ATI MENTAL HEALTH CH 2 LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES • • • • • • • 180 days is the longest time someone can be under involuntary hold Seclusion and/or restraints should be ordered for the shortest duration necessary, and only if less restrictive measures are not sufficient. They are for the physical protection of the client and/or the protection of other clients and staff. Restraints can be either physical or chemical. Seclusion and/or restraint must never be used for: o Convenience of the staff o Punishment of the client o Clients who are extremely physically or mentally unstable o Clients who cannot tolerate the decreased stimulation of a seclusion room RN can apply restraints without an order, however: o A written order must be obtained within 15-30min!!! o The treatment must be ordered by the PCP in writing o The order must specify the duration of treatment o The provider must rewrite the order, specifying the type of restraint, every 24hr or the frequency of the time specified by the facility policy Nursing responsibilities must be identified in the protocol, including how often the client shouldbe: o Assessed (including for safety and physical needs), and the client’s behavior documented ■ Physical restraints require one-on-one observation o Offered food and fluid o Toileted o Monitored for VS o Complete documentation includes ■ Precipitating events and behavior of the client prior to seclusion or restraint ■ Alternative actions taken to avoid seclusion or restraint ■ The time treatment began ■ The clients current behavior, what foods or fluids were offered and taken, needs provided for, and VS ■ Medication administration Tort o False imprisonment - confining a client to a specific area, sch as a seclusion room, is false imprisonment if the reason for such confinement is for the convenience of the staff. o Assault - making a THREAT to a client’s person, such as approaching the client in a threatening manner with a syringe in hand, is considered assault. o Battery - touching a client in a harmful or offensive way is considered battery. This would occur if the nurse threatening the client with a syringe actually grabbed the clientand gave an injection. Basic Mental Health Nursing Concepts • Therapeutic Strategies in the Mental Health Setting ■ Counseling o Using therapeutic communication skills o Assisting with problem solving ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ o Crisis intervention o Stress management Milieu therapy o Orienting the client to the physical setting o Identifying rules/boundaries of the setting o Ensuring a safe environment for the patient o Assisting the patient to participate in appropriate activities Promotion of self-care activities o Offering assistance with self-care tasks o Allowing time for the patient to complete self-care tasks o Setting incentives to promote client self-care Psychobiological interventions o Administering prescribed medications o Providing teaching for the patient/family about medications o Monitoring for adverse effects and effectiveness of pharmacological therapy Cognitive and behavioral therapies o Modeling o Operant conditioning o Systematic desensitization Health teaching o Teaching social/coping skills Health promotion and health maintenance o Assisting the patient with cessation of smoking o Monitoring other health conditions Case management o Coordinating holistic care to include medical, mental health, and social services Types of Admission to a Mental Health Facility: Voluntary admission: client or client’s guardian chooses admission in order to obtain treatment—has right to apply for release at any time. The pt is also considered competent, and has the right to refuse medication/treatment Temporary emergency admission: pt is admitted for emergent mental health care due to the inability to make decisions regarding care—healthcare provider may initiate the admission whichis then evaluated by mental healthcare provider. Usually does not exceed 15 days. Involuntary admission: against his/her will for an indefinite period of time. Pt may be risk of harmto self or others or unable to provide self-care. Usually 2 physicians are required to certify that the pt’s condition requires commitment varies from state to state. Limited to 60 days. Are still considered competent and have right to refuse treatment. Long-term involuntary admission: usually 60-180 days Legal Rights of Clients in the Mental Health Setting: ◊ Guaranteed the same rights as any other civilian o Right to humane treatment and care o Right to vote o Right to informed consent and right to refuse treatment o Right to confidentiality o Right to communication with people outside the mental health facility CH 3 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION • • • • Nonverbal communication o Nurses should be aware of how they communicate nonverbally. The nurse should assessthe client’s nonverbal communications for the meaning being conveyed, remembering that culture impacts interpretation. Attention to the following behaviors is important, as itis compared to the verbal message being conveyed ■ Appearance ■ Posture ■ Gait ■ Facial expressions ■ Eye contact ■ Gestures ■ Sounds ■ Personal space ■ Silence Therapeutic communication is the PURPOSEFUL use of communication to build and maintain helping relationships with clients, families, and significant others. Characteristics of therapeutic communication include: o Client centered – not social or reciprocal o Purposeful, planned, and goal-directed Barriers to effective communication (KNOW THESE; KNOW THERAPEUTICCOMMUNICATION) o Asking irrelevant personal questions o Offering personal opinions o Giving advice o Giving false reassurance o Minimizing feelings o Changing the topic o Asking “why” questions o Offering value judgments o Excessive questioning o Responding approvingly or disapprovingly Effective Communication Skills: ◊ Silence: allows time for meaningful reflection ◊ Active listening ◊ Clarifying techniques o Restating o Reflecting o Paraphrasing o Exploring ◊ Offering self ◊ Touch (if appropriate) CH 4 STRESS AND DEFENSE MECHANISIMS ■ Adaptive use of defense mechanism helps people to achieve their goals in acceptable ways. ■ Defense mechanisms become maladaptive when they interfere with functioning, relationships, and orientation to reality ■ Defense mechanisms: o Altruism - dealing with anxiety by reaching out to others; no maladaptive use ■ A nurse who lost a family member in a fire is a volunteer firefighter o Sublimation - dealing with unacceptable feelings or impulses by unconsciously substituting acceptable forms of expression ■ A person who has feelings of anger and hostility toward his work supervisor sublimates those feelings by working out vigorously at the gym during his lunch period. o Suppression - voluntarily denying unpleasant thoughts and feelings ■ A person who has lost his job states he will worry about paying his bills next week. o Repression - putting unacceptable ideas, thoughts, and emotions out of conscious awareness ■ A person who has a fear of the dentist’s drill continually “forgets” his dental appointments. o Displacement - shifting feelings r/t an object, person, or situation to another less threatening object, person, or situation ■ A person who is angry about losing his job destroys his child’s fave toy o Reaction formation - overcompensating or demonstrating the opposite behavior of whatis felt ■ A person who dislikes her sister’s daughter offers to babysit so that her sister can go out of town. o Undoing - performing an act to make up for prior behavior ■ An adolescent completes his chores without being prompted after having an argument with his parent. o Rationalization - creating reasonable and acceptable explanations for unacceptable behavior ■ A young adult explains he had to drive home from a party after drinking alcohol because he had to feed his dog. o Dissociation - temporarily blocking memories and perceptions from consciousness ■ An adolescent witnesses a shooting and is unable to recall any details of the event. o Splitting - demonstrating an inability to reconcile negative and positive attributes of selfor others; no adaptive use ■ A client tells a nurse that she is the only one who cares about her, yet the following day, the same client refuses to talk to the nurse. o Projection - blaming others for unacceptable thoughts and feelings ■ A young adult blames his substance use disorder on his parent’s refusal to buy hima new car o Denial - pretending the truth is not reality to manage the anxiety of acknowledging whatis real ■ A parent who is informed that his son was killed in combat tells everyone he is coming home fro the holidays. o Regression - demonstrating behavior from an earlier developmental level; often exhibitedas childlike or immature behavior ■ A school-age child begins wetting the bed and sucking his thumb after learning his parents are separating. ■ Anxiety o Levels of anxiety ■ Mild • Occurs in the normal experience of everyday living • It increases one’s ability to perceive reality • There is an identifiable cause of the anxiety • Other characteristics include: o Vague feeling of discomfort o Restlessness o Irritability o Impatience o Apprehension • The client may exhibit behaviors such as finger- or foot-tapping, fidgeting, or lip-chewing as mild tension-relieving behaviors. ■ Moderate • Occurs when mild anxiety escalates • Slightly reduced perception and processing of information occurs, and selective inattention may occur • Ability to think clearly is hampered, but learning and problem solving may still occur • Other characteristics include: o Concentration difficulties o Tiredness o Pacing o Change in voice pitch o Voice tremors o Shakiness o Increased HR and RR • The client may report somatic complaints including headaches, backache, urinary urgency and frequency, and insomnia • The client with this type of anxiety usually benefits from the direction of others ■ Severe • Perceptual field is greatly reduced with distorted perceptions • Learning and problem solving do not occur • Functioning is ineffective • Other characteristics include: o Confusion o Feelings of impending doom o Hyperventilation o Tachycardia o Withdrawal o Loud and rapid speech o Aimless activity • The client with severe anxiety usually is not able to take direction from others ■ Panic-level • • • • • Characterized by markedly disturbed behavior The client is not able to process what is occurring in the environment and may lose touch with reality The client experiences extreme fright and horror The client experiences severe hyperactivity or flight Immobility can occur Other characteristics may include: o Dysfunction in speech o Dilated pupils o Severe shakiness o Severe withdrawal o Inability to sleep o Delusions o Hallucinations Nursing Interventions: ◊ Mild to moderate anxiety ■ Open-ended questions, giving broad openings, seeking clarification ■ Express feelings, develop trust, and identify the source of anxiety ■ ◊ Provide a calm presence, evaluate past coping mechanisms, encourage participation in activities Severe to panic-level anxiety ■ Remain with patient! Provide a quiet environment with minimal stimulation ■ Set limits by using short, firm, & simple statements ■ Direct patient to acknowledge reality and what is really happening! CH 5 CREATING AND MAINTAINING A THERAPEUTIC AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT Milieu Therapy Creates an environment that is supportive, therapeutic, & safe Activities: o Community meetings o Individual therapy o Recreational activities o Unstructured, flexible time o Psychoeducational groups Therapeutic Nurse – Client Relationship Roles of the nurse o Consistently focus on the patient’s ideas, experiences, & feelings o Discuss problem-solving alternatives o Encourage positive behavior change Phases & Tasks of the Nurse – Client Relationship (know these) Orientation: client agrees to contract, understands limits of confidentiality, participates in settinggoals, and explores the meanings of own behaviors Working: nurse performs ongoing assessment, facilitates the patient’s expression of needs/issues, promotes patient’s self-esteem, reassesses patient’s problems & goals, reminds patient about date of termination Termination: nurse will provide patient the opportunity to discuss feelings about termination, summarize goals/achievements, maintain limits of termination, rearview memories of work in session; client will discuss thoughts and feelings, plans to continue new behaviors, plans for the future, & accept termination as final Boundaries of the Therapeutic Relationship: ■ Transference: occurs when the client views a member of the health car team as having characteristics of another person who has been significant to the client’s personal life. o Example: A client may see a nurse as being like his mother, and thus may demonstratesome of the same behaviors with the nurse as he demonstrated with his mother. o Nursing implication: A nurse should be aware that transference by a client is more likelyto occur with a person in authority ■ Countertransference: occurs when a health care team member displaces characteristics of people in her past onto a client. o Example: A nurse may feel defensive and angry with a client for no apparent reason if theclient reminds her of a friend who often elicited those feelings. o Nursing implication: A nurse should be aware that clients who induce very strong personal feelings may become objects of countertransference. CH 7 PSYCHOANALYSIS, PSYCHOTHERAPY, AND BEHAVIORAL THERAPIES ■ ■ Psychoanalysis: a therapeutic process of assessing unconscious thoughts and feelings, and resolving conflict by talking to a psychoanalyst. o Past relationships are a common focus for therapy Psychotherapy: involves more verbal therapist-to-client interaction than classic psychoanalysis o Client and therapist develop a trusting relationship o Psychodynamic psychotherapy employs the same tools as psychoanalysis; but focusesmore on the client’s present state rather than his early life. o Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) assists clients in addressing specific problems. It can improve interpersonal relationships, communication, role-relationship, and bereavement. o Cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model, which focuses on individual thoughtsand behaviors to solve current problems. It treats depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and other issues that can improve by changing a client’s attitude toward life experiences. o Behavioral therapy: is based on the theory that behavior is learned and has consequences. Abnormal behavior results from an attempt to avoid painful feelings. Changing abnormal or maladaptive behavior can occur without the need for insight into the underlying cause of the behavior. ■ Has been successful in treating clients who have phobias, substance use or addictive disorders, and other issues. CH 9 STRESS MGMT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Stress is the body’s nonspecific response to any demand made upon it. Anxiety and anger are damaging stressors that cause distress General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is the body’s response to an increased demand o 1st stage - “fight or flight” o if stress is prolonged maladaptive responses can occur Acute Stress o Apprehension o Unhappiness or sorrow o Decreased appetite o Increased RR, HR, CO, and BP o Increased metabolism and glucose use o Depressed immune system Prolonged stress (Maladaptive response) o Chronic anxiety or panic attacks o Depression, chronic pain, sleep disturbances o Weight gain or loss o Increased risk for MI, stroke o Poor diabetes control, htn, fatigue, irritability, decreased ability to concentrate o Increased risk for infection CH 10 BRAIN STIMULATION THERAPIES ■ ECT o Uses electrical current to induce brief seizure activity while the client is anesthetized o Indications: ■ MDD • Clients whose manifestations are not responsive to pharmacologicaltreatment • Clients who are actively suicidal or homicidal and for whom there is a needfor rapid therapeutic response • Clients who are experiencing psychotic manifestations ■ Schizophrenia • Spectrum disorders that are less responsive to neuroleptic medications, suchas schizoaffective d/o ■ Acute Manic Episodes (Bipolar) • ECT is used for clients who have bipolar d/o with rapid cycling (4 or more episodes of acute mania within 1 yr) and very destructive behavior • Both of these features tend to respond poorly to lithium therapy. • These clients receive ECT and then a regimen of lithium therapy. o Contraindications: ■ No absolute contraindications for this therapy if it is deemed necessary to save a client’s life ■ Conditions that place client’s at a higher risk if ECT is used: • Recent MI • Hx of CVA • Cerebrovascular malformation • Intracranial mass lesion • Increased intracranial pressure o Mental health conditions for which ECT has not been found useful include: ■ Substance abuse ■ Personality d/o ■ Dysthymic d/o ■ Cyclothymia ■ Anxiety o Nursing actions ■ Prepare the client • Typical course of ECT is 3 x a week for a total of 6-12 tx • Provider obtains informed consent • Medication mgmt. o Any medications that affect the client’s seizure threshold must be decreased or discontinued several days prior to ECT procedure o MAOIs and Lithium should be d/c 2 weeks prior to ECT • Severe HTN should be controlled b/c a short period of HTN occurs immediately after the ECT procedure • Any cardiac conditions, such as dysrhythmias, should be monitored and treated before the procedure • The RN monitors VS and mental status before and after • RN assesses the client’s and family’s understanding and knowledge of the procedure and provides teaching as necessary • 30 min prior to the beginning of the procedure, an IM injection of atropine sulfate or glycopyrrolate (Robinul) is given to decrease secretions and counteract any vagal stimulation • An IV line is inserted and maintained until full recovery ■ Ongoing care • ECT is administered early in the AM after the client has fasted for a prescribed period of time • A bite guard should be used to prevent trauma • Electrodes are applied for EEG monitoring • Client is mechanically ventilated and receives 100% O2 • Ongoing cardiac monitoring is provided, including BP, ECG, and oxygen saturation • An anesthesia provider administers a short-acting anesthetic, such as methohexital (Brevital), via IV bolus • A muscle relaxant is administered, succinylcholine (Anectine) • A cuff is placed on one leg or arm to block the muscle relaxant so that seizure activity can be monitored in the lib distal to the cuff • An electrical stimulus is typically applied for 0.2-0.8 sec; enough to cause a2560 sec seizure • After seizure activity has ceased, anesthetic is d/c and the client is extubatedand assisted to breathe voluntarily ■ Postprocedure Care • Client is transferred to recovery where LOC, cardiac status, VS, and oxygenation continue to be monitored • Client is positioned on his side to facilitate drainage and prevent aspiration • • ■ ■ Client is monitored for ability to swallow and return of the gag reflex The client is usually awake and ready for transfer back to the mental health unit or other facility within 30-60 min after the procedure. o Complications ■ Memory loss and confusion* • Short-term memory loss, confusion, and disorientation may occur immediately following the procedure. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation o TMS is a noninvasive therapy that uses magnetic pulsations to stimulate specific areas ofthe brain. “wakes the brain up” o Indications: ■ MDD clients who are nonresponsive to pharmacologic tx o Nursing Actions ■ Educate the client • Daily for 4-6 wks • can be performed as an outpatient • lasts 30-40 min • A noninvasive electromagnet is place on the client’s scalp, allowing the magnetic pulsations to pass through • Client is alert during the procedure o Complications ■ Common adverse effects include mild discomfort or a tingling sensation at the siteof the electromagnet ■ Seizures are a rare but potential complication Vagus Nerve Stimulation o VNS provides electrical stimulation through the vagus nerve to the brain through a devicethat is surgically implanted under the skin on the client’s chest. o VNS is believed to result in an increased level of NT o Indications: ■ Depression that is resistant to pharmacological treatment and/or ECT o Nursing Action: ■ Educate the client about VNS • Performed as an outpatient surgical procedure • Delivers around-the-clock programmed pulsations • Client can turn off the VNS device at any time by placing a special external magnet over the site of the implant ■ Assist provider in obtaining informed consent o Complications ■ Voice changes due to the proximity of the implanted lead on the vagus nerve to the larynx and pharynx ■ Other potential adverse effects include hoarseness, throat or neck pain, dysphagia; usually improve with time ■ Dyspnea with exertion is possible; therefore, the client may want to turn off the VNS during exercise. CH 11 ANXIETY DISORDERS ■ ■ ■ ■ Elevated or persistent anxiety can result in anxiety disorders causing behavior changes and impairment in functioning. Anxiety levels can be: o Mild - restlessness, increased motivation, irritability o Moderate - agitation, muscle tightness o Severe - inability to fxn, ritualistic behavior, unresponsive o Panic - distorted perception, loss of rational thought, immobility Recognized anxiety d/o include: o Separation anxiety d/o: the client experiences excessive fear or anxiety when separatedfrom an individual to which the client is emotionally attached o Panic d/o: the client experiences recurrent panic attacks o Phobias: the client fears a specific object or situation to an unreasonable level o Generalized anxiety d/o: the client exhibits uncontrollable, excessive worry for more than3 months. o Not recognized as anxiety d/o by DSM-5 ■ Obsessive-compulsive and related d/o • OCD: the client has intrusive thoughts of unrealistic obsessions and tries to control these thoughts with compulsive behaviors • Hoarding d/o: the client has difficulty parting with possessions, resulting in extreme stress and functional impairments ■ Trauma- and stressor-related d/o • Acute stress: exposure to a traumatic event causes numbing, detachment,and amnesia about the event for at least 3 days but for not more than 1 month following the event • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): exposure to traumatic even causes intense fear, horror, flashbacks, feelings of detachment and foreboding, restricted affect, and impairment for longer than 1 month after the event. Manifestations may last for years. Assessment o Risk factors ■ Anxiety disorders are much more likely to occur in women; OCD has equal prevalence ■ Exposure to traumatic event or experience, such as military combat o Panic disorders ■ Panic attacks typically last 15-30 min ■ For or more of the following manifestations are present during a panic attack: • Palpitations • SOB • Chocking or smothering sensation • Chest pain • Nausea • Feelings of depersonalization • Fear of dying or insanity • Chills or hot flashes o Phobias ■ ■ ■ Social phobia: the client has a fear of embarrassment, is unable to perform in frontof others, has a dread of social situations, believes that others are judging him negatively, and has impaired relationships Agoraphobia: the client avoids being outside and has an impaired ability to work or perform duties Specific phobias • The client has a fear of specific objects, such as spiders, snakes, strangers • The client has a fear of specific experiences, such as flying, being in the dark, riding in an elevator, being in an enclosed space. o GAD ■ The client exhibits uncontrollable, excessive worry for more than 3 months ■ Causes significant impairment in one or more areas of functioning ■ Manifestations include: • Restlessness • Muscle tension • Avoidance of stressful activities or events • Increased time and effort required to prepare for stressful activities or events • Procrastination in decision-making • Seeks repeated assurance o Obsessive-compulsive and related d/o ■ OCD - persistent thoughts or urges that the client attempts to suppress through compulsive or obsessive behaviors that can result in impaired social and occupational functioning. ■ Hoarding - client has obsessive desire to save items regardless of value and can often lead to an unsafe living environment. o Specific therapies include: ■ CBT - anxiety response can decrease by changing cognitive distortions; helps theclient identify negative thoughts that produce anxiety, examine the cause, and develop supportive ideas that replace negative self-talk ■ Behavioral therapies - teach clients ways to decrease anxiety or avoidant behaviorand allow an opportunity to practice techniques • Relaxation training - used to control pain, tension, and anxiety • Modeling - allows a client to see a demonstration of appropriate behaviorin a stressful situation; goal is for the client to imitate the behavior. • Systematic desensitization - begins with mastering of relaxation techniques. Then the client is exposed to increasing levels of an anxiety producing stimulus and uses relaxation to overcome the resulting anxiety;goal is to build a tolerance until anxiety no longer interferes. Flooding - involves exposing the client to great deal of an undesirable stimulus in an attempt to turn off the anxiety response. (phobias) • • Response prevention - focuses on preventing the client from performing a compulsive behavior with the intent that anxiety will diminish. • Thought stopping - teaches the client to say “stop” when negative thoughtsor compulsive behaviors arise and substitute a positive thought. o Medications ■ SSRIs antidepressants such as sertraline (Zoloft) are the first line of treatment for trauma- and stressor-related d/o ■ Benzos are indicated for short-term use ■ Buspirone (BuSpar) is used to manage anxiety Nursing Care: Provide safety & comfort Remain with patient Perform a suicide risk assessment Safe environment Open-ended questions Identify defense mechanisms that interfere with recovery Postpone health teaching until anxiety attack subsides CH 12 DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Depression may be comorbid with the following: o Anxiety o Psychotic o Substance use o Eating o Personality A client who has depression has a potential risk for suicide, especially if he has a family or personal history of suicide attempts, or comorbid disorders MDD is a single episode or recurrent episodes of unipolar depression (not associated with mood swings from major depression to mania) resulting in a significant change in a client’s normal functioning (social, occupational, self-care) accompanied by at least 5 of the following specific clinical findings, which must occur almost every day for a minimum of 2 weeks, and last most ofthe day: o Depressed mood o Difficulty sleeping or excessive sleeping o Indecisiveness o Decreased ability to concentrate o Suicidal ideation o Increase or decrease in motor activity o Inability to feel pleasure o Increase or decrease in weight of more than 5% of total body weight over 1 month. MDD may be further diagnosed: o Psychotic features: the presence of AH or the presence of delusions o Postpartum: a depressive episode that begins within 4 weeks of childbirth and may include delusions, which may put the newborn infant at high risk of being harmed by themother o Seasonal characteristics: seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which occurs during winterand may be treated with light therapy. Dysthymic disorder is a milder form of depression that usually has an early onset, such as in childhood or adolescence, and lasts at least 2 years in length for adults (1 year in length for children) dysthymic disorder contains at least 3 clinical findings of depression and may, later inlife, become MDD Assessment o Risk factors ■ Family history and a previous personal history of depression ■ ■ Twice as common in females btwn 15-40 than in males Neurotransmitter deficiencies • Serotonin - affects mood, sexual behavior, sleep cycles, hunger, and pain perception. • NE - affects attention and behavior ■ Stressful life events ■ Presence of a medical illness ■ Being a female in the postpartum period ■ Poor social support network ■ Comorbid substance abuse disorder ■ Being unmarried o Findings: ■ Subjective • Anergia • Anhedonia • Anxiety • Reports of sluggishness, or feeling unable to relax and sit still • Vegetative findings, which include a change in eating patterns (usually anorexia in MDD, increased intake in dysthymia, and PMDD), change in bowel habits (usually constipation), sleep disturbances and decreased interest in sexual activity • Somatic reports, such as fatigue, GI changes, pain ■ Objective • Affect – the client most often looks sad with blunted affect • The client exhibits poor grooming and lack of hygiene • Psychomotor retardation (slowed physical movement, slumped posture), but psychomotor agitation (restlessness, pacing, finger tapping) can also occur • Client becomes socially isolated, showing little or no effort to interact • Slowed speech, decreased verbalization, delayed response – the client mayseem too tired even to speak. Nursing care: Suicide risk – assess the client’s risk for suicide and implement appropriate safety precautions Self-care – encourage independence Thirty minutes of exercise daily for 3-5 days each week improves depression and helps preventrelapse CH 20 MEDICATIONS FOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS ■ Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) o Prototype: amitriptyline (Elavil) o Other medications ■ imipramine (Tofranil) ■ doxepin (Sinequan) ■ nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor) ■ amoxapine (Asendin) ■ trimipramine (Surmontil) o Action: ■ Block the reuptake of NE and SERO in the synaptic space o Therapeutic uses: ■ Depressive disorders o Other uses ■ Neuropathic pain ■ Fibromyalgia ■ Anxiety d/o ■ Insomnia o Adverse Effects: ■ Orthostatic hypotension ■ Anticholinergic effects • “CAN’T SEE, CAN’T SPIT, CAN’T PEE, CAN’T POOP” • dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, urinary hesitancy or retention, constipation, tachycardia ■ Sedation ■ Toxicity resulting in cholinergic blockade and cardiac toxicity evidenced by dysrhythmias, mental confusion, and agitation, which are followed by seizures, coma, and possible death ■ Decreased seizure threshold ■ Excessive sweating o Contraindicated: ■ Pt’s with seizure d/o o Medication/Food Interactions ■ Concurrent use with MAOIs may cause severe HTN ■ Concurrent use with antihistamines and other anticholinergic agents may result in additive anticholinergic effects ■ Concurrent use with direct-acting sympathomimetics may result in increased effects of these medications, because uptake is blocked by TCAs ■ Concurrent use with indirect-acting sympathomimetics may result in decreased effect of these medications, due to the inhibition of their uptake and inability to getto the site of action in the nerve terminal ■ Concurrent use with alcohol, benzos, opioids, and antihistamines may result in additive CNS depression. ■ SSRIs (x’s and z’s) o Prototype: fluoxetine (Prozac) o Other medications: ■ citalopram (Celexa) ■ escitalopram (Lexapro) ■ paroxetine (Paxil) ■ sertraline (Zoloft) ■ vilazodone (Viibryd) o Action: ■ Selectively block reuptake of serotonin in the synaptic space o Therapeutic uses: ■ Major depression ■ OCD ■ Bulimia nervosa ■ PMDD ■ Panic d/o ■ PTSD o Adverse effects: ■ Sexual dysfunction ■ CNS stimulation (insomnia, agitation, anxiety) ■ Occurrence of weight loss early in therapy that may be followed by weight gainwith long-term treatment ■ Serotonin syndrome may begin 2-72 hrs after start of treatment • Manifestations include: o Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating o Abdominal pain o Diarrhea o Agitation o Fever o Anxiety o Hallucinations o Hyperreflexia, incoordination o Diaphoresis o Tremors ■ Withdrawal syndrome (headache, nausea, visual disturbances, anxiety, dizziness,and tremors) ■ Rash ■ Sleepiness, faintness, lightheadedness ■ GI bleeding ■ Bruxisim o Contraindications ■ Clients taking MAOIs or TCAs o Medication/Food interactions ■ Concurrent use with MAOIs, TCAs, or St. John’s wort increases the risk of serotonin syndrome (treated with peractin) ■ Concurrent use with warfarin (Coumadin) can displace warfarin from bound protein and result in increased warfarin levels. ■ Concurrent use with TCAs and lithium may result in increased levels of these mediations ■ Concurrent use with NSAIDs and anticoagulants can further suppress platelet aggregation thereby increasing the risk of bleeding. ■ o MAOIs o Prototype: phenelzine (Nardil) o Other medications: ■ isocarboxazid (Marplan) ■ tranylcypromine (Parnate) ■ selegiline (Emsam) – transdermal patch o Action: ■ Block MAO in the brain, thereby increasing the amount of NE, dopa, and serotonin available for transmission of impulses. Therapeutic uses: ■ Depression ■ Bulimia nervosa o Adverse Effects: ■ CNS stimulation (agitation, anxiety hypomania, mania) ■ Orthostatic hypotension ■ Hypertensive crisis resulting from intake of dietary tyramine – severe hypertensionas a result of intensive vasoconstriction and stimulation of the heart. • Manifestations include: o HA o Nausea o Tachycardia o HTN ■ Local rash associated with transdermal preparation o Contraindications/Precautions ■ Contraindicated in clients taking SSRIs, or clients who have pheochromocytoma, heart failure, cardiovascular and cerebral vascular disease, and/or sevre renal insufficiency. ■ Transdermal selegiline (Emsam) is contraindicated for clients taking carbamazepine (Tegretol) or oxcarbazepine (Trileptal). Concurrent use of these medications may increase blood levels of the MAOI. o Mediation/Food Interactions: ■ Concurrent use with indirect-acting sympathomimetic medications can promotethe release of NE and lead to hypertensive crisis ■ Concurrent use with TCAs can lead to hypertensive crisis ■ Concurrent use with SSRIs can lead to serotonin syndrome ■ Concurrent use with antihypertensive may cause additive hypotensive effects ■ Concurrent use with meperidine (Demerol) can lead to hyperpyrexia ■ Hypertensive crisis can result from intake of dietary tyramine • Tyramine-rich foods include aged cheese, pepperoni, salami, avocados, figs, bananas, smoked fish, protein, some dietary supplements, some beers, and red wine. ■ Concurrent use with vasopressors may result in hypertension ■ Atypical Antidepressants o Prototype: bupropion (Wellbutrin) o Action: ■ Inhibits dopamine uptake o Therapeutic uses: ■ Treatment of depression ■ Alternative to SSRIs for clients unable to tolerate the sexual dysfunction side effects ■ Aid to quit smoking ■ Prevention of seasonal pattern depression o Adverse effects: ■ HA, dry mouth, GI distress, constipation, increased HR, nausea, restlessness, insomnia ■ Suppression of appetite ■ Seizures o Contraindications: ■ Contraindicated in clients who have a sz d/o ■ Contraindicated in clients who have anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa ■ Contraindicated in clients taking MAOIs ■ o Medication/Food Interactions: ■ Concurrent use with MAOIs, such as phenelzine (Nardil), may increase the risk for toxicity. o Other Medications: ■ venlafaxine (Effexor) ■ duloxetine (Cymbalta) ■ desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) • Action: o Inhibit Sero and NE reuptake • Adverse effects: o HA, nausea, agitation, anxiety, and sleep disturbances ■ mirtazapine (Remeron) • Action: increases the release of serotonin and NE • Therapeutic effects may occur sooner, and with less sexual dysfunction, than with SSRIs ■ reboxetine (Edronax) • Action: o Inhibits the reuptake of NE • Adverse effects: o Dry mouth, decreased BP, constipation, sexual dysfunction, and urinary retention. ■ trazodone (Desyrel) • Action: o Blocks serotonin receptors • Adverse effects: o This agent is usually used with another antidepressant agent. Sedation may be an issue; therefore, it may be indicated for a clientwith insomnia caused by an SSRI. Advise the client to take at bedtime. o Priapism may be a serious adverse effect, and clients should be instructed to seek medical attention immediately if this occurs. Therapeutic effects may not be experience for 1-3 wks; full therapeutic effects may take 2-3 months CH 13 BIPOLAR DISORDERS ■ ■ ■ ■ Mood disorders with recurrent episodes of depression and mania Usually emerge in late adolescence/early adulthood but can be diagnosed in the school-age child Psychotic, paranoid, and/or bizarre behavior may be seen during periods of mania Behaviors shown with bipolar disorders o Mania - an abnormally elevated mood, which may also be described as expansive or irritable; usually requires hospitalization o Hypomania - a less severe episode of mania that lasts at least 4 days accompanied by 34 findings of mania. Hospitalization, however, is not required, and the client who hashypomania is less impaired. o Mixed episode - a manic episode and an episode of major depression experienced by the client simultaneously. The client has marked impairment in functioning and may require admission to an acute care mental health facility to prevent self-harm or otherdirected violence. ■ ■ ■ ■ o Rapid cycling - four or more episodes of acute mania with 1 year. The various bipolar disorders: o Bipolar I disorder: the client has at least 1 episode of mania alternating with major depression. o Bipolar II disorder: the client has 1 or more hypomanic episodes alternating with major depressive episodes. o Cyclothymia: the client has at least 2 years of repeated hypomanic manifestations that donot meet the criteria for hypomanic episodes alternating with minor depressive episodes. Risk factors: o Genetics o Psychological, such as stressful events or major life changes o Physiological, such as neurobiological and neuroendocrine disorders o Substance use disorder, such as alcohol or cocaine use disorder Relapse o Use of substances can lead to an episode of mania o Sleep disturbances may come before, be associated with, or be brought on by an episodeof mania o Psychological stressors can trigger an episode of mania Bipolar clinical manifestations: o Manic characteristics: ■ Labial mood with euphoria ■ Agitation and irritability ■ Restlessness ■ Dislike of interference and intolerance of criticism ■ Increasing in talking and activity ■ Flight of ideas – rapid, continuous speech with sudden and frequent topic change ■ Grandiose view of self and abilities ■ Impulsivity – spending money, giving away money or possessions ■ Demanding and manipulative behavior ■ Distractibility and decreased attention span ■ Poor judgment ■ Attention-seeking behavior, flashy dress and makeup, inappropriate behavior ■ Impairment in social and occupational functioning ■ Decreased sleep ■ Neglect of ADLs ■ Possible presence of delusions and hallucinations ■ Denial of illness. o Depressive characteristics: ■ Flat, blunted, labile affect ■ Tearfulness, crying ■ Lack of energy ■ Anhedonia ■ Physical reports of discomfort/pain ■ Difficulty concentrating, focusing, problem-solving self-destructive behavior, including SI ■ Decrease in personal hygiene ■ Loss or increase in appetite and/or sleep, disturbed sleep ■ Psychomotor retardation or agitation. o Nursing care ■ Acute manic episode • Focus is on safety and maintaining physical health*** • Provide a safe environment; protect patient from poor judgment and impulsive behaviors • Maintenance of self-care needs o Monitor sleep, fluid intake, and nutrition o Give step-by-step reminders for hygiene/dress o Medications: ■ Mood stabilizers • lithium carbonate (Lithobid) • Anticonvuslants that act as mood stablizers include: o Valproic acid (Depakote) o Clonazepam (Klonopin) o Lamotrigine (Lamictal) o Gabapentin (Neurontin) o Topiramate (Topax) • Benzos o Lorazepam (Ativan) o Used on a short-term basis for client experiencing sleep impairmentr/t mania • Antidepressants o SSRIs fluoxetine (Prozac), used to mange a major depressive episode. o Therapeutic procedures ■ ECT CH 21 MEDICATIONS FOR BIPOLAR DISORDERS ■ ■ ■ ■ Bipolar is primarily managed with mood-stabilizing medications such as lithium carbonate (Lithobid, Lithane) Can also be treated with certain antiepileptic medicatons: o valporic acid (Depakote) o carbamazepine (Tegretol) o lamotrigine (Lamictal) Other medications used for bipolar disorder include: o Atypical antipsychotics: these can be useful in early treatment to promote sleep and to decrease anxiety and agitation. o Anxiolytics: clonazepam (Klonopin) and lorazepam (Ativan) can be useful intreating acute mania and managing the psychomotor agitation often seen in mania o Antidepressants: mediations such as bupropion (Wellbutrin) and sertraline (Zoloft) are useful during the depressive phase. Mood Stabilizers o Prototype: lithium carbonate (Lithobid) o Action: ■ Produces neurochemical changes in the brain, including serotonin receptor blockade ■ Decreases neuronal atrophy and/or increases neuronal growth o Lithium is used in the treatment of bipolar disorders. Lithium controls episodes of acute mania, helps to prevent the return of mania or depression, and decreases the incidence of suicide. o Adverse effects: ■ GI distress (nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain) ■ Fine hand tremors that can interfere with purposeful motor skills and can be exacerbated by factors such as stress and caffeine ■ Polyuria, mild thirst ■ Weight gain ■ Renal toxicity ■ Goiter and hypothyroidism with long-term treatment ■ Brady dysrhythmias, hypotension, electrolyte imbalances. o Lithium Toxicity ■ Early indications • < 1.5 mEq/L • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, thirst, polyuria, muscle weakness, fine hand tremors, slurred speech. ■ Advanced indications • 1.5 – 2 mEq/L • mental confusion, poor coordination, coarse tremors, and ongoing GI distress, including nausea vomiting, and diarrhea ■ Severe toxicity: • 2-2.5 mEq/L o Extreme polyuria of dilute urine, tinnitus, blurred vision, ataxia, seizures, severe hypotension leading to coma, and possible deathfrom resp complications • > 2.5 mEq/L o rapid progression of manifestations leading to coma and death o need HD o Contraindications/Precautions ■ Discourage clients from breastfeeding ■ Use cautiously in clients who have renal dysfunction, heart disease, sodium depletion, and dehydration. o Medication/Food Interactions ■ Diuretics – sodium is excreted with the use of diuretics; with decreased serum sodium, lithium excretions is decreased, which can lead to toxicity ■ NSAIDs – concurrent use will increase renal reabsorption of lithium, leading to toxicity ■ Anticholinergics – abdominal discomfort can result from anticholinergic-induced urinary retention and polyuria. o Nursing Actions: ■ Monitor lithium levels; initially q2-3 days until stable, and then every 1-3 months. Lithium blood levels should be obtained in the morning, usually 12 hr after last dose. • During initial treatment of a manic episode levels should be between 0.81.4 mEq/L • Maintenance level range is between 0.4-1 mEq/L • Plasma levels > 1.5 mEq/L can result in toxicity ■ Should be administered in 2-3 doses daily due to short half-life ■ ■ Taking lithium with food decreases GI distress ■ Stress importance of adequate fluid and sodium intake Mood Stabilizers – Antiepileptic Drugs o Prototype: ■ carbamazepine (Tegretol, Equetro) ■ valproic acid (Depakote) ■ lamotrigine (Lamictal) o Action: ■ Slows the entrance of sodium and calcium ack intothe neuron, thus extending thetime it takes for the nerve to return to its active state ■ Potentiates the inhibitory effects of GABA ■ Inhibits glutamic acid, which in turn suppresses CNS excitation. o Therapeutic Uses: ■ Used to treat manic and depressive episodes, as well as to prevent relapse of maniaand depressive episodes. o Adverse Effects: ■ carbamazepine (Tegretol) • Nystagmus • Double vision • Vertigo • Staggering gait • Headache • Blood dyscrasias (leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia) • Teratogenesis • Hypo-osmolarity – promotes secretion of ADH, which inhibits water excretion by the kidneys, and places the client who has heart failure at riskfor fluid overload • Skin disorders, including dermatitis, rash ■ lamotrigine (Lamictal) • doubled or blurred vision, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting • Serious skin rashes ■ Valproic acid (Depakote) • GI effects including N&V, and indigestion • Hepatotoxicity AEB anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice • Pancreatitis AEB N&V, abdominal pain • Thrombocytopenia • Teratogenesis o Contraindications/Precautions ■ Carbamazepine (Tegretol) is contraindicated in clients who have bone marrow suppression or bleeding disorders**** ■ Valproic acid (Depakote) is contraindicated in clients who have liver disorders. o Medication/Food Interaction: ■ Carbamazepine (Tegretol) • Oral contraceptives, Coumadin; concurrent use causes a decrease in the effects of these medications due to stimulation of hepatic and drugmetabolizing enzymes • ■ ■ Grapefruit juice – inhibits metabolism of Tegretol, thereby increasing blood levels • Phenytoin, phenobarbital – concurrent use decreases the effects of Tegretolby stimulating metabolism Lamotrigine (Lamictal) • Tegretol, phenytoin, phenobarbital – concurrent use decreases the effect of Lamictal • Valproic acid – concurrent use inhibits drug-metabolizing enzymes, thereby increasing the half-life of Lamictal • Oral contraceptives – concurrent use decreases the effectiveness of both medications Valproic acid (Depakote) • Phenytoin, phenobarbital – serum levels of these medications are increased when used concurrently with valproic acid. CH 14 PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS ■ ■ ■ ■ Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders affect thinking, behavior, emotions, andthe ability to perceive reality. Typical age of onset is late teens and early 20s The following various types of psychotic disorders are recognized: o Schizophrenia: the client has psychotic thinking or behavior present for at least 6 months. Areas of functioning, including school or work, self-care, and interpersonal relationships, are significantly impaired. o Schizotypal personality disorder: the client has impairments of personality (self and interpersonal) functioning. However, impairment is not as severe as with schizophrenia o Delusional disorder: the client experiences delusional thinking for at least 1 month. Selfor interpersonal functioning is not markedly impaired o Brief psychotic disorder: the client has psychotic manifestations that last between 1 day to1 month in duration o Schizophreniform disorder: the client has manifestations similar to those of schizophrenia, but the duration is from 1-6 months, and social/occupational dysfunction may or may not be present. o Schizoaffective disorder: the client’s disorder meets both the criteria for schizophrenia and depressive or bipolar disorder. o Substance-induced psychotic disorder: the client experiences psychosis within 1 month of substance intoxication or withdrawal. May be caused by medications intended for therapeutic use. Characteristics of psychotic disorders o Positive symptoms - the manifestations of things that are not normally present. ■ Hallucinations ■ Delusions ■ Alterations in speech ■ Bizarre behavior, such as walking backward constantly o Negative symptoms - the absence of things that are normally present ■ Affect – usually blunted (narrow range of normal expression) or flat (facial expression never changes) ■ Alogia – poverty of thought or speech; the client may sit with a visitor but may only mumble or respond vaguely to questions ■ ■ Anergia Anhedonia ■ Avolition – lack of motivation in activities and hygiene; for example, the client completes assigned tasks, such as making his bed, but is unable to start the next common chore without prompting. o Cognitive symptoms - problems with thinking make it very difficult for the client to live independently ■ Disordered thinking ■ Inability to make decision ■ Poor problem-solving ability ■ Difficulty concentrating to perform tasks ■ Memory deficits • Long-term memory • Working memory, such as inability to follow directions to find an address. o Affective symptoms - manifestations involving emotions ■ Hopelessness ■ ■ Alterations in thought (delusions) are false fixed beliefs that cannot be corrected by reasoning andare usually bizarre. Include: o Ideas of reference: misconstrues trivial events and attaches personal significance to them,such as believing that others, who are discussing the next meal, are talking about him o Persecution: feels singled out for harm by others (being hunted down by the FBI) o Grandeur: believes that she is all powerful and important, like god o Somatic delusions: believes that his body is changing in an unusual way, such as growinga third arm o Jealousy: may feel that her spouse is sexually involved with another individual o Being controlled: believes that a force outside his body is controlling him o Thought broadcasting: believes that her thoughts are heard by others o Thought insertion: believes that others’ thoughts are being inserted into his mind o Thought withdrawal: believes that her thoughts have been removed from her mind by an outside agency o Religiosity: is obsessed with religious beliefs Alterations in speech o Flight of ideas - associative looseness; the client may say sentence after sentence, but each sentence may related to another topic, and the listener is unable to follow the client’sthoughts o Neologisms - made-up words that have meaning only to the client, such as “I tranged and flitteled” o Echolalia - the client repeats the words spoken to him o Clan association - meaningless rhyming of words, often forceful, such as “oh fox, box,and lox” o Word salad - words jumbled together with little meaning or significance to the listener, such as, “hip hooray, the flip is cast and wide-sprinting in the forest.” CH 22 MEDICATIONS FOR PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS ■ Medications are used to treat: o Positive symptoms r/t behavior, though, and speech (agitation, delusions, hallucinations, tangential speech patterns) o Negative symptoms (social withdrawal, lack of emotion, lack of energy, flattened affect, decreased motivation, decreased pleasure in activities) o 1st generation (conventional) antipsychotic medications are used mainly to control positive symptoms and re reserved for clients who are: ■ Using them successfully and con tolerate the adverse effects ■ Violent or particularly aggressive nd o 2 generation (atypical) antipsychotic agents are the current medications of choice for clients receiving initial treatment, and for treating breakthrough episodes in clients on conventional medication therapy, because they are more effective with fewer adverse effects. ■ Advantages of Atypical Antipsychotic Agents • Relief both positive and negative symptoms • Decrease in affective findings (depression, anxiety) and suicidal behaviors • Improvement of neurocognitive defects, such as poor memory • Fewer or no EPS, including tardive dyskinesia, due to less dopamine blockage • Fewer anticholinergic effects, with the exception of clozapine (Clozaril), which has a high incidence of anticholinergic effects. • Less relapse. o 1st Generation Antipsychotics (Conventional) ■ Prototype: chlorpromazine (Thorazine), low potency ■ Other medications: • haloperidol (Haldol), high potency • fluphenazine, high potency ■ Action: • Block dopamine (D2), acetylcholine, histamine, and NE receptors in the brain and periphery ■ Therapeutic Uses: • Treatment of acute and chronic psychotic d/o • Schizophrenia spectrum d/o • Bipolar disorder – primarily the manic phase • Tourette’s disorder • Prevention of nausea/vomiting through blocking of dopamine in the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the medulla ■ Complications • Agranulocytosis* • Anticholinergic manifestations o Dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, urinary retention, constipation, tachycardia • EPS o Acute dystonia ■ Severe spasm of the tongue, neck, face, and back o Parkinsonism ■ Bradykinesia, rigidity, shuffling gait, drooling, tremors o Akathisia ■ Inability to sit or stand still ■ Continual pacing and agitation o Tardive dyskinesia ■ Late EPS; involuntary movements of the tongue and face, suchas lip smacking and tongue fasciculations; involuntary movements of the arms, legs, and trunk • Neuroendocrine effects o Gynecomastia, galactorrhea, menstrual irregularities • NMS o Sudden high fever (>101) o Blood pressure fluctuations o Dysrhythmias o Muscle rigidity o Changes in LOC o Coma • Orthostatic Hypotension • Sedation • Seizures • Severe dysrhythmias • Sexual dysfunction • Skin effects o Photosensitivity that can result in severe sunburn; contact dermatitis from handling medications. ■ Contraindications/Precautions • Contraindicated in clients who are in a coma, or have severe depression, Parkinson’s disease, prolactin-dependent cancer of the breast, or severe hypotension • Contraindicated in older adults who have dementia ■ Medication/Food Interaction • Anticholinergic agents • CNS depressants – Additive CNS depressants with concurrent use of alcohol, opioids, and antihistamines • Levodopa – by activating dopamine receptors, levodopa counteracts effectsof antipsychotic agents. ■ Nursing Care • Use AIMS to screen for EPS • EPS take a CAB o Cogentin o Artane o Benadryl 10 Personality Disorders: o Cluster A (odd/eccentric traits) Paranoid: distrust/suspiciousness of others based on unfounded beliefs Schizotypal: odd beliefs leading to interpersonal difficulties, an eccentric appearance, magical thinking/perceptual distortions that are not clear delusions/hallucinations o Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic traits) Antisocial: disregard for others with exploitation, lack of empathy, repeated unlawful actions,deceit, and failure to accept personal responsibility o Borderline: instability of affect, identity, and relationships, as well as splitting behaviors, manipulation, impulsiveness, and fear of abandonment; often self-injurious and potentially suicidal, impulsivity Histrionic: emotional attention-seeking behavior Narcissistic: arrogance, grandiose views of self-importance, lack of empathy for others that strains relationships, sensitive to criticism Cluster C (anxious/fearful, insecurity/inadequacy) Avoidant: social inhibition/avoidance of all situations that require interpersonal contact Dependent Obsessive-compulsive: perfectionism with a focus on orderliness/control to the extent thatindividual might not be able to accomplish a given task Nursing Care: Self-assessment is vital for nurses and should be performed prior to care Safety is always a priority concern because some pts who have a personality disorder are at a riskfor selfinjury/violence Feelings of being threatened/having no control can cause a pt to act out toward the nurse Neurocognitive Disorders Types of Cognitive Disorders: o Delirium o Major neurocognitive disorder (dementia) o Alzheimer’s disease: gradual impairment of cognitive function Risk Factors: o Delirium: physiological changes, metabolic/cardiovascular/respiratory disease, infections (HIV/AIDS), surgery, substance use/withdrawal—timely recognition is essential o NCD/AD: advanced age, prior head trauma, lifestyle factors, family hx Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease: Stage 1: mild o Memory lapses, losing/misplacing items, difficulty concentrating/organizing, unable to remember material just read, still able to perform ADLs, short-term memory loss noticeable to close relations Stage 2: moderate o Forgetting events of one’s own history, difficulty performing tasks that require planning/organizing, personality/behavioral changes, changes in sleep patterns, can wander/get lost, can be incontinent Stage 3: severe o Assistance required for ADLs, incontinence, progressing difficulty with physical abilities, death frequently related to choking/infection Screening/Assessment Tools: o Confusion assessment method (CAM) o Functional dementia scale: pt’s ability to perform self-care, extent of memory loss, mood changes, and degree of danger to self/others o Mini-mental status examination (MMSE) o Functional assessment screening tool (FAST) Nursing Care: o Assess for potential injury (falls or wandering) o Assign the patient to a room close to nurse’s station o Identify disturbances in physiologic status which can contribute to cause of delirium o Ensure adequate food/fluid intake (underlying causes of delirium can result in electrolyte imbalance) o Reinforce reality o Reinforce orientation to time, place, and person o Pt Education Home Safety Measures – o Remove scatter rugs o Install door locks that cannot be easily opened o Provide good lighting o Install a handrail on stairs/bathroom o Remove clutter o Store cleaning supplies in locked cupboards o Caregiver support: Encourage caregivers to ask for help form friends/other family for respite care; Encourage them to take care of themselves and to take one day at a time Substance Use and Addictive Disorders: Risk Factors: o Genetics o Lowered self-esteem o Few life successes o Mental illness o Male o Lack of family involvement o Alaska natives/Native Americans o Peer pressure o High stress Standardized Screening Tools o Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) o Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) or DAST-A (adolescent version) o Cage: determine how they perceive their current alcohol use o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) o Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale (CIWA) o Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale CNS Depressants Alcohol o Death can occur for levels greater than 0.4% o BAC depends on many factors (body weight, gender, number of drinks, gastric absorption rate,and individual’s tolerance) o Effects of excess: slurred speech, nystagmus, memory impairment, altered judgment, decreased motor skills/LOC, respiratory arrest, death o Chronic use: cardiovascular damage, liver damage, sexual dysfunction, GI bleeding, pancreatitis o Withdrawal: cramping, vomiting, tremors, restlessness, inability to sleep, increased HR/BP/RR/temp., hallucinations/illusions, anxiety, tonic-clonic seizures o Alcohol withdrawal delirium can occur 2-3 days after cessation of alcohol (MEDICAL EMERGENCY)—psychotic manifestations, severe hypertension, dysrhythmias, delirium/death Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics o Benzodiazepines, barbiturates (pentobarbital), club drugs (flunitrazepam) o Intoxication: increased drowsiness/sedation, agitation, slurred speech, nystagmus, N/V, respiratory depression, decreased LOC o Benzodiazepine antidote: flumazenil o No antidote to revere barbiturate toxicity o Withdrawal: anxiety, diaphoresis, HTN, hallucinations/illusions, possible seizure (opposite of what drug does during intoxication) CNS Stimulants Cocaine o Intoxication: hallucinations, seizures, fever, increased HR/BP, chest pain, death o Withdrawal: depression, excess sleeping/insomnia, agitation; not life threatening, but possible occurrence of suicidal ideation Amphetamines o Intoxication: impaired judgment, hypervigilance, irritability, acute cardiovascular effects; death o Withdrawal is not life threatening Tobacco (Nicotine) o Long-term effects: cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, irritation to oral mucous membranes with smokeless tobacco o Withdrawal: irritability, craving, anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite, anger, depressed mood Opioids (Heroin, morphine, hydromorphone) o Intoxication: decreased respirations/LOC, impaired judgment, slurred speech, pupillary changes o Antidote: naloxone o Withdrawal: sweating/rhinorrhea, piloerection (gooseflesh), tremors, weakness, diarrhea, fever, insomnia, pupil dilation, N/V, pain in muscles/bones Nursing Care Safety is primary focus during acute intoxication or withdrawal Implement seizure precautions if necessary Possibly one-on-one supervision Provide emotional support/reassurance to pt and family