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New Theories of Consumption and Investment in Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics I
Prof. Isaac Baley and Davide Debortoli
Mod.12: New Theories of Consumption and Investment
The “New” Theories: A Preview
Main ingredients
• Permanent Income Theory of Consumption
• Present value of profits and Investment decisions
• Borrowing Limits
“Old” Theories
“New” Theories
( )
C(Y, T, r , Y e, T e, r e)
( )
I(Y, r , Y e, r e)
Consumption (C)
C Y ,T
Investment (I)
I Y ,r
+ − −
+ −
The “New” Theory of Consumption
The Permanent Income Theory
Main idea
C = C(W )
Households want to keep consumption constant over lifetime
à each period they consume a constant fraction of their wealth (W)
Changes in current income (Y) have small effects on wealth (W)
à Consumption does not change much when income changes
Wt = Total Wealth
Non-Human Wealth
Financial Wealth
Housing Wealth
Value of Stocks, Bonds,
checking accounts, etc.
Value of house
(net of mortgages)
Human Wealth
Present value of
expected labor
income (net of taxes)
Permanent Income + Borrowing Limits
In practice: Young households are unlikely to be able to borrow as much as desired
i.e. there are borrowing limits, which typically depend on current income
Thus, there are two effects of an increase in current income (Yt):
• it increases wealth (Wt)
• it relaxes the borrowing limit
Permanent Income + Borrowing Limits
In practice: Young households are unlikely to be able to borrow as much as desired
i.e. there are borrowing limits, which typically depend on current income
Thus, there are two effects of an increase in current income (Yt):
• it increases wealth (Wt)
• it relaxes the borrowing limit
Bottom line: An increase in CURRENT income have STRONGER EFFECTS on consumption
than an increase in future income, because it relaxes borrowing constraints
C ⎜Y − T ,W ⎟
⎝ +
+ ⎠
Current Net Income
(due to borrowing constraints)
it depends on current and future
income, interest rates, and taxes
Permanent Income + Borrowing Limits
In practice: Young households are unlikely to be able to borrow as much as desired
i.e. there are borrowing limits, which typically depend on current income
Thus, there are two effects of an increase in current income (Yt):
• it increases wealth (Wt)
• it relaxes the borrowing limit
Bottom line: An increase in CURRENT income have STRONGER EFFECTS on consumption
than an increase in future income, because it relaxes borrowing constraints
C(Y, T, r , Y e, T e, r e)
+ − −
Current Net Income
(due to borrowing constraints)
it depends on current and future
income, interest rates, and taxes
The “New” Theory of Consumption
Some Implications
• A TEMPORARY increase in income have LITTLE effects on consumption
• because wealth (Wt) does not change much
• … this explains why in the data consumption does not react much to temporary
change in GDP
• A PERMANENT increase in income have LARGER effects on consumption
• because wealth (Wt) changes substantially
C(Y, T, r , Y e, T e, r e)
+ − −
Current Net Income
(due to borrowing constraints)
it depends on current and future
income, interest rates, and taxes
The “New” Theory of Investment
How do Firms Make Investment Decisions?
Investment (I)
Resources used to increase (or replace) the stock of productive
capital in the economy.
it depends on:
– Expected Present Discounted Value of ADDITIONAL Profits: V(Пe)
– Cost of Investing
V(Пe) > Cost V (Πet Invest
)> COST :
V(Пe) <
⎬ ⇒ I t = I ⎜⎜V Πt ⎟⎟
V Πt < COST : Do Not Invest ⎪⎭
⎝ + ⎠
Do Not Invest
( )
( )
Investment Decisions + Borrowing Limits
In practice: Firms are unlikely to be able to borrow as much as desired
i.e. there are borrowing limits, which typically depend on current profits
Thus, there are two effects of an increase in current profits (∏t):
• it increases present discounted value of investment (Vt)
• it relaxes the borrowing limit
Bottom line: An increase in CURRENT Profits have STRONGER EFFECTS on INVESTMENT
than an increase in future profits, because it relaxes borrowing constraints
e ⎞
I t = I ⎜ Π t ,V (Π t )⎟
⎝ +
Current Profits
Present Discounted Value
(due to borrowing constraints)
it depends on current and future profits
and interest rates
Investment Decisions + Borrowing Limits
In practice: Firms are unlikely to be able to borrow as much as desired
i.e. there are borrowing limits, which typically depend on current profits
Thus, there are two effects of an increase in current profits (∏t):
• it increases present discounted value of investment (Vt)
• it relaxes the borrowing limit
Bottom line: An increase in CURRENT Profits have STRONGER EFFECTS on INVESTMENT
than an increase in future profits, because it relaxes borrowing constraints
I(⇧, ⇧e , r, re )
Current Profits
(due to borrowing constraints)
Present Discounted Value
depends on current and future profits
and interest rates
Investment Decisions + Borrowing Limits
In practice: Firms are unlikely to be able to borrow as much as desired
i.e. there are borrowing limits, which typically depend on current profits
Thus, there are two effects of an increase in current profits (∏t):
• it increases present discounted value of investment (Vt)
• it relaxes the borrowing limit
Bottom line: An increase in CURRENT Profits have STRONGER EFFECTS on INVESTMENT
than an increase in future profits, because it relaxes borrowing constraints
I(Y, Y , r, r )
income (Y) ≃ profits (∏)
(when income ↑, profits ↑)
The “New” Theories of Consumption and Investment
C(Y, T, r , Y e, T e, r e)
+ − −
Current Net Income
it depends on current and future
(due to borrowing constraints)
income, interest rates, and taxes
I(Y, r , Y e, r e)
+ −
Current Profits
(due to borrowing constraints)
Present Discounted Value
depends on current and future profits
and interest rates