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Greta Thunberg: Climate Activist - Biography & Impact

• An 18-year-old from
Stockholm, Sweden.
• Descendant of Svante
Arrhenius, a scientist who
came up with a model of
the greenhouse effect. He
was awarded the Nobel
Prize for Chemistry in
• She learnt about climate
change when she was
Who is she?
• She has Asperger’s
Syndrome, a
developmental disorder,
which she has described
as a gift.
• She started campaigning in 2018 when she was 15.
• She won an essay competition – she wrote about
climate change in that essay.
• Three months later, she started protesting in front
of the Swedish Parliament building, vowing to
continue until the Swedish government met the
carbon emissions targets agreed upon by world
leaders in the Paris Summit in 2015.
• She regularly started campaigning and went on
strike every day. She urged students from around
the world to join her cause.
• Her protests went viral on social media as
support for her cause grew.
• Hashtag: #FridaysForFuture
• More than 20,000 students from around
the world joined her by December 2018.
• She took the entire school year off in 2019
and spoke at the UN Climate Conference in
New York the same year.
• Fun fact: Greta refuses to travel by air
because of its impact on the environment
so she got to NY on a racing yacht which
took two weeks.
What does she
• Calls for governments around the
world to do more to reduce the
carbon footprint.
• Has urged banks, governments and
other investors to stop investing in
fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
• She urges them to invest in existing
sustainable technologies, research
and in restoring nature.
• World leaders such as Donald Trump
mocked her and told her she needed
anger management classes.
• Vladmir Putin said she was a “kind
but poorly informed teenager.”
• She was also told by US Treasury
Secretary to go away and study
economics before lecturing investors.
• Her message has been well received
by students, scientists, climate
activists, the Pope and broadcaster
and naturalist Sir David
Quick facts
• Name: Greta Thunberg
• Age: 18
• Nationality: Swedish
• Claim to fame: Climate activist
• Hashtag: #FridaysForFuture
• IG handle:
• Facebook page:
• Awards: Time Magazine Person of the Year 2019
Speech at the UN Climate
Action Summit
• What is the topic of the speech?
• What is the purpose of the speech?
• Who is the intended audience?
• What is the content of the speech?
• Notable aspects of this speech.