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Philosophy Exam: Intro to Philosophy 12

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Name: _____________________________________________________Grade & Section:
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before
each number:
____1. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?
a. Philosophy
b. Ethics
c. Epistemology
d. Aesthetics
____2. What is the branch of philosophy that explore the nature of moral virtue and evaluate human
action ?
a. Philosophy
b. Ethics
c. Ethics
d. Aesthetics
____3. The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave everything to God
a. Bayanihan
b. Bahala Na c. Pakikisama
d. Kalooban
____4. Which Filipino value is helping others in time of need?
a.. Bayanihan
b. Bahala Na
c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
____5. The four main division of philosophy are methaphysics, epistemology
Ethics and _____.
a. biothics
b. logic
c. aesthetics
d. categorical logic
____6. The systematic use of critical reasoning to try to find answers to fundamental
questions about reality, morality, and knowledge is called ______.
a. the argumentative method
c. propositional method
b. the philosophical method
d. syllogistic reasoning
____7. The study of reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the
universe and the things I n it, is known as ______.
a. logic
b. metaphysics
c. epistemology
d. aesthetics
____8. Questions like “ What is knowledge?” and “What is truth?” are mainstays in the ir
branch of philosophy known as
a. logic b. methaphysics
c. epistemology
d. aesthetics
____9. For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of ____
a. knowledge
b. wealth
c. community
d. courage
___10. Descartes argues that minds and bodies cannot be identical because…..
a. Minds are divisible but bodies are not.
b. Minds occupy space but bodies do not.
c. Bodies are divisible but minds are not.
d. Bodies are conscious beings but minds are not.
___11. One problem with mind/body dualism is that…
a. It apparently cannot explain how minds and bodies could causally interact with one
b. It apparently cannot explain how bodies could interact causally with other bodies.
c. It apparently cannot explain how mind could interact causally with other minds.
d. It mistakenly claims there are two kinds of matter.
___12. Descartes is a
a. Materialist
b. Idealist c. Epiphenomalist,
d. mind/body dualist
___13. According to Descartes materials things are….
a. Extended but non-thinking
b. Thinking but non-extended
c. Both thinking and extended
d. Neither thinking nor extended
___14. According to Descartes……
a. What I really am is a body, but I also possess a mind.
b. Cats and dogs have immortal souls, just like you and I.
c. Conscious states always have physical causes but never have physical effects.
d. What I really am is a mind but I also possess a body.
___15. In Hobbes’s view, to say something is good is to say that.
a. It is conducive to human happiness.
b. you desire it.
c. most people desire it.
d. most people ought to desire it.
___16. According to Hobbes, without a common power to keep them n awe humans would
exist in a state of ….
a. peace and harmony
c. mutual indifference
c. cautious mistrust
d. war on every man against every man
___17. In Hobbes’s view, a law of nature is….
a command of God
b. a principle of duty known by intrinsic
c. a principle, known by reason, which forbids one from doing something
d. none of the above
___18. Hobbes defines injustice as:
a. taking more than one’s share of a good
b. failure to perform one’s covenant
c. treating another person as a mere means
d. violating a law of nature
___19. The theory of social justice advanced by Rousseau and Hobbes, among others, is
called ____.
a. utilitarianism
b. universalism
c. legal premise theory
d. social contract theory
___20. The social contract is ______.
a. an agreement among people to share certain interests and make compromises for
the good of them all.
b. mainly an agreement of equally selfless and unselfish persons not to commit theft
or murder.
c. a choice to serve the public interest at the expense of a small number of
d. the only popular political theory.
___21. According to Sartre. The existentialist finds the fact that God does not exist.
a. liberating
b. clarifying
c. very distressing
d. unimportant
___22. According to Sartre, existentialism is a doctrine intended strictly for ….
a. all people
b. specialists and philosophers
c. Europeans
d. atheists
___23. What all existentialists have in common, according to Sartre, is the view that
a. God does not exist, and so everything is permitted
b. all humans share a common nature
c. existence precedes essence.
d. essence precedes existence.
___24. In Sartre’s view, when one chooses how to live one is choosing
a. only for oneself.
b. for all of one’s family
c. for all of one’s friends.
d. for all people.
___25. Sartre claims that when he speak of forlornness, he means that
a. God does not exist and we must face all the consequences of this.
b. We can never truly know another human being.
c. We are not responsible for our passions.
d. All of the above
___26. Augustine claims that all created things are:
a. eternally and unchangeably good.
b. good when taken together, but not good separately
c. good, even taken separately.
none of the above.
___27. Augustine identifies evil with:
a. the influence of the devil.
b. the absence of good.
c. a unique force, opposed to goodness.
d. pain.
___28. Augustine claims that to be happy, one must know:
a. the causes of natural occurrences.
b. the causes of good and evil.
c. both a and b.
d. neither a nor b.
___29. Augustine claims that there can be no evil where there is no:
a. hatred
b. greed.
c. good
d. love
___30. In Augustine’s view, lying is:
a. often permissible if done for the right reasons.
b. b. not evil in itself, although it can have bad consequences.
c. permissible only in very rare circumstances.
d. never permissible.
___31. Augustine claims that Academic skepticism:
a. a. is true, and can be proven.
b. not evil in itself, although it can have bad consequences.
c. is false but cannot be refuted.
d. is false and can be refuted.
___32. Augustine claims that to save another person from injury, it is permissible to:
a. lie. b. steal.
c. both a and b.
d. neither a nor. b.
___33. Augustine holds that we can never err:
a. in any circumstances whatsoever.
b. except through ignorance.
c. except through wickedness.
d. except through temptation.
___34. Aquinas argues that every agent acts for the sake of:
a. pleasure.
b. self-interest.
c. pleasing God.
d. an end.
___35. In Aquinas’s view, man’s ultimate happiness consists in:
a. pleasure
b. acts of the moral virtues.
c. loving God.
d. contemplating God.
___36. Aquinas argues that the end of every action is:
a. some desire. b. some pleasure. c. some good.
d. some emotional state.
___37. Aquinas holds that the last end of man is:
a. pleasure.
b. happiness or beatitude.
c. the satisfaction of desire.
d. freedom from anxiety.
___38. Aquinas claims that the ultimate perfection of operation is:
a. delight. b. peace
c. pleasure
d. Godliness
___39. Aquinas claims that:
a. pleasure exists for its own sake.
b. pleasure exists for the sake of operation.
c. operation exists for the sake of pleasure.
d. both b and c.
___40. In Aquinas’s view, acts of prudence are solely about matters of:
a. pleasure. b. desire
c. moral value
d. piety
___41. Aquinas claim that all human operations appear to serve:
a. those in power.
b. those of high status.
c. those who contemplate the truth.
d. those who act wickedly.
___42. The priestly class of Ancient Indian society were
a. the Vaisyas.
b. the Sudras. c. the Brahmins.
d. the Kshatriyas.
___43. Reincarnation is the Hindu
a. belief that the individual soul is reborn in a different form.
b. method of training that is supposed to lead to oneness with Brahman.
c. must worship the leader as a god.
d. of a woman is superior.
___44. Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer are the three
chief _____.
a. leaders of Ancient India.
b. humanlike gods in Hinduism.
c. Aryan warriors whose actions illustrate the importance of duty.
d. characters in the Bhagavad Gita, India’s great religious poem.
___45. The lowest level of Ancient Indian society who were given tasks seen as menial and
degrading, such as such as collecting trash and handling dead bodies, were the
a. the Brahmins.
b. the Vaisyas. c. the Untouchables. d. the Kshatriyas
____46. Since most Indians could not easily relate to the ideal of achieving oneness with the
Brahman, they
a. rejected the concept of reincarnation.
b. did not accept Hinduism as their religion.
c. developed four types of yoga to meet different needs.
d. needed a belief in gods and goddesses as a more concrete way to express religious
___47. Siddhārtha Gautama was the founder of
a. Hinduism. b. Buddhism.
c. the caste system.
d. the holy city of
___48. One way that Buddhism differed from Hinduism was Buddhists believed that
a. women were the equals of men.
b. the material world held the key to happiness.
c. people should be responsible for their own lives.
d. self-denial is necessary to achieve an understanding of ultimate reality.
___49. Which among the following is not 'Four Noble Truths of Buddha'?
a. World is full of suffering
c. Desire causes suffering
b. Desire best way to get moksha
d. Suffering will removed
___50. The stories used for teaching that tell of the Buddha's previous lives are called
a. arhats
b. stupas c. prajnas
d. jatakas
___51. Which one of the following is NOT one of the Three Refuges?
a. the Buddha b. the Dharma
c. the sangha
d. the prajna
___52. For how long did the Buddha teach after he discovered nirvana?
a. about forty years
b. about ten years c. about sixty years d. about five years
___53. How long did the Buddha remain under the bodhi tree experiencing nirvana?
a. four weeks b. seven weeks c. seven days d. three days
___54. Today the majority of Buddhists are
a. Mahayanists b. Theravadins c. tantrics d. Vajrayanists
___55. The new institution that the Buddha created in India was the
a. arhat
b. dharma
c. sangha
d. stupa
___56. The first two main divisions of Buddhism were
a. Mahayana and Vajrayana
b. Theravada and Mahayana
c. Theravada and Vajrayana
d. Mahayana and tantra
___57. According to Buddhist doctrine, a human being is a continuously changing,
interdependent relationship between how many skandhas (aggregates)?
a. two
b. three
c. five
d. twelve
___58. Theravadins and Mahayanists can be compared to
a. literalists and liberals
c. ulamas and Sufis
b. the Vatican and gnostics
d. all of the above
___59. The root meaning of the term “Buddha” comes from
a. Siddhartha's past lives
b. overcoming temptation
c. having superhuman abilities
d. “waking up” to reality
___60. Aquinas claim that all human operations appear to serve::
a. those in power.
c. those of high status
b. those who contemplate the truth.
d. those who act wickedly.
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Subject Teacher
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Head Teacher V, Math Dept
Assistant Principal II
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Secondary School Principal IV