2021 International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC) MEASUREMENTS OF DETERMINISTIC PROPAGATION MODELS THROUGH FIELD ASSESSMENTS FOR LONG-TERM EVALUATION Zain Waheed, Usman Rauf Kamboh, Muhammad Danish Taqdees, Muhammad Usman, Mehboob Nazim Shehzad Aroosa Fatima Department of Computational Sciences The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan Email: zain.178.tufians@gmail.com Abstract—In wireless network planning, a propagation path loss model is an important tool that enables network planners to optimize the distribution of the cell towers, and ensure that service levels are met as predicted. Upon comparison of different deterministic propagation models, the results show that the Lognormal shadowing path loss model showed the closest agreement with a minimum error of base station-1 situated at officer colony no.1 and base station-2 situated at malikpur respectively on the calculated path loss. It is noted that the proposed lognormal shadowing path loss model leads to an improvement and reduces the minimum error of base station-1 situated at officer colony no.1 in its agreement with measurement data. Keywords— PLM, Hata-Okumura, COST-231, ECC-33, Lognormal Shadowing Model, SUI, Ericsson, G-Net Track Lite, Cell Mapper, Google Earth Map I. INTRODUCTION Since its inception in the early 1980s, wireless communication (WCS) has been a commercial success method that has displeased the interest of telecommunication engineers in understanding and estimating the characteristics of signal transmission in various environments. Wireless technology has had and will continue to have a significant impact. The future wireless communication system will lay the groundwork for a new society in which equipment and people can be linked at any time and from any place. Because of connectivity models, wireless access networks have emerged as a critical tool in managing communications, especially at home and at work. Propagation path loss models (PLMs) are widely used for performing feasibility studies during the early stages of designing the communication system. To estimate path loss, a variety of prediction PLMs are available. Prediction PLMs play a critical role in signal coverage optimization, inter- ference detection, and effective network resource utilization [1], [7]. Wireless communication systems are one of the growing systems nowadays. Each year the demanding data for mobile communications is growing. The number of subscribers is increasing exponentially while network providers are bound to provide cheap and reliable services due to market competition. 978-1-6654-0091-6/21/$31.00 © 2021 IEEE The demand for large bandwidth is a huge impediment for wireless service providers in such a competitive environment. Nowadays Femto base stations have been deployed in houses, offices, bus stations, airports, malls, etc. due to their high capacity, better coverage, low cost, and high spectrum efficiency [13], [19]. II. BACKGROUND Generally, propagation PLMs have focused on estimating the RSS at a distance from the BTS. In WCS, sufficient understanding is required to use appropriate PLMs among various PLMs. Cellular communication systems are a form of cellular communication system, accurate propagation path loss models help us to identify the locations where new cell sites are required for providing the network coverage and provide acceptable cost estimation. On the other hand, incorrect path loss estimation will either reduce system efficiency or increase system cost WCS’s efficiency is determined by the channel’s characteristics. The transmitting approach is influenced by the channel’s characteristics. In order to optimize RF coverage, PLMs and RSS are necessary. Since terrain conditions differ from place to place, there are no widely agreed PLMs. In order to minimize the effects of interference, it is necessary to accurately estimate the channel characteristics [2]–[4]. The primary goal of a 3G and 4G LTE network is to achieve optimum coverage and efficiency. Significant performance factors including handover, RSS, call success rate, and dropped call ratio all play a key role in achieving any mobile communication system’s quality goals show in Fig. 1. The comparison of propagation PLMs with field measurement data for different areas deterministic path loss models. Comparative research has been conducted in several countries, including Banta (Algeria), the South-South part of Nigeria (India), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), and others, as will be addressed in the literature study. To our knowledge, no such research was conducted in any Pakistan region that analyses contact connection loss while considering PLE behavior. A critical review of the study accompanies the literature study [2], [5], [6]. A. Hata-Okumura Path loss Model The Hata-Okumura model is a well-known empirical PLM that predicts RSS and is based on the Okumura PLM [9], [10]. The Hata-Okumura model is an Ultra High-Frequency model that has been well-developed (UHF). UHF has a frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz. Previously, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) created this framework for further extension up to 3.5 GHz based on its recommendations (ITU-R). The Okumura model provides no information at frequencies greater than 3 GHz. The Hata-Okumura Path loss Model equations for different areas show in Table I. TABLE I PATHLOSS E Q U A T I O N S F O R D I F F E R E N T A R E A S . [9] Area Urban Suburban Rural Fig. 1. Propagation Path loss Mechanisms. Path loss Equation (dB) A + Blog (d) - E A + Blog (d) - C A + Blog (d) - D III. PROBLEM STATEMENT Several studies are comparing PLMs with field measurements in different countries, as discussed in the literature survey, but we have not been able to locate any systematic research on 4G LTE path loss modeling for any region of Pakistan. As a result, this study aims to compare the output of the most widely used predictive PLMs with field assessments at three different locations along the Canal Expressway Faisalabad in Pakistan. All previous measurements were done with complicated software and expensive equipment like a spectrum analyzer, a laptop with Ericsson software, a network communication analyzer (ACTIX analyzer 4.05) software, and a GPS receiver, among other things. In this research work an easy and inexpensive way to calculate the field data is provided. A Net-Track Lite and Cell mapper applications are used during the site surveys. where, f is the frequency in MHz, d represents the distance between BTS and MTS in meters, hb is the height of BTS antenna in meters, hm is the height of mobile receiver antenna in meters, and a(hm) is the correction parameter in dB. The effective height of MTS antenna a(hm) is defined in as: a (hm) = [1.1 × log(4)–0.7] × hm–[1.56 × log(f )–0.8] (1) B. COST-231 Hata path loss Model COST-231 is an abbreviation for Cost-of-Production-231. The Hata PLM model is a cross between the F.Ikegami and the J.Walfish models. The COST-231 Hata model offered correction factors for suburban, rural, and urban locations show in table II. The path loss equation for this model is as follows show in Equation 2 [15]. TABLE II IV. PROPOGATION MODELS WCS uses electromagnetic radiation to transmit data from the transmitter to the receiver. Path loss is caused by the interaction of area and electromagnetic waves, which decreases signal power. • It can be difficult to describe any random scenario using a mathematical model at times. The estimated behavior is then observed using random data. An empirical model is made up of algorithms and various mathematical equations to perform the signal propagation [8]. • The deterministic models employ various laws to direct electromagnetic signal propagation to locate the RSS precisely. Deterministic models usually need a complete 3D map of the propagation region [8]. • Stochastic models are used to represent various conditions as a set of random variables. While stochastic models need less information about the environment, they are the least accurate. Empirical and stochastic models are used to predict propagation path loss at the frequency of 3.5GHz. [8]. PARAMETER A N D CORRECTION FACTORS FOR DIFFERENT AREAS [ 16] Area Urban Suburban Rural Correction Factor cm 3dB 0dB 15dB Parameter a(hm) 3.2 × (log(11.75 × hr))4.97 (1.1 × (0.7))hr (1.56 × (0.8) (1.1 × (0.7))hr (1.56 × (0.8) PL (dB) = 46.3+33.9×log10 (f) −13.82×log10 (hb) −a (hm) + (44.9 − 6.55 × log10 (hm) × log10 (d) + cm (2) Where, f denotes the frequency in MHz, hb is the height of BTS antenna in meters, hr is the height of MTS antenna in meters, cm represents the correction parameter and its value is defined according to area. C. Lognormal Shadowing path loss Model The lognormal distribution is the result of random shadowing across a large number of measurement locations with the same T-R spacing but variable amounts of noise on the propagation path. This phenomenon is known as lognormal Shadowing. In the lognormal shadowing model, an Equation is used to represent the variations in the measured data showin Equation 3. d (3) PL (d) = PL (d0) + 10nlog10 ( ) + Xσ, d0 Where, n represents the PLE. The value of PLE relies on the type of area. Xσ represents a random variable with zero mean and standard deviation of σ. TABLE IV ERICSSON PLM CONSTANTS [ 17] Environment Urban Suburban Rural k0 36.2 43.2 45.95 k1 30.2 68.93 100.6 k2 12.0 12.0 12.0 k3 0.1 0.1 0.1 V. COMPARISON WITH MEASUREMENT D. Stanford University Interim path loss Model The SUI model was created by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as part of the IEEE 802.16 wireless connection working group (IEEE). The transmitter and receiver antenna heights in the SUI model extend from 10 to 80 meters and 2 to 10 meters, respectively [14]. Terrain A, B, and C are the three types of terrain identified by this model show in Table III. Comparative analysis between measured and estimated values was required to verify the efficiency of predictive PLMs, and field measurements were required for comparison. As a result, selecting BTSs is critical for obtaining field measurements. The field measurements were taken on the Canal Expressway in Faisalabad, Pakistan. This Expressway runs from east to west and provides easy access between Faisalabad and other cities show in Fig 2. TABLE III PARAMETER V A L U E S O F D I F F E R EN T T Y P E S O F T E R R A I N S . [12] Parameters of SUI Model a b c Terrain A 4.6 0.0075 12.6 Terrain B 4.0 0.0065 17.1 Terrain C 3.6 0.005 20 The basic path loss equation with the SUI model’s correction parameters is given as: Where, d0 denotes the reference distance in meters, Xf is the correction parameter for frequency over 1.5GHz, Xh is the correction parameter for height of receiver antenna in meters, s represents the shadowing correction parameter in dB, and γ Denotes the PLE. The factors n, A, Xf, and Xh are presented as: d PL = A + 10nlog10 ( ) + Xf + Xh + sford > d0 (4) d0 E. ECC-33 path loss Model The Electronics Communication Committee (ECC) recommended the ECC-33 PLM. Essentially, it is extrapolated from the Okumura model’s measurements, and Okumura’s assumption is updated in this model [18]. The ECC-33 PLM is an empirical model which consists of four terms and it can be defined as show in Equation 5. PL (dB) = Abm + Afs − Gt − Gr (5) F. Ericson path loss Model The Ericsson model was created by network planning engineers using tools given by the Ericsson organization to predict Path loss. The Ericson PLM is based on an improved version of the Hata-Okumura PLM for various types of propagation areas Path loss can be estimated using this model as show in Equation 6 and different areas constants show in Table IV. Fig. 2. Selected base stations on Faisalabad Canal Expressway. To obtain field measurements on the Canal Expressway, three BTSs were chosen as signal sources. These BTSs were located in Officer Colony no. 1, Malikpur, and Canal Garden. The terrains chosen have less vegetation and houses or structures that are often under 20 meters show in Fig 3 and information of BTSs show in Table V. PL = k0+k1+log10 (d) +k2log10 (hb) +k3log10 (hb): log10 (d) — 3 : 2[log10(11 : 75hr)2]+44 : 49log10(f ) − 478[log10(f )]2 (6) TABLE V INFORMATION O F S E L E C T E D STATIONS. Base Station BTS1 BTS2 BTS3 Location Officer Colony Malikpur Canal Garden BASE Coordinates(Lat,Long) 31.423863, 73.117926 31.451816, 73.135970 31.458844, 73.169961 Cell-Id FSD 130047 FSD 137213 FSD 132436 Fig. 3. Image of BTS1 , BTS2 , BTS3 A. Base Stations Parameters In Matlab, these parameters were used to analyze the field measurements. The parameters for each BTS, such as transmission frequency, transmitted power, antenna height, EIRP, and BTS antenna gain, were obtained from the “Mobil ink” headquarters in Kashmir Bridge Faisalabad show in Table VI. TABLE VII COMPARISON O F Base Station BTS1 TABLE VI PARAMETERS O F 3.36% and 2.86%, respectively. As a result, the Hata-Okumura and Lognormal shadowing PLMs, among others, are the best at estimating calculated path loss. The Hata-Okumura and Lognormal shadowing methods have the lowest error rates of 3.36% and 2.86%, respectively. As a result, the Hata-Okumura and Lognormal shadowing PLMs, among others, are the best at estimating calculated path loss. Since the locations used in this study are in a metropolitan area but not a densely populated place, ECC-33 does not provide a good estimate of path loss. The Hata-Okumura and Lognormal shadowing PLMs, on the other hand, were the nearest to field measurements, while the SUI PLM underestimated the measured path loss. Furthermore, with an error of 9.47%, the COST-231 PLM indicates a minor deviation from field measurements show in Table VII. PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCE FOR BTS1. Hata-Okumura 3.36% COST-231 9.47% Lognormal 2.86% Ericsson 19.23% SUI 13.00% ECC-33 34.7% SELECTED BASE STATIONS. Parameters BTS Transmitting power MTS antenna height BTS antenna height BTS antenna gain MTS antenna gain Operating frequency EIRP Values 47 Watts 1.5m 60m 15dBi 1dBi 1.8 GHz 62dBm B. Equipment and Software Used The hardware used to collect the data was an Oppo F5 smartphone. The field measurements were taken using the different applications. The G-net track application for Android mobile devices is a wireless monitor and drive test tool. Without the use of specialized instruments, this application allows for the monitoring and recording of mobile network parameters. A cell mapper is a tool for determining cellular coverage. We can use this software to verify the coverage of our mobile network provider. On the map, we can also see our provider’s cell tower positions. The Google Earth Map is a three-dimensional representation of the earth based on satellite imagery. This can be used to calculate exact distances between various locations shown in figure 2. Fig. 4. Comparison of estimated and field measured path loss for BTS1. VI. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Resemblance of path loss Models with Field Assessmentsfor BTS1 The driving test in the BTS1 coverage area produced a mean path loss of 139 dB as a result of the results. The COST-231, Hata-Okumura, Lognormal shadowing, Ericsson, SUI, and ECC- 33 PLMs measure mean path loss values of 127.6183 dB, 136.3034 dB, 144.9947 dB, 168.6057 dB, 122.4747 dB, and 191.4006 dB, respectively. The Hata-Okumura and Lognormal shadowing methods have the lowest error rates of B. Resemblance of Assessmentsfor BTS2 path loss Models with Field The driving test in the BTS2 coverage area revealed a mean path loss of 136.55 dB. The COST- 231, Hata-Okumura, Lognormal Shadowing, Ericsson, SUI, and ECC-33 PLMs estimate mean path loss values of 118.3578 dB, 126.9482 dB, 133.6706 dB, 160.1459 dB, 112.3564 dB, and 215.1509 dB, Respectively. The Lognormal shadowing PLM, with a marginal Error of 2.17%, best estimates the measured path loss among the PLMs used. This means that, as compared to other PLMs, the lognormal shadowing PLM better estimates the calculated path loss. According to the findings, the ECC-33 and Ericson PLMs have a relatively high estimate of calculated path loss. The ECC-33 PLM is far from the measured path loss, suggesting that it overestimates the path loss. Furthermore, the SUI PLM revealed a path loss of 126.2257 dB. With an error of 7.26%, the Hata-Okumura model reveals the slight deviation from field measurements show in Table VIII. lognormal and Ericson PLMs are closer to measured path loss from distances up to 1.4 km to 2 km show in Table IX. TABLE IX COMPARISON O F Base Station BTS3 Hata-Okumura 9.59% PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCE FOR BTS3. COST-231 15.64% Lognormal 13.06% Ericsson 13.70% SUI 19.78% ECC-33 99.10% TABLE VIII COMPARISON O F Base Station BTS2 PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCE FOR BTS2. Hata-Okumura 7.26% COST-231 13.49% Lognormal 2.17% Ericsson 16.76% SUI 17.78% ECC-33 56.52% Fig. 6. Comparison of estimated and field measured path loss for BTS3. VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Fig. 5. Comparison of estimated and field measured path loss for BTS2. C. Resemblance of Assessmentsfor BTS3 path loss Models with Field A driving test resulted in a mean path loss of 138.55 dB when performed in the BTS3’s area coverage. The mean path loss values expected by the model are 118.3578 dB, 126.9482dB, 158.6706 dB, 160.1459 dB, 112.3564 dB, 284.3259 dB. PLMs from COST-231, Hata-Okumura, Lognormal shadowing, Ericsson, SUI, and ECC-33. With a minimum error of 9.59%, the Hata-Okumura PLM had the best agreement with the calculated path loss. As a result, the Hata-Okumura PLM, among other PLMs, is the best at estimating the calculated path loss. The ECC-33 PLM showed a quite high estimation of measured path loss of 295.1104 dB. Furthermore, the Hata- Okumura, SUI, and COST-231 PLMs are closer to measured path loss from distances up to 0.3 km to 1 km, while the This work is concluded in the following paragraphs after reviewing the findings obtained by simulation of both comparative analyses of PLMs and multi-slope PLMs. When comparing calculated path loss to theoretical values based on percentage difference, the lognormal shadowing PLM had the best agreement, with a minimum error of 2.86% and 2.17% for BTS1 and BTS2, respectively. The Hata- Okumura PLM has the best estimate of the calculated path loss in BTS3, with an error of 9.59%. With a maximum error of 34%, 56%, and 99%, respectively, the ECC-33 PLM overestimates the calculated path loss of BTS1, BTS2, and BTS3. 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