of Isotopically Labeled Cocaine and Metabolites into Human Hair: 1. Dose-Response Relationships Gary t. Henderson*, Martha R. Harkey, and ChihongZhou Department of Medical Pharmacologyand Toxicology, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 Langley Porter Institute, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94 t 43 Abstract Deuterium-labeled cocaine (cocaine-d s) was administered intravenously and/or intranasally in doses of 0.6-4.2 mg/kg to 25 human volunteers under laboratory clinical conditions. Sequential blood samples were collected for up to 3 days, and hair samples were collected for up to 10 months. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for cocaine-d s and its major metabolite, benzoylecgonine-d5 (BZE-ds). The parent drug, cocaine-ds, was the predominant analyte in hair, whereas BZE-ds was the major analyte in blood, especially at later time periods. The amount of cocaine-d s incorporated into hair ranged from 0.1 to 5 ng/mg hair, whereas the amount of BZE-ds was approximately one-sixth of that concentration. The threshold dose for detection was estimated to be 25-35 mg of drug administered intravenously. A single dose could be detected for 2-6 months. Subjects receiving the same dose differed (from two to 12 times as much depending upon how it was measured) in the amount of cocaine-d5 incorporated into their hair. Non-Caucasians, in particular, incorporated more cocaine-d5 in hair than did Caucasians. Also, segmental analysis of the samples revealed considerable intersubject variability in the time drug first appeared in hair and the rate at which the drug moved along the hair shaft with time. These interindividual differences could not be explained by differences in plasma pharmacokinetics. Considered together, these results suggest that cocaine incorporation into hair may occur by way of multiple mechanisms~by way of sweat and sebum, for example--and at various times during the hair growth cycle. Thus, hair analysis using GC-MS appears to be a very sensitive method for detecting cocaine ingestion. However, within the range of doses used in the present study, hair does not provide a particularly accurate record of either the amount, time, or duration of drug use. Introduction For decades,hair has been used as a biomarker for exposure to environmental contaminants such as arsenic, lead, and mercury. High concentrations of these metals in hair correlate *Author to whomcorrespondenceshould be addressed, well with the signs and symptoms of toxicity. However, because of the great variability in testing methods and the wide range of values reported for these metals in "normal" populations, there is less agreement on the value of hair analysis in identifying cases of subchronic poisoning or evaluating the health risk of populations exposed to environmental contaminants (1). More recently, hair analysis has been used to detect the use of both licit and illicit drugs. In 1979, Baumgartner et al. (2) reported that radioimmunoassay could be used to detect nanogram concentrations of morphine in the hair of heroin abusers and suggested that the position of drug along the hair shaft correlated with the time of drug use. Since then, hair has been used by an increasing number of forensic laboratories throughout the world as a specimen to detect drugs of abuse, such as cocaine (3-8), methamphetamine (9-13), phencyclidine (14-16), and nicotine (17-21). Many of these early studies used immunoassay screening tests that were not confirmed by more specific methods, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and relied upon self-reported drug use to determine drug dosage rather than controlled dose administration. As a result, the correlation between drug dose and concentration in hair has not been well established. Recent studies (22) using controlled doses of drugs and more specific methods have shown a better relationship, but the numbers of subjects were small. The objectives of the research reported herein were to determine the following:the relationship between the dose of cocaine and the concentration of parent drug and metabolites in plasma and hair; the relationship between the time of cocaine use and the position of cocaine or metabolites along the hair shaft; and the time interval between cocaine use and appearance of cocaine or metabolites in hair. Precise doses of deuterium-labeled cocaine (cocaine-ds)were administered to human volunteers under controlled laboratory conditions. A specific and sensitive method, GC-MS, was used to assay the plasma and hair samples. Because cocaine-d5is pharmacologically and metabolically identical to cocaine and produces a unique response in a mass spectrometer, we were able to distinguish the cocaine administered in the laboratory from any Reproduction(photocopying)of editorialcontentof thisjournalis prohibitedwithoutpublisher'spermission, I Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 Reese T. Jones and Peyton Jacob, III Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February 1996 residual cocaine in the subjects' tissues or any cocaine taken surreptitiously during the course of the study. Experimental Synthesis of deuterium-labeled cocaine Cocaine hydrochloride labeled with five deuterium atoms on the benzoyl group (deuterated cocaine hydrochloride, cocaineds, (benzoyl)-cocaine-d5 HCI) and suitable for intravenous and intranasal use was synthesized according to the general method of Bell and Archer (23). Briefly, unlabeled cocaine HCI was hydrolyzed to ecgonine HCI by refluxing in dilute hydrochloric acid; it was then esterified with methanol and anhydrous hydrogen chloride to form ecgonine methyl ester HCI. Ecgonine methyl ester HCI was converted to the free base with aqueous potassium carbonate and benzoylated with benzoylchloride-ds to yield crude (benzoyl)-cocaine-ds free base. This was converted to (benzoyl)-cocaine-d5 HC] with one equivalent of concentrated aqueous hydrogen chloride in 2-propanol-diethylether. Chemical purity was certified by GC-MS, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), melting point, and elemental analysis. There were no impurities detectable by GC-MS or TLC. The melting point was identical to the melting point of Isotope effect of cocaine-d5 The positions of the deuterium label on the benzoyl group of cocaine are not involved in the major routes of cocaine metabolism, and thus, a significant isotope effect is unlikely. Nevertheless, this was confirmed by the following experiment. An additional seven subjects were recruited for the evaluation of an isotope effect of cocaine-ds. These subjects are not included in Table I; however, their demographics and medical histories are similar. A 50:50 mixture of labeled (5 mg/mL) and unlabeled (5 mg/mL) cocaine was administered as a 0.6-mg/kg total dose (i.e., 0.3 mg/kg labeled and 0.3 mg/kg unlabeled cocaine) given intravenously over a l-rain injection time. Plasma and urine samples were analyzed by GC-MS. At all sampling times, the concentrati~)ns of nondeuterated cocaine and cocaine-ds were not significantly different. This NCH. 0 benzoylecgonine MW = 289 MW = 303 OOH3 NOI"I3 cocaine-d5 ~OH benzoylecgonine-d5 MW - 294 MW - 308 Figure 1. Chemicalformulasand molecularweightsof cocaine,benzoylecgonine,cocaine-ds,and benzoylecgonine-ds. Table I. Demographics of the Human Volunteers Participating in the Studies Mean age* (years) Mean body weight* (kg) Gender 30 (21-39) 63.6 (54.5-68.2) 21 male, 4 female "The range is in parenthesis. Race 21 Caucasian, 4 non-Caucasian Hair color 12 brown, 7 black, 4 graying,2 blonde Hair pattern 15 straight, 5 curly, 5 wavy Cosmetic treatments Cocaineuse 3 dyed, 2 bleach, 1 straightened 13 heavy, 9 moderate,3 light Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 Research subjects Twenty-five volunteers were recruited into the study. Moderate users (defined as use once or twice every 6 weeks to weekly use) of cocaine were sought. None were cocaine dependent as judged by DSM III-R criteria or gave a history of cocaine dependence in the past. Subjects were healthy, as judged by medical, laboratory, and psychiatric evaluation. All were able to give adequate informed consent. None of the subjects were HIV positive. Written consent was obtained from all subjects. All protocols were approved by an institutional review committee. All studies were performed in a general medical hospital environment. The demographics of the subjects are in Table I. Most subjects had straight brown hair, but there was a range of hair colors, types, and textures. The hair of four subjects was described as "graying". Six of the subjects had treated their hair with cosmetic products such as bleach, dyes, and straighteners. Subjects were questioned about how often they washed their hair and their use of hair cosmetic products, but no attempt was made to control these variables. unlabeled U.S. Pharmacopeial cocaine obtained from Mallinckrodt Corp. Sterile solutions of labeled cocaine for intravenous injection were prepared by dissolving the labeled cocaine in sterile saline and then filtering the solution through a Millipore filtration unit. The benzoyl site was chosen for deuteration because the benzoyl moiety remains intact during metabolic conversion to the primary metabolite, benzoylecgonine. The increased mass of pentadeuterated cocaine (molecular weight [MW], 308) is sufficient to ensure its distinction from unlabeled cocaine (MW, 303) by MS. The chemical formulas and molecular weights of cocaine, cocaine-ds, BZE, and BZE-d5 are shown in Figure 1. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February 1996 pattern was observed for BZE and BZE-ds as well. Relevant pharmacokinetic parameters, such as half-life, clearance, volume of distribution, and amount of metabolites (benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester), were determined from the measured concentrations of drug and metabolite in the biofluids. Table II shows half-lifeand clearance values for the test subjects. The mean values for plasma half-life and clearance of nondeuterated and deuterated cocaine are not significantly different and correlate with an r 2 of approximately 0.8, which indicates that the pharmacokinetics of nondeuterated and deuterated cocaine are similar. Table II. Plasma Half-Life and Clearance Values for NonDeuterated and Deuterated Cocaine in Seven Subjects Plasma half-life Plasma clearance (min) (mL/minper kilogram) Subject cocaine cocaine-d s cocaine cocaine-d s 1 83.6 81.1 21.5 19.3 2 61.7 61.4 32.8 28.9 3 81.1 102.4 30.8 22.4 4 37.8 41.6 23.0 21.5 5 83.9 76.9 15.5 15.1 6 44.5 46.7 24.5 26.5 7 78.3 68.9 17.6 15.2 Mean SD* 67.3 19.5 68.4 20.9 23.7 6.4 21.3 5.5 * SD = Standarddeviation. Procedures for collecting biological samples Blood collection. For the pharmacokinetic studies, blood was collected from a forearm vein through an indwelling venous catheter that was removed at the end of the first study day. On days 2-4, blood was obtained by venipuncture. Blood samples, usually 8--10 mL, were obtained before and at 15, 30, 60, 180, and 360 min and at 24, 48, and 72 h after drug administration. Blood samples were placed in test tubes conraining 0.5 mL of a saturated solution of sodium fluoride to Table Iii. Dosing Regimen for Single-Dose and MultipleDose Studies Amount cocaine-ds (mg/dose) Dose cocaine-ds (mg/kg) No. of subjects* Single IVt 35-46 63-108 0.6 1.2 10 7 Single nasal 120-170 0.6* 6 Multiple doses 41 IV 270 nasal* (4 months later) 0.6 IV 1.2 nasal* Multiple doses 108 IV 170 nasal* (7 months later) 1.2 IV 0.6 nasal* Multiple doses 750 nasal* (multiple doses over 1 month) 3.0 nasal* Multiple doses 108 IV 825 nasal* (multipFe doses over 1 month) 1.2 IV 3.0 nasal* Dosing regimen 1 * Somesubjectsreceivedmore than one dose regimen. .t IV = Intravenous. * Nasal doseslistedwere correctedfor bioavailability, estimatedto be 30%. Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 Drug administration and formulation Intravenous administration. Cocaine for intravenous administration was prepared from synthesized deuterium-labeled cocaine hydrochloride. A stock solution was prepared under sterile conditions as a Millipore filtered 10-20% stock solution in sterile 0.9% sodium chloride. The administered dose was diluted to a volume of 3-7 mL for intravenous injection by syringe pump. Stock solutions were refrigerated at 10~ and were used within 1 month of preparation. As a quality-control procedure, samples from each dose administered were assayed to verify concentration and stability. lntranasal administration. For intranasal doses, cocaine was administered as a 20% solution of the hydrochloride salt in saline deliveredas a fine mist to the nasopharynx. Although snuffing of the crystalline material is the preferred route by cocaine users and some researchers, in our laboratory we find that the spray delivers a more reproducible dose than does crystalline cocaine, and we find little difference in kinetics or effectwhen the two dose forms are compared. The advantages of using cocaine solution introduced by insufflation are better control of the dose administered and reduced variability of dose deliverydue to subject variability in the method of dosing. A Macintosh Oxfordsprayer was modifiedso that the reservoir held approximately I mL of solution and delivered a 150-mg dose in about four squeezes. Assayof the residual material in the spray system allowed precise determination of the actual dose delivered to the nasopharynx. Doses used. A number of dose ranges and a number of dose regimens were used in the study (as shown in Table III). We attempted to span as wide a range of doses as possible and to simulate both one-time use and chronic cocaine use. For the single-dose studies, an intravenous dose of 0.3, 0.6, or 1.2 mg/kg or an intranasal dose of 0.6 or 1.2 mg/kg was administered. To administer larger doses of cocaine safely,we gave either multiple intranasal doses (spaced 3-5 days apart) or a single intravenous dose followed by multiple intranasal doses. With this dosing scheme, more than three-quarters of a gram of cocaine (825 rag) was administered to one subject. This dosing regimen allowed us to simulate, to a degree, chronic cocaine use. Obviously, many chronic cocaine users use considerably higher doses and for longer periods of time, but we were limited by safety considerations for the research subjects. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February1996 Analytical procedures Quanfitation of cocaine-ds and metabolites in human hair. A sensitive and specific GC-MS method for the simultaneous detection and quantitation of cocaine and its two principle metabolites was used. Details of the method have been published previously (24), but the essentials of the method are described below. Sample preparation and derivatization. Root ends of the hair sample were aligned carefully, cut into 1-cm segments, washed with 25 mL 1% SDS, and then rinsed with deionized water (50 mL, 10 times) and then methanol (30 mL, three times). Samples were allowed to drain completely between each rinse and dried under a hood overnight before weighing. Dried hair samples were cut into approximately 2-mm sections, and 10-rag aliquots were digested with proteinase K and dithiothreitol in sodium acetate buffer at 40~ overnight. Cocaine-d5, cocaine, BZE-ds, BZE, and ecgonine methyl ester (EME) were extracted from the digested hair samples using Bond Elut CertifyTM columns. After adding the hair digests, the columns were rinsed with deionized water, HC1, and MeOH. Drugs were then eluted with methylene chloride-isopropyl alcohol (80:20) with 2% ammonium hydroxide. Extracts were evaporated under N2 at 40~ reconstituted in methylene chloride, and then derivatized with N-methyl-N-(tertbutyldimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide. CC-MS. Derivatized hair extracts were analyzed by chemical ionization MS using a Finnigan ITS-40 ion-trap mass spectrometer coupled to a Varian 3400 gas chromatograph fitted with a DB-5 capillary column (15 m x 0.25-mm i.d.; 0.1-mm film thickness). Helium was used as the carrier gas, and isobutane was the reagent gas. Our gas chromatographic conditions yielded retention times of 4.13 min for the tert-butyldimethylsilyl derivative of EME (EME-TBDMS), 5.62 rain for the internal standard, 5.85 rain for cocaine-ds, and 6.90 min for the tert-butyldimethylsilyl derivative of BZE-ds (BZE-dsTBDMS). Quantitation. A five-point calibration plot was prepared daily by analyzing 10 mg of drug-free hair samples fortified with cocaine-ds, cocaine, BZE-ds, BZE, and EME at concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 ng/mg hair. In addition, both positive quality-control hair samples (prepared by fortifying drug-free hair samples with cocaine-d5, BZE-d5,and EME at either 0.1 or I ng/mg hair) and negative quality-control hair samples were analyzed daily. A single ion (MH§ was used for quantitation based on the peak-area ratios of cocaine-d5, BZE-ds-TBDMS, and EMETBDMS to the internal standard, diflurococaine. Ions at m/z 308, 408, and 340 were used for cocaine-d5, BZE-ds-TBDMS, and the internal standard, respectively. Ions at m/z 304, 404, 314, and 340 were used for cocaine, BZE-TBDMS, EME-TBDMS, and the internal standard, respectively.Because cocaine-d5 was one of the analytes, diflurococaine was used as the internal standard rather than cocaine-d3, which is more typically used. The detection limit was set at 0.1 ng/mg hair for cocaine-ds and BZE-d5 and 0.5 ng/mg for EME, based on a signal-to-noise ratio greater than or equal to 3. The cutoff of EME was set at 0.5 ng/mg hair because of a small coeluting peak observed in some negative control samples. The detection limit of the cocaine analytes varied somewhat on the type of hair used to produce the calibration curves. To improve the ruggedness of the assay, coarse black Asian hair was used to validate the method and prepare all standards and controls. This hair type is more difficult to digest, and it produced a higher chemical background than Caucasian hair. Precision and recovery. For hair samples spiked with each drug at 0.1 ng/mg hair, the observed mean plus or minus standard deviation (SD) and percent coefficient of variation (%CV) AUC = Area 1 + A r e a 2 + Area 3 + Area 4 i~ r v Hair Sample (100 mg) .43 amples U3 10 $ Tip Root 8O r Seg 1 S e g 2 Seg3 Seg4 Seg5 Seg6 Seg7 O E ,,r Hair Segments (10 rag) Figure 2. Diagram showing a typical hair sample sectioned into sequential 1-cm segments,which represent approximately 1 month's growth, prior to GC-MS analysis. 0 1 2 3 Time post dose (months) Figure 3. Illustration showing the calculation of the amount of cocaine-ds incorporated into hair expressed as area under the curve (AUC). Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 prevent degradation of cocaine by blood esterases. The tubes were mixed gently to ensure thorough mixing and iced immediately after filling. Plasma was separated and frozen at -20~ within 1 h. Hair collection. Hair samples were collected from the posterior vertex region of the scalp before each drug administration and at monthly intervals thereafter. At each sampling time, approximately 100 hair strands (at least 100 mg per subject) were collected by cutting the hair as close to the scalp as possible (within i ram). Root ends of the hair sample were aligned carefully, and the bundle of hair was cut into 1-cm segments. Each 1-cm segment corresponds to approximately 1 month's growth. The sampling and sectioning procedure is illustrated in the diagram in Figure 2. Care was taken to orient hair so that the proximal ends matched and could be identified for precise segmental analysis. Hair sampling continued at monthly intervals until 1 month past the time when drug was no longer measurable in hair. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February 1996 were as follows:0.11 • 0.02 ng/mg (18.2%) for cocaine, 0.09 • 0.02 ng/mg (22.2%) for BZE-TBDMS, and 0.14 • 0.04 ng/mg (28.6%) for EME-TBDMS.At I ng/mg hair, the observed mean plus or minus SD and %CVwere 1.07 + 0.11 ng/mg (10.3%), 1.10 + 0.18 ng/mg (16.3%), and 0.94 + 0.26 ng/mg (27.7%) for cocaine, BZE-TBDMS, and EME-TBDMS, respectively. The percentage recovery of cocaine and BZE was typically in the range of 90.4-115.4%. Presentation of hair analysis data Currently, there is no universally accepted way of expressing hair analysis data, although it is most often expressed in units of concentration (e.g., nanograms of drug per milligram of hair). However, in our studies, in which a bolus of drug was given, this was not a useful unit because hair length varied greatly between individuals. Subjects with the same amount of drug incorporated into their hair would have different concentrations because of difTable IV. Segmental Analysis Resultsfor Subject Number 88173 fering hair lengths. Demonstrating the Calculation of the Area Under the Curve (AUC) by the Some investigators correct for differing Trapezoidal Rule* hair lengths by using a standardized hair Hair Amount sample such as the first 3 cm of hair from collected cocaine-d 5 Amount cocaine-d s in segment (ng) the root. Theoretically, only drug ingested (months post in sample segment segment segment segment segment 5 during the past few months would be predose) (ng) 1 2 3 4 sent in this section of hair. However, our 0.26 4.01 1.20 2.82 sampling times were too long (up to 10 1.17 2.40 1.26 0.54 0.38 0.22 months in some individuals) and the hair 2.20 1.89 0.83 0.38 0.25 0.19 0.24 lengths too variable to use this method. 3.13 0.68 0.11 0.23 0.34 Further, we found that after a single dose of cocaine, drug was not always confined to a * Maximum amount of cocaine-ds was 4.01 ng. The AUC of cocaine-ds was 6.84 ng"months. discrete area adjacent to the root. In some subjects, drug was distributed over multiple segments extending far from the root. 1000 ! 000 ~" We chose to express our data in terms of -~ E 800 A ~ 800 concentration of drug in hair only when 8oo. ~ 8oo B hair samples were too small to perform '~ 0.8 .~Q/.o iv segmental analysis. More typically,we chose o 400 nn 400 . . . . . . to express our data in terms of amount of drug found in hair. h0 Total amount of drug in hair. The total 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 amount of drug incorporated into hair was ~- 1000 , lOOO 1 determined by analyzing successive 1-cm segments of a "standard hair sample". A 800 C ~ 800 D standard hair sample consisted of a bundle ~9 .2 m~ko ~ ,~ | 1,2 m . ~ 400 m 400 1 of hair fibers, about the thickness of a pencil but varying in length, cut into successive 1-cm segments starting at the root or prox~0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 imal end of the hair. From each segment, a Time post dose (min) Time post dose (min) 10-mg aliquot was weighed out, washed, dried, and then analyzed. The total amount Figure4. Plasma concentrations of cocaine-ds and BZE-dsfollowing intravenous (IV) administration of cocaine-ds to human volunteers. Plasma concentrations of (A) cocaine-ds and (B) BZE-ds folof drug incorporated was calculated by sumlowing a 0.6-mg/kg dose to 10 subjects. Plasma concentrations of (C) cocaine-ds and (D) BZE-ds folming the amount of drug found in all the lowing a t.2-mg/kgdoseto sevensubjects. individual segments. ~ ~ i i Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 Quantitation of deuterated and nondeuterated drug and metabolites in blood Nondeuterated cocaine and BZE were measured according to the method of Jacob et al. (25) using automated capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. Structural analogs, m-toluylecgonine and m-toluylecgonine methyl ester, were used as internal standards, and the limit of detection was 10 ng/mL using 1-mL samples. Deuterated cocaine and deuterated BZE were determined by GC-MS. The extraction procedure and derivatization of benzoylecgonine were identical to the method for unlabeled cocaine and benzoylecgoninedescribedabove. GC-MSanalyses were performed using a methyl silicone capillary column (25 m • 0.2 mm) coupled to a desktop quadrupole mass spectrometer (Hewlett-Packard mass selective detector). Quantiration was achieved by selected-ion monitoring of the molecular ions produced by electron ionization of the analytes and internal standards: the ion at m/z 303 was used for cocaine, the ion at m/z 308 was used for cocaine-ds, the ion at m/z 317 was used for the internal standard, m-toluylecgonine methyl ester, the ion at m/z 345 was used for the butyl ester derivative of benzoylecgonine, the ion at m/z 350 was used for the butyl ester derivative of BZE-ds, and the ion at m/z 359 was used for the butyl ester derivative of the internal standard, m-toluylecgonine. The limit of detection of this method was 10 ng/mL. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February 1996 Intravenous Nasal MultipleDoses Results O ~.~s ~ [] [] O I I I I I I I m ~ I I I I o I o I , "5"-~ lS <.=_ ~ lO v o $ o [] 811 L"I Cocaine-ds dose Cocaine-ds dose (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Cocaine-ds dose (mg/kg) Figure 5. Scattergrams showing the relationship between dose and the amount of cocaine-ds incorporated into hair expressedas the maximum amount of drug (lop row) and as the area under the curve (bottom row). Open squares ([3) represent values for Caucasian subjects, and open circles (O) represent values for non-Caucasian subjects. 4 3 2 90308 90339 90340 eJ A 5 3 2 90314 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 ? 8 9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 1 0 0 1 Time post dose {months) Time POStdose {months) Time post dose {months) 110375" 2345678910 Time post dose {months) Figure 6. Total amount of cocaine-d s found in hair at various times after the intravenous administration of 0.6 mg/kgcocaine-ds. Drug amounts are calculated by summingthe amounts found in all positive segments of the hair samples. Subject numbers with an asterisk indicate non-Caucasian subjects. Plasma pharmacokinetics of cocaine-ds in the test subjects Figure 4 shows plasma concentrations of cocaine-ds and BZE-ds after intravenous doses of 0.6 and 1.2 mg/kg cocaine-ds. These curves show that cocaine-d5 is the primary analyte in plasma in the early time periods, whereas BZE-d5is the primary analyte at later times. For the 0.6-mg/kg dose group, peak cocaine-ds concentrations of approximately 400-500 ng/mL occurred in the first few minutes and then declined rapidly over the next few hours. Conversely, BZE-d5 concentrations increased over time to a plateau value of approximately 200400 ng/mL. For the 1.2-mg/kg dose group, peak cocaine-ds concentrations of approximately 600-800 ng/mL occurred in the first few minutes and then declined rapidly over the next few hours. Conversely, BZE-ds concentrations increased over time to a plateau value of approximately 400 ng/mL. The mean half-life of cocaine-ds in these subjects was 66 + 14 min. There was intersubject variability in the drug concentration curves for the two analytes; however, the range of valueswas similar to those reported by other investigators (26-31). Also, there appeared to be no raceor gender-related differences in the plasma pharmacokinetics for the group of subjects. Analyte profiles in hair Cocaine-ds was the major analyte in hair following all doses and all routes of administration. Even when multiple doses were given, cocaine was still the primary anatyte. Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 are summed. Figure 3 illustrates how AUC calculations are performed in present studies. Table IVsummarizes how hair analysis data are expressed in this report. Hair samples obtained from this subject were positive for cocaine-d5 at 0.26, 1.17, 2.20, and 3.13 months after drug administration. The maximum amount of drug found was 4.01 ng (the sample obtained at 0.26 months), and the amount expressed as AUC was 6.84 ng months. Pharmacokinetic calculations. Plasma half-life values for deuterated and nondeuterated cocaine and metabolites were calculated by traditional single-dose noncompartmental model calculations using terminal rate constants. Peak plasma drug concentrations were determined by inspection of the plasma decay curves, and AUC values were determined by the trapezoidal rule. Maximum amount of drug in the hair sample. The maximum amount of drug in hair is defined as the largest amount of drug found in hair obtained at any sampling time. Typically, the maximum amount of drug was found in samples obtained 1-2 months after drug administration; however, this time varied considerably between subjects. In our studies, the maximum amount of drug in hair was used as a functional equivalent to peak plasma concentration, a measure of drug bioavailability typically used in pharmacokinetics. Amount of drug expressed as area under the curve (AUC). Area under the time-concentration curve (AUC) is a commonly used pharmacokinetic term used to define the total amount of drug incorporated into the body over time and is a useful measure of total drug bioavailability. AUC values for hair samples were calculated using the trapezoidal rule, in which areas of trapezoids comprising the amount-time curve Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February 1996 BZE was detected in only 10 of the 25 subjects and in only a few of the hair samples obtained from these individuals. Usually,it was found in those subjects who received the higher doses of cocaine. Total amounts of cocaine-ds found in positive hair samples were typically in the high picogram to low nanogram range (0.1-5.05 ng per sample). BZE-dsamounts in hair were less than 1 ng per sample. The mean ratio plus or minus SD of cocaine-d5 to BZE-d~was 5.5 • 3.3. The metabolite EME was detected infrequently, usually at the limit of detection; therefore, data for this metabolite are not shown. doses greater than 35.2 mg (approximately 0.3 mg/kg). Thus, the minimum detectable dose for our analytical methods appeared to be between 22 and 35 mg, an amount somewhat less than that found in a single "line" of street cocaine (e.g., 50-100 rag). c ~o 3 90364 91033 91031 r o : m. - 4. 1 .- - 4. l -.. 4 .k . a. s _ m . ~ : : , , - T ". T , ,: : : 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 T i m e post dose (months) T i m e post d o s e (months) T i m e post dose (months) Figure7. Total amount of cocaine-ds found in hair at various times after the intranasal administration of 0.6 mg/kg cocaine-d5. Drug amounts are calculated by summing the amounts found in all positive segments of the hair samples. 5 c 3 90376 0 5 4i i 3 2 9037 90378 90381 Effect of route of administration on amount of cocaine incorporated into hair None of the routes of administration produced a predictable relationship between the dose and the amount of drug incorporated into hair. Theoretically, intravenous administration should yield the best doseresponse relationship because absorption is not a variable. However,even this route was associated with considerable variability. Effect of subjects' gender on amount of cocaine incorporated into hair All female subjects received the same dose so we are unable to infer anything about their dose-response relationship. There was, however, little variability between the subjects--all four female subjects had very similar amounts of cocaine-d5 in their hair. 1 8 0..~:-5 : : : : : : : : 4 c 3 ,// - 2 1 o 0 91003 91015 ~ 9 : : : : : : : " I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 T i m e post d o s e (months) I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 78910 Time post dose (months) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Time post dose (months) Figure8. Total amount of cocaine-ds found in hair at various times after the intravenous administration of 1.2 mg/kg cocaine-ds. Drug amounts are calculated by summing the amounts found in all positive segmentsof the hair samples. Subject numbers with an asterisk indicate non-Caucasian subjects. Effect of subjects' race on amount of cocaine incorporated into hair A significant variable affecting the incorporation of cocaine into hair appeared to be race. All four non-Caucasians had significantly more cocaine incorporated into their hair than did their Caucasian counterparts (Figure 5). The non-Caucasians were clearly outliers whether the amount of cocaine was expressedas maximum amount or AUC. Non-Caucasians had between two Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 Effect of dose on amount of cocaine incorporated into hair The relationship between the dose of cocaine-ds administered and the amount of cocaine incorporated into hair is illustrated in Figure 5. In this figure the amount of drug is expressed as either maximum amount of drug or as the AUC. As can be seen by inspection, there was a poor correlation beThreshold dose tween the amount of drug incorporated into hair and the dose No drug could be detected in the hair of subjects who receivedby the subjects. This was true over the nearly fourfold received the lower doses of cocaine (11.8-22 rag), even when range of doses administered (from 0.6 to 4.2 mg/kg). Statistical two small doses were given I week apart. However,cocaine was analysis (linear regression by the least-squares method) of the found in the hair of all the subjects who received intravenous data confirmed this observation. Evenwhen the non-Caucasianoutliers were eliminated, 5 there was at best a weak correlation between dose and the amount of drug in hair 91030 91021 c (correlation coefficientsranged between 0.5 and 0.6), primarily because incremental increases in dose resulted in only small ,'~'~.. =, _ , , - : : I I I I : : : : : : : 8 0 , ' . . . . . . . : : increases in the amount of cocaine incor0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 5 porated into hair. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February and 12 times (depending upon how the amount of drug was expressed) as much drug in their hair as did Caucasians. t996 Detection window for cocaine Data in Figures 6-9 show the total amount of cocaine-d 5 found in hair at various times after drug administration. In general, there was a decrease in the amount of drug in hair with time, and the larger the dose, the longer the drug could be detected. However, the period of time during which cocaine could be detected in hair after a single dose varied considerably between subjects. Figure 6 shows that for the subjects receiving 0.6 mg/kg cocaine-d5 intravenously, parent drug could be detected in their hair for 2-3 months. When the drug 5 4 3 t.6 Time until drug is first detected in hair IV 1.2 N 2 88173* I ~; Although determining the m i n i m u m ~ 90350 0 5 3,0 N = 3 0 0 I :1 ; 3.0 N .... :':'... O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time post dose (months) Time post dose (months) Time post dose (months) Figure 9. Total amount of cocaine-dsfound in hair at various times following the administrationof 0.6 mglkgcocaine-ds.Drug amountsare calculatedby summingthe amountsfound in all positivesegmentsof the hair samples.Subject numberswith an asteriskindicate non-Caucasiansubjects.Arrow symbols mark time of dosing. Distance from root Distance from r o o t Distancefrom root (cm) (om) (cm) (cm) 0 1 2345678910 0 1 2345678910 0 1 234 56 7891C 100 1 2345678910 0 ~ I~ 1 1 I I I I I/ I I~1 I I I I I I I I 1 ~ i j i 90339 1 ~I l~J I I 90340_] I l~ll,J I I I I II 3 I I~IB4 1 1 1 1 II Jllll 4 I I I',I [J I I I [ I I I I',I [] I i i I J I I t [] P[ I t I I I ] [ 14 P'I [ [ [ t [ [ [ [J PI I ti i t I ' ',J I't L ' I L ] I~1"11xl I I I S I I I I I'l I',ll [ I ,lllrll\llll Distance from root t ;IIIIIIHJt] 9 tOIIIIIII .~ I IJ I 0 1 ~ III IN g9 3 4 5 6 7 i i i n- 6 i i i 9 I I I i=~o I I I o II 8 i i I I i i I I i"1 i~1 i i i i\1 iq i I I Iq IJ I I I 1.11 I I I I i I t '\' q l J IIIIJ IIIIII I II I I I i I I I I I~11 U 1'4 i'J I I I I IJ PIIIII I F I N I I I I I I F.I N I i i i i I\1 14 I I I I I 14 I I I I I I I IJ ',11IV \ll IIIIIIIIII.I I I I I I ',",J t lI I I I J I I I I I I I I '',-t I II II 14 IJ II El I IJ P]I I I I II I [PI hi I I I I ] I I I r',l I\1 I I I I I I I I I\l I,,11 I I I I I I I Iq I] I1111 III1.t I1'"IIII III III III IJI J I I I I I II IJIIIII Jr'lllll r'l P,i i i i i",l I\1 I I ]'4 141 i 14 i,l I I [Jl Segmental analysis 2 411141JIIIII S IIIIl PI I I I I I I I PI IXl I I 7 I I I I I P.I IXJ I ~ 8 I I I I I I I\1 14 t I I I I I I 114 I i.:t I I I I I I I I IJ time for drug to appear in hair was not an original objective of this study and thus was not studied systematically, we did observe considerable variability in the time it took for drug to first appear in hair. We inadvertently discovered that cocaine could be detected within 8 h of drug administration when a control (i.e., supposedly predose) hair sample from one subject (number 90377) was found to contain cocaine-ds (Figure 8). After checking the clinical laboratory records, it was discovered that the sample was indeed collected on day 0 (the dosing day), but in fact, it was collected 8 h after drug administration rather than before drug administration. A control hair sample obtained from this subject 3 weeks prior was negative. We subsequently obtained hair samples from four other subjects (91021, 91030, 91031, and 91033) on days 1 and 3 following drug administration. Three of the four subjects (91021, 91030, and 91031) had positive hair samples the day after the drug was administered (Figure 7). Although these results are limited, they do suggest that cocaine may be detected in hair within hours after drug administration. I I I I ] II I I I I I I I I I [ IIl I I I I I I I I I I F~III I'1 1~11 I I IXl I\/I I I N n I I I 14 I I I I I I,I I I I I J I Figure 10. Segmentalanalysisdata from hair samplesobtained from subjects receuvung0.6 mglkg cocaine-dsintravenously.Eachdata point (11)representsa 1-cm segmentpositivefor cocaine-ds. The diagonal parallel lines show the theoreticalpath a bolus of incorporateddrug would take assuminga hair growth rate of 1 cm/month. Subject numberswith an asteriskindicate non-Caucasiansubjects. Figures 10-13 show the results of segmental analysis of all positive hair samples obtained from the research subjects. In a few subjects, for example subjects 90339 and 91031 (Figure 11), the incorporated drug was confined to one or two segments that moved down the hair shaft at the rate consistent with a hair growth rate of I cm/month. Similarly, the administration Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 was administered at higher doses or intranasally, cocaine-ds could be detected in hair for up to 8 months. However, the detection window did not always appear to be related to the amount of drug incorporated into hair after drug administration, and it would be difficult to predict with any accuracy how long a single dose of cocaine can be detected. For example, some subjects receiving a single dose had hair samples positive for cocaine-ds for only 2 months, whereas others receiving a single dose had positive hair samples for up to 8 months. In Figure 9, subject 88173 had relatively large amounts of cocaine-ds in his hair (4 ng) 7 days after drug administration, yet the drug disappeared rapidly and could not be detected after the third month. In contrast, subject 91021 had much less drug in hair (0.2 ng on day 1 and 0.14 ng on day 28), but the drug could still be detected in hair 8 months after administration (Figure 7). Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February 1996 i: "'i - Distance from root (cm) ~, O 1 g3 r 2 Distance from root (cm) O 12345678910 0t ~ 1 ~ I I I-J Distance from root (cm) 234567891001234 5678910 Distance from root (cm) 0 12345678910 LJ~J I I I I I I II Discussion 4 s | 8 E 9 ~-10 9 1 2 I I I I I I I\1 I~l I I I I In I l l ~ IJ IIIllllliJI I I I I ~1 I\1 I I IllllllfJI Ix.r',l I I t I t i i i ll',,I I I ~ 110 1 5 ~ I hal ],d I n I t J / ~ 4 ~ 5 6 8 ~ 9 NIO I I Ill Ill II liB I'1 I\1 I I IIII II i Ill~ I t\t I~ I iJ It il.I J Figure 12. Segmental analysis data from hair samples obtained from subjects receiving 1.2 mg/kg cocaine-ds intravenously. Each data point ( l ) represents a 1-cm segment positive for cocaine-d s. The diagonal parallel lines show the theoretical path a bolus of incorporated drug would take assuming a hair growth rate of 1 cm/month. Subject numbers with an asterisk indicate non-Caucasian subjects. The key feature of this study was the use of isotopically labeled drug administered under controlled laboratory conditions to a relatively large number of human research subjects. In addition, the sensitive and specific analytical method used for quantitation and chemical ionization iontrap GC-MS easily distinguished between the drug we administered, cocaine-d5 and BZE-ds, from any tissue stores of drug or self-administered drug use by the subjects during the study. As a result, we were able to conduct controlled studies over long Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 received a single intranasal dose of 0.6 mg/kg cocaine-ds. Segmental analysis of hair from subject 91031 showed that the drug was confined to only one segment that, over the next 8 months, appeared to move along the hair shaft at a rate of approximately I crn/month. On the other hand, segmental analysis of hair collected from subject 91030 the day after drug administration revealed that cocaine-ds was distributed over 10 segments. Subsequent samples showed diminishing amounts of incorporated drug that did not move down the hair shaft at any predictable rate. There was a similar lack of correlation between dosing regimen and segmental analysis results in subjects who received multiple doses. For example, subjects 91001 and 91014 both received the highest doses of any subjects during the study. Also, in an attempt to partially simulate chronic drug use, the drug was administered in successive doses Distance from root Distance from root Distance from root over a 1-month period. However, only (cm) (cm) (cm) modest amounts of cocaine-d5 were found 0 1 234567 89100 123 456 78910 0 12345 678910 in their hair, and the drug was confined to only two or three segments. Segmental analysis results similar to these were ob- s , _ o,379,_ - i 90364__ ~ I 91021 ~ _-( I I t I i I I Iserved in subjects who received only a "I I I I "I ii I single bolus dose, for example numbers [Xl I I r',l-I I 67 " "~ I \II\I I \I Ix] I 90308 (Figure 10), 91030 (Figure 11), and s ", ,~1 l'J Ix] i /i Id 91003 and 91013 (Figure 12). t= 1~ I I I,J ii~l-"ld~ In addition, there was variability in the f J I, Illr] rate at which the incorporated band of drug traveled from the root to the tip. Segmental 32 ", _l I I I_ ~ -9~,o,33analysis results from subjects 90376 (Figure mm -3_ 12) and 91001 (Figure 13) indicate the incorporated drug moved at a rate of R 7 \i \ \ \ 9 1 cm/month, the most typically reported 8 \m, ,, , growth rate for human hair. However, seg~- 9 x ,, mental analysis data for subject 91033 10 (Figure 11) suggest this subject's hair grew Figure 11. Segmental analysis data from hair samples obtained from subjects receiving 0.6 mg/kg at a slightly faster rate (approximately 1.3 cocaine-ds intranasaliy. Fach data point (l) represents a 1-cm segment positive for cocaine-d s. The cm/month), whereas data for subjects 91003 diagonal parallel lines show the theoretical path a bolus of incorporated drug would take assuming a (Figure 12) and 91031 (Figure 11) suggest hair growth rate of 1 cm/month. these subjects' hair grew at a slightly slower rate--0.7 and 0.8 cm/month, respectively. of two doses, given 4 months apart, to subject 90350 (Figure 13) resulted in two discrete areas of incorporated drug that correlated to a surprising degree to the time of drug administration. However, for most subjects, segmental analysis revealed considerable variability in the area over which incorporated drug was distributed in the hair shaft and in the rate of axial distribution of drug along the hair shaft. Only six of the 23 subjects (26%) receiving a single dose had cocaine-d5 and BZE-d5 confined to a single 1-cm segment. Most of the subjects (11 of 23 or 48%) had drug distributed over two segments, whereas three (13%) had drug distributed over three segments and another three (13%) had drug distributed over four or more segments. The extreme differences in segmental analysis results are illustrated by data from two subjects shown in Figure 11. Subjects 91030 and 91031 both Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February 1996 higher concentrations of cocaine have been reported by others is not surprising because most of the subjects in previously reported studies were self-identified, chronic cocaine users generally in treatment for their chemical dependency. Thus, it is to be expected that the cocaine concentrations in their hair would be considerably higher than the amounts found in our subjects who, because of medical and ethical concerns, received much smaller doses for shorter periods of time. In the present study, increasing the dose of cocaine generally resulted in a greater amount of drug in hair; however, there was not a predictable relationship between dose and amount in hair. Between the subjects there was considerable variability in the amount of drug incorporated into hair, the time until drug first appeared in hair, and the distribution of drug along the hair shaft with time. Some variability is expected because of experimental error or bias and biological factors. For example, hair growth rate may be more variable than is typically assumed. Studies have demonstrated an up to sixfolddifference (0.3-1.8 cm/month) in growth rates for various populations (37-39). Accordingly, Uematsu et al. (39) have shown that intersubject variability in segmental analysis results can be reduced when only hairs in the growing stage are analyzed and great care is taken to align the strands precisely. Other investigators have found different concentrations of drugs like morphine (40) and methadone (41) in hair samples collected from different anatomical sites. Experimental error may explain some but not all of the observed intersubject variability in the study reported herein. Hair samples were obtained only from the vertex region of the scalp, and considerable care was taken to precisely align the hair strands before analysis. Also, the range of hair growth rates found in our subjects (0.7-1.3 cm/month) is similar to the overall range of growth rates reported by others (37-39). Thus, variability related to collecting and sectioning the hair samples may explain some of the intersubject differences in the time cocaine was first deDistance from root Distance from root Distance from root (cm) (cm) (cm) tected in hair, the number of segments in 012345678910012345678910 012345678910 which the drug was confined, and in the 0 rate at which the band of drug traveled from irxll iI i + ,, 1 1 1 \ , 3,ON I the root to the tip. However, experimental l l q I, g 3 E== 4 error will not explain the unusual findings g 5 in the outlier subjects who had considerably -~ 6 higher concentrations of cocaine-ds in mul~. 7 mmtiple hair segments obtained from many ~- 9 hair samples collected months apart and I[,l IrJ 10 analyzed at different times. 0 "=mmmmmmm 1 The outlier subjects, all non-Caucasians, --mmmmm 2 could have genotype-related differences in , -mmmmstl=l ~ 4 their drug distribution, metabolism, or , 9 10,14 5 elimination. However, this does not appear g 6 to be the cause of their unusual hair anal~ 6 ysis results. There were some intersubject lid | ~= 9 differences in cocaine plasma pharmacoki10 netics as would be expected, but these difFigure 13. Segmental analysis data from hair samples obtained from subjects receiving multiple ferences were small compared with differdoses of cocaine-d s. Each data point (m) represents a 1-cm segment positive for cocaine-d s. The diences in the amounts of drug incorporated agonal parallel lines show the theoretical path a bolus of incorporated drug would take assuming a hair into hair. Non-Caucasian subjects did not growth rate of 1 cm/month. Subject numbers with an asterisk indicate non-Caucasian subjects. Arrow symbols mark time of dosing. differ significantly from Caucasians in any --l_ 10 Downloaded from by guest on 20 April 2021 periods of time without having the subjects confined or under surveillance. To our knowledge, this is the first time such experimental procedures have been employed in hair analysis research. An important finding of our study is that hair analysis can be an extremely sensitive indicator of cocaine use; however, because of the considerable intersubject variability, it is impossible to infer either the dose or time of dose from hair analysis results alone. Surprisingly, perhaps, cocaine, not the metabolite BZE, is the major analyte found in hair. This unexpected finding has been confirmed by others and is true regardless of whether cocaine is administered to human subjects or experimental animals or whether the drug is administered acutely or even chronically (15,32-35). Particularly in the latter case, the BZE concentrations in the body would greatly exceed the concentrations of parent drug. The threshold dose for detecting cocaine in hair, using a sensitive method like chemical ionization GC-MS, appears to be approximately 25-35 mg cocaine administered intravenously. Once incorporated into hair a single dose of cocaine can be detected for 2-6 months. This detection window varies considerably between subjects for reasons that are not yet apparent. Intersubject differences in hair hygiene or the use of cosmetic hair treatments may be involved, but there is no direct evidence for this. The cocaine-ds and BZE-ds concentrations found in the present study (0.1-5 ng/sample for cocaine-d5 and less than 1 ng/sample for BZE) are in general agreement but at the low end of the reported ranges of cocaine and BZE concentrations reported by others, which include 6.4-19.2 ng/mL (33), 1.4-50.6 ng/mL (34), and 0.6-29.1 ng/L (36). The cocaineds/BZE-ds ratio found in our subjects was approximately 6. This compares favorably with the 1-10 range of cocaine/BZE ratios reported in other studies (33-36). The finding that Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 20, January/February1996 higher doses. Finally, our studies suggest that the mechanism generally proposed for drug incorporation into hair--that of passive diffusion of drug into the growing hair follicle--is probably too simplistic, and multiple mechanisms may be involved. Until these mechanisms are better understood and the reasons for the intersubject variability clarified, it seems inappropriate to use hair analysis to infer either the dose, time, or duration of cocaine use. Acknowledgments This research was supported, in part, by grants from the National Institute on Justice (USJ-NIJ-90-IJ-CX-0012) and from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01 DA082228). References I. A. Chatt, C.A. Secord, B. Tiefenbach, and R.E.Jervis. Scalp hair as a monitor of community exposure to environmental pollutants. In Hair, Trace Elements, and Human Illness. A.C. Brown and R.G. Crounse, Eds., Praeger Publishers, New York, NY, 1980, pp 46-73. 2. A.M. Baumgartner, P.F.Jones, W.A. Baumgartner, and C.T. Black. Radioimmunoassay of hair for determining opiate-abuse histories. J. Nucl. Med. 20:748-52 (1979). 3. W. Arnold and K. Puschel. Experimental studies on hair as an indicator of past or present drug use. J. Forensic Sci. Soc. 21:83 (1981). 4. W.A. Baumgartner, C.T. 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Similarly, black hair has been found to contain higher concentrations of haloperidol, chlorpromazine, certain quinolone antimicrobials (39,42), and nicotine (21) than white (nonpigmented) hair. This is thought to be related to the melanin content in hair, and drug-melanin binding was one of the earliest mechanisms proposed for drug incorporation into hair (43,44). However, simple differences in melanin content are an unlikely explanation for the differences observed in our study. The very low drug concentrations in the studies described were found in subjects with completely nonpigmented hair, and there were no such individuals in our study. Most of our subjects had dark brown or black hair. A more likely explanation for the intersubject variability observed in our study is that drugs may be incorporated into hair by way of multiple mechanisms. For example,highly polar drugs such as chlorpromazine, amphetamines, and quinolones may depend on binding to melanin, and thus, their uptake kinetics may vary with a subject's hair color. On the other hand, unionized and lipid-soluble drugs like cocaine may enter hair by way of contact with sweat and sebum as well as through passive transfer from the blood. Thus, intersubject variability in cocaine uptake into hair could be related to differences in sweat and sebum secretion. Secretion of cocaine by these glands, which are in intimate contact with the hair follicle, could also explain how cocaine can be detected in hair within a few hours after drug administration and how a single dose of cocaine can be distributed over multiple hair segments. We have direct evidence that cocaine and BZE are found in sweat or sebum or both in higher concentrations and for a longer time than they are measurable in plasma. Further, the cocaine/BZE ratio in sweat is similar to that found in hair. Details of these findings will be presented in future communications. In summary, hair analysis can be a sensitive technique for detecting cocaine use. However, the significant variability observed in the amount and time course of cocaine incorporation suggests that hair analysis does not necessarily provide an accurate calendar of drug use; that is, hair analysis results cannot be used with any certainty to determine either the amount, frequency, or time of last cocaine use. Our studies were limited by the amount of cocaine that could be administered. Compulsive cocaine users consume considerably more cocaine than was used in our studies and repeat doses over longer periods of time. Nevertheless, there is nothing in our data to suggest that the intersubject variability is any less with Journal of Analytical Toxicology,Vol. 20, January/February1996 12 30. C. Van Dyke, RG. Barash, R Jatlow, and R. Byck. Cocaine: plasma concentrations after intranasal application in man. 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