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TOJQI Author Guidelines: Qualitative Research Journal

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Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
Author Guidelines
The manuscript should be typed in using MS Office Word 2010 or 2013, A4 (21x29,7 cm.) paper
size , Times New Roman typeface and 12 points (excludes,Title and abstract), doble-spaced with
2.5 cm margins on all sides and align full. Typical page length is between 20 and 25 pages, but
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) will publish longer manuscripts of
important and ground-breaking research.
In taking a step toward expediting the publication process, TOJQI is plaesed to offer Web-based
submission and peer-review. If you have not already done so, create an account (register) for
yourself in the system at the homepage. To monitor the progress of your manuscript
throughout the review process, just login our system periodically and check your status of
TOJQI employs an anonymous review policy (i.e., masked review). Therefore, the author's
(authors’) name(s) and affiliation should not appear on any part of the article. The author notes
should be typed on the title page. The manuscript's title page should consist only of article,
running head, and date.
Various types of scholarly manuscripts about research on teaching and learning are within
TOJQI's domain, including, but not limited to: Qualitative, ethnographic, historical,
phenomencial, case study, action research or mixed research approaches; position papers;
policy perspectives; and critical reviews of the literature, etc.
Each article should include an informative, comprehensive abstract of 150 to 250 words. The
abstract should explain the critical information related to the paper's aim, method, findings,
results and conclusions. Three to five key words should also be given after the abstract.
Manuscripts should include expanded knowledge about literature, research aim, research
questions, the participants, data gathering tools and used material, data analysis methods,
findings and interpretation.Postmodern manuscripts are also accepted.
References should start with a new page and it should follow by the Sixth Edition of the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological
Association, 2009).
The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of authors' names and
dates are exactly the same in the text as in the reference list. The full references should be
listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper.
Appendixes and Acknowledgement should be placed at the end of the manuscript, before the
reference list.
Prepare your manuscript according to the instructions given below. They are adapted from
the Checklist for Manuscript Submission by the American Psychological Association (APA, Sixth
Title Page and Abstract
Title should not exceed 12 words.
The abstract should be no longer than 150-250 words.
Title page should include 3-5 keywords.
Paragraphs and Headings
Each paragraph should be longer than a single sentence but not longer than one manuscript
The levels of headings should accurately reflect the organization of the paper.
All headings of the same level should appear in the same format.
Any unnecessary abbreviations should be eliminated and any necessary ones should be
Abbreviations in tables and figures should be explained in the table notes and figure captions or
References should be cited both in text and in the references list.
The text citations and reference list entries should agree both in spelling and in date.
Journal titles in the reference list should be spelled out fully.
The references (both in the parenthetical text citations and in the reference list) should be
ordered alphabetically by the authors' surnames.
Inclusive page numbers for all articles or chapters in books should be provided in the reference
References to studies included in a meta-analysis should be preceded by an asterisk.
Tables and Figures
Every table column, including the stub column, should have a heading.
All vertical table rules should be omitted.
All tables should be referred to in text.
The elements in the figures should be large enough to remain legible after the figure has been
reduced to the width of a journal column or page.
Lettering in a figure should be no smaller than 8 points and no longer than 12 points.
The figures beeing submitted in a file should be in EPS, JPEG, or TIFF format.
Each figure should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals.
All figures and tables should be mentioned in the text and be numbered in the order in which
they are mentioned.
PS: By clicking the links below, you can access and download the sample paper and the article
template in form of Microsoft Word:
The sample Paper
The article Template
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Dear Authors,
In accordance with the TR DİZİN Journal Evaluation Criteria updated for 2020, “Ethics
Committee Approval” is requested for articles in all disciplines including social sciences (See TR
DİZİN Journal Evaluation Criteria - Article 8.) The relevant information (board name, date and
number) should be included in the method section as well as on the first / last page of the
article and the relevant approval should be documented. Even if the review process of the
articles are completed, the articles that does not meet this criterion may not be published since
it will negatively affect the the journal to be indexed in TR DİZİN.
Besides, TR DİZİN journal evaluation criteria have made it obligatory to provide information on
the compliance of research and publication ethics in the articles. In this context, the following
statement should be added to the last page by the responsible author in all articles in TOJQI
beginning with Volume 11 Issue 1 (January, 2020).
“I, as the Corresponding Author, declare and undertake that in the study titled as XXXX,
scientific, ethical and citation rules were followed; Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
Journal Editorial Board has no responsibility for all ethical violations to be encountered, that all
responsibility belongs to the author/s and that this study has not been sent to any other
academic publication platform for evaluation. "
TOJQI Editorial Board
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
Publication Principles
The language of the manuscript should be English.
At the submission stage, the manuscript should be submitted in Turkish or English full text
along with title and abstract. After the manuscript is accepted for publication, the full text must
be submitted in English before publication.
The manuscripts must be original and they must not have been published elsewhere previously
or being currently under consideration by any other journal. It must be confirmed with a cover
letter accompanying the manuscript
Extended and revised versions of studies presented in symposiums or conferences can be
submitted to the TOJQI only if the name, date and place of the event is referenced.
It is assumed that the author(s) relinquished the copyright of the submitted manuscripts to
All of the manuscripts submitted to the TOJQI should be written according to established
specifications that were explained in the “Instructions for Authors” section.
If the papers are not suitable for the required specifications in the “Instructions for Authors” of
the TOJQI, submitted papers might not taken into consideration for publication and such
manuscripts will be returned to the corresponding author for revision.
Statements and opinions given in work published by the TOJQI are the expressions of the
authors, and responsibility for the contents of published papers rests upon the authors, not the
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Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
Publication Ethics & Malpractice
The ethics statement of the TOJQI is based on the Code of Conduct guidelines of the Committee
on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at www.publicationethics.org
this journal follows the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal
Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.
Duties of Editors
Fair play and editorial independence
Editors evaluate submitted manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit
(importance, originality, study’s validity, clarity) and its relevance to the journal’s scope,
without regard to the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship,
religious belief, political philosophy or institutional affiliation. Decisions to edit and publish are
not determined by the policies of governments or any other agencies outside of the journal
itself. The Editor-in-Chief has full authority over the entire editorial content of the journal and
the timing of publication of that content.
Editors and editorial staff will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to
anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial
advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Editors and editorial board members will not use unpublished information disclosed in a
submitted manuscript for their own
Submit Articles
Submission Date
Start: May 01, 2021
End: July 30, 2021
Aims and Scope
Author Guidelines
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Editorial Board
Conflicts of Interest
Publication Ethics & Malpractice
Open Access Policy
Publication Principles
Peer Review
Abstracting and Indexing
 TR Dizin
Abstracting and Indexing

TR Dizin
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