Ocean Life Preschool books Title: Life in the Ocean. Author: Lucy Baker Brief explanation: This book is about the environments and habitats in the oceans. It explains the different types of landforms beneath the water like mountains, volcanoes, trenches etc. Also, it explains the different types of living things that live in the ocean, like plants and animals, and the places where they live or grow. Finally, it also explains the things and resources that the oceans provide for humans. Title: I Will Follow the Moon Author: Stephanie Lisa Tara and Lee Edward Fodi. Brief explanation: This is the story of a baby turtle that was just born and needs to find it’s way to the sea. When the baby turtle open its eyes for the first time it did not know where to go, it was lost. The turtle just remembered that it’s mom said to follow the moon to find home, so that is what the baby turtle followed the moon to find home. Title: Man Fish Author: Jennifer Berne Brief explanation: This book is about the famous ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau and all the things he has done and discovered about the ocean in his lifetime. It explains in detail how Cousteau came up with the idea of making special gear for underwater exploration and how he ended up making the first fins, wetsuits and scuba gear. Also, it tells the story of how Cousteau wanted to safe life in the ocean and underwater environment/habitats. Title: A House for Hermit Crab Author: Eric Carle Brief explanation: This is a story about a hermit crab, who needed to look for a new shell to live in because he was older now and was too big for his current shell. He was very scared for this big change he had to do, but still he looked for a bigger shell and moved in. Now, he was concerned because his new shell was very simple and boring; however, his friends form the ocean like the starfish, the sea snail and many more helped to decorate his new shell. At the end, the hermit crab ended up with a very nice and beautiful shell. Title: The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor. Author: Joanna Cole Brief explanation: Miss Frizzle’s class is learning all about oceans and they will have a field trip to the ocean in the magic school bus. In this adventurous filed trip, Miss Frizzle’s students will see all the different kinds of plants, animals and ocean floors that exit underneath the sea as they learn about them. Title: What do Sharks Eat for Dinner? Author: Melvin Berger and Gilda Berger. Brief explanation: In this book there are all kinds of facts about sharks, which are introduced in form of questions and answers. The book is full of many amazing pictures and illustrations about sharks and students will learn the most important facts about these predators. In addition, the book includes many important vocabulary words about sharks and the ocean. Title: The Snail and the Whale Author: Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Brief explanation: There is a small snail that has always dreamed of having an adventure across the ocean but it could not do it because it was too small. One day, the snail became friends with a hump back whale, who also wanted to go on an adventure, so they went together. In the adventure they learn many things about the ocean; however, the snail felt like it was too small for everything. In the trip, the whale got stuck in the sand because they got to close to the shore. The snail came up with the idea of writing a letter to a near school to help the whale get out of the sand. After saving the whale, the snail felt proud about saving the whale and came to the conclusion that even though she was a small, she could make many great things. Title: Pedro’s Whale. Author: Paula Kluth and Patrick Schwarz. Brief explanation: Pedro is a boy that loves whales and he took his toy whale everywhere he went. However, the first day of school the teacher told Pedro that he needed to put way his toy whale while he was in school, so he did. After that Pedro was really sad everyday in school and could not concentrate. One day, the teacher allowed Pedro to have his toy whale in school and that day Pedro was able work and concentrate perfectly. Since that day, the teacher started incorporating whales in some lessons and Pedro became one of the best students in the classroom. Title: My Octopus Arms. Author: Keith Baker. Brief explanation: This book is about a pink octopus that shows all the things he can do with his arms at the same time like playing musical instruments, taking photographs, untangling knots and helping with household chores. It shows how the pink octopus can do what humans’ arms can do and even more. The book ends with the message that we can do many things with our arms but the most important thing we can do with hem is hugging others. Title: A Lot of Otters Author: Barbara Helen Berger. Brief explanation: Mother moon is looking for her baby moonlet and as she does so, she is crying. Her tears suddenly turn into starts, which fall into the ocean. Many otters that live in the ocean rescued all the starts and used them to rescue mother Moon’s moonlet. With all the stars surrounding the baby moonlet the mother Moon was able to see it and take it with her.