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Personality Development: Self-Esteem, Attitude, & Style

It’s All About
Factors That Made You What
You Are Now
1. Where are you from?
- city or small town
2. What happen to you in the past?
- the way you respond to your family
- how do your friends and classmates look at
Personality: Definition and its
Personality – the sum total of the qualities
and characteristics of a person as shown in his
manner of walking, talking, dressing and her
attitudes, interests and ways of reacting to other
Components of Personality
1. Physical – this includes the mode of dressing, manner of
walking, posture, body build, health, complexion, and facial
2. Intellectual – how a person talks and what she talks about is
what matters in the intellectual component of personality. He
must develop his intellect or brain.
3. Social – good manner and to get along well with others.
4. Emotional – a person’s likes or dislikes. Whether she is
outgoing or shy, whether she is calm or nervous, and whether
she loses her temper easily.
5. Value System – this includes a person’s attitudes, values,
beliefs and philosophy in life. It is referred to as CHARACTER.
How Personality is Revealed
1. Crisis Situation reveal the real personality.
2. Boy-meets-girl situation first impression is
usually based on appearance.
3. Social Situation
Personality Differences
1. Our Heredity
2. The Environment
3. Our Experiences
How do you feel about yourself? Do you have
healthy, positive level of self-esteem?
1- rarely
2- sometimes
3- often
4- frequently
a. I don’t like going to work (to school).
b. I am easily bored.
c. I cannot communicate easily with others.
d. I don’t perform my job (or class work) up to par.
e. I get into conflicts with others.
f. I think my friends consider me a failure.
g. I am late or fail to show up for appointments too often.
h. I am not conscientious about my grooming and appearance.
i. I have unattractive physical characteristics.
j. I don’t concentrate on anything for very long.
k. I work hard but accomplish little.
l. I am forgetful.
m. I give up when I can’t get something right the first time.
n. I lack energy and enthusiasm
5- usually
you are doing well.
you are okay if you continue to
your self-esteem.
you need to do some serious selfesteem
you appear to have very low selfesteem. Ask someone you trust and who
cares about you to help you as you
work to improve your self-esteem.
“The greatest discovery of my
generation is that a human
being can alter his life by
altering his attitude.”
- William James
The Iceberg
How much do
you see of an
The Iceberg
Only 10% of any
iceberg is visible,
the remaining
90% is below sea
The Iceberg
ØAttitude is a hypothetical construction
that represents an individual’s degree of
like or dislike for an item.
ØAttitude are generally positive or
negative views of a person, place, things,
or event this is often referred to as the
attitude object.
Components of Attitudes:
Tripartite View
Components of Attitudes:
- opinion or beliefs about attitude object
(pos & neg)
- emotions and feelings the object triggers
(pos and neg)
- reaction toward the object (pos and neg)
Attitude Object: Employee
My pay is low.
My supervisor is unfair
I am angry over how little I’m paid
I dislike my supervisor
I am going to look for another job
that pays better
I am looking for another job
Functions of Attitudes
1. Value-expressive function
- enable us to express who we are and what we believe in
2. Ego-defensive function
- enable us to protect internally-held conflicts unto others,
means protecting self-esteem (homophobia)
3. Knowledge function
- enable us to know the world
4. Utilitarian/Instrumental function
- enable us to gain rewards and avoid punishment
Do Attitude cause
Answer: Not very well
Attitude have a stronger affect on behavior if
they are:
- important
- specific
- accessible
- social pressure reinforces the attitude
- you have experience with the attitude
Attitude and Behavior
The Choice is YOURS!
With a bad Attitude you can never have a positive day!
With a positive attitude you can never have a bad day!
“Things are the way you think they are,
because you think they are that way.”
What would your perception be if you saw
the individuals described below?
Self Image
ØSelf-image is how you view yourself, your
characteristics and abilities.
ØIt is the value you place on yourself and how
worthy you feel.
ØSelf-image is influenced by your self-esteem
and your body image.
Factors that Affects One’s Self-Image
q Peers
q Friends
q Mentors
q Parents
q Teachers
q Media
q Television
q Movies
q Magazines
q Successes
q Failures
Women in the Media
§ Women are used much more than men
§ Media teaches women to measure themselves in
terms of physical appearance
§ Standards of beauty are unattainanable for most
§ Media uses young females who are on strict diets or
starving to portray the image of beauty
§ Young women see models in the media and feel the
need to look like them to be attractive.
The way we see ourselves
The way we feel about ourselves
Belief about our ability to do something
The Basic Wardrobe
- is for protection, comfort, modesty, and
enhancement of your beauty.
- it is a statement of individuality, status,
Guideline to avoid expensive or
embarrassing mistakes while
developing your personal style.
Appropriateness above all
A sense of propriety, dictated by the occasion and the
“Fashion is serious. What you wear
reveals a significant message about you
and your world”.
Forming that impression and making
decision concerning the following
1. Economic level
-Is he rich or poor? Is he working or unemployed?
2. Educational level
- Is he a high school or college graduate? May be
he is an attorney or doctor?
3. Social position
- Does he live in one of the villages? Does he
belong to the upper socio-economic level or the
lower level?
4. Level of sophistication
- Is he the party-hopping type, or probably he is the
“provinciano” type.
5. Family background
- Are they known by their family names or not.
6. Successfulness
- is he successful? Does he have a car, a house and lot? Is
he important in his company?
7. Moral character
- does he look honest?
Assembling A Basic Wardrobe
1. Clean up your closet
- start with a pile of “if only” items.
- next discard items you have not worn in a
year or so.
- next step is to arrange everything that is
- donate the ones you have removed.
Steps on how your closet should be:
a. Hang together everything that goes together.
b. Arrange blouses from the lightest shades to
darkest. The same goes for skirts, pants, and
finally dresses.
c. Keep evening wear separate.
2. Know your figure
- look yourself over in front of a full-length mirror.
3. Shop wisely … and well
- you should also take your budget into
Rules for Accessories
1. Moderation is the key. Never over decorate your
2. Your Accessories should be appropriate to the
occasion, your age, and to the company in which they
are worn.
3. Be certain that you do not rattle when you move
because of an arm loaded with too many bracelets.
4. Day and night call different accessories. So do city and
country occasions.
5. Avoid pretension, especially the wearing of expensive
jewelry in groups where others do not have or do not
wear it.
Law of Proportion
The laws of Proportion
- those fashion rules that camouflage the poor lines
of your figure and accentuate the good.
1. An unbroken line appears longer. Horizontal lines
make you appear shorter and add breadth to your
2. Height gives the illusion of slenderness
3. Light colors add weight
4. Dramatize your good points. Select clothing to “show
off” your assets.
The Accessories
1. Belt – wide belts are not for short persons
2. Shoes – Avoid spiky heels, wooden clogs, ankle
straps for the office. The most Appropriate style
is the closed pumps style.
3. Hosiery – stockings are a must for the ladyexecutive. If you have larger legs, use a darker
shade than if you had thin legs.
4. Bags – It should match the color of your shoes,
more or less. It should not hit below the waist in
the hip area
Determine Your Face Shape
ü Oval
- Those of you with oval faces will have a
forehead that is just slightly wider than your chin
– think of the shape of an egg if you placed it
upside down. Your jaw line will be a bit rounded
and your face will be longer than it is wide.
ü Square
- If you have a square face, the sides of your
face will be straight and your face will be nearly
as wide as it is long. Your jaw line is defined,
with only a minimal curve.
- People sometimes associate round faces
with “chubby cheeks”, but that isn’t always
the case. If you have a round face, your
cheekbones are just the widest part of your
face and your jaw will be curved. Think of a
square face, but with softer angles.
- A person with a heart-shaped face will have
a long and pointed jaw line, with the chin
being the smallest point of their
face. Imagine a triangle flipped upside down
on one point.
ü Oblong
- Oblong faces, or “rectangular” as it is
sometimes called, are similar to oval and
square-shaped faces. The only difference is,
the face is longer and less wide. Your forehead,
cheeks and jaw line should all be pretty much
the same width.
ü Diamond: If you have a diamond-shaped face,
your chin will be narrow and pointed and your
high cheekbones will be your most prominent
feature (lucky ladies!). The difference between
diamond-shaped faces and heart-shaped faces
is the hairline – those with diamond-shaped
faces will have a narrower hairline.
How to Apply Makeup According
to Your Face Shape
• Put on lip makeup. Round Face: Put on a ruby red
lipstick or shiny dark pink lip gloss. This will make your
face appear more bold, and not too rounded.
• Heart-shaped face/Oval: Since heart-shaped and ovalshaped faces have high cheek bones and a narrowed
chin, add a soft color like rose on the upper lip, and a
bold shade like cherry on the bottom lip. This will focus
more boldness to the bottom part of the face, evening
out the top part and bottom part of the face.
• Square Face: If you have a square face, the jaw will
appear larger than the forehead. Avoid dark shades and
use light colors like a soft orange shade, or a pale pink,
but not light as in neon, like hot pink, this will add more
focus to the lower part of the face.
• Apply Lip liner. Round Face: Put a small
amount of liner to the sides of the lips, giving
your face a less rounded look, but more straight
around the edges.
• Heart-shaped face/Oval: Apply a little more lip
liner on the bottom than the top, evening out
your face.
• Square Face: Softly apply a wide but light
border of liner on the edge of your lips, making it
look like a shadow. This will make the edges of
your face appear softer, and not as square.
• Put on blush. Round Face: Put on a good amount of
blush, preferably a fairly dark shade, again, this will
give your face a more bold look. Just be sure not to
apply too much blush, or you'll look like you got a bad
sunburn, and this won't look good.
• Heart-shaped Face/Oval: Avoid too much blush, you
don't want to much makeup on the area where your
cheeks are, remember, heart-shaped faces already
high cheekbones. Just apply a light amount of a soft
pink blush on your face. If you already have rosy
cheeks, you probably don't need blush.
• Square Face: Put on a fair amount of blush in circular
motions with a medium-sized brush. If you have fair
skin, avoid putting on a bright shade of pink, you want
your skin tone to look even.
• Now, it's time for eye makeup. Start with
eye shadow. Round Face: Put on a dark
purple shade of eye shadow.
• Heart-Shaped Face/Oval: Apply soft colors of
eye shadow, like pale pink, mint green, or
sky blue.
• Square Face: Put on unique colors like
scarlet, periwinkle, and lavender. Remember,
a square face is unique and different, so
unique colors of eye shadow will bring out
your facial features, especially your eyes.
• Now, simply put on black mascara, or
whichever shade you feel comfortable
with. Whatever face shape you have, a nice
amount of mascara will bring out your eyes,
making your eyelashes appear longer and
bolder. If you have a heart shaped face don't
put to much eyeliner on because this will
make the shadows under your eyes more
Changing Your Hairstyle for Men
• Determine your facial shape. It's generally
understood that not every hairstyle will look
good on everyone. This largely has to do with
facial shape and features. A useful way to
find your facial shape is to stand in front of a
mirror and mark the outline of your face (not
including your hair or ears) using a bar of
soap or makeup pencil. You should be able to
see a definitive shape.
Choose a style that complements your facial shape. Once you
have determined your face shape, try to find a hairstyle that suits
the shape. This may require patience, as you may find that you
need to grow your hair longer in order to style it appropriately.
Here are suggestions for styles based on your face shape:
• Oval face: Choose almost any hairstyle, but bangs or fringe will
make your face appear rounder.
• Square face: Choose a softer style around your hairline. Short,
tight hairstyles will play up your sharp features. Avoid parting your
hair in the center.
• Oblong face: Choose a balanced style. Short sides and a long
top will make your face look even longer. Keeping some hair
styled onto your face can help balance your facial length.
• Round face: Avoid sharp bangs or lots of
hair swept onto the face.
• Diamond-shaped face: You may want to
choose longer hairstyles. Avoid sharp
haircuts near the ears and straight hair.
• Heart-shaped face: Choose longer hair.
Facial hair, such as a beard, mustache, or
goatee, will also help balance the lower part
of your face.
• Triangular face: Choose a style that adds
width and volume at the top.Keeping your
hair wavy or curly is a good way to add the
• Figure out your hair type. Is your hair wavy,
straight, textured, or curly? Is it fine, medium,
or thick? Certain hairstyles will work better
with your hair's natural tendencies and can
make styling easier.
Pick a hairstyle that matches your hair type. While some of these styles work
with any hair texture, most work best with a specific hair type. Evaluate what your
hair naturally tends to do and find a hairstyle that complements those tendencies.
If you have straight hair of any consistency, consider choosing the Prohibition
High-and-Tight, let it grow out (as long as it isn't fine), flow and comb it, or crop it.
– The Prohibition High-and-Tight features very short sides while fading hair
shorter into your nape and sideburns. The top should be a little longer, about
an inch and a half. To style, use a gel to keep the top combed into place.
Don't choose this look if you have wavy or curly hair.
– To let your hair grow out for a messy look, simply let your hair grow past your
shoulders. Styling is simple, just towel dry your hair and apply a little texture
– The flow and comb starts with a square cut, but is longer on the sides and the
top. Apply a mousse to your wet hair, then comb the hair back. Avoid this if
you have curly hair.
– Cropped hair is essentially cut short evenly across the sides and the top. You
don't really need styling products with this low-maintenance cut.
• If you have curly or wavy hair, consider choosing a
pompadour, let it grow out, or crop it. The pompadour is
simply a classic haircut. The blended cut should be done to a
ratio of 2 to 1, top to sides. This basically means that you
should leave the sides shorter than the top, but not drastically
shorter. Style with a pomade and comb the top into place.
Avoid this look if you have very fine, straight, or thin hair.
• To let your hair grow out for a messy look, simply let your hair
grow past your shoulders. Styling is simple, just towel dry
your hair and apply a little texture cream. For more of a bedhead look, ask your stylist to add texture and style with a hair
• Cropped hair is essentially cut short evenly across the sides
and the top. You don't really need styling products with this
low-maintenance cut.
• If you have a receding hairline, just keep your hair short. If
you're feeling adventurous, you could shave everything off
• Try a variety of styles. There is
no hard and fast rule about
hairstyle. While these suggestions
may help, you should ultimately
find a style that makes you feel
comfortable and like yourself.
Don’t be afraid to try out different
styles every month or so until you
find one that you really like.
• Choose a sideburn length. The average length of
classic sideburns is the middle point of your ear, but
this can be adjusted according to your facial features
and head shape. Whatever length you choose, the
sideburns should match your hairstyle. So, if you have
short hair, the sideburns should be kept short and well
trimmed. Sideburns can be longer and thicker with a
longer, looser hairstyle. Longer sideburns can actually
make your face look narrower, while sideburns that
are shorter than mid-ear length can have the opposite
effect. Typically, shorter sideburns work well with
longer faces, while longer sideburns can elongate
shorter faces.