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g12-practice-6a A level

Human diseases can be caused by many different types of organism, such as bacteria
and viruses.
(a) Give two differences between the genetic material of bacteria and viruses.
(b) Tuberculosis (TB) is caused when droplets, containing the bacterium Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, are inhaled into the lungs.
In the lungs, large numbers of the bacterium are formed rapidly. These can be ingested by
macrophages. Eventually, tubercles (tissue masses), containing dormant bacteria inside
macrophages, may form.
(i) Describe how macrophages ingest the bacteria.
(ii) Suggest why treatment with antibiotics may not be effective against the dormant bacteria in
the tubercles.
(iii) TB can be prevented by vaccination. Explain how a person can develop artificial active
immunity following vaccination.
(c) In a person with TB, the dormant bacteria in tubercles may be activated after several years.
The bacteria multiply rapidly, resulting in severe lung damage.
The bacteria are released from the tubercles. These bacteria can inhibit the activity of T cells
and infect other organs.
Explain why the activity of these bacteria and the inhibition of T cells means that a person may
quickly develop severe symptoms leading to death.
(Total for Question = 13 marks)
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation damages DNA and is used in microbiology to produce aseptic
The effectiveness of UV radiation was investigated, using three species of pathogenic bacteria.
The table provides information about the bacteria used in this investigation.
(i) Compare and contrast the structure of the wall of Gram positive bacteria and Gram negative
(ii) In this investigation, living bacteria of each species were exposed to UV radiation for four
The numbers of living bacteria were counted each hour during the four-hour period.
The graph shows the results of this investigation.
Calculate the percentage change in numbers of living E. coli after two hours of exposure to UV
Answer ........................................................... %
(iii) A student concluded from this investigation that if food is exposed to UV radiation, it would
remove all risk of food poisoning.
Criticise the validity of this conclusion.
(Total for question = 9 marks)
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causes an infection called Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
The virus attacks T helper cells in the body and eventually leads to death, usually as a result of
opportunistic infections.
The graph below shows changes in the T helper cell count and in the amount of viral RNA in a
person during a period from initial HIV infection to death.
(a) Calculate the percentage change in viral RNA from week two to week six.
Answer ...........................................................
(b) Analyse the data to explain the changes in the T helper cell count from initial HIV infection
until death.
(Total for question = 7 marks)
Phagocytosis is a non-specific response of the body to infection.
Explain the meaning of each of the following terms.
(i) Phagocytosis
(ii) Non-specific response
(iii) Infection
Anti-viral drugs have been developed to treat patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV).
The diagram below shows the structure of HIV.
(a) Explain how structure G enables HIV to infect human cells.
(b) Some anti-viral drugs used to treat patients infected with HIV are inhibitors of enzymes
found within HIV.
(i) Describe the structure of an enzyme.
*(ii) Suggest how these anti-viral drugs would work in the treatment of patients infected with
(Total for question = 11 marks)
The classification of viruses is based on their structure and the type of nucleic acid that they
(a) Which of the following is a reason why the influenza virus is classified as a retrovirus?
it has a capsid
it has an envelope
it contains RNA
it contains DNA
(b) Which of the following methods would be best for preventing the transmission of influenza
through a population?
take paracetamol
wear a face mask
use insect repellent
take antibiotics
(c) Explain how the influenza virus has a pathogenic effect.
(Total for question = 6 marks)
A broth culture for growing bacteria was set up.
Dilution plating was used to determine the number of live bacteria in the culture over a period of
24 hours.
The graph below shows the number of live bacteria in the culture during this 24-hour period.
(a) Which is the correct order of the phases 1 to 4 shown on the graph?
lag, log, death, stationary
lag, log, stationary, death
log, lag, death, stationary
log, lag, stationary, death
*(b) Evaluate the use of dilution plating and optical methods for determining the number of
bacterial cells in a culture.
(c) Calculate the growth rate constant (k) for phase 2 of this culture, using the formula:
Answer ...........................................................
(Total for question = 11 marks)
The human body responds to infection by viruses in a number of ways.
The non-specific response involves interferon. The specific immune response requires antigen
presentation to the cells of the immune system.
(a) Explain the importance of interferon in the body's response to infection by viruses
(b) Describe the role of antigen presentation in the body's specific immune response to infection
by viruses.
(c) There is an 'evolutionary race' between some viruses, such as HIV, and their host.
Suggest how this could affect the body's specific immune response to infection by viruses. Give
an explanation for your answer.
(Total for question = 9 marks)
Histamine and the proteins interferon and lysozyme are involved in the non-specific responses to
(a) (i) Describe how the production and action of interferon differs from the production and
action of lysozyme.
(ii) Suggest why the protein structure of lysozyme is important to the way in which it acts
against pathogens.
(b) Following a bite by an insect, the area around the bite may show signs of inflammation as
histamine is released.
(i) Explain why an insect bite, which breaks the surface of the skin, may lead to inflammation
around the injury.
(ii) In order to reduce inflammation, a cream containing antihistamines might be applied to the
skin, around an insect bite.
Suggest why applying this cream might be better than taking tablets containing antihistamines.
(Total for question = 13 marks)
Norovirus is a single-stranded RNA, non-enveloped virus.
Norovirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis.
Noroviruses can infect an animal as individual viruses or as a cluster of viruses inside a lipid
A cluster of viruses inside a lipid sphere is called a stealth sphere.
The diagram shows a stealth sphere.
(i) Animals infected with stealth spheres develop gastroenteritis very quickly and with severe
Animals infected with individual noroviruses develop gastroenteritis more slowly and with less
severe symptoms.
Analyse the information to explain these findings.
(ii) Scientists are hoping that new treatments for norovirus infections can be developed to target
the stealth sphere.
Analyse the information to explain how targeting the stealth sphere could be used to treat these
(Total for question = 5 marks)
The common cold is a disease caused by a variety of viruses.
The flow diagram below describes how common cold viruses attack the cells on the inside of the
(a) Common cold viruses infect only the cells inside the nose.
(i) Suggest why common cold viruses cannot infect cells if they land on unbroken skin.
(ii) Suggest why common cold viruses cannot infect cells if they enter the blood through a cut in
the skin.
(b) Compare the action of the RNA in the common cold virus with that found in HIV.
(c) At Stage C, three enzymes are formed.
(i) Suggest why two of these enzymes, S and T, are needed at Stage D.
(ii) Suggest how enzyme U might catalyse the breakdown of the host cell membrane at Stage E.
(Total for Question = 11 marks)
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