DARE TO SPELL COMPETITION KEDAH STATE LEVEL 2021 ARE YOU GOOD AT SPELLING ENGLISH WORDS? IF YES, THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME FOR YOU TO GET YOURSELF REGISTERED IN THIS LATEST ENGLISH LANGUAGE CO-ACADEMIC COMPETITION. This competition is open to all government aided schools in Kedah. Registration must be made through your school. Kindly contact your English language teacher to register. Please register by clicking the provided link below by 15th September 2021 (Wednesday), 5.00 p.m. The link of the concept paper https://tinyurl.com/daretospell-cp-Kedah2021 The link of the registration https://linktr.ee/kedah.coacademic FOR FURTHER INQUIRIES, KINDLY CONTACT Muhamad Hasan bin Hasmali Penolong Pengarah Pembangunan Bakat Murid JPN Kedah 013-5833720 / hasan.hasmali@moe.gov.my