LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF PASSENGER ASSIST RAILWAY DISPLAY SYSTEM (PARDS) IN LRT LINE 2 A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Railway Engineering Department Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management by: Aytona, Melody E. Carreon, Carlota Jisela D. Laloy, Leandro III T. Luces, Jose Edgar II N. Simpao, Jan Paolo B. May 2019 i CERTIFICATION This thesis entitled “LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF PASSENGER ASSIST RAILWAY DISPLAY SYSTEM (PARDS) IN LRT LINE 2,,” prepared and submitted by Melody E. Aytona; Carlota Jisela D. Carreon; Leandro T. Laloy III; Jose Edgar N. Luces II; and Jan Paolo B. Simpao in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management, has been examined and recommended for Oral Examination. ENGR. RAMIR M. CRUZ Adviser ________________________________________________________________ APPROVAL SHEET Approved by the Panel on Oral Examination ENGR. ISRAEL A. RADIAGANDING Lead Panelist ENGR. RYAN MAYNARD MAZO Member Panelist MS. SHEENA MARIE BOLA Member Panelist MS. ANNA CELINA DUBAN Member Panelist Date of Oral Defense: February 28, 2019 Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN RAILWAY ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT ENGR. RAMIR M. CRUZ Chairperson, Department of Railway Engineering REMEDIOS G. ADO, DEM Dean, PUP College of Engineering ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The researchers want to express their gratitude to all the people who have given their heart whelming full support in making this thesis a fruitful one and a great experience. It won’t be completed without your genuine assistance and your immeasurable contribution. First of all we want to thank God, the Father of all, we thank Him for giving us the strength that made us still standing and keep fighting despite the challenges and circumstances we encounter in doing this thesis that will made our project possible successful. This thesis won’t be possible without the help of our families, our parents and relatives, who inspired, encouraged, motivated and supported us for every challenge that comes in our way. We would also want to thank them for giving us hope and strength to accomplish this project and making us realize that the biggest task can be accomplish by having more selfconfidence and strong faith to our Almighty God. To our classmates, schoolmates, friends and other young researchers who willingly helped us gather the necessary data and for helping us in the different activities that are included in our project and exchanging of ideas with us, we thanked you for it. To the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), we thanked you for giving us an opportunity to make a study in Light Rail Transit Line 2 (LRT Line 2) and for being patient with us as well as to the other researchers who conducted a study in the same line. We would also like to thank our thesis adviser, Engr. Ramir M. Cruz, who sincerely devoted his time and service for every activities and task that boosted our self-esteem and iii taught us to be responsible enough for the sake of our goods and as for the others. We thanked you for the kindness and patience you have given to us. Special thanks also to Engr. Arlheth Delos Angeles for giving us advices during the conduct of the study. We would also like to thank Engr. Israel Radiaganding and Engr. Joseph Raniel Bianes for helping us with our queries regarding the study. Special thanks also to the kind-hearted individuals who supported and became part of the project. Thank you for the assistance you gave to us. We also want to thank you for those who are not mentioned, your help was very eminent and very well appreciated. Lastly, we would like to thank all the personalities in our dearest school, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines for the unselfish aid in conducting the study and for the moral support. iv CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis entitled LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF PASSENGER ASSIST RAILWAY DISPLAY SYSTEM (PARDS) IN LRT LINE 2 for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines embodies the result of original and scholarly work carried out by the researchers. This thesis does not contain words or ideas taken from published sources or written works that have been accepted as basis for the award of a degree from any higher educational institution, except when paper referencing text and acknowledgement were made. MELODY E. AYTONA CARLOTA JISELA D. CARREON LEANDRO T. LALOY III JOSE EDGAR N. LUCES II JAN PAOLO B. SIMPAO Researchers March 26, 2019 v ABSTRACT Title : Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 Researchers : Melody E. Aytona, Carlota Jisela D. Carreon ,Leandro T. Laloy III, Jose Edgar N. Luces II and Jan Paolo B. Simpao Degree : Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management Institution : Polytechnic University of the Philippines Year : 2019 Adviser : Engr. Ramir M. Cruz The purpose of this research is to assess the current level of effectiveness and efficiency of the implemented Passenger Assist Rail Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 trains in terms of the features. Descriptive research method was used in the study which employed questionnaires distributed amongst the riders of LRT Line 2 as an instrument for data gathering. The survey was conducted in all the stations of LRT Line 2 from 10 AM to 4 PM of weekdays. The population size was 385 respondents, which showed that most of the respondents are female, majority of them are within the age of 20 years old and below. The results also showed that most of the respondents ride the train 1-5 times a week followed by a frequency of 6-10 times a week and most of the respondents are long-time riders for about 3 years and above. vi The data collected were analyzed and interpreted using the appropriate statistical methods. Results showed that PARDS and its features of providing real time information, Safety reminders, entertainment and public announcements has an effective impact on the passengers based on their perceptions. The study also concluded, through the respondents’ assessment, that PARDS has been efficient in providing its features. Further recommendations are made for the enhancement of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page Certification and Approval Sheet Acknowledgments Certification of Originality Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures 1 2 3 4 i ii iii v vi viii x xi The Problem and Its Setting Introduction Background of the Study Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations of the Study Definition of Terms 1 2 5 8 10 11 12 13 Review of Literature and Studies Foreign Literature Local Literature Foreign Studies Local Studies Synthesis 16 21 24 31 34 Methodology Research Method Used Population, Sample Size and Sampling Techniques Locale of the Study Data Gathering Procedure Research Instrument Used Description of Respondents Statistical Treatment of Data 35 36 40 40 41 41 42 Results and Discussion 1.0 Profile of the Respondents 48 viii 2.0 Level of Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 3.0 Level of Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT LINE 2 5 Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations Summary of Findings Conclusions Recommendations 52 62 67 68 70 Bibliography 72 Appendices 79 Appendix 1. Biographical Statement 79 Appendix 2. Survey Questionnaire Form 84 Appendix 3. Ridership Data from Light Rail Transit Authority 87 Appendix 4. Calculation of Population Size 88 Appendix 5. Description and Components of PARDS from Department of Transportation Report Annual Report 91 Appendix 6. Official Statement of Trackmate Business Solutions Inc. on PARDS from Media Interview 95 Appendix 7. Working Clearance for Passenger Surveying in LRT Line 2 92 Appendix 8. Letters Used 93 Appendix 9. Certification of Statistical Treatment 101 Appendix 10. Action Pictures 102 Appendix 11. Validation of Coordination of Researchers with the Light Rail Transit Authority with regards to the study 105 ix LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page 1 Average Daily Ridership in each Station of LRT Line 2 36 2 Distribution of Respondents in each Station of LRT Line 2 39 3 Likert Scale of Effectiveness 42 4 Description and Verbal Interpretation for 43 Effectiveness Rating 5 Likert Scale of Efficiency 44 6 Description and Verbal Interpretation for Efficiency Rating 45 7 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According 48 to Gender 8 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According 49 to Age 9 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According 50 to Ride Frequency 10 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According 51 to Period of Time as an LRT Line 2 Patron 11 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger Assist 52 Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Providing Real Time Information 12 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger Assist x 54 Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Safety Reminders 13 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger 56 Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Entertainment 14 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger 57 Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Public Announcements 15 Summary on the Level of Effectiveness of Passenger 59 Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 16 Level of Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display 62 System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in Terms of Audio-Visual Presentation 17 Summary on the Level of Efficiency of Passenger 63 Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 LIST OF FIGURES Number Title Page 1 Expectancy Disconfirmation Model (Oliver 1980) 5 2 Conceptual Framework 8 xi POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction Communication is the key to make someone updated in terms of public information. In today’s world, public transportation plays an important role in the development of a country. Everything has been developed and always made a new innovation for the improvement of the transportation system. The modern railway systems are now providing real-time information (i.e. news, weather conditions, train’s location, departure and arrival and emergency announcements), commercial advertisements, and entertaining videos to the passengers. Hence, they will be informed and entertained while they are in their journey on what is happening to the community via the passenger information display system (PIDS), a display monitor installed along the station premises and on-board the trains for providing information. Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) is an information system that provides real-time data or information for passengers’ awareness while onboard the train. It displays information such as location, entertainment, reminders for safety and others. The PIDS system provides a web browser interfaces, uses GPS (GrossPositioning System) to determine the train’s location, and a predefined template for display customization and content creation. PIDS have become a common sight in railway stations and trains for the past few years. 1 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES In the Philippines, the on-board passenger information display system is called Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS). It provides real-time information such as public announcements, advertisements, train-related matters and the alike) to the passengers boarding in the trains of Light Rail Transit Line 2 (LRT Line 2). PARDS is a specific term for on-board information system installed in the trains of Light Rail Transit Line 2 while the PIDS is a general term for a passenger information displays in transportation. The passenger information display systems of every modern railway line play an important role. Display systems could provide information which can be easily understood by the passengers to make everything clear for them. Their usage affects passengers’ comfort and security in public transportation. Modern information systems consist of computer controlled automation systems which work in real time. The actual information is provided via information announcements through the audio-visual display on the displayed monitors and through the station’s broadcast. Background of the Study Passenger Information Display System of PIDS through time have been evolving from a simple information system with audi and viual into a multi-modal integrated systems that aims not only to provide current location but also other data such as information for passengers’ safety and entertainment. These types of system need to be assessed if it has provided a positive effect on the part of the beneficiaries who are the passengers in terms of evaluating its performance. Nowadays, PIDS is a necessary in railway operations to track the trains’ location and for communication between passengers and operators. 2 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES As the time passes by, the technology is upgrading and making new innovations; as the population grows, the significant challenge is to meet the expectations and demands of the commuters. For trains to do that effectively, passengers need to feel safe and comfortable. Many existing PIDS are outdated and poorly integrated with other systems. Additionally, weak PIDS performance diminishes the ability of travelers and operators to communicate. It can even deter customers from choosing rail as a transit option. The train operating companies are striving to improve passenger satisfaction by adding more features on the PIDS aside from the arrival and departure times like entertainment content as well as emergency announcements, and currently news. Nowadays, advertisements have been part of these systems because its one of the sources of revenues of the developer and it contributes to the impact caused to the users.. In the Philippines, there’s a type of PIDS used in LRT Line 2 called Passenger Assist Railway Display System or PARDS which was originally installed in LRT Line 2 to provide real time updates about the train. The system was unveiled on May 5, 2017, with the system being installed on one LRT Line 2 train. By June 2017, all ten active train units were fitted with the system, with some 400 LCD monitors installed systemwide. Installed at no cost to the national government, PARDS is funded through advertising. “The LRT-2 management unveils a Passenger Assist-Rail Display System or PARDS to help passengers access real-time information on train arrival or departure, and its location.” – Business Nightly, ANC, May 05, 2017. 3 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES According to Business Nightly, ANC, it explains that the PARDS is now improving the rail transportation in the country in terms of providing real time information and can be accessed in the displayed monitors installed inside the LRT Line 2 trains. In a statement by the developer, it aims to give solution to instances when passengers do not know what’s happening around them. The solution will provide a communication between operators and passengers. “The premise for the whole thing is that commuters are complaining a lot on social media about the trains and we realize that the bottom line is they do not know what is happening. We aim to solve that by creating a communication line between the train operator and the passengers,” Cielo Remorin, TrackMate marketing manager, said. According to Cielo Remorin, she said that the passengers are not updated in terms of public information (i.e weather updates, public announcements, etc.). The passengers don’t know what is currently happening on their environment. In order to make the passengers be informed and become updated in real-time information (trainrelated and non-train related), PARDS are installed in the LRT Line 2 trains. Besides, PARDS are also installed to make an effective communication between the train operator and the passengers and to make them also entertained by this display system. This thesis focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display Systems (PARDS) in Light Rail Transit Line 2 (LRT Line 2). It is conducted to know the outcome of the new innovation that are installed in the LRT Line 2 trains in terms of providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment, announcements and audio-visual Presentation. 4 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Theoretical Framework A theory used in the study is the Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory. It was developed by Richard L. Oliver in 1980 which suggests that satisfaction level is a result of the difference between expected and perceived performance. It states that, “Satisfaction (positive disconfirmation) occurs when product or service is better than expected. On the other hand, a performance worse than expected results with dissatisfaction (negative disconfirmation).” Figure 1. Expectancy Disconfirmation Model (Oliver 1980) In relation to the study, the expected performance of the subject is an effective system which provides real time and reliable updates and happenings about the train while onboard it. The passengers’ responses to the surveys were treated as the perceived performance. Since satisfaction in Oliver’s Theory and effectiveness in this study has a similar approach, which has something to do between the expected and actual outcome of the system, it can be of great help in analyzing the level of effectiveness of PARDS whether it leads to positive or negative results during the conduct of the study by means of using the similar format for measuring effectiveness. 5 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The theory has four main constructs. These are expectations, performance outcomes, disconfirmation and the result which can be satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The expectations are the anticipated action of the product. Performance outcomes are the person’s perception on the actual outcome of the product, disconfirmation is the evaluation made by the person between the first two. And lastly, satisfaction or dissatisfaction is represented by the result of that evaluation, the effectiveness. Satisfaction in Oliver’s Theory and effectiveness in this study has a similar approach, that is why the purpose of each factor affecting effectiveness is treated as the expected performance. For example, if the purpose of the product is to provide entertainment, the commuter will use it because he/she expected that the product will do that. The theory provided a plan on how to get the level of effectiveness by means of following its four points.. It also implies that commuters can be a good means of measuring the effectiveness of a system. Since they are the one who are expected to benefit from the system, and they as consumers in part of the theory stated, can make comparison between the expected and actual performance of the product. They can produce an accurate result based on their experiences in riding LRT Line 2 with PARDS. This will also help the researchers to consider actual performance as one of the key subjects in the data gathering. Relating it to scenarios, considering different modes of transportation, Commuter A will choose which one to ride based on his assessment as to which one is the best. The commuter chose it based on his/her assessment on the actual performance of the mode. 6 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES On Archer’s Theory of Efficiency, efficiency is defined as “the measure of effectiveness that produces the minimum waste of time, effort, and skill.” It helped us have an idea that since there are no available key performance indicators to be based upon., it can be measured non-mathematically by thinking how well a system do its purpose with the minimum waste of effort of the persons involved. By considering how the system provides the service, which is through audio and visual presentations, it would make the study possibly measure the efficiency by constructing a rating scale involving how the passengers feel about how well the system provide the service with the least amount of time and effort wastage. Its about efficiency in terms of the assessment if the commuters were able to receive the service just on-time for them. Audio – visual presentation was considered since it’s the only way how people perceived the service of the system. It will be based on their own analysis based on the given rating scale. 7 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Conceptual Framework Figure 2. Conceptual Framework INPUT 1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of: 1.1 Gender; 1.2 Age; 1.3 Frequency of rides in LRT Line 2; 1.4 Period of time as an LRT Line 2 patron? 2. What is the level of effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of: 2.1. Providing real time information; 2.2. Safety reminders; 2.3.Entertainment; and 2.4.Public Announcements 3. What is the level of efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display PROCESS Data Gathering through: - Questionnaires - Related Literature - Related Studies - Letters - Interview Data Analysis through: - Cochran’s Formula Likert Scale - Weighted Mean - Frequency Distribution - Percentage Frequency Distribution FEEDBACK OUTPUT Effective and Efficient Passenger Assist Rail Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 8 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES This shows the three-step analytical process that will serve as a guide to the researchers in order to attain information about the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System in LRT Line 2. The Research Conceptual Framework (Figure 2) shows the variables needed and the input-process-output scheme that the researchers will follow in analyzing the factors and the information in order to assess the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of PARDS in LRT Line 2. Changes made in the process are due to the unexpected circumstances across the research period. As for the input, profile of respondents will be used to know who the respondents are as well as their total population for sampling purposes. The passengers’ insight will be the most needed since this will lead to the assessment on the effectiveness of PARDS as surveys are to be provided. The study will be conducted through the processes of gathering data about the system and conducting survey for the collection of passengers’ insights. These will undergo assessment and analysis to finally obtain the results. The output will be an effective and efficient PARDS in LRT Line 2. These concepts help the researchers to know the flow of the study and how it will be done to obtain results. 9 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Statement of the Problem This study determines the Level of Effectiveness And Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2. Moreover, it also seeks to answer the following specific questions: 1. What is the profile of res pondents in terms of: 1.1 Gender; 1.2 Age; 1.3 Frequency of rides in LRT Line 2; 1.4 Period of time as an LRT Line 2 patron? 2. What is the level of effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of: 2.1. Providing real time information; 2.2. Safety reminders; 2.3. Entertainment; and 2.4. Public Announcements? 3. What is the level of efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of: 3.1. Audio-Visual Presentation? 10 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Significance of the Study This research was conducted to know the level of effectiveness and efficiency the Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2. This is also done to show what the improvements are done after its implementation following the aforementioned aspects. This will also be beneficial to the following: The LRT LINE 2 Management. The result of this study will help the LRT LINE 2 to know if PARDS has been effective to commuters since its implementation. They will also know what part of the system needs to be improved for a better implementation and more useful system. The commuters. This study can provide ideas and knowledge that a commuter must know. It will provide awareness to commuters what are the functions and features of PARDS. It will also help them assess the effectiveness of the new system for their better commuting experiences. The TrackMate Business Solutions. Since PARDS is a Filipino Technology Company made by TrackMate, this will provide idea to then how their system helps or affects the commuting life of Filipinos. It will also help them look for additional improvements based on the results of the study. To the future railway projects. The results of this study will help the organizers or companies of future railway projects to develop a similar system if it is found to be effective as well as a better system if some system discrepancies were seen upon the conduct of the study. To the future researchers. The result of this study can also be the basis or guide if they will be conducting the same topic or any study related to the topic this research discusses. 11 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Scope and Limitations of the Study The study focuses on the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) (monitor screens inside LRT Line 2 trains) in LRT Line 2 as perceived by LRT Line 2 commuters. Moreover, it discusses the level of effectiveness in terms of providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment, announcements as well as the level of efficiency in terms of its audiovisual presentation as perceived by the commuters of LRT Line 2. The sample will come from the commuters of all stations in LRT Line 2: • Recto Terminal Station • Legarda Station • Pureza Station • V. Mapa Station • J. Ruiz Station • Gilmore Station • Betty-Go Belmonte Station • Araneta-Cubao Station • Anonas Station • Katipunan Station • Santolan Terminal Station The efficiency of PARDS covers factors that are used for the information be perceived clearly for the LRT Line 2 passengers to understand it using their least time. The efficiency only focuses on the non-mathematical view but only on how passengers feel about how well PARDS provide its services with the least waste of 12 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES resources by their analysis based on the rating scale provided since there are no Key Performance Indicators available upon request and also since the questionnaire to be used was seen and approved by the LRTA upon issuance of working clearance. The conduct of survey was made from 10 AM to 4PM, January 14-February 15, 2019 during weekdays . The study was made during the academic year 2018-2019, first semester to second semester. Definition of Terms This part provides definition and clarification for some terminologies used in the study for further explanation: Announcements. Government policies, bills, current events and other information displayed in the PARDS monitor having a purpose to disseminate information. Average Daily Ridership. Computed daily average of entry plus exit operational data of LRT Line 2 for the year 2018. Audio. Sound coming from the PARDS. Audio-Visual Presentation. It pertains to how the information are provided to the commuters through sound and appearance of the information disseminated. Content Layout. The arrangement of contents. Effectiveness. Refers to how successful the actual outcome of the PARDS’ are in achieving their purposes as perceived by the passengers. Efficiency. Refers to how well the information or service are provided with the least waste of resources Entertainment. It refers to the advertisements and commercials being displayed on the monitors having a purpose of entertaining passengers. 13 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Features. The services provided by PARDS Font Size and Color. It tells If the texts uses the appropriate size and color that make the content readable. LCD. Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is a flat panel display technology commonly used in TVs and computer monitors. LRT Line 2. Light Rail Transit 2, a rail transit transportation that runs from Recto Station in Manila to Santolan Station in Pasig City and vice versa. PARDS. Passenger Assist Railway Display System. A passenger information system on-board the train that aids in providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment and announcements through audio-visual presentations. PA. Public Announcement in terms of audio-visual presentation and voice messages. Passengers. People who ride LRT Line 2. PIDS. Passenger Information Display System. A passenger information system similar to PARDS in other countries and general term for a system for passenger information displays in transportation. Position of Monitors. Where the monitors are installed. It tells if the monitors were placed appropriately. Real Time Information. The current status of the train location, nearby establishments, time and date. Safety Reminders. Refers to the indications that ensure the safety of the passengers. Screen brightness. if the passenger is suitable for the passenger to read and see the information. Size of images. It tells if the images have the appropriate size to be able to see it clearly. 14 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Synchronization of audio and visual. Operation of audio and visual at the same time. Time the Information was given. (in the survey form) if the passenger has enough time to react on the information given. Track Layout (survey form). The figure shown by PARDS telling the previous, current and next location of the train. Trackmate Business Solutions Inc.. The company which developed Passenger Assist Railway Display System. Working Clearance. A document issued by LRTA to the researchers after reviewing the instrument submitted allowing them to conduct the survey in a certain area in the stations of LRT Line 2. 15 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Chapter 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES The literature and studies provided in this chapter discuss different concepts, ideas, conclusions and generalizations which serves as the proponents’ guide in the development of the project. It provides points from previous studies which supports the research topic, thus proving it researchable. Foreign Literature According to “GPS error caused ‘12 hours of problems’ for companies”, (Baraniuk 2016) it was explained that there can be a possibility of misleading information provided by GPS. Several companies in United States of America experienced hours of system warnings after 15 satellites show wrong time. Problems related to GPS can be wrong displays of real time information. Most of the companies are telecoms companies which relies on the accuracy of time measurements to control the flow of data through their networks. It has been a big conflict for them to have wrong time information because time is an important tool in their business. The problems were observed after noticing some GPS time signals were 13 microseconds out. This microsecond delay led to thousands of system warnings being activated at some companies. 16 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES It explains that GPS may or may not always be accurate. The PARDS is a GPSbased railway tracking system which aims to provide real time information. Based on the case presented above, PARDS may at any time display wrong information which may lead to serious problems. Based on A blog about GPS in “GPS Tracking” in 2015, it elaborates that “sometimes the GPS signals are not accurate due to some obstacles to the signals such as buildings, trees and sometimes by extreme atmospheric conditions such as geomagnetic storms.” Light Rail Transit Line 2 is located in the east-west direction of Metro Manila. It runs in some portion of the metro with high rise buildings used as condominiums and business centers. These establishment may give impact to the transmission of data of GPS to vehicles or trains. It is important to know if this GPS-based railway tracking system provides accurate information to ensure that all instructions or data being shown to commuters are correct. Through this study, the researchers will be able to know if the GPS in PARDS are functioning well through knowing the effectiveness of one of its features which is providing real time information. If it gives positive result, it also means positive performance which is correct GPS Tracking based on commuters’ experiences. A news article entitled “New Passenger Information Displays Improve Customer Experience,” by Schulz (2016) elaborates development and improvements to passenger satisfaction while riding the trains. In their story, it is stated that “Amtrak is making a major upgrade to the busiest transit hub in America with the launch of a new, state-of-the-art Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) at Penn Station New York. The new PIDS communicates train status, origin and destination stations, boarding gate and other information and features bright, new LCD displays which are easier to read and 17 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES synchronize audio and visual messaging in the station. Strategic placement of the new displays, along with modification and eventual removal of some existing monitors – including the large train status board in the center of the concourse – provides customers access to the same information in various locations, allowing more efficient use of space in the main hall.” “The vast majority of our customers get train status information from the display boards and in-station monitors,” said Mike DeCataldo, Amtrak Senior Vice President and General Manager of Northeast Corridor Operations. “The new PIDS, along with the concourse improvements under way as part of the Moynihan Station project will be a welcome upgrade to the customer experience at Penn Station. The terminal complex presents a unique set of logistical and physical challenges – some of which we believe this new system will help to address.” “At either end of the main train hall, large video walls featuring departure information, visual messaging and synchronized station announcements are intended to draw waiting customers away from the center of the room, easing congestion and improving pedestrian circulation. The displays are also capable of broadcasting emergency communications and other customized messages. An additional 38 monitor sets displaying boarding information and station announcements have been or will be installed above the boarding gates on the main concourse, in ClubAcela, the Rotunda and Amtrak waiting areas. While Amtrak continues to work with a number of stakeholders to advance the Moynihan Station project, the upgraded PIDS is a near-term improvement that immediately enhances the customer experience. Funding was made possible through Amtrak’s ADA stations initiative, but the improvements benefit all customers.” 18 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES It tackles that their passenger information system has been a great help to commuters leading to positive customer satisfaction with all the features it can do while on-board the train. It is also related to the theory presented in this study, the Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory saying that positive disconfirmation or satisfaction occurs when the actual performance of a system turned out to be the expected outcome or even better than that, wherein the researchers termed it to be effective. Simply put, the Amtrack passenger information system became effective in terms of providing real time information to commuters. According to “Evaluating Information System Effectiveness – Part I: Comparing Evaluation Approaches” by Scott Hamilton and Norman L. Chervany in 1981, there are one of the general views that can be taken concerning what system effectiveness means and how it should be measured is the goal-centered view. In the goal-centered view, the way to assess system effectiveness is first to determine the task objectives of the system, or of the organizational units utilizing the system, and then to develop criterion measures to assess how well the objectives are being achieved. Effectiveness is determined by comparing performance to objectives. This relates to the study in terms of how the system effectiveness of LRT 2’s passenger information system must be measured. It also suggests that the effectiveness of PARDS can be measured since it is a type of system with goals set and objectives. It shows that the goals of PARDS must be known first before formulation criterion to measure its actual performance. Its goal is to provide real time information and announcements to make passenger aware on what’s happening. The criteria set are its current features. And for the third part, assess how well the goals or objective are being achieved through data gathering and analysis. It is important to measure this system’s 19 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES effectiveness and efficiency with respect to commuters’ perception because the commuters are the ones who is the main focus of the goal of PARDS. They are the ones who interacts with the system. Their views are one of the most important things system providers must consider. Based on “Passenger Information Display System for Railways Station,” from Railway Technology (2012), Passenger Information Systems (PIDS) are digital information systems that display real-time information for passengers. Train operating companies are constantly striving to improve passenger satisfaction by offering more than just arrival and departure times. They also offer news and entertainment content as well as safety and emergency announcements and much more. Advantech technology created an intelligent PIDS display that showcases passenger information and entertainment news. The system has been successful, with several key benefits, provide extra value to customer experience providing real time information, AIMB-270 was easily integrated into each display because of its highly compact design, Advantech developed customized APIs to support FHD (Full High Definition) resolutions for larger displays consumption, Energy efficient design of AIMB-270 and Industrial reliability and efficiency. In the key benefits mentioned, one of these which is related to customer is providing extra value by providing real time information which helped the system be of success. The PARDS also highlights giving real time information to customers which is one of the criteria being considered in measuring its effectiveness. Through it, it will be known if PARDS just like PIDS has also been successful. 20 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Local Literature In LRTA Launches Passengers Assist Rail Display System” by Motoring Today (2017), PARDS is designed to provide real time communication to passengers such as train arrival and departure, train location, news, public service and emergency announcements and entertainment while on-board the train. Its goal is directed towards creating a seamless communication between LRT 2 and its passengers through various communication platforms. The Trackmate marketing manager Cielo Remorin also said “Pwede rin siyang magamit ng ating LRTA para sa quick communication sa mga pasahero. Kung halimbawa, may emergency communication, or mayroon silang karagdagang announcements, or say government projects, pwede ho itong magamit sa signalling. At the same time, makikita mo talaga in real time yung actual na lokasyon mo habang nasa loob ka ng tren at ‘yung mga susunod na destinasyon or next station.” It can also be used by LRTA for quick communication to passengers. For example, announcements can be done through these displays as well as emergency communication and advertisements for government projects. It also allows passengers to see the actual train location while on-board the train. From that information, it can be seen that PARDS is really expected to help the commuters to know what is happening on the line and in the coach while on-board the train. It is also aimed at providing information during emergency situations to ensure safety of everyone. According to “Filipinos tap GPS to change rail system” from manilastandard.net (2017) , this new system of LRT 2 was developed by a Filipino tech company, TrackMate Business Solutions Inc.,and is a GPS powered, cloud-based system that allows 21 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES passengers to see the train’s status, location, arrival and departure schedule. It was installed at no cost to the government. Its business model is based on sponsorships of companies who are interested in displaying advertisements through this system. As of September 2017, TrackMate has installed 400 screens of PARDS in LRT 2 trains. There are 10 screens per couch, a total of 40 screens per train set. The implementation of the system has two phases, first one is for installations of monitors and the second one is development of a mobile app which can provide real time information about the operation of LRT 2. TrackMate GPS and Fleet Management Solution is a vehicle tracking and management tool designed for businesses looking to enhance and understand their operations anytime, anywhere. TrackMate installed Pards along LRT 2 at no cost to the government, says Remorin. Its business model is based on sponsorships by companies that want to promote products or services through commercials or ads on the system. PARDS is expected to bring lots of benefits to passengers. “We can inform passengers once a train breaks down. We can also show the flow of passengers. Awareness is what we are trying to achieve. Services become better if passengers are well informed,” Remorin added. This has been one of the biggest changes in the Philippine rail system, also considering that it was provided by Filipino companies. There’s a need to find out if this has really brought change based on the experiences of commuters as the system’s main concern. If it was, Filipino-made technologies must be known to the ‘world to also bring change to other rail systems. From “PARDS will soon be your friend while riding the LRT,” by jamesdeakin.ph (2017), “As thousands of our countrymen depend on the Light Rail Transit (LRT) each day to get to work, school, and their errands, the system’s reliability is of the essence. 22 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES This is why having a real-time information system to know what’s going on wouldn’t be a bad idea. This is why the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), together with Filipino tech company TrackMate, have come up with a high-tech solution that aims to keep everyone in the loop about what’s going on with regard to train operation. The Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) is a dynamic assistance platform that aims to help train commuters as they make their way in and around Metro Manila via the LRT. It utilizes real-time communications solutions that let everyone in on the status of the train, among other things. The former will be fielded on train sets of the LRT Line 2, while the latter will be available for iOS and Android users. Either way, each one will have a wealth of features to make commuting via LRT much simpler and stress-free.” From the statements above, PARDS’ goal is to deliver and provide simpler rides for LRT 2 commuters. It is directed towards giving awareness to passengers what is happening while traveling. Having a technology such as this in this country is a big step more importantly that Philippines is undergoing several infrastructure construction projects in the current administration. This can help future railway lines build a passenger information system to make commuters aware of their location for the new stations to be built. Through this research study, gathering the views of LRT 2 commuters on Passenger Assist Railway Display System and its effectiveness in making people aware or providing real time information will be known. Its efficiency in providing the service will also be determined. Considering the criteria set, PARDS will be identified if it has delivered its purposes well to the commuters. In Inquirer’s “Dead PA system forces offloading of 240 MRT riders at North Avenue Station,” by Orellana (2017) A Metro Rail Transit-3 (MRT-3) train offloaded 240 passengers at North Avenue Station on Christmas Eve because of another “system 23 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES failure.” According to the MRT-3’s service report, its southbound train’s Public Address (PA) failed at 6:16 p.m. on Sunday.“The PA system is the electronic system used by drivers to communicate with the passengers through audio messages/announcements,” the report said. The glitch was blamed on a “worn out sub-components.” Affected passengers were loaded on another train that arrived two minutes after. From the article, it can be seen that the problem is on the public announcement system. It suggests that malfunctioning of subsystems of railways can affect commuters on their daily rides. PARDS being advanced over the information system of MRT 3 may improve their system. Through this study, other lines will also benefit from the results because it can possible replace the old system of MRT 3 and avoid those scenarios stated in the article above. Foreign Studies According to What Do Passengers Need Out of Public Transport Information System?” by Bachok (2007), “On-board information is provided on moving public transport vehicles. This may include the current train location, the next station of arrival or departure, interchanges or transfers points and modes, and real time updates on service disruption or deviation. At present, only two types of media through which information was relayed on-board the trains. First was the announcement via the public address system by the drivers as well as on-and-off staff and ticket inspectors on-board. Two thirds of the users surveyed stated that their received information about the journey through drivers’ announcement. This was followed by inquiring staff onboard when they were present (17%). The second categories of media indicated were by looking outside 24 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES the window and asking around e.g. other passengers. The remainder did not access information through any means In this study, problems of having limited means of communicating information onboard the trains were facing. There were only two types of means of communication namely drivers’ announcement of next arrival station and staff onboard, the passengers experienced less than amount of information in their overall journey.” The researchers on this 2007 study “took the differences of viewpoints of service providers and service users. It is important in ensuring an effective and efficient integrated public transport information system. The perspectives of information provision from the viewpoint of public transport operators and those of the passengers are surveyed. In the end, the recommendations consist of that in long term real-time information media be developed, with prioritized investments in variable message signs (VMS) and personal messaging for integrated public transport information. In the short term, public address systems reporting on delay duration and alternative modes or routes would be enough. While on-board information may vary according to location as a content requirement.” According to Case Study:” 4Tel 4PIDS™ Providing V/Line Regional Rail Link with Real-Time Train Location” by 4Tel 4PIDS (2015), Data Providing information to passengers is really essential in railway or any other transport operations it will give them convenience using the transportation. To successfully implement this there are a lot of innovation and development that have been took over for the past generations and railway transportation all over the world are upgrading their passenger information system. In the case study, it was said there that “The 4Tel 4PIDS™ system operates by using a centralized server to collect train position data from GPS receivers and/or track- 25 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES circuit signaling telemetry, and comparing it with the scheduled timetable. This provides a complete and up-to-the minute accurate passenger information service. The system is very reliable because if real-time track-circuit data from signaling telemetry systems lost, the system then uses GPS data. If this track-circuit data is lost, the system defaults to scheduled timetabled data display. This means that at all times, the best available information is disseminated to the public via the automated voice announcements and electronic displays.” Through this new technology, it will help the transport providers and transport users in providing accurate information service. Thus, helping transport providers in some ways of having positive feedbacks and gain more new users. The reason why we assess the effectiveness of passenger information system of railway transportation is because we wanted to make passenger happy and satisfy with our transport services. According to the study entitled “Enhanced Passenger Experience Trough Digitalization” by Reh (2016), it is known that through technology everything will be easy and convenient to do because of it. The world is changing and things are improving and developing. In our railway transportation, passenger experienced should be enhanced and improved. This study stated that SiMobility Connect provides information about the available transport options and assists multimodal journey planning and booking. “SiMobility Connect is a B2B platform that enables information and transaction services to be offered across various means of transport. The platform provides system interfaces for transport operators and mobility service providers as well as integrated processes such as real-time passenger information, options for multimodal journey planning, booking, ticket purchase and payment.” 26 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Also, SiMobility Flow provides location-related information about transport and related needs. “This solution is mainly based on the proactive provision of location-related services for passengers along their routes, in stations, at bus stops, and in vehicles, buses and trains. The smartphone app detects nearby Bluetooth transmitters, so-called beacons. When travelers stay near the transmitter, companies can send push messages via the mobile app. Depending on the individual settings, the mobile device provides information about transport options, tourist information or marketing messages.” And, passenger assistance systems providing all relevant information during a journey, it is with the use “mobile passenger assistance system that supports the passenger throughout his journey and delivers appropriate information about the status of his journey while he is on the train. The system consists of individual modules, which the transport company can configure for individual passengers. The system is based on an information module called a passenger portal. It offers current information – relevant to the location – about upcoming stations, possible delays, and also includes possible alternative routes and information about places of interest.” Real-time route planning and dynamic information for on-train screens: Passenger Information System plus is about the on-train screens, “the dynamic passenger information and control system informs passengers on the train about alternative travel options, connections, etc. in the event of delays, cancellations and disruptions. It supplies travelers with important information about the transportation system and makes it easy for the passenger to localize complex network plans and infrastructure facilities, such as escalators and elevators. This puts the transport company in a better position to control, guide and speed up passenger flows.” 27 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES They insist that information and the digital technology are all should be possessed by the railway transportation in order for them to provide an efficient and serviceable operations. The PARDS in Light Rail Transit Line 2 consist of Passenger Assist. This feature helps the transport providers in ensuring the convenience of users in using their services. Office of Rail and Road conducted this study. The study wants to assess the experience of passenger in using the transportation when it comes in assisting them. Based on “Research into Passenger Experiences of Passenger Assist” by Breaking Blue – Office of Rail and Road (2017), the study shows the importance of the system. It was stated there that “Passenger Assist is of extreme importance to the passengers who use it; the majority (63 percent) indicates that they could not have completed the journey without it. Another third (35 percent) indicate that they could have completed their journey but with more difficulty. More travel companions (68 percent) than customers (61 percent) agree that they could not have completed the journey without Passenger Assist, possibly because those travelling with companions have greater needs than those travelling alone. Passengers with mental health problems (79 percent) are more likely than those with other disabilities to agree that they could not have completed the journey without Passenger Assist. However, there is no group of passengers with disabilities for whom fewer than 60 percent say they could have completed the journey without Passenger Assist. Even amongst those with no condition almost half (48 percent) would have been unable to complete the journey.” The study comes up with the result of the satisfaction on the service. ”Overall satisfaction with Passenger Assist based on all past usage is slightly lower than satisfaction with the journey measured. Almost two thirds (65 percent) are very satisfied 28 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES and a further 20 percent are satisfied. Overall satisfaction ranges from 87 percent of people with a hearing impairment satisfied to 81% percent of those with a vision impairment or a hidden condition. The lower satisfaction scores for those with vision impairment or a hidden condition are significant.” Satisfaction to staff and station facilities are also in higher percent. These mean that the passenger assist system is organized and properly implemented but some things in their system still needs improvement and the things they concluded to improve the system are staff training and communications, and proper strictly arrangement upon arrival at the station, also the reassurance that passengers will be met by staff. According to “The Efficiency Theory” by Archer (2010), “Efficiency is defined as the measure of effectiveness that produces the minimum waste of time, effort, and skill.” This is how Timothy Scott Archer defined efficiency in his Theory of Efficiency. It brought us in mind that efficiency can be measured non-mathematically by thinking how well a system do its purpose with the minimum waste of effort of the persons involved. By considering how the system provides the service, which is through audio and visual presentations, it would make the study possibly measure the efficiency by constructing a rating scale involving how the passengers feel about how well the system provide the service with the least amount of time and effort wastage. Its about efficiency in terms of the assessment if the commuters were able to receive the service just on-time for them. Audio – visual presentation was considered since it’s the only way how people perceived the service of the system. It will be based on their own analysis based on the given rating scale since there are no available key performance indicators to be based upon. 29 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES According to “Hitachi’s ATI Series Satisfies All the Needs of Traincompartment Information Control” by Iwamura, et.al (2008), “In the improvement of on-board information inside the train has been studies until this time and many things about it has been improved and still continuing to improve for the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. “We have developed a 17-inch wide-viewing-angle IPS LCD panel for providing improved services to customers in the form of high-resolution images. This LCD panel is fitted with a CPU and can be configured in an autonomously distributed system.”” In the study, they stated that the switch from using LEDs (light-emitting diodes) for displaying on-board passenger information is continuing to improve passenger services. The problem they have encountered has been taken actions and it is through System Development. “As a result of the intelligentization of all devices and the connection of each one to a network, LCD systems are becoming autonomous distributed systems in which each device can autonomously diagnose and operate on the basis of shared information (such as operation status of a train) transmitted from the ATI system. In this way, it is possible to create an architecture that prevents one device fault having repercussions on other devices and that is robust against faults and malfunctions.” The study concluded that “Hitachi will continue to contribute to upgrading of onboard networks, integration of service-information systems and control systems, and seamlessly linking on-board and groundbased systems in order to improve the efficiency of train systems and passenger convenience.”” Since PARDS is used for providing information to passengers and during peak-hours and busy hours, trains are crowded but not all of the carriages are crowded or disproportionate occupancy, real time information system helps railway transportation operators to spread passengers inside the train. 30 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES According to “Real-time Information System for Spreading Rail Passengers across Train Carriages: Agent-based Simulation Study” by Kim, et.al (2016), online survey was created in order to understand passenger perceptions and tolerance of railway crowding within the Brisbane rail network while ultimately aiming to incorporate the survey results to agents in the simulation model. The conclusion of the study stated that “Both the simulation and the survey results show that the implementation of an improved PIS involving carriage occupancy information has potential to lead for passengers to re-distribute themselves more efficiently along the platform to more evenly distribute the passengers on board the carriages. More specifically, the survey showed that passengers would like to obtain a place in a carriage with a low occupancy level, and that if passengers are given carriage occupancy information, they are likely to change their waiting area on the platform based on this information. The conceptual agent-based simulation model was designed to integrate the survey results to agents in the model to test various hypothetical scenarios representing the process of informed decision based on different hypothetical PIS settings.” All of the information above seems to tell that assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of passenger information system such as PARDS of LRT Line 2 shall be done so that strengths and weaknesses of the system will be known in order to provide a plan as well as recommendations for the improvement of the system. 31 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Local Studies GPS is really an important feature of PARDS. It is one of the features helps to provide real-time information to the passenger of the LRT line 2. In a study, entitled “A Study on Travel Time and Delay Survey and Traffic Data Analysis and Visualization Methodology” by Macababbad (2011), the use of GPS in their research provides fundamental inputs towards the development of a probe car system for use in travel time and delay studies. They come up a developed methodology. This also includes the tools utilized in data gathering and traffic analyses. At end of the study they said that “the use of GPS device alone allows post processing of obtained data from survey runs while the probe car system is designed for real time update and collection of traffic information. For a probe car system to be realized, other important IT requirements such as communication system and central facility have to be put in place.” They also added that the advent of cellular phones with capabilities similar to GPS units (e.g., android phones) may also be considered for more cost-effective data. However, these also need to be properly calibrated and their outputs validated for reliability.” It can be seen there that GPS has been part of transportation for providing effective systems for passengers. Likewise, the subject of this research involves the use of GPS and assessment of its performance. A local study “Travel time and delay analysis using GIS and GPS. In: 5th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies” by Mauricio, et al. (2003) on travel time and delay analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS) and GPS raised the following findings: a) GPS has provided an effective and convenient way of collecting 32 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES travel data; b) It is very capable of providing a very accurate depiction of vehicle location and speed compared to conventional method or stop watch technique; c) The problems encountered with the use of GPS include loss of GPS signal due to tunnels, underpasses, flyovers, and trees. It is related in a way that GPS is essential in daily operation of a railway system. It relates to the study in terms of PARDS may or may not always provide accurate results. In “The Philippine Railway System” by Duncga, et.al (2015), the researchers talk about the railway in the Philippines including the problems now its facing. One of their recommendations and conclusions is about the easy access to travel information. They explained that “Proper signages and warning devices are effective tools in informing the public of the activities happening in the operations of the rail lines. Real-time transport information is also important to smoothen travels and transfers.” It shows that these things should be considered in order to improve the railways in the Philippines which is included in the features of PARDS. From “Ceres Liner Online TD Bus Booking System with Mobile Notification” by Espina, et.al (2016), other transport group already studied about improving their passenger information system. They even studied to make a platform for their passengers so that it will be easy for them to connect and have communication. In the study, they are going to use e-Mail and mobile phones notification that sends text and email to confirms to the clients and/or passengers regarding the status of their transactions. “The system specifically aims to: 33 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 1. provide an interface that will allow the administrators to manage: admin accounts; bookings’ status; drivers’ info; location point; trip schedules; available buses; tariffs; clients and or/ passengers; routes; and payments. 2. provide an interface that will facilitate clients’ and or/passengers’ bookings and payments. 3. provide an application that will send a notification via mobile phones and electronic mails. 4. develop Web page(s) that will generate specific reports such as the payment summary, booking history and its statistics. 5. develop Web page(s) that allows the user to gather accurate information such as the printable schedules and tariffs “ The studies mention above will be somehow encourage the researchers, to really look forward to what PARDS is and its effectiveness when it comes providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment, Announcements and its efficiency in terms of audio-visual presentation. This is important to know so that recommendations and conclusions will be made at end of the study that eventually will help the operators and users in many ways. Synthesis In this chapter, the researchers collected data, information and methods from different studies and literatures authored by professionals and sources who are already notable for their work and expertise. From these gathered information, the researchers therefore conclude that the topic is researchable. 34 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY In this chapter, the research method used for data collection and analysis is being discussed to obtain the answers for the statement of the problem developing an accurate assessment for the research topic. It explains the research design, research local, sampling techniques and population, data gathering procedures as well as research instruments and respondents. This chapter also provides the statistical treatment of the data in answering the questions. Research Method Used The research method used in this study is a descriptive method. It was used to find out the current status of an issue or phenomenon to describe what exists within the variables or conditions of the situation. It involves the description, data analysis as well as data interpretation of the present condition of nature or the phenomena process. The advantage of using this method is that the researchers will be able to know the nature, the components of the subject and the characteristics of the given problem. It focuses on variables that may lead to understanding and analysis needed in the study. Surveyquestionnaire form will be used to gather necessary data to measure the level of effectiveness and efficiency of Passenger Assist-Rail Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2. 35 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Population, Sample Size and Sampling Techniques This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment, announcements and audiovisual presentation. The respondents are the commuters from all stations of LRT Line 2. Table 1 Average Daily Ridership in each Station of LRT Line 2 Station Average daily ridership Betty-Go 2782 J. Ruiz 3205 Gilmore 5817 Anonas 9502 V. Mapa 10214 Pureza 12826 Legarda 13309 Katipunan 15562 Cubao 29646 Santolan 33460 Recto 42344 Total 178668 Source: See Appendix 4 36 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES From the data above, it shows the average daily ridership of each station in LRT Line 2 and its total. Cochran Formula was used in order to get to sample size in this study, given as: Z2pq n0 = Where: e2 n = the sample size Z= selected critical value of desired confidence level (95%);1.96 p = estimated proportion of an attribute that is present in the population q = 1-p e = margin of error N = population size (357,336) p = 0.5 (max. variability) q = 1-0.5 = 0.5 e = 5% z = 1.96 for 95% confidence level so; 1.962 (0.5)(0.5) n0 = 0.052 = 384.16 respondents 37 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Finite; substituting the given data: = (𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑏0) (𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑏0 − 1) 1+( ) 𝑁 = (384.16) (384.16 − 1) 1+( ) 178668 = 383.34 ≈ 383 respondents Therefore, there will be 383 respondents involved in this study. 38 39 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 2. Distribution of Respondents in each Station of LRT Line 2 Station Average daily Percentage of No. of respondents ridership Daily ridership Betty-Go 2782 1.56 6.00 6 J. Ruiz 3205 1.79 6.90 7 Gilmore 5817 3.26 Anonas 9502 5.32 20.40 20 V. Mapa 10214 5.72 21.90 22 Pureza 12826 7.18 27.50 28 Legarda 13309 7.45 28.50 29 Katipunan 15562 8.71 33.40 33 Cubao 29646 16.59 63.60 64 Santolan 33460 18.73 71.70 72 Recto 42344 23.70 Total 178668 100.00 12.50 90.80 383 13 91 385 Table no. 2 shows the computed number of respondents in each station of LRT Line 2. This will be used in the conduct of survey. This number of respondents per station was obtained by using the available ridership data of LRT Line 2 for the year 2018 including the data per station and the total ridership. The total riderships per stations were divided by the number of days of LRT Line 2 operation to get the average daily ridership per station and its total for the entire line. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES That calculated data was used to get the percentage of commuters for each station. After getting the percentages per station, these were multiplied by the resulting 383 sample size to get the final number of respondents per station. Due to the decimal place on the answers, the total respondents for the entire line became 385 which the researchers used upon distributing the survey questionnaire forms. The respondents of the study are the commuters of Light Rail Transit 2 who are randomly selected. The researchers used random sampling technique.. Locale of the Study This study was conducted in all stations of LRT Line 2. Given by the daily ridership report from LRT Line 2 for the year 2018, the researchers were able to compute for the number of respondents in each station of the line. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers prepared a researcher-developed survey in a rating format which covers all the variables included in the statement of the problem. The researchers conducted an interview with LRTA. Then the researchers made a letter of request regarding the actual survey on the line and brought it to the Light Rail Transit Authority and submitted the survey questionnaire to be used for review for the granting of work clearance The researchers also requested for the ridership in 2018 to determine how many passengers will be surveyed on every station based on the percentage produced by the average daily ridership of every station over the total average daily ridership. After LRTA granted the researchers a work clearance for all the stations of the Light Rail 40 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Transit Line 2 (LRT Line 2), the researchers conducted a survey to the passengers only in the unpaid concourse of all stations of the said line. Once the survey was done, data gathered from them were analyzed and interpreted and statistical computation was done in order to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the PARDS in terms of what is stated in the statement of the problem. Research Instrument Used For the data gathering instrument (see Appendix 2), a researcher-developed survey questionnaire was chosen which consists of three parts: Part 1; for the Profile of the Respondents in terms of their age, gender, frequency of rides in LRT line 2 and period of time as LRT line 2 patron. Part 2; is composed of the rating of effectiveness of PARDS based on their perspectives in terms of providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment, public announcements and Part 3 is for the level of efficiency of PARDS in terms of its audio-visual presentation. The features considered in the questionnaire, mainly providing real time information, entertainment and safety reminders are based on the Description and Components of PARDS from Department of Transportation Report Annual Report (See Appendix 5) and for the feature of Public Announcement (See Appendix 6). Description of Respondents All stations (Recto – Santolan) of LRT Line 2 were the area where the surveying was held. A number of LRT Line 2 passengers was selected by the random sampling method and were asked to answer the survey questionnaires which were used by the researchers in their research study period. The researchers ensured that the 41 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES respondents in the survey are bonafide passengers of LRT Line 2. Respondents answered the survey questionnaires based on their own perspectives. Statistical Treatment of Data The following tools were used for the treatment of data: Likert Scale A Likert Scale for effectiveness was used for respondents to have standard to base on upon answering the surveys provided. It has the following details and format: Table 3 Likert Scale for Effectiveness Response Numerical Statistical Limit Verbal Interpretation Category Highly Effective 5 4.51-5.00 HE (81%-100%) Effective 4 3.51-4.50 E (61%-80%) Somewhat Effective 3 2.51-3.50 SE (41%-60%) Less Effective 2 1.51-2.50 LE (21%-40%) Not Effective 1 1.00-1.50 NE (1%-20%) 42 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 4 Description and Verbal Interpretation for Effectiveness Rating Verbal Description Interpretation Highly Effective The feature of the product is always working according to the purpose. Effective The information and feature is mostly successful in providing assistance to commuters. Somewhat Effective The feature of the product somehow succeeds in achieving its purpose. Less Effective The feature of the product rarely succeeds in achieving its purpose. Not Effective If the thing being described is not effective at all. It didn’t meet the purpose of the product. Table 4 shows the description for each verbal interpretation of the rating. 43 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 5 Likert Scale for Efficiency Statistical Numerical Response Verbal Interpretation Limit Category Highly Efficient 5 4.51-5.00 Hey (81%-100%) Efficient 4 3.51-4.50 Ey (61%-80%) Somewhat Efficient 3 2.51-3.50 SEy (41%-60%) Less Efficient 2 1.51-2.50 Ley (21%-40%) Not Efficient 1 1.00-1.50 Ney (1%-20%) 44 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 6 Description and Verbal Interpretation for Efficiency Rating Verbal Interpretation Description Highly Efficient Services (information) are very well provided without wasting time and effort of passenger to understand it. Efficient Services (information) are provided with a very little time and effort needed to understand it Somewhat Efficient Services are provided with the little time and effort needed to understand it Less Efficient Services are provided but there is more time and effort needed before passengers can understand it. Not Efficient Services are provided but most time and effort is needed just to understand it. Too much time and effort is needed just to receive and understand the service (information). Table 6 shows the description for each verbal interpretation of the rating. Weighted Mean The mean was used to finally calculate the resulting value of the level of effectiveness and efficiency of PARDS in LRT Line 2 from the responses made through the survey. It is same to an arithmetic mean where instead of all the data points contribute equally to the final average, some data points here contributed more than the others. The formula for that is given as: 45 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Sample Mean 𝑥=Σ𝑥/𝑛 Where: x = weighted mean n = the number of data items in a sample Σx = the sum of all data values Mean Item Score MIS = (Σ𝑛1𝑘1)/Σ𝑁 = 𝟓𝒏𝟓 +𝟒𝒏𝟒 +𝟑𝒏𝟑 +𝟐𝒏𝟐 +𝒏𝟏 +𝟎𝒏𝟎 𝒏𝟓 +𝒏𝟒 +𝒏𝟑 +𝒏𝟐 +𝒏𝟏 +𝒏𝟎 Where: MIS = Mean Item Score ΣN = total number of respondents n = the number of the respondents who answered 5 , answered 4, answered 3, answered 2, answered 1… k = rating given in the likert scale Frequency Distribution Frequency distribution was used in this study to present the frequencies of each category. It is a table consists of the category, the frequency or count or occurrences of that category based on the answers of the respondents . The table summarizes the distribution of values in the sample. Percentage Frequency Distribution The percentage frequency distribution it presents percentage the equivalent percentages of the frequencies per data point. 46 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES % = 𝑭 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵 Where: % = percentage F = Frequency N = total number of respondents 100 = a constant value 47 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter tackles the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the results of the conducted study on the Level of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2. The presentation of the following data were aligned on the problems stated in Chapter 1. 1.0 Profile of the Respondents 1.1 Gender Table 7 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Gender Gender Frequency (f) Percentage % Female 234 60.78 Male 151 39.22 Total 385 100 Table 7 shows that from the total number of respondents, 60.78% are female respondents and 39.22% are male respondents. This indicates that, there is a domain of female of being an LRT Line 2 user. 48 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 1.2 Age Table 8 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Age Age Frequency (f) Percentage % 20 and below 241 62.6 21-30 108 28.05 31-40 25 6.49 41-50 10 2.60 51-60 1 0.26 60 and above 0 0 Total 385 100 Table 8 shows that the respondents are mostly 20 years and below, meaning this is the period of time where they are still studying in schools, taking part-time jobs and becoming a matured adolescent. While the second to the 20 years and below is the age bracket of 21-30 years old that yield a percent of 28.05%, indicating that second highest of the respondents are early adults, where they are already working and taking more training and seminars to establish their careers. The age bracket of 41-50 years old has only a percentage of 2.60%, indicating that they are in the mid-adult years. The age brackets of 51-60 years old has 0.26% and the 60 years old and above have 0%. This indicates that there are no senior citizen-respondents. 49 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 1.3 Frequency of Rides in LRT Line 2 Table 9 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Ride Frequency Ride frequency Frequency, f Percentage, % 1-5 times 184 47.79 6-10 times 137 35.60 11 or more 64 16.62 Total 385 100% Table 9 shows that the respondents among the three options mostly use the LRT Line 2 only 1-5 times a week which means that they took the LRT 2 rarely or use it for some purposes but they have an idea about the features of PARDS and how PARDS works. Thirty-five point 80 (35.60) % rides the LRT Line 2 6-10 times a week and there is 16.62% for frequency of 11 or more times which may indicate that these respondents are using the LRT line 2 as their mode of transportation going to the schools, works and appointments. Meaning, they already know the features of PARDS and on how PARDS works since they frequently see it during their journey in the train. Thus, combining the 610 times and 11 or more also means that more than half of the respondents are frequent riders of LRT Line 2. 50 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 1.4 Period of Time as an LRT Line 2 Patron Table 10 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Period of Time as an LRT Line 2 Patron Ride Patron Frequency, f Percentage, % 2 years and below 3 years and above Total 165 42.86 220 57.14 385 100% Table 10 shows that 57.14% of the respondents are using the LRT Line 2 for 3 years and above. This indicates that they already know what are the changes or improvements made and the issues encountered in using LRT Line 2. The bracket of 2 years and below indicates that they are new LRT Line 2 riders or experience using LRT Line 2 frequently for a few years. They only notice a few changes in the line. The purpose of this is to know what part of the respondents know or notice the changes when the system was implemented. There are only two options since the system started its implementation almost two years ago. 51 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 2.0 Level of Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 2.1. Level of Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Providing Real Time Information Table 11 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Providing Real Time Information 2.1. Providing Real Time Information 2.1.1 Informing the Frequency Weighted Verbal 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation 173 132 61 11 8 4.17 Effective 148 131 69 28 9 3.99 Effective 137 106 92 34 16 3.82 Effective passengers about the nearby establishments of the approaching station for their awareness. 2.1.2 Displaying time of the day for passenger awareness. 2.1.3 Displaying date for passenger awareness. 52 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 2.1.4 Informing the 183 95 65 29 13 4.05 Effective 191 102 69 16 7 4.18 Effective 4.04 Effective passengers about the current train location for their awareness 2.1.5 Informing the passengers about the next and previous station for their awareness. GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN Table 11 shows the calculated weighted mean per item for the feature providing real time information. It also displays the weighted mean for items and the general weighted mean which represents the over-all weighted mean for the feature of PARDS of providing real time information. The feature number 2.1.3 “Displaying date for passenger awareness” has the lowest weighted mean of 3.82 but still falls under the 3.50-4.51 with the verbal interpretation of “Effective”. The table further shows that commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing real time information based on the resulting general weighted mean of 4.04. 53 54 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 2.2 Level of Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Safety Reminders Table 12 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Safety Reminders 2.2. Safety Reminders Frequency 2.2.1 Mind the platform gap reminder 2.2.2 Avoid pushing reminder 2.2.3 Use hand rails reminder Weighted Verbal Interpretation 5 4 3 2 1 Mean 226 96 48 12 3 4.38 176 94 76 27 12 4.03 191 113 58 17 6 4.21 2.2.4 Do not lean on the door reminder Effective Effective Effective Effective 208 93 62 16 6 4.25 197 105 61 14 10 4.20 2.2.5 Area for PWDs, pregnant women, elders and passenger with small children reminders. Effective 2.2.6 Food and drinks are not allowed reminder. Effective 151 123 78 17 16 3.98 182 101 79 18 5 4.14 2.2.7 Be careful from snatchers reminder. Effective 2.2.8 Please fall in line when boarding reminder. Effective 131 113 76 38 27 3.74 148 112 72 38 15 3.88 130 111 94 32 18 3.79 2.2.9 Do not block the door-alighting passageway reminder. 2.2.10 reminder. Effective Avoid horseplaying Effective GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN 4.06 Effective POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 12 shows the calculated weighted mean per item for the feature providing safety reminders. It also displays the weighted mean for items and the general weighted mean which represents the over-all weighted mean for the feature of PARDS of providing safety reminders. The feature number 2.2. 8 “Please fall in line when boarding reminder” has the lowest weighted mean 3.74 but still falls under the 3.50-4.51 with the verbal interpretation of “Effective”. The table further shows that commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing safety reminders based on the resulting general weighted mean of 4.06. 55 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 2.3. Level of Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Entertainment Table 13 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Entertainment FREQUENCY Weighted Verbal MEAN Interpretation 2.3. Entertainment 5 2.3.1 Using 3 2 1 jingles for entertainment. 2.3.2 4 Effective 130 103 93 42 17 3.75 Showing commercials Effective for 144 114 85 31 11 3.91 entertainment 2.3.3 Showing animated skits Effective for 121 118 90 41 15 3.75 entertainment. GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN 3.80 Effective Table 13 shows the calculated weighted mean per item for the feature providing entertainment. It also displays the weighted mean for items and the general weighted mean which represents the over-all weighted mean for the feature of PARDS of providing entertainment. The feature number 2.3.1 and 2.3.3 has the same lowest weighted mean 56 57 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES of 3.75 but still falls under the 3.50-4.51 with the verbal interpretation of “Effective”. The table further shows that commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing entertainment based on the resulting general weighted mean of 3.80. 2.4. Level of Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Public Announcements Table 14 Weighted Mean on the Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of Public Announcements FREQUENCY Weighted Interpretatio Mean n 2.4. Public Announcements 5 2.4.1. 4 3 2 1 Informing passengers about Somewhat public security system such as the Effective 88 113 101 54 29 3.46 peace talk being supported by Armed Forces of the Philippines 2.4.2. Giving information about Effective government policies such as FOI or 96 Freedom of Information 119 105 43 22 3.58 for awareness. 2.4.3. Informing passengers on weather forecast for today and the Effective 109 104 80 57 35 3.51 following days. GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN 3.52 Effective POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 14 shows the calculated weighted mean per item for the feature of providing public announcement. It also displays the weighted mean for items and the general weighted mean which represents the over-all weighted mean for the feature of PARDS of providing public announcement. Feature number 2.4.1 “Informing passengers about the peace talk being supported by Armed Forces of the Philippines” has the lowest weighted mean of 3.46 that falls under the 2.51-3.50 with the verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Effective” but as a whole the table further shows that commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing public announcement based on the resulting general weighted mean of 3.52. 58 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 15 Summary on the Level of Effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 Features Weighted Verbal MEAN Interpretation 2.1. Providing Real Time Information 4.04 Effective 2.1.1 Informing the passengers about the nearby 4.17 Effective 3.99 Effective 2.1.3 Displaying date for passenger awareness. 3.82 Effective 2.1.4 Informing the passengers about the current 4.05 Effective 4.18 Effective 2.2. Safety Reminders 4.06 Effective 2.2.1 Mind the platform gap reminder 4.38 Effective 2.2.2 Avoid pushing reminder 4.03 Effective 2.2.3 Use hand rails reminder 4.21 Effective 2.2.4 Do not lean on the door reminder 4.25 Effective 2.2.5 Courtesy area for PWDs, pregnant women, 4.20 Effective establishments of the approaching station for their awareness. 2.1.2 Displaying time of the day for passenger awareness. train location for their awareness 2.1.5. Informing the passengers about the next and previous station for their awareness. elders and passenger with small children reminders. 59 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Continuation of Table 15 Features Weighted Verbal MEAN Interpretation 2.2.6 Food and drinks are not allowed reminder. 3.98 Effective 2.2.7 Be careful from snatchers reminder. 4.14 Effective 2.2.8 Please fall in line when boarding reminder. 3.74 Effective 2.2.9 Do not block the door-alighting passageway 3.88 Effective 2.2.10. Avoid horseplaying reminder. 3.79 Effective 2.3.Entertainment 3.80 Effective 2.3.1 Using jingles for entertainment. 3.75 Effective 2.3.2 Showing commercials for entertainment 3.91 Effective 2.3.3 Showing animated skits for entertainment. 3.75 Effective 2.4. Public Announcements 3.52 Effective 2.4.1 Informing passengers about public security 3.46 Somewhat reminder. system announcements such as the peace talk being Effective supported by Armed Forces of the Philippines 2.4.2 Giving information about government policies 3.58 Effective 3.51 Effective 3.86 Effective such as FOI or Freedom of Information for awareness. 2.4.3 Informing passengers on weather forecast for today and the following days. GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN 60 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Table 15 displays the verbal interpretation for each item based on the survey conducted to 385 respondents. It shows that for the feature of providing real time information it resulted to be Effective as well as for its sub-topics. The feature of providing safety reminders also gave a result of Effective as well as for its sub-topics. The feature of providing entertainment also gave a result of Effective as well as for its sub-topics. The feature of providing public announcement also gave a result of Effective but the sub-topic feature about “Informing passengers about public security system announcements such as the peace talk being supported by Armed Forces of the Philippines” yielded 3.46 that falls under the 2.51-3.50 with the verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Effective”. All in all, the features of PARDS in LRT line 2 based on the commuters’ perspective is Effective 61 62 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 3.0 LEVEL OF EFFICIENCY OF PASSENGER ASSIST RAILWAY DISPLAY SYSTEM (PARDS) IN LRT LINE 2 This part discusses the analysis and interpretation of data gathered for the level of efficiency of PARDS in LRT Line 2 in terms of its audio-visual presentation. 3.1. Audio-Visual Presentation Table 16 Level of Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in Terms of Audio-Visual Presentation 3. Efficiency 3. 1.Audio-Visual Presentation Frequency Weighted Verbal 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation 3.1.1 Audio 100 145 101 32 7 3.78 Efficient 3.1.2 Synchronization of audio and 94 146 105 32 8 3.74 Efficient visual 3.1.3 Position of monitors 124 139 95 21 6 3.92 Efficient 3.1.4 Screen brightness 153 141 67 18 6 4.08 Efficient 3.1.5 Font size and color 131 137 85 24 8 3.93 Efficient 3.1.6 Content Layout 143 125 92 17 8 3.98 Efficient 3.1.7 Size of images 131 134 92 20 8 3.94 Efficient 3.1.8 Track Layout Location 120 118 94 39 14 3.76 Efficient 3.1.9 Time the Information was given 142 106 87 33 17 3.84 Efficient 3.89 Efficient GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The table above displays the frequency distribution of the respondents according to the efficiency in terms of audio-visual presentation. This tells that Audio has a weighted mean of 3.78, Synchronization of audio and visual got 3.74 being the lowest, Position of Monitors has 3.92, Screen brightness obtaining the highest efficiency of PARDS at 4.08, Font size and color with 3.93 weighted mean, Content layout having 3.98, Size of images obtained 3.94, Track Layout Location has 3.76 and Time the information was given which is if passengers have enough time to react on the information given has 3.84. These gave a general weighted mean for Efficiency of 3.89. Table 17 Summary on the Level of Efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 3. Efficiency Weighted 3. 1.Audio-Visual Presentation Verbal Interpretation Mean 3.1.1 Audio 3.78 Efficient 3.1.2 Synchronization of audio and visual 3.74 Efficient 3.1.3 Position of monitors 3.92 Efficient 3.1.4 Screen brightness 4.08 Efficient 3.1.5 Font size and color 3.93 Efficient 3.1.6 Content Layout 3.98 Efficient 3.1.7 Size of images 3.94 Efficient 3.1.8 Track Layout Location 3.76 Efficient 3.1.9 Time the Information was given 3.84 Efficient 3.89 EFFICIENT GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN 63 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES It can be seen from the Table 17 above that the commuters perceived PARDS as efficient in providing its services through the use of Audio, Synchronization of audio and visual, Position of Monitors, Screen brightness, Font Size and color, Content Layout, Size of Images, Track Layout Location and Time the Information was given. It interprets that the level of efficiency of PARDS is Efficient in providing its services through the AudioVisual Presentation. 64 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Chapter 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the conclusion drawn and the recommendation made as an outgrowth of this study. This study was made with the general objective of determining the level of effectiveness and efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRTLine 2. Moreover, it also seeks to answer the following specific questions: 1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of: 1.1 Gender; 1.2 Age; 1.3 Frequency of rides in LRT Line 2; 1.4 Period of time as an LRT Line 2 patron? 2. What is the level of effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of: 2.1. Providing real time information; 2.2. Safety reminders; 2.3. Entertainment and 2.4. Public Announcements? 65 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 3. What is the level of efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of audio-visual presentation? The descriptive method of research was used in assessing the level of effectiveness and efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2. Random Sampling technique was used to come up to a 384 passengers as respondents in LRT Line 2. But due to the decimal places obtained in calculating dor the respondents per station, the total respondents became 385. The data were gathered using questionnaires. For the profile of the respondents, the followings were taken into consideration; gender, age, frequency of rides in LRT Line 2, and period time as an LRT Line 2 patron. The questionnaire on the level of effectiveness and efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) was approved by the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA). The obtained data from the survey were subjected to statistical treatment. The frequency and percentage were used specifically in dealing with nominal data generated by personal characteristics checklist. Weighted Mean was used to calculate the resulting value of the level of effectiveness and efficiency of PARDS in LRT Line 2 from the responses made through the survey. Likert Scale for effectiveness and efficiency was used for respondents to have standard to base on upon answering the surveys provided. 66 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Summary of Findings 1. Profile of the respondents derived from the selected variables 1.1 Gender Most of the respondents are females with a frequency of 234 or a percentage of 60.78%. 1.2 Age The largest group of the respondents was found on the age bracket of 20 years old and below with a frequency of 241 or a percentage of 62.60%. 1.3 Frequency of rides in LRT Line 2 The respondents mostly take trips 1-5 times a week with a frequency of 184 or a percentage of 47.79%. 1.4 Period of time as an LRT Line 2 patron Most of the respondents are using the LRT Line 2 for 3 years and above with a frequency of 220 and a percentage of 57.14%. 2. Level of effectiveness of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of: 2.1. Providing real time information The commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing real time information based on the resulting general weighted mean of 4.04 and all the computed weighted mean fall under the verbal interpretation “Effective.” 2.2. Safety reminders The commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing safety reminders based on the resulting general weighted mean of 4.06. 67 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 2.3. Entertainment The commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing entertainment based on the resulting general weighted mean of 3.80 and all the computed weighted mean fall under the verbal interpretation “Effective.” 2.4. Public Announcements The commuters find PARDS effective in terms of providing public announcement based on the resulting general weighted mean of 3.52 and all the computed weighted mean fall under the verbal interpretation “Effective” except for the 2.4.1. item which resulted to 3.46 under “Somewhat Effective.” 3. Level of efficiency of Passenger Assist Railway Display System (PARDS) in LRT Line 2 in terms of: 3.1. Audio-visual presentation. The commuters find PARDS efficient in terms of audio-visual presentation based on the resulting general weighted mean of 3.89 and all the computed weighted mean fall under the verbal interpretation “Efficient.” Conclusions Based on the findings derived from this study, the followng conclusions were drawn. 1. Based on the findings more than half of the respondents are female and as to the profile of the respondents in terms of age, most of the respondents belong to 20 years old and below age groups. A large portion of the respondents correspond to students. Majority of the respondents takes 1-5 trips a week. Most of the respondents are riders of LRT Line 2 for 3 years and above. 68 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 2. Findings present that in general, Passenger Assist Railway Display System in LRT Line 2 has been "EFFECTIVE" in providing its feature in terms of providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment, and public announcements made by the respondents with some proper maintenance to sustain or even to improve its effectiveness . This means that based on the description in the scale, what PARDS does in terms of providing real time information, safety reminders, entertainment and public announcement is mostly successful in providing assistance to commuters. In general, PARDS’ services are mostly successful in providing assistance to LRT Line 2 commuters. 3. Findings present that in general, Passenger Assist Railway Display System in LRT Line 2 has been "EFFICIENT" in providing its feature in terms of audio-visual presentation made by the respondents with some proper maintenance to sustain or even to improve its efficiency. It means that PARDS’ Services (information) are provided with a very little time and effort of passengers needed to understand. It means that passengers can understand the information provided and has enough time to react on it. 69 70 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Recommendations In light with the research conducted, the study hereby present the recommendations as follows: 1. As the respondents’ perception on the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the services that is being provided by PARDS is labeled as effective and efficient, there is still room for improvement. Effective means that most of the information or feature achieve its purpose. Improvements will be for making it highly effective which means that the features are always working according to purpose. It is recommended that these features be in coordination and must provide ample time for the passengers to react and absorb the data given and/or shown by PARDS. 2. Adding more infotainment videos to entertain and educate passengers of LRT line 2 and to also improve the Entertainment feature of PARDS is highly recommended. 3. Based on the results, the Public Announcement feature (2.4.1) of PARDS is somehow succeeding in providing an effective service. An inclusion of informative data is an advantage and a benefit to the riding public if executed properly. It is highly recommended that these feature be retained and shown more frequent without hindering the purpose of the other features shown by PARDS. This recommendation is also applicable for the whole public announcements feature since the totality of the rating (3.52) of said feature falls closely to the level of “Somewhat Effective.” 4. There is still room for improvement on the efficiency of PARDS since it resulted to only efficient to make it into the level of highly efficient. If not, it can be consistently maintained so that it will stay efficient and also for the synchronization of audio and POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES visual sine it has the lowest mean, recommendation is to observe if it is synchronized all the time. 5. Since the assessment for the effectiveness and efficiency for the features of PARDS, it is recommended that it can be used by other lines to improve passenger journey. It is also recommended for future railway lines to use the same system. 6. It is recommended that other variables may be used in varied samples in order to widen the scope and to obtain a broad comparison of results. 7. Future researchers may use this study as a basis in conducting a study related to this research topic. 71 72 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Bibliography 4Tel 4PIDS Providing VLine Regional Rail Link. (2015). Newcastle, New South Wales: 4Tel Pty. Ltd. 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She completed her high school education at the Batangas Province Science High School. She is currently a member of the PUP-Railway Engineering Students’ Society, American Concrete Institute of the Philippines-PUP Student Chapter, PUP College of Engineering Honors’ Society and PUP College of Engineering Literary Society. She took her internship at Busan Universal Rail Inc.-Manila in 2017 and at Light Rail Manila Corporation in 2018. 79 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Carlota Jisela de la Cruz Carreon was born on April 22, 1998 in Sta. Rosa City, province of Laguna. She took her primary education at Mary’s Ville Academy and finished her secondary education at the Colegio of Sta. Rosa De Lima, Inc. She took part in different extracurricular activities involving music such as the school choir as well as the school band. She is currently finishing her degree in Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She is also a member of several organizations namely the Railway Engineering Students’ Society and the American Concrete institute. She is proficient in different computer software AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop and the likes. She is currently interested in taking up programming, as well as, project management courses. 80 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Leandro T. Laloy III is a fifth year student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and taking up Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management. He is a scholar of Charity First Foundation Inc. He is active in joining organizations inside and outside of the school since high school. Today, he is currently the finance officer of Railway Engineering Students Society (RailSS) in PUP, wherein he participated in making the event “First National Railway Engineering Conference” conducted in November, 2018. One of the best organizations he was a member with was the Youth Heath Corps. He, together with his co-facilitator planned and celebrated the event “World Aids Day” to spread awareness about the AIDS, HIV and STIs in Quezon City successfully. Last 2017, He received an award for being the "Best Promising Co-facilitator". He completed his internship at Busan Universal Rail Inc. in 2017 and at Light Rail Manila Corporation in 2018. 81 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Jose Edgar Luces II is a fifth year student taking Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management student at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He attended trainings relating to railway systems in Rolling Stock Division and Operations Division. He has been granted a Civil Service Eligibility for passing/qualifying in the Career Service Professional Examination conducted by the Civil Service Commission last March of 2018. 82 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Jan Paolo B. Simpao is a fifth year student of Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering and Management student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. His subject interests are the mathematical subjects such as statistics, college algebra and the alike. He became a Dean’s Lister in the university for three (3) times. He is a person who is willing to learn and to be trained in all things that will make him more knowledgeable on a specific thing and know on how he will apply it. Besides, he is knowledgeable in AutoCAD, Microsoft Office and some softwares that are related to the engineering. He does his best in spite of all circumstances to finish the tasks well-detailed, successfully, efficiently and effectively. He is a member of Railway Engineering Students Society (RailSS) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) until now and finished his Internship program at Busan Universal Rail Inc. (BURI) in 2017 and at Light Rail Manila Corporation (LRMC) in 2018. 83 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 2. Survey Questionnaire Form 84 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 85 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 86 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 3: Ridership Data from LRTA 87 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 4: Calculation of Population Size 88 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 89 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 5: Description and Components of PARDS from Department of Transportation Report Annual Report 90 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 6: Statement of Trackmate Business Solutions Inc. on PARDS from Media Interview “Inspirasyon po naming talaga is para mapadali yung, ah, lalo na ‘pag hindi ka sanay or hindi ka pamilyar dun sa lugar, nakakatulong talaga sya sa iyong pagcommute araw-araw. Ah at the same time ah, it’s a high-time na ating ah maiangat yung ah serbisyo o yung kalidad ng ating transportasyon sa Pilpinas. Kagaya ng ating mga bansa, karatig bansa -Cielo Remorin Marketing Manager-Trackmate Youtube-LRTA inilunsad ang Passenger Assist-Rail Display System para mapabilis ang byahe “Pwede rin syang magamit ng ating LRTA para sa quick communication sa mga pasahero, kung halimbawa may ahm emergency communication, or meron silang mga karagdagang announcements on say, government projects, pwede hong magamit ito sa sistema. At the same tie, makikita mo talaga in real time yung ah actual na lokasyon mo habang nasa loob ka ng tren at yung mga susunod na destinasyon o next station.” -Cielo Remorin Marketing Manager-Trackmate Youtube-LRTA Launcehs Passengers Assist Rail Display System Motoring News 91 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 7. Working Clearance for Passenger Surveying in LRT Line 2 92 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 8: Letters Used 93 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 94 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 95 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 96 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 97 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 98 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 99 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 100 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 9. Certification of Statistical Treatment 101 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 10: Action Photos 102 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 103 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Interview with LRTA Business Development Department-September 20, 2018 104 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Appendix 11: Validation of Coordination of Researchers with the Light Rail Transit Authority with regards to the study 105 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 106