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Python Invasion! Analysis: Burmese Pythons in Florida

E’leeya Richard
English 8 Honors
4th Period
Python Invasion!
Did you know that the Burmese python, initially intended to be kept as a house pet,
is an invasive species? “Python Invasion!” by Leigh Driver is an expository text that
addresses the problems caused by Burmese pythons as well as solutions to these problems.
The issues with Burmese pythons began when people discovered they were hard to manage
as pets, so people started releasing the pythons into the wild. According to the text, “But
they are also massive hunters—among the largest top six snakes in the world—and they
pose a danger to people, other animals, and the environment.”
The text states, “Releasing animals into an environment where they do not belong
affects that environment and the species within it.” A problem caused by Burmese pythons
is that the species negatively affect the environment’s food cycle. Burmese pythons
also pose a risk to the existence of other populations of animals. Another issue caused by
Burmese pythons is that the species is capable of inflicting critical injuries on people.
According to the text, “A python can eat an animal as large as a full-grown deer, and it is
extremely difficult to control the powerful creature.”
The text states, “Scientists and citizens have become more and more worried about
the “invasion” of the Burmese python into the Florida wild.” Two solutions to the problems
caused by Burmese pythons are prohibiting snakes from being imported or making Burmese
pythons an animal you cannot legally own as a pet. Another solution is to exterminate the
Burmese pythons inhabiting the Everglades. However, no legislation thus far has been