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Grade 5 Curriculum Plan: Alberta Education

Expectations, routines and
Getting to know peers and
school community.
Story elements,
Figurative Language
Poetic Devices
Poem style
Teacher selected from
“Authorized Alberta
Education List”
Including Canadian
Historical content
Narrative story
Plays & Readers’
Canadian artist
or Explorer
Teacher selected
from “Authorized
Alberta Education
Novel study
Ongoing Units: The following units will be integrated into the above units: Grammar, Language Mechanics, Writing—narrative, expository, Spelling, Reading Literature Circles: Comprehension and Fluency, guided reading.
Resources: Alberta Program of Studies, Illustrative Examples, Various Novels, Collections Anthology, SRA kit, guided reading materials, “Empowering Writers” lessons, QAR materials, various poetry resources.
Assessment: Gates MacGinitie, Jerry Johns BRI, Homework, Participation, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Viewing and Visually Representing Assignments, Checklists, self-assessments and reflections.
Number Concepts
Number Concepts
Patterns and Relations:
Number Concepts
Shape and Space
-Mental Math
-Mental math strategies
-Mental Math Strategies
-Mental math strategies
-Mental Math
-Whole numbers to 1 000 000
-Variables and Equations
-Fractions and decimals
-2D, 3D shapes
-Estimation strategies and Place Value
Assessment: Projects, Quizzes, Tests, homework assignments, and Qualitative observations.
Resources: Alberta Program of studies, Math Makes Sense student and teacher resources, various games and math manipulatives, calculators, videos, Math to the Max student and teacher resources
Physical Geography of Canada: Students will demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of how the geographical regions and natural resources of Canada affect the
quality of life of all Canadians.
Shaping an Identity: Students will demonstrate an understanding of
the events and factors that have changed the ways of life in Canada
over time and appreciate the impact of these changes on citizenship
and identity.
Resources: Alberta Program of Studies, “Our Land and People” student and teacher resource, various supplemental books, videos and internet resources, field trips: Heritage Park and Glenbow Museum, current events/articles and student atlas
and maps.
Assessment: Projects, assignments, written tests/quizzes.
Weather Watch
Electricity and Magnetism
Mechanisms that Use Electricity
Classroom Chemistry
Wetland Ecosystems
Students learn about weather phenomena and
Students learn about electricity by building Students build electrical devices for a
Students learn about the properties and
Students learn about wetland ecosystems by studying
the methods used for weather study. They
and testing circuits. Using batteries, bulbs variety of purposes, using knowledge
interactions of some safe to handle
life in a local pond, slough, marsh, fen or bog.
learn to measure temperatures, wind speed and and wires, students construct simple circuits gained in the previous topic. Tasks that
household liquids and solids. They test a
Through classroom studies, and studies in the field,
direction, the amounts of rain and snow, and
and test the effects of various modifications. students are assigned may include such
variety of materials to see what happens
students learn about organisms that live in , on and
the amount of cloud cover. In studying causes
Through such tests, they discover that a things as making a switch from scrap
when things are mixed together: what
around wetlands and about adaptations that suit pond
and patterns of air movements, students learn
circuit requires a closed pathway for materials, making a device to control the
dissolves, what reacts and what remains
organisms to their environment. Through observation
about the effects of uneven heating and
electricity and that some materials conduct speed of a motor, making a burglar alarm
unaffected. They discover that when a solid and research, students learn about the interactions
cooling and discover the same patterns of air
electricity and others do not. They learn and lighting three bulbs from one source.
material dissolves, it can be recovered as a
among wetland organisms and about the role of each
movement in indoor environments as are
that an electric current can affect a nearby Through work on these tasks, students learn crystal by evaporating the liquid. They also organism as part of a good web. The role of human
found outdoors. They also learn about human
magnet and that this property of electricity the role of various components and control
learn that when two materials react to form
action in affecting wetland habitats and populations is
actions that can affect weather and climate and is used in making electromagnets and devices that are part of an electrical system.
a new material, the original materials cannot also studied.
study the design and testing of clothing used as motors. Potential dangers are examined as A the same they develop skills of problem
be recovered. As an example of a chemical
protection against the weather.
students learn about the safe use of solving and teamwork.
reaction, students learn to produce carbon
dioxide gas and show that this gas differs
from ordinary air.
Resources: Alberta Program of Studies, Edmonton Public unit Teacher Resources, various DVDs, topic books and maps, Field Trips and Guest speakers: Enmax, Electric Cars, Wetlands.
Assessment: Assignments, projects, quizzes, tests
Histories/Stories of Ways of Life in Canada: Students will demonstrate an
understanding of the people and stories of Canada and their ways of life over time,
and appreciate the diversity of Canada’s Heritage.
Statistics and Probability
-Chance and Uncertainty
-Data Collection & Analysis
-Analyzing Graphs
(each homeroom will
rotate through all
options over the
school year)
English L. O
Wellness Choices: Students will make responsible and informed
choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others.
Relationship Choices: Students will develop effective interpersonal Life Learning Choices: Students will use resources
skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to
effectively to manage and explore life roles and career
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
opportunities and challenges.
Resources: Alberta Education - Health and Life Skills Planning Tools, Information and Activity Worksheets, YouTube: Ready or Not Series, Alberta Health Region videos and resources supplied for
various topics in this unit, Movies, Magazines and newspapers, and guest speakers supplied by Alberta Education. .
Assessment: Classroom discussions and participation, Unit Quizzes, and Daily worksheets on classroom topics
5Neely/Abdulrahman: Fine Art—Drawing, painting, sculpture
5Mikhail: Computer skills/applications
5 Zwick: Music
5 Naroz: Computer skills/applications
ICT outcomes will be addressed and integrated across the core curriculum and during “Options”.
Year Long Focus: Reading fluency and comprehension strategies, writing mechanics, spelling, grammar and word work.
Resources: Alberta Program of Studies, Illustrative Examples, SRA Kit, Empowering Writers Teacher and Student materials, interactive technology activities, Practice Your Spelling student book.
Assessment: Assignments, projects, observations, quizzes and tests.
Field of experience to include:
Field of experience to include: Persons of influenceField of experience to include:
School supplies, calendar, school subjects, school
classmates, friends, family
Weather: conditions, climate, Canadian weather, weather folklore, and
Canadian Francophone observed holidays, celebrations, and traditions
Cultural Event
Vocabularies and
translations. reading
lessons, , and poems
to extend more
understanding to the
All about me, Family, and
my School My identity,
biographical information
Identifying and labeling school
name, school policies and
rules, searching in school
website, projects
Body parts, Health, Five
senses. key words, visuals and
translations, spelling tests
making reports& supporting
sentences, forming ,grammar,
tenses ,comparison and contrast
Volleyball, Co-operative Games, CrossCountry Running, Ultimate Frisbee
Basketball, Co-operative Games, Wrestling,
Resources: Volleyballs and Nets, Cross country
and Volleyball Interschool sports, YouTube and
various videos to display proper technique, and
Resources: Basketballs and nets, Mats, Various
forms of music, CD player, Guest speakers,
Intramurals and Interschool sports for
Basketball and Wrestling.
Four seasons / Weather and Nature
stories, Poems, reading lessons drawings,
colorings, and functioning words.
presenting , posters and spelling tests
music, songs
Floor Hockey, Ringette, Broom Ball, Field
Hockey, Table Tennis, Badminton, Cooperative Games, Gymnastics
Animals, Domestic/Wild
Movies, nature, survival,
independence, freedom,
struggle, stories, field trips
songs forming sentences
Quizzes and Exams
Soccer, Co-operative Games, Track & Field
Resources: Soccer balls, shot put, hurdles,
javelin bar, thick and flat mats, high bar and
poles, long Jump measuring tape, discus and
Resources: Hockey sticks and Goalie
Equipment, Ringette, Broom ball, and Field
Hockey sticks and required balls for each
variation of hockey/stick sports, Floor mats,
Benches for gym division, Table tennis tables
and rackets, Gymnastic mats
Assessment: Coming changed for class, Qualitative Observation and Participation for each period, unit tests and unit skill assessment and game play strategy.
Health 5: Wellness Choices – Making responsible and informed choices
Health 5: Relationship Choices – Developing
Health 5: Life Learning Choices – Using resources effectively
to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others
effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate
to manage and explore life roles and career opportunities and
responsibility, respect and caring in order to establish
and maintain healthy interactions.
Virtues Education
(Self-Control, Respect, Empathy, Conscience, Acceptance, Generosity, Perseverance and Kindness)