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Ugly Duckling Lesson Plan: ELA, Elementary

Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
LESSON TOPIC: The Ugly Duckling
Students will be able to retell a fictional text with relevant details that are to include pictures of
key characters and written description based off each students learning ability.
Students will be able to listen to their partner’s ideas about the story
Students will be able to identify important information about the Ugly Duckling and other key
events in the story.
Students will distinguish the methodologies of understanding printed content, determining
relevant importance, and giving fronted answers.
Make lessons auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
Use cooperative learning strategies.
Modify vocabulary instruction for ELLs.
KEY VOCABULARY: Comprehension
Class set of The Ugly Duckling worksheet
Class set of The Ugly Duckling Story worksheet Class set of the Who, What, Where worksheet
- Explain to students that they will be reading a classic story called The Ugly Duckling. Tell
them that they will first read the story as a whole group, then they will read with partners.
Explain to the class that at the end of the lesson, they will have a chance to retell the
story using pictures to help them remember to include details about the people, places,
things, and events that happened in the story.
Emergent, Pre-Emergent and basic: Have students sort a few books from the classroom library
into piles of nonfiction and fiction stories. Explicitly describe the characteristics of a nonfiction
text compared to a fiction text.
Intermediate and Proficient: Explain to the students that fiction stories are not real, and ask
them to think of an example of a fiction story they've read in the past or find one in the
classroom library.
- Give each student a copy of the reading passage and a highlighter.
- Project the reading passage on the board.
- Ask a volunteer to identify the title, and have everyone highlight this on their own copies.
- Ask students to make a prediction about how the story ends. Jot their ideas on the
board. If students have already read the story, ask other students.
- Remind students that as they read the story, they should pay close attention to the
characters and events in the story as they happen.
- Explain to students that when they understand what they read, this is called
comprehension. Read the story as a whole group. If there is a word that students do not
know, have them circle the word with the highlighter so that we can come back to the
words and review them.
- At the end of the story, review the words that students highlighted.
Emergent, Pre-Emergent and basic: Have students verbally summarize the story to a teacher.
Preteach vocabulary words (such as precious, open, introduce, treat, and approach) and
provide students with a bilingual dictionary in English and student's home language (L1) that
they can access as they listen to the story. Provide students with a visual bilingual dictionary.
Intermediate and Proficient: Allow students to pair up as they read the story. Ask students to
turn to a partner and verbally summarize what happened in the story. Provide students with the
following sentence frame to use as they make predictions: I predict ____ will happen because
- Instruct students to read the passage again with partners. Have them take turns reading
sentences or paragraphs. As students are reading in partners, float around the room and
help students with difficult words. As you circulate the room, ask students guiding
questionslike: "Who are the characters in the story? Which character helps the ugly
duckling grow into a confident swan? What are some things that happen in the story?
What are the places we read about in the story?"
Emergent, Pre-Emergent and basic: Simplify text or allow text to be played online through the
computer. Allow students to use a graphic dictionary as they are reading to help with
challenging words. Pass out one copy of the Who, What, Where graphic organizer worksheet to
each set of partners.
Intermediate and Proficient: Write the following paragraph frame on the board: This story is
about a(n) ____ who ____. First, ____. Then, ____ . Finally, ____. The message in the story is
____. Ask students to use the paragraph frame to discuss the story after reading it.
After the students are finished reading the story, pass out the Story Cards activity,
construction paper, scissors, and glue to each student. Direct your students to cut out
the pictures and put them in order from beginning to end. Have them glue the pictures in
order on construction paper. Once some of the students have finished cutting and gluing
their pictures on the construction paper, pass out crayons for students to use to color in
their pictures while they wait for others to finish. When students are done with this
activity, have them pair up with someone and retell the story. Make sure each partner
gets a turn to tell the story. Tell students to retell the story clearly and remind them to
describe the story with relevant details.
Emergent, Pre-Emergent and Basic: Have students describe the pictures orally to the teacher
using sentence frames. Ask students to answer questions about the central message of the
story in L1 or English using sentence frames and a word bank.
Intermediate and Proficient: Have students describe the pictures orally to a partner and
encourage them to write down sentences above each picture with their partner's support. Ask
students to answer questions about the central message in writing in English using sentence
stems and/or a word bank.
During guided practice and independent working time, rotate around the room to check
that students are reading well and placing the pictures in the correct order.
Monitor student retelling of the story to make sure they include appropriate details, such
as the people, places, things, and events in the story.
Emergent, Pre-Emergent and basic: Have students work in pairs to complete the picture
sequence activity.
Intermediate and Proficient: Split the students up into small groups. Using the pictures, story,
and graphic organizer as resources, have the students act out the story of the ugly duckling. If
time allows, have students perform the story in front of peers.
Call on a few students to discuss the successes of the lesson and the parts that were
Have one volunteer retell the story. Allow students to express their ideas about the
volunteer's retelling. For example, have them give encouragement for including some
ideas or events but excluding unnecessary details from the story.
Emergent, Pre-Emergent and Basic: Referring to the learning goal ("I can retell a fictional text"),
ask students to rate themselves using a thumbs up (I get it), thumb to side (still learning), or
thumbs down (I need more practice).
Intermediate and Proficient: Ask students to choose one of the following questions to answer
and complete a think-pair-share with their elbow partner: What was your favorite part of the
story? How did the ugly duckling feel at the end of the story? Read the sentence that helped you
decide how he felt aloud to your partner.