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Plate Tectonics Quiz - Middle School Science

1. What is the name of Wegener’s theory about the position of tectonic plates?
a. plate placement
b. continental drift
c. jigsaw puzzle
2. What is the name Wegener used for the “super continent” he described?
a. Pangaea
b. Continentium
c. Earth’s landmass
3. What is the name of Harry Hess’ theory about the formation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?
a. Atlantic plate theory
b. mountain formation
c. seafloor spreading
4. These are a chain of ridges and valleys stretching along the Earth’s ocean floor.
a. ocean ridges
b. mid-ocean ridges
c. ridge-valleys
5. What occurs at a divergent boundary between tectonic plates?
a. plates come together
b. plates separate
c. plates are destroyed
6. What is the name of the type of boundary where plates slide past one another?
a. convergent
b. divergent
c. transform
7. What is the area where an ocean plate slips below a continental plate?
a. subduction zone
b. plate stress area
c. divergent boundary
8. ____________________ is evidence that the seafloor is spreading.
a. ridges
b. reverse magnetic polarity c. movement
9. List 3 things that support the idea of continental drift (extra credit if you name more):
10. What makes plates move?
a. convection currents
b. water currents
c. Earth’s currents
11. List two types of convergent boundaries and describe how the plates move:
12. What is continental drift?
a. continents moving
b. Pangaea breaking apart
c. neither