Uploaded by Keaton Korf

Telomeres, Aging, and Cancer: An Overview

Aging is an important part of life and you can’t predict what will
and can happen, telomeres help reduce your lifespan. The
telomere is an important stage of the chromosome process and
when it occurs, it stops the growing and separation of the
chromosome. If the telomere doesn’t perform its function you can
get cancer due to uncontrolled cell production. Telomeres have a
nice factor to them: they have the ability to regenerate after a
short-long period of time, so cells don’t produce rapidly. If drugs
were in the use of trying to reduce the spread of cancer and got in
the way of the telomere’s process it could end its whole process;
killing many cells. Aging can be stopped or delayed if smoking,
use of alcohol, wrong use of medications, stress and diseases.