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Importance of Listening to Elders, Parents, Teachers, Friends

Nam: Abegail D. Dulu
Elders - We should always listen to elders because they are more experienced than we are. If you are
about to do something that you're not knowledgeable enough, you should ask them because they've
gone through many things and they know what is wrong. When I want to cook, I ask my grand mother
what is the right process to do and I ask for her guide. It is a convenience that you still have an elders in
your family. When we don’t listen to them and we believe ourselves that we are doing the right thing,
they tell us “ Papunta ka pa lang, pauwi nako” to remind us that they know better than us because of
their experience.
Parents - They are the one who gave life to us. They give us the chance to be in this world. They want
the best for us it is why they always nag at us because they don't want us to be in the wrong path. They
want us to be successful healthy and happy. We should always listen to them cause it hurts them when
we don't obey them. It is also for our safety. My parents don't always allow me to go out, I have never
joined fieldtrip not even once. If the fieldtrips is just near, they said we can go there because it's near. If
the destination is far, they say I can't go there because it's too far. I used to be angry because of that but
now, I realized that it was all for my safety.
Teachers - They are our second parents who is always patient and attentive when we are on class. They
also keep our safety because we are like their children. They also want the best for us which is why they
want us to study and helps us hone our abilities because they want us to be successful. My teacher once
said the most saddening part for them is that seeing their student failed to achieve their desired goals
such as doctors, engineers and teachers. They feel that they haven't done a great job to persuade that
student which makes them regret. They contribute a lot to us, they give us knowledge and helps us with
our struggles in studying. We should always listen to them and don't give them stress because they have
a family too. They are our mentor, which is why we must listen to them for us to gain more knowledge
that we can use anywhere and for us to be in a good path.
Friends/Classmates - Friends are the people who always give us advice but we never listen. Especially
when it comes to love advice. But we listen to them when they tell us not to go home early because
we'll still get scolded to our parents even if we go home early, whenever we go out and didn't tell our
parents. Classmates are the people who turn into friends when we get to know them more especially
when they are the same vibe as us. Sometimes we don't listen to them because they nag us but what
they say is just for us to, in order for us not to fail with our subjects. They also tell us to act disciplined.
But when it's just us around we bond together more like friends.