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Tour guide module

Institute of Hotel Management and
Tour Guide Module
Historical back ground
- The world’s oldest profession
- Goes back to Greek and Roman times
- According to Cohen all guide can be traced to
one of two: Pathfinders and mentors
- Pathfinders = Geographical guides
- Mentors = personal or spiritual leader
- Latter battle field guides were found
- Interpretation and national parks services
Who is the tour guide?
• The one who conducts tours at a site, city or
region, interprets a particular place and often
therefore does not travel.
• For many the tour guide job is the dream job
• Guides are the orphans of the travel industry
• Usually they operate independently
• Seasonal or part time work imposes
limitations on the amount of work and income
Types of guides
1) The tour guide could be : local guide, city guide, community guide (
self employed and market themselves, many regard themselves as
2) Urban guides: Tell the story of the region
3) Government guides: show government guests points of interest
4) Business and industry guides: the case of Hebron and China
5) Driver guides: who guide and drive
6) Adventure guide: mountain guides, bicycle guide,
Fishing guide ….etc.
7) Tour leaders or managers
8) Interpreters : the art of explanation
9) Volunteer guides: parks, churches, museum , or historical places
The Tourism Industry
• Tourism is the sum of activities concerned with
providing and marketing services and facilities for
pleasure travel
• The composite of organizations both public and
private that are involved in the development
production and marketing of products and
services to serve the needs of the travelers.
• it is considered as an awaking giant
• It doesn’t exist on its own
• The development is parallel to transportation and
• Gee and Makens have developed the
instructive model which describes the travel
components and relate them together and
they are:
• Linking concept: those who are directly
involved in providing the service
• Support services: direct or indirect
• Tourism development
Types of Tours
• A Package tour, what does it involve?
Independent tour
A hosted tour
Escorted tour
Custom tour
Convention tour
Incentive tour
Fixed departure tour
Fam. trip
The traveler
According to a classification done in 1977the
travelers could be:
- Explorers
- Elite travelers
- Off beat tourist
- Unusual tourist
- Incipient mass tourist
- Mass tourist
- Charter tours
Travelers could be:
groups, like students
Business travelers
Incentive traveler
Senior people
Public tour groups
Church members
Why do people travel ?
• The hierarchy of needs
• Education, companionship, adventure,
elements that satisfy the needs of acceptance
and self esteem
• Lloyd mentioned the reasons of travel as:
health, curiosity, sport, pleasure, spiritual or
religious reasons, professional, business, visit
friends or relatives, to explore ones roots
Interpretation of the role of the guide
• To understand the role of the guide Pond 1990
did ask some questions in a survey they are:
1) why do people hire guides?
2) What is the guide’s primary role?
3) What are the important personal
characteristics ?
4) To whom are the guides most responsible? To
themselves, the site, their employer, the region,
or the tourist?
Cohen’s components
• The instructional component
• The social component
• Interactional component
• The communicative component
Tilden’s principles
• Any interpretation that does not relate to the
personality or experience of the visitor will be
• Information is not interpretation but all
interpretations include information
• Interpretation is an art
• The aim of interpretation is not instruction but
• Interpretation aims to provide the whole
Tilden’s Role of the guide
• The leader
• The educator
• Public relations officer
• The host
• The conduit
The guide’s characteristics
• A broad based knowledge about the region is
• Lifelong learning
• Enthusiasm
• Sensitivity to people, their needs, their believes,
• Ability to interpret by painting mental images rather
than give information, inspire people to learn
• Flexibility
• Pride in serving others
Highly Desirable Traits
• Enthusiasm
• Self confidence
• Sensitivity
*An out going nature
*A provocative nature
*A pleasant appearance
Sense of humor
Good communication skills
*Good health
Personal integrity *charisma
How to Become a Guide?
Get inspired
Visit a certified school for tour guides
Study diligently
Pass the ministry’s test
Apply for a company
Educate yourself in the area of work
Consider your personality
Albrecht’s seven sins of
Treating customers with apathy
Brushing off customers
Being too cold to customers
Treating customers with disapproval
Working like a Robot
Getting hung on the rule book
Giving the customers the run around
Presentation & Speaking
• Guides are essentially public speakers
• People are attracted to speakers who are
enthusiastic, natural, comfortable
• You have to overcome fear to speaking to an
audience by:
• Practice with time
• Shift from self to audience conscience, put your
self in their shoes
• Share the subject with the group
• Body language
Eye contact
Resonance and volume
Vocal variety
Rate of speech
Recognizing and over coming annoying
• Microphone technique
Creating Memorable Interpretations
• Passion for the site or subject
• Passion for people
• Enhancement of the relationship between
site and experience, touch them
• Emphasis of interpretation over information
• Willingness to be personal & Authentic
• The ability to tell a story
• Ability to ask questions
Ability to relate the parts to the whole
Profiting from humor
Using clear & colorful language
Knowing where and when to be silent
Knowing when to stop
Commitment to learning
Ethics of Guiding
• The standards of behavior that are suitable and
agreeable to all
• Towards other guides:
• 1- treat other’s as you would wish to be treated
and do not gossip
• 2- be mindful of other groups or guides waiting in
the site
• 3- share meaningful information
• 4- become active in related associations
• Towards the driver:
• Allow time before the tour
• Present the driver to the group and the
importance of his role
• Keep him informed
• Invite the driver to eat with the group
• Discuss your disagreements in private
• Thank the driver for a job well done
• Towards the traveler:
• 1- treat all members with equal time
attention and quality
• 2- attempt to give as accurate & interesting
• 3- attempt to be objective & diplomatic as
• 4- keep traveler comfortable and safe
• 5- never regard a region’s customs as weird
• 6- the guide should never ask for tips