Grade 10 Photo Journal Idea Tracking Sheet Name: Photo #1 Know ledge Chemistry Caption 1:Strawberries are an antioxidant.An Caption 2: AntioxidantIt is a Caption 3:Antioxidants are antioxidant is the substrate that prevents the oxidation of molecules inside a cell. well-known chemical process that allows the removal of electrons or hydrogen from a substance. Free radicals are produced during the biological oxidation reaction man-made or natural substances that may prevent or delay some types of cell damage Connect to Unit:biology Connect to Unit:physics Thinki Connect to Unit:Biology ng Applic Connect to another Unit:BiologyAntioxidants are ation substances that may protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food or when you're exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation. Connect to another Unit:Antioxidants are substances that can protect your cells from free radicals that can play a role in heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. Free radicals are molecules that are produced when your body breaks down food or when you are exposed to smoke or radiation. Photo #2 Knowledge Thinking Caption 1: Caption 2: Caption 3: Connect to Unit: Connect to Unit: Connect to Unit: Application Connect to another Unit: Connect to another Unit: Photo #3 Knowledge Thinking Caption 1: Caption 2: Caption 3: Connect to Unit: Connect to Unit: Connect to Unit: Application Connect to another Unit: Connect to another Unit: Name: CPT – Rating Scale LEARNING CATEGORY KNOWLEDGE Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 THINKING Picture 1 Picture 2 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 Composes 3 captions and a description with a high degree of detail. Composes 3 captions and a description with a high degree of detail. Composes 3 captions and a description with a high degree of detail. Composes 3 captions and a description with considerable detail. Composes 3 captions and a description with considerable detail. Composes 3 captions and a description with considerable detail. Composes 2 captions and a description with some detail. Composes 2 captions and a description with some detail. Composes 2 captions and a description with some detail. Composes 2 captions and a description with limited detail. Composes 2 captions and a description with limited detail. Composes 2 captions and a description with limited detail. Associates photo with 3 learned concepts with a high degree of effectiveness. Associates photo with 3 learned concepts with a high Associates photo with 3 learned concepts with considerable effectiveness. Associates photo with 3 learned concepts with Associates photo with 2 learned concepts with some effectiveness. Did not associate the photo with any learned concepts. Associates photo with 2 learned Did not associate the photo with any learned concepts. MARK /30 (25% of CPT) /30 degree of effectiveness. Associates photo with 3 learned concepts with a high degree of effectiveness. considerable effectiveness. Associates photo with 3 learned concepts with considerable effectiveness. concepts with some effectiveness. Associates photo with 2 learned concepts with some effectiveness. Connects the photo to 2 other units with a high degree of effectiveness. Connects the photo to 2 other units with a high degree of effectiveness. Connects the photo to 2 other units with a high degree of effectiveness. Connects the photo to 2 other units with some effectiveness. Connects the photo to1 other unit with some effectiveness. Connects the photo to 2 other units with some effectiveness. Connects the photo to1 other unit with some effectiveness. Connects the photo to 2 other units with some effectiveness. Connects the photo to1 other unit with some effectiveness. Picture selected shows a high degree of understanding. Picture selected shows a considerable degree of understanding. Picture selected shows some degree of understanding. Picture selected shows a limited degree of understanding. Picture 2 Very few spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows a high degree of understanding. A few spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows a considerable degree of understanding. Some spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows some degree of understanding. Many spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows a limited degree of understanding. Picture 3 Very few spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows a high degree of understanding. A few spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows a considerable degree of understanding. Some spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows some degree of understanding. Many spelling/ grammar errors. Picture selected shows a limited degree of understanding. Very few spelling/ grammar errors. A few spelling/ grammar errors. Some spelling/ grammar errors. Many spelling/ grammar errors. Picture 3 APPLICATION Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 COMMUNICATION Picture 1 Did not associate the photo with any learned concepts. Does not connect the photo to 2 other units with any effectiveness. Does not connect the photo to 2 other units with any effectiveness. Does not connect the photo to 2 other units with any effectiveness. (35% of CPT) /30 (25% of CPT) /30 (15% of CPT)