AIRPOLLUTION 491 tration, the direct radiative effect of increasingCO2aloneis not sufficient to explain currenttrends that showan increasein nighttime temperaturesbut not an increasein daytime highs.45The input sourcesof greenhousegasesand their sinks are not yet well described.The measurementof temperatureon a global basisis not sufficiently uniform in technique and separatedfrom local influence to separatethe "noise" of local variability from true trends. Natural changessuchas increasesin cloud cover may not have been accuratelydepicted in existing modelsof climate change. In general, projections of global warming have been based on assumptions regardingthe growth of greenhousegases.If it is assumedthat they will continue to grow exponentially, by the year 2040 the changein atmosphericconcentrationof greenhousegaseswould be the equivalentof doubling of the CO2concentrationfrom its preindustrial level. It is this doubling that leads the National ResearchCouncil to estimatea temperaturerise of 10to 5°C.46In anotherprojection of emissionsby the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change,global temperaturesare expected to rise between0.80 and 3.5°C by 2100.47Obviously, there is still considerabledisagreementabout the potential for global warming. On the other hand, the consequencesof ignoring thesetrendsare sufficiently dramatic that intensive researchwill continuein the nextdecade.Even without the risks of climate change,improvements in energy efficiency to reduce CO2 emissionsand to eliminate CFCs are justified. The expectationof damagesfrom climate changeprovides a rationale for pursuing theseprogramsvigorously. 6-7 AIR POLLUTION METEOROLOGY The AtmosphericEngine The atmosphereis somewhatlike an engine. It is continually expandingand compressinggases,exchangingheat, and generally raising chaos.The driving energy for this unwieldy machinecomesfrom the sun.The difference in heatinput between the equatorand the poles provides the initial overall circulation of the earth's atmosphere.The rotationof the earth coupled with the different heatconductivities of the oceansand land produceweather. Highs and lows. Becauseair hasmass,it alsoexertspressureonthings underit. Like water, which we intuitively understandto exertgreaterpressuresat greaterdepths,the atmosphereexertsmore pressureat the surfacethan it doesat higher elevations.The highs and lows depicted on weathermapsare simply areasof greaterand lesserpressure.The elliptical lines shownon more detailed weathermapsare lines of constant pressure,or isobars.A two-dimensionalplot of pressureanddistancethrougha highor low-pressuresystemwould appearas shownin Figure 6-11. 4SG.Kukla and T. R. Karl, "Nighttime Warming and Ihe GreenhouseEffect," Environmental Science and Technology,27, pp. 1468-1474, 1993. 46L. B. Lave and H. Dow1atabadi,"Climate Change: The Effects of Personal Beliefs and Scientific Uncertainty," Environmental Scienceand Technology,27, pp. 1962-1972, 1993. 47C&ENews. p. 20, August 28,1995. 492 INTRODUCTION TOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING I Y r .-t A A I X I p -""~=~~~"--O 2.8 102.4 102.0kPa A A X (a) Y ("E~~ \,~~~~=~~~ t B X P ~ B :::::~~~~7fO 1.2 k Pa B 100.8 100.4 X (b) FIGURE 6.11 High and low pressuresystems. The wind flows from the higher pressureareasto the lower pressureareas.On a nonrotatingplanet, the wind direction would be perpendicularto the isobars(Figure 6-12a). However, since the earth rotates, an angular thrust called the Coriolis effect is added to this motion. The resultant wind direction in the northern hemisphereis as shown in Figure 6-12b. The technical namesgiven to thesesystemsare anticyclonesfor highs and cyclonesfor lows. Anticyclones are associatedwith good weather.Cyclones are associatedwith foul weather.Tornadoesand hurricanes are the foulest of the cyclones. Wind speedis in part a function of the steepnessof the pressuresurface.When the isobarsare closetogether,the pressuregradient (slope)is said to be steepand the wind speedrelatively high. If the isobarsare well spreadout, the winds are light or nonexistent. AIRPOLLUTION 493 I r --< ~~~~~~~),,' " If ,. t \ .~ '" (a) Anticyclonewithout Coriolis effect ---<:::::~~~~~~\.:,I "'/.,1,,/ J ---"'.,1.,1 FIGURE 6-12 (b) Anticyclonewith Coriolis effect Wind flow due to pressuregradient. Thrbulence Mechanical turbulence. In its simplest terms, we may considerturbulence to be the addition of randomfluctuations of wind velocity (that is, speedand direction) to the overall averagewind velocity. Thesefluctuations are caused,in part, by the fact that the atmosphereis being sheared.The shearingresults from the fact that the wind speedis zero at the groundsurfaceand rises with elevationto nearthe speedimposed by the pressuregradient. The shearingresults in a tumbling, tearing motion as the massjust abovethe surfacefalls overthe slower moving air atthe surface.The swirls thus formed are called eddies.These small eddies feed larger ones.As you might expect, the greater the mean wind speed,the greaterthe mechanical turbulence. The more mechanicalturbulence,the easierit is to disperseand spreadatmospheric pollutants. Thermal turbulence. Like all otherthings in nature,the rather complex interaction that producesmechanical turbulence is confoundedand further complicated by a . 494 INTRODUCTIONTO ENVIRONMENTALENGINEERING third party. Heating of the ground surfacecausesturbulence in the samefashion that heatingthe bottom of a beakerfull of watercausesturbulence. At somepoint below boiling, you can see density currents rising off the bottom. Likewise, if the earth's surfaceis heated strongly and in turn heatsthe air aboveit, thermal turbulence will be generated.Indeed, the "thermals" soughtby glider pilots and hot air balloonists are thesethermal currents rising on what otherwisewould be a calm day. The conversesituationcan arise during clear nights when the ground radiates its heataway to the cold night sky. The cold ground, in turn, cools the air aboveit, causinga sinking density current. Stability The tendencyof the atmosphereto resist or enhancevertical motion is termed stability. It is related to both wind speedand the changeof air temperaturewith height (lapse rate). For our purpose,we may use the lapserate alone as an indicator of the stability condition of the atmosphere. There are three stability categories.When the atmosphereis classified as unstable,mechanicalturbulenceis enhancedby the thermal structure.A neutral atmosphereis one in which the thermal structure neitherenhancesnor resistsmechanical turbulence. When the thermal structure inhibits mechanical turbulence, the atmosphereis said to be stable. Cyclones are associatedwith unstableair. Anticyclones are associatedwith stableair. Neutral stability. The lapse rate for a neutral atmosphereis defined by the rate of temperatureincrease (or decrease)experiencedby a parcel of air that expands (or contracts) adiabatically (without the addition or loss of heat) as it is raised through the atmosphere.This rate of temperaturedecrease(dT/dz) is called the dry adiabatic lapse rate. It is designatedby the Greek letter gamma (f). It has a value of approximately -1.00°C/100 m. (Note that this is not a slope in the normal sense, that is, it is not dy/dx.) In Figure 6-13a, the dry adiabatic lapserate of a parcel of air is shownas a dashedline and the temperatureof the atmosphere(ambientlapse rate) is shown as a solid line. Since the ambient lapse rate is the same as f, the atmosphereis said to have a neutral stability. Unstable atmosphere. If the temperatureof the atmospherefalls at a rate greater than f (for example, -1.01°C/100 m), the lapse rate is said to be superadiabatic, and the atmosphereis unstable. Using Figure 6-13b, we can see that this is so. The actual lapse rate is shown by the solid line. If we capturea balloon full of polluted air at elevation A and adiabatically displace it 100 m vertically to elevationB, the temperatureof the air inside the balloon will decreasefrom 21.15° to 20.15°C. At a lapse rate of -1.25°C/100 m, the temperatureof the air outside the balloon will decreasefrom 21.15° to 19.90°C. The air inside the balloon will be warmerthan the air outside; this temperaturedifference gives the balloon buoyancy. It will behave as a hot gas and continue to rise without any further mechanicaleffort. Thus, mechanical turbulenceis enhancedand the atmosphereis unstable.If we adiabatically displace the balloon downward to elevation C, the temperatureinside the balloon I AIRPOLLUTION 495 Volume at Rest T = 20.15 400 ,/Dry '" e .-mIen ~ ~ Adiabat = r " 300 ico Same Temperature as Surroundings Displaced 100 m ~1;1t, I A b. Displaced t rd 200 LapseRate 100 1 00 C/l00 -AI~Z' = m . Ambient T = 22.15 100 m cccR)", Volume at Rest 'c"'Z~',. SameTemper.ature ,"cc" as Surroundmgs ~n 19 20 21 Temperature (OC) 22 (0) 500 400 :g ',#" -B', 300 Dry Adiabat = r ':: , "" :L"""'~ :I: 200 C Ambient Lapse Rate 19 300 -', B'" -A -DAd' ~ :I: 200 , ry -C , " " I ~ b t -r la a-", / rt -t';-Sin-k- 22 (b) Volume Displaced Upward 100 m --v Volume v ":c"v A-i~t.itSCcC ~ ~' A b' " ccCC Cc " " " ,Ambient'" ~T = -0,5 "CIl00 m -£2 19 Displaced Upward 100 m Volume Displaced Downward 100 m Ccvc",c" Ambient clli.~lill C T = 22.cCCvvv 40 Cj'CCCCCCCCC!c!"C """-""",,~ Volume Continues Ambient T = 20.65 m lent Lapse Rate 100 ' .Cooler -1.25 C/l00 m \ " " ", 20 21 Temperature (OC) 500 400 A_~l,tt... ' '" ~T -xz= ,i.~', ,<Olume / 100 ~ .E ""c".., ~ -A -§, .-, Q) C . 0 ume onhnues to Rise V I Warmer ./ Ambient i'}~'~c,,::i,'~ T = 19.90 "i:-.~'}'_B 20 21 Temperature (OC) Cooler Restored to Original Warmer !!J!i"~;,,'-:-- L eve I an d Temperature C!;"C;CCC7~'!"'... :ii:::i;c~:1t~;;}! C T = 21.65 I~. Jl Volume Displaced Downward 100 m )~ ( 22 Icl FIGURE 6-13 Lapse rateand displacedair volume. (Source:Atomic Energy Commission, Meteorologyand Atomic Energy,Washington, DC: U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, 1955.) AIRPOLLUTION 497 Plume types. The smoke trail or plume from a tall stacklocated on flat terrain has beenfound to exhibit a characteristicshapethat is dependenton the stability of the atmosphere.The six classicalplumes are shown in Figure 6-14, along with the correspondingtemperatureprofiles. In eachcase, r is given as a broken line to allow t\ Z ~ r' t;l T t Z T Lapse Condition -Weak (Looping) Lapse Condition (Coning) .., ..'. ". [~~.""'._."'.,. / Condition t ~ \ \.::"::..:.;.:.~;:::~:;;~::.' Z~ T -Inversion t ~,( " ',..' ~ T -Lapse \ r' T --Weak .."...' ..., ..,..." .."'" (Fanning) ,' '.' Below, Lapse Aloft (Lofting) "" .,.. .,. .'" .."..." Z~ . ". ,.,.' '.' ,..,' ,..,.,;' ".' ,:":,,, .,',", .',:..: . ""',,',.,",,: ' ,. .' . "'."":""::'::'::::..::"':'::"',:..:::,;:..':.::',:..:::::.~,..::.::':'. .- T -Inversion t Z ,..' ';:'::t,.i..;.'..'~.;.;~:.~i-.; ..:.,.i..':':..'::.':.;.:( ."..::::':.:::,.' ,:.,.,.."',.! 1: ,',;."".'.."(,.".: ..,' ".:"!'(~i;~~';~;.'~';;~i;:l:::'\::;:.',:::~::'~~..,,::.,'i' --Strong \ r' t ~~\ Z Wind '.,..' '..., "". ..::'~.:.:':;~:'::.:...'. Below, Inversion Aloft (Fumigation) ...'.' ...' '..'.,".' ".,.,:.;,;,.~.,.:".:'."".:"'.""...',;" '. .,., ...' ..'" " , : ::..:: ::..;:.::..:::: Lapse Below, Inversion Aloft (Trapping) FIGURE 6-14 Six typesof plumebehavior.(Source:P.E. Church,"Dilution of WasteStackGasesin the Atmosphere,"lndustrial EngineeringChemistry, vol. 41,pp. 3753-3756,1949.) 498 INTRODUCTIONTO ENVIRONMENTALENGINEERING comparisonwith the actual lapse rate, which is given as a solid line. In the bottom three cases,particular attentionshouldbe given to the location of the inflection point with respectto the top of the stack. Terrain Effects Heat islands. A heat island results from a mass of material, either natural or anthropogenic, that absorbsand reradiatesheat at a greaterrate than the surrounding area.This causesmoderateto strongvertical convectioncurrents abovethe heatisland. The effect is superimposedon the prevailing meteorologicalconditions. It is nullified by strong winds. Large industrial complexesand small to large cities are examplesof places that would have a heatisland. Becauseof the heatisland effect, atmosphericstability will be less over a city than it is over the surroundingcountryside.Dependinguponthe location of the pollutant sources,this can be either good news or bad news. First, the good news: For ground level sourcessuch as automobiles,the bowl of unstable air that forms will allow a greaterair volume for dilution of the pollutants. Now the bad news: Under stableconditions,plumes from tall stackswould be carried out over the countryside without increasing ground level pollutant concentrations.Unfortunately, the instability causedby the heatisland mixes theseplumes to the ground level. Land/sea breezes. Under a stagnatinganticyclone,a stronglocal circulation pattern may developacrossthe shoreline of large water bodies. During the night, the land coolsmore rapidly than the water.The relatively coolerair overthe land flows toward the water (a land breeze,Figure 6-15). During the morning the land heatsfasterthan water. The air over the land becomesrelatively warm and begins to rise. The rising air is replaced by air from over the water body (a sea or lake breeze,Figure 6-16). FIGURE 6-15 Landbreezeduringthenight. AIRPOLLUTION 499 ~--,.. / WamIAir overLand Rises " \ ~ -A \ '" 1/ -0/ I ) Air '" Lake Breeze WamI ~-,-' ~ '.":-'~ /' --,( --~ ~- ~\ "" \."\\ ~""' FIGURE 6-16 Lake breezeduring the day. The effect of the lake breezeon stability is to imposea surface-basedinversion on the temperatureprofile. As the air moves from the water over the warm ground, it is heated from below. Thus, for stack plumes originating near the shoreline,the stablelapserate causesa fanning plume close to the stack(Figure 6-17). The lapse condition grows to the height of the stack as the air moves inland. At some point inland, a fumigation plume results. Valleys. When the general circulation imposesmoderateto strong winds, valleys that are oriented at an acuteangle to the wind direction channelthe wind. The valley z~ zLL T T -u Several km Fumigation " :'.-".:';::':...,:..~t:;!.;:::;,;,:~,," ;:: ,:,:,:;:::,.::..,.:::: :",.;.:,;".';-":'::-:"'.;;:.'Y;" ."" , ,.' :.::... ..~.'.::::~j,::,:. FIGURE 6-17 Effectof lakebreezeonplumedispersion. Fanmng 500 INTRODUCnON TO ENVIRONMENTALENGINEERING effectively peelsoff part of the wind and forces it to follow the direction of the valley floor. Under a stagnatinganticyclone, the valley will set up its own circulation. Warming of the valley walls will causethe valley air to be wanned. It will become more buoyant and flow up the valley. At night the cooling processwill causethe wind to flow down the valley. Valleys oriented in the north-southdirection aremore susceptibleto inversions than level terrain. The valley walls protect the floor from radiative heating by the sun. Yet the walls and floor are free to radiate heat awayto the cold night sky. Thus, underweak winds, the ground cannotheatthe air rapidly enoughduring the day to dissipatethe inversion that formed during the night. 6-8 ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION Factors Affecting Dispersion of Air Pollutants This discussionfollows the training documentsof the Texas Air Quality Control Board. The factors that affect the transport, dilution, and dispersionof air pollutants can generallybe categorizedin terms of the emissionpoint characteristics,the nature of the pollutantmaterial, meteorologicalconditions,andeffects of terrainand anthropogenicstructures.We havediscussedall of theseexceptthe sourceconditions.Now we wish to integrate the first and third factors to describethe qualitative aspectsof calculating pollutant concentrations.We shall follow this with a simple quantitative model for a point source.More complex models for point sources(in rough terrain, in industrial settings,or for long time periods),areasources,and mobile sourcesare left for more advancedtexts. Source characteristics. Most industrial effluents are dischargedvertically into the open air through a stack or duct. As the contaminatedgas stream leaves the dischargepoint, the plume tendsto expandand mix with the ambientair. Horizontal air movement will tend to bend the dischargeplume toward the downwind direction. At some point between300 and 3,000 m downwind, the effluent plume will level off. While the effluent plume is rising, bending, and beginningto move in a horizontal direction, the gaseouseffluents are being diluted by the ambientair surrounding the plume. As the contaminatedgasesare diluted by larger and larger volumes of ambientair, they are eventually dispersedtoward the ground. The plume rise is affected by both the upward inertia of the dischargegas streamand by its buoyancy.The vertical inertia is relatedto the exit gas velocity and mass.The plume's buoyancyis related to the exit gasmassrelative to the surrounding air mass.Increasingthe exit velocity or the exit gas temperaturewill generally increasethe plume rise. The plume rise, togetherwith the physical stackheight, is called the effectivestack height. The additional rise of the plume abovethe dischargepoint as the plume bends and levels off is a factor in the resultant downwind ground level concentrations. The higher the plume rises initially, the greater distance there is for diluting the contaminatedgasesas they expand and mix downward. AIRPOLLUTION 501 For a specific dischargeheight and a specific set of plume dilution conditions, the ground level concentrationis proportional to the amount of contaminantmaterials dischargedfrom the stack outlet for a specific period of time. Thus, when all otherconditionsare constant,an increasein the pollutant dischargerate will causea proportional increasein the downwind ground level concentrations. Downwind distance. The greaterthe distancebetweenthe point of dischargeand a ground level receptordownwind, the greater will be the volume of air available for diluting the contaminantdischargebefore it reachesthe receptor. Wind speed and direction. The wind direction determinesthe direction in which the contaminatedgas streamwill move acrosslocal terrain. Wind speedaffects the plume rise and the rate of mixing or dilution of the contaminatedgasesas they leave the dischargepoint. An increasein wind speedwill decreasethe plume rise by bending the plume over more rapidly. The decreasein plume rise tends to increasethe pollutant's ground level concentration.On the other hand, an increasein wind speed will increasethe rate of dilution of the effluent plume, tending to lower the downwind concentrations.Under different conditions, one or the other of the two wind speedeffects becomesthe predominanteffect. Theseeffects, in turn, affect the distance downwind of the source at which the maximum ground level concentration will occur. Stability. The turbulence of the atmospherefollows no other factor in power of dilution. The more unstablethe atmosphere,the greaterthe diluting power.Inversions that are not ground based,but begin at someheight abovethe stackexit, act as a lid to restrict vertical dilution. Dispersion Modeling General considerations and use of models. A dispersionmodelis a mathematical descriptionof the meteorologicaltransportand dispersionprocessthatis quantified in terms of sourceand meteorologicparametersduring a particular time. The resultant numerical calculations yield estimatesof concentrationsof the particular pollutant for specific locations and times. To verify the numerical results of such a model, actual measuredconcentrations of the particular atmosphericpollutant mustbe obtainedand comparedwith the calculatedvalues by meansof statistical techniques.The meteorologicalparameters required for use of the models include wind direction, wind speed,and atmospheric stability. In somemodels,provisions may be made for including lapserate and vertical mixing height. Most models will require data aboutthe physical stackheight, the diameterof the stack at the emissiondischargepoint, the exit gas temperature and velocity, and the massrate of emissionof pollutants. Models are usually classified as either short-term or climatological models. Short-term models are generally used under the following circumstances:(1) to estimate ambient concentrationswhere it is impractical to sample, such as over rivers or lakes, or at great distancesabove the ground; (2) to estimatethe required r:e. 502 emergency '""000=0' source ro reductions BNvmONMBNTAL associated with pollution episode high, for alert short-term, the location of air of time day for aid season developing models in Basic point equation the bulent diffusion stream in Gaussian gas or stream is equal the of (u). level is mirror The model totally at an angle. suming a virtual level, the source real the locations of over at particular the effluent a long times models are only with into of the used as an short-term The for the same with general idea equations, is such can as level that the wind ground striking for with source be used limiting light -H same the that assumes accounted of the by reaches of tur- contaminated to that a beam at a distance plume described the model material into that contaminated proportional like layer ground The reflection located be above rise. pollutant the that inversely ground imaginary modeled. conditions plume atmosphere this of can at a distance diffusion the assumes dilution assumes is Gaussian model direction the that source an the further plume the basic throughout The vertical plus assumes back The hence atmosphere height emitting being air evaluation concentrations uniform discharged. model stack or imaginary layer and Mathematically, and under selection be concerned is and The also reflected ground boundary of probable exist model. is activity into dilution most Long-term will stability horizontal physical mean time. We stream equation. released the degree the stagnations of a site that dispersion a random both air application. gas normal is to speed is of standards. atmospheric contaminated the as part to estimate period Gaussian that to estimate concentrations a long simple source used mean over most assumes which gas are emissions their (3) of equipment. models or to estimate each for and concentrations monitoring Climatological period conditions; ground-level periods a by as- respect to strength as to establish horizontal other or vertical mixing. The model. Turner.48 nates The We have It gives x and standard nated by ward distance the selected ground y) downwind deviation Sy and the level from a stack of the 'plume Sz, respectively. from the source model The and equation concentration with in the an stability of form pollutant effective horizontal standard the in the (x) height and deviations vertical are of the presented by at a point (H) (Figure directions functions atmosphere. B. 6-18). is desig- of the The D. (coordi- down- equation is as follows: X(x,y,O,H) = [~][exp[ -~(* )2]] [exp [ -~ (~)2]] (6-19) 48D.Bruce Turner, Workbook ofAtmospheric Dispersion Estimates(U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Center for Air Pollution Control, Publication No. 999-AP-28), Washington,DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, p. 6, 1967. (Note: Turner provides guidelines on the accuracy of this model. It is an estimating tool and not a definitive model to be used indiscriminately.) - AIRPOLLUTION 503 where X(x,y,O,H) = downwindconcentration atgroundlevel,g/m3 E = emissionrateof pollutant,glS Sy'Sz= plumestandarddeviations,m u = wind speed,m/s x, y, z, andH = distances,m exp = exponential e suchthattermsin bracketsimmediatelyfollowingarepowersof e, thatis, e[] wheree = 2.7182 The valuefor the effectivestackheightis the sumof the physicalstackheight(h) andtheplumerise 6.H: H = h + 6.H (6-20) 6.H maybe computedfromHolland'sformulaasfollows:49 6.H = ~ [1.5 + (2.68 X 10-2(P)(¥)d)] (6-21) z x (x. -yo z) (x. -y, 0) FIGURE 6-18 Plume dispersioncoordinatesystem. [Source: D. Bruce Turner, Workbook ofAtmospheric Dispersion Estimates (U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service,National Center for Air Pollution Control, Publication No. 999-AP-26), Washington,DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967.] 49J.Z. Holland, A Meteorological Survey ofthe Oak Ridge Area (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ReportNo. ORO-99), Washington,DC: U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, p. 540,1953. ~ , 504 INTRODUCTIONTO ENVIRONMENTALENGINEERING where Us= d = u = P = Ts = Ta = stackvelocity, m/s stackdiameter, m wind speed,m/s pressure,kPa stacktemperature,K air temperature,K The values of Syand Szdependupon the turbulent structure or stability of the atmosphere.Figures 6-19 and 6-20 provide graphical relationships betweenthe down10,0 5,00 2,00 1,000 5 ~ 20 e " -150 t/) 1 50 20 15 10 .- 5 4 - 3 2 3 4 Distance Downwind 5 20 100 [kIn) FIGURE 6.19 Horizontal dispersion coefficient. [Source: Turner, Workbook ofAtmospheric Dispersion Estimates (U,S. Departmentof Health, EducationandWelfare; Public Health Service,National Centerfor Air Pollution Control, PublicationNo. 999-AP-28), Washington,DC: U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, 1967.J ~ , AIRPOLLUTION 505 5,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 50 40 30 2 10 :g- o C/) 5 40 30 20 ./ 1 4 3 1, ..2.3 .4 .10 20 Distance Downwind (km) FIGURE 6-20 Vertical dispersioncoefficient. (Source: Turner, Workbook ofAtmospheric Dispersion Estimates.) wind distance x in kilometers and values of sy and sz in meters.The curves on the two figures are labeled "A" through "F." The label "A" refers to very unstableatmospheric conditions, "B" to unstableatmosphericconditions,"c" to slightly unstableC conditions,"D" to stableoonwtions, "E" to stableatmosphericconditions, 506 INTRODUCTIONTO ENVIRONMENTALENGINEERING TABLE 6-6 Key to stability categories Day" Incoming solar radiation Night" Surface wind speed (at 10 m) (m/s) Strong Moderate Slight Thinly overcast or ~ 4/8 Low cloud ~ 3/8 Cloud <2 2-3 3-5 5-6 >6 A A-B B C C A-B B B-C C-D D B C C D D E D D D F E D D a The neutral class, D, should be assumedfor overcastconditions during day or night. Note that "thinly overcast" is not equivalent to "overcast." Notes: Class A is the most unstable and class F is the most stable class consideredhere. Night refers to the period from one hour before sunsetto one hour after sunrise. Note that the neutral class, D, can be assumedfor overcast conditions during day or night, regardlessof wind speed. "Strong" incoming solar radiation correspondsto a solar altitude greater than 6()° with clear skies; "slight" insolation correspondsto a solar altitude from 150to 350 with clear skies. Table 170, Solar Altitude and Azimuth, in the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables,can be used in determining solarradiation. Incoming radiation that would be strong with clear skies can be expectedto be reduced to moderatewith broken (5/8 to 7/8 cloud cover) middle clouds and to slight with broken low clouds. Source: D. Bruce Turner, Workbook ofAtmospheric Dispersion Estimates. and "F' to very stable atmosphericconditions. Each of these stability parameters representsan averagingtime of approximately3 to 15 min. Other averagingtimes may be approximatedby multiplying by empirical constants, for example, 0.36 for 24 hours. Turner presenteda table and discussionthat allows an estimate of stability basedon wind speedand the conditions of solar radiation. This is given in Table 6-6. For computer solutions of the dispersionmodel, it is convenientto have an algorithmto expressthe stability classlines in Figures6-19 and6-20. D. O. Martin50 TABLE 6-7 Values of a, c, d, and! for calculating Syand Sz x~lkm Stability class a A B C D E F 213 156 104 68 50.5 34 cd/ 440.8 100.6 61 33.2 22.8 14.35 x~lkm cd/ 1.941 9.27 1.149 3.3 0.911 0 0.725 -1.7 0.678 -1.3 0.74 -0.35 459.7 108.2 61 44.5 55.4 62.6 2.094 -9.6 1.098 2 0.911 0 0.516 -13 0.305 -34 0.18 -48.6 Source:D. O. Martin. soD.O. Martin, Comment on the Change of ConcentrationStandardDeviations with Distance,Journal o/the Air PollutionControlAssociation, 26,pp. 145-146,1976.