ART OF PITCHING Ahmed Nafie, September 2020 ➢ 3-5 min Pitch with slides ➢ 1 Minute Elevator Pitch ➢ 1 sentence Pitch PITCHING TYPES ➢ 10-20 min. Investor Pitch with slides is developing (a product/service) to help (a targeted customer) (solve a problem) (with my secret sauce) PITCHING OBJECTIVE My company,(Company name) Channels: What is the problem you are trying to How you will reach your target market solve Solution: Competitors: What is your Value Proposition What is your competitive advantage Technology: Team: Know-How, Proof of Concept, Product What are the competencies that you Demo have/need Revenue Model: Cost Structure: How you will make money How you will face your cost challenges Target Segment: Financials: The attractiveness of your target The Investment you need and the market expected ROI PITCHING CONTENT Pain/Gain: ➢ Tell a memorable story - this adds consistency: one message, one story. ➢ Show evidence - do not just tell people about your product, instead show them how it works. ➢ Manage your time - you only have few minutes! Practice with a stop watch in front of a mirror and/or with family and friends. ➢ Kill the geek speak - use simple language instead of technical jargon. Your pitch should be understood by the non experts too! ➢ Change up the tone of your voice: one tone will put the audience to sleep. PRESENTATION TIPS ➢ Hook your audience early - grab your audience’s attention, get them curious and interested at the first instance. will either focus on you or your slides at any point. ➢Be consistent - make sure the font and fo r m at i s co n s i ste nt t h ro u g h o ut t h e presentation. Changing font size or making words bold draws attention, so make sure you use that appropriately. FORMATTING TIPS ➢Do not overload your slides - the audience COMPANY NAME [Slogan ] INTRODUCTION 00:00:30 The Problem The Solution The Technology MARKET Target Market Customers BUSINESS 00:04:00 Revenue Model Strategy COMPETITION 00:05:30 Competition TEAM 00:06:30 Management Team FINANCIALS 00:07:30 Financials Capital Needs Summary 00:09:30 00:10:00 OF YOUR PITCH 00:02:30 ANATOMY Elevator pitch 00:00:00 ➢ Introduction of yourself and business ➢ Positioning of your business in the investors’ minds – you want your audience to say “Tell me more!” ➢ Describe your value proposition in one sentence Who are you? What problem is your business solving? Who is it for? How does your product solve the problem? and What makes you remarkable? ➢ Keep it Short, Simple & Memorable. Examples are: ➢ Personal: Start your presentation with how you came up with the idea. ➢ Problem: tell a story about a person in pain and make sure that your audience identify with that person quickly. ELEVATOR PITCH ➢ The first 30 seconds of your presentation ➢Who is affected? How many? How do you know? Give stats, examples, research…etc ➢How is the market affected? In terms of profit/loss, market share, time…etc THE PROBLEM ➢What is the market problem (pain) you are trying to solve? (make the problem obvious) ➢Why is your solution a must have? ➢What is unique about your solution? ➢What is exceptional value do you add to your customer? Have at least three top benefits your customers get when the problem is solved – this could be in terms of revenues, expenses, market share, and/or time. THE SOLUTION ➢What is your solution to the problem? ➢Where do you fit into the existing market ecosystem? ➢Demo or show something compelling! Stay away from jargon, boil it down to simple elements and terms. THE TECHNOLOGY ➢In simple terms, what produces your claimed benefits? ➢What is your target market and segments? ➢How fast is this market growing? ➢How much is this market worth? ➢How will you first target it? ➢Show evidence that you can dominate your target market evidence that you can dominate your target market TARGET MARKET ➢What is the total addressable market? (data) ➢Who are your potential customers? ➢What are your customers’ needs? ➢How you will get your first customer ➢If you have actual customers, compile their logos on this slide, and the revenue number next to each, if possible. CUSTOMERS ➢Who are your current customers? ➢ What are your revenue channels? ➢ What is the price of your product? ➢ How did you come up with the price? ➢ What is the cost to make your product? ➢ How are you going to be profitable? ➢ How will your business scale? ➢ Include real and believable metrics that support your model. BUSINESS MODEL ➢ How does your customer buy your product? ➢ Who are the decision markers and influencers of your customers? ➢ SALES STRATEGY ➢ Demonstrate knowledge of buyers’ process AND ➢ What is your sales, marketing and distribution strategy? MARKETING ➢ How will you reach your customers? ➢ Describe the competitive landscape and explain where do you fit in? Price, Quality, Convenience, Technology, Brand….etc ➢ Benefits reflect the market requirements, not just your product features. ➢ What are unique selling points an d competitive advantage? Benefit 1 My Company Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Benefit 2 Benefit 3 Benefit 4 … COMPETITION ➢ Who are your direct and indirect competition? ➢ Be brief in your explanation, do not explain what each person does in the company! MANAGEMENT TEAM ➢ Who are in the management team and what are their experiences? Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 …. Revenues Cost of Sales Gross profit Expenses EBITDA 150 113 75 38 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Profit Revenues Year 4 FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS (Currency) ➢ How much investment are you seeking? ➢ Where will the money be put into use? ➢ How long will the money last? ➢ What have you already achieved and what will you achieve with this money? ➢ What is your exit strategy? You should map the funding against your key milestones CAPITAL NEEDS ➢ Mention prior funding. SUMMARY What are the 3 points/strengths yo u want the au dience to remember you when you leave the room? THANK YOU! Questions ? BACKUP SLIDES