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Han Emperors in China Study Notes

Han Emperors In China
@February 10, 2021 8:42 PM
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Han Emperor's In China
Han Emperors In China
Who was Shi Huangdi?
Shi Huangdi was in charge of the Qin Dynasty and was responsible for the
unification of China
What did Shi Huangdi do?
Shi Huangdi established a powerful government by defeating and conquering rival
kings, who had control of several small states all throughout China
When did Shi Huangdi die
210 BC
Why were peasants dissatisfied with the dynasty after Huangdi died ?
Because of years of high taxes and overly harsh labor quotas, and a very strict
penal system that punished those who broke it's rules severely. This caused the
peasants to rebel, and the rival kings to seek control of their now lost and
conquered territories again
What was his son like when he took over?
Weak and ineffective
What dynasty came after the Qin Dynasty
The Han Dynasty
Which two individuals emerged after Huangdi's death and during the Civil War
Liu Bang and Xiang Lu. Xiang Yu was an aristocratic general and Liu Bang was one
of Xiang Lu's generals that eventually rebelled against him
What was Xiang Lu's plan?
To allow rival kings to keep their respective territories as long as they allied
themselves with him by recognizing him as their feudal lord.
Who won, Liu Bang or Xiang Lu
Han Emperors In China
Liu Bang won and defeated Xiang Yu in their final battle in 202 BC
First emperor of the Han dynasty?
Liu Bang
What did Liu Bang accomplish after his victory?
He declared himself the first emperor of the Han dynasty which ended up ruling China
for more than 400 years or 4 centuries. His first goal after attaining his exalted
position was to eliminate the rival kings' power, and then he subsequently followed in
the footsteps of Huangdi by establishing an effective central government. He also
attempted to win the popular vote by decreasing the strict legalism that was prevalent
in his predecessor's rule.
The period of rule where China was under the reign of the Han Dynasty is distinctly
divided into two separate periods, the Former Han and the Later Han. The former
Han ruled for about 2 centuries up until 9 AD, and the Later Han ruled for another 2
centuries after a brief period where the Han were temporarily stripped of power.
Why do Chinese people call themselves people of the Han even today?
Because of their profound and long-lasting influence on Chinese culture and the
numerous innovations that have shaped the country to what it is today, such as a
heavy focus on agriculture and the exportation of silk, paper, and the production of
valuable provisions such as rice. The Han Dynasty essentially helped lay the
groundwork for China, allowing it to ascend to ever greater heights.
What did Chinese citizens think of Liu bang
They appreciated the stability and peace he brought to China
When did Liu Bang die
195 BC
Who was the real emperor after Liu Bang's death
His wife Empress Lu acted as the real, secret ruler of China after her husband's
death, using her son as a puppet. He gained power through her powerful friends at
court. She wasn't Liu Bang's only wife however. She outlived her son and still
possessed control of the throne until her death
Han Emperors In China
How did Empress Lu still retain control of the throne
By naming her sons as an infant and placing the other as a full fledged emperor.
This allowed her to continue to control the throne since her children were too young
to rule.
Who Was The Martial Emperor And Why Is He Called That?
The martial emperor's name was Wudi. He gained the title because he used war as
a tool to aggressively expand China's bounds. He was Liu Bang's great-grandson
and continued to follow in Liu Bang's government centralization policies and
How long did Wudi reign for?
141 to 87 BC, longer than any other Han emperor
Who were Wudi's first set of enemies?
Xiongnu, powerful nomads with strong archery skills. They conducted raids, took
hostages and stole valuable goods like grain, livestock et cetera.
What did previous han rulers bribe the xiongnu with to halt their assault? /
The previous Han rulers attempted to bribe the xiongnu wth thousands of pounds
worth of silk, rice, money and alcohol. This however, only strengthened the Xiongnu
and spurred them further on.
How did Wudi deal with the Xiongnu, and why did he deal with them that way?
He sent a sizable force of 100,000 soldiers after them, after the realization that the
bribes given to the Xiongnu by previous Han rulers only made them stronger.
What was China's government system? (simplified)
Complex bureaucracy,
How was China's government system organized and structured? (detailed)
Han Emperors In China
It was highly organized and structured, with several systems being put into place to
ensure optimal efficiency, It operated under a government system known as
complex bureaucracy, with the empire being divided into provinces known as
commanderies. Each commandery was controlled by a governor who exercised
their power by carrying out justice, recruiting laborers and collecting taxes.
Why were farmers and peasants so highly regarded under the Han Dynasty,
and why were merchants and artisans ranked below them?
Because they were essential for commerce and the cultivation of goods and
food, which were one of the cornerstones of the Han Dynasty's economy. Not
to mention they had a ridiculously huge population of around 60 million to
support. China still places a heavy emphasis on it's agricultural industry even to
this day
How did the Han Dynasty improve China across it's 4 century long rule?
They created paper in 105 AD thus making education cheaper and more
inexpensive for all it's citizens. Not to mention the various other products,
technologies and cultural improvements that were invented during the time
What is a monopoly
When a group exclusively controls the distribution and production of goods in a
given sector or industry. China held a monopoly in several areas, namely the mining
of iron, the forging of iron and more.
What is confucianism?
The practice of studying the philosophies and ideological principals of Confucius, an
esteemed and highly regarded individual who lived approximately 400 years earlier.
Describe the relationship between the Chinese and the emperor
They believed he was linked to heaven and hell and was a result of divine
providence. If he ruled well, China will prosper and experience a period of peace,
and if he ruled ineffectively, earthquakes, famines and other catastrophes would
plague their land as a result of his failures.
Han Emperors In China
Han Emperors In China
Han Emperors In China
Han Emperors In China