Science Lab: Measuring Instruments Worksheet

Group :
Lab : Measuring Instruments
Introduction :
Measuring instruments allow us to collect information on various objects- but you
must learn to use them properly in order to obtain accurate measurements! In this lab,
you will learn (and practice) how to use the following instruments : Ruler, graduated
cylinder, triple beam balance, and thermometer to measure volume, mass and
temperature of different objects.
Materials: (List the instruments used for each activity)
Activity no 1 :
Activity no 5 :
Activity no 2 :
Activity no 6 :
Activity no 3 :
Activity no 4 :
Procedure : (List the steps, including the formulas, and create a drawing for each
Activity no 1 : The mass of a solid
Activity no 2 : The volume of a liquid
Activity no 3 : The mass of a liquid
Activity no 4 : The volume of a REGULAR shaped solid
Activity no 5 : The volume of an IRREGULAR shaped solid
Activity no 6 : The temperature of a liquid
Results : (The table illustrates the measurements obtained in each activity)
* Do not forget to include your units for each measurement!!!
Activity no 1 : __________________________________________________________
Mass of a solid:
Activity no 2 : __________________________________________________________
Volume of a liquid:
Activity no 3 : __________________________________________________________
Initial mass (container alone) :
Final mass (container + liquid):
Mass of the liquid:
Activity no 4 : __________________________________________________________
Length of the solid:
Width of the solid:
Height of the solid :
Volume of the solid:
Activity no 5 : __________________________________________________________
Initial volume (water only) :
Final volume (water + solid) :
Volume of the solid :
Activity no 6 : __________________________________________________________
Temperature du liquide:
Density of the regular object :
Mass of regular object :
Volume of regular object :
Density of regular object :
Density of the irregular object :
Mass of irregular object :
Volume of irregular object :
Density of irregular object :