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Consumer Behavior Lecture Notes

consumer behavior
- totality of consumers’ decision
- more than just the way that a person buys tangible
- reflects more than the way that a product is acquired by
a single person at any one point in time
- offered by a marketing organization to consumers
- process by which a consumer comes to own an offering
- deadlines can affect acquisition behaviour
- process by which a consumer uses an offering
- very core of consumer behaviour
- process by which a consumer discards an offering
8 ways to acquire an offering
(1) buying
- common; used for many offerings
(2) trading
- might receive a good/services as part of a trade
(3) renting/leasing
- instead of buying
(4) bartering
-exchange goods/services
(5) gifting
(6) finding
- find goods that others have lost
(7) stealing
- offerings can be acquired through theft
(8) sharing
- consumers copy and share movies
4 broad domains that affects consumer behaviour
(1) psychological core
- source of knowledge
(1.2) 4 stages
(a)problem recognition
- occurs when we realize that we have an unfulfilled need
(b) information search
(c) decision making
(d)postpurchase evaluation
(2) process of making decisions
(3) consumer’s culture
(4) consumer behaviour outcomes
high-effort decision
- willing to invest a lot of time and exert mental and
emotional energy
making postdecision evaluations
- allows the consumer to judge
- the typical or expected behaviour that characterize a
group of people
reference group
- group of people consumers compare themselves
consumer ability
- resources to act
- extent to which consumers have the resources needed to
make an outcome happen
(1) financial resources
- use of money
(2) cognitive resources
- knowledge
(3) emotional resources
- experience empathy and sympathy
(4) physical resources
- body power
(5) social and cultural resources
- social relationship
education and age
- better educated consumers will have more cognitive
resources to use in processing complex information
consumer opportunity
- to engage in a behaviour
key influences when consumer may not take action
(1) lack of time
- time pressured consumers are more likely to buy things
for themselves
(2) distraction
- diverts consumers’ attention
(3) complexity, amount, repetition and control of
- technical or quantitative information are more difficult to
handle than non-technical and qualitative data
- process by which consumer comes in physical contact
with a stimulus
marketing stimuli
- information about offerings
selective exposure
- consumers can and do actively seek out certain stimuli
and avoid or resist others
- reflects how much mental activity they devote to a
characteristics of attention
(1) limited
(2) selective
(3) can be divided
- process of determining the properties of stimuli
- process of extracting higher-order
consumer memory
- persistence of learning over time
- process of remembering or accessing
sensory memory
- input from the five senses
working memory
- portion of memory where incoming information is
how memory is enhanced
(1) recognition
- process of identifying
(2) recall
- the ability to retrieve information
(3) elaboration
- transferring information into long-term memory
knowledge content
- reflects to information we have already learned and
knowledge structure
- describes how we organize knowledge in memory
- relatively global and enduring evaluation of an object
importance of attitudes
(a) guide our thoughts (cognitive function)
(b) influence our feeling (affective function)
(c) affect our behaviour (connative function)