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Private vs. Public Sector Enterprises: Definitions & Differences

What is a Private-Sector Enterprise?
Private sector enterprises refer to a segment of a national economy. These are
owned and controlled by a private group of individuals or even a single entity. This
sector comprises countless companies that are divided based on their size and
functional capabilities. It includes small and medium enterprises, as well as large
Generally, a private enterprise is formed by establishing a new company. However,
there can even be the privatisation of existing public sector. These enterprises
must follow government norms and regulations. However, these are not controlled
by government entities and usually focus more on quality than quantity.
This list mentioned below consists of some of the most prominent private sector
examples in an economy.
Educational services like private schools (Tapion School, International
School Saint lucia) , colleges (Monroe College) and universities along with
the numerous available professional courses
Telecommunication services in a country (FLOW)
IT services which are usually global in nature
Courier services which function within and beyond national boundaries
(DHL, FedEx, ShopBox)
Infrastructural development of different sectors in an economy
What is a Public Sector Enterprise?
The single defining characteristic that students must understand while learning
public sector meaning is that they are owned, controlled and managed by
government bodies. This ownership, control and management by a government
body can be complete or partial.
A public enterprise primarily focuses on providing cheaper goods and services to
the general people. It includes central government bodies, state government
entities and even local government authorities. This sector can be broadly divided
into two sections depending on its government control.
Financed entirely by a government body with the help of revenues like
taxes, excise and other duties, etc.
More than 51% share funds of an enterprise is owned by a government
Types of public sector organisations include:
Generation of employment for a country’s population. It includes
backwards and minority classes, disabled individuals, etc.
Postal services of a country (General Post Office)
Readily available and economically viable educational and health services
(Public schools – Sir Ira Simmons Secondary School, Public Hospital –
Respiratory Clinic/Victoria Hospital)
Public Transport services
Along with these definitions above, students must also learn every difference
between public and private sector organisations. Both of these sectors comprise a
few common industries. Yet, these are run very differently by private and public
sector administrations.
Differences Between Private and Public Sector Enterprises
Basis of
Private Sector Organisations
Public Sector
It is a section of a nation’s
economy that is owned and
controlled by a private group of
individuals or even singular
It is a section of a nation’s
economy, which is under
government ownership and
control. That can be
central, state or even local
government entities.
Primarily towards profit
maximisation. Vastly focuses on
constructing a brand image.
Primarily towards serving
the general population of a
country with the available
Source of
Funds can be obtained by loans,
issuing shares and debentures,
Funds are obtained by
public revenue earnings
like taxes, excise and other
duties, treasury bills,
bonds, etc.
Financial sectors, information
technology, mining corporations,
transport, education,
telecommunication sectors,
manufacturing units, construction
enterprises, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Armed forces like police,
army, airforce, navy; basic
health, educational, and
transport facilities,
electricity, agricultural
sector, insurance, etc.
Higher salary packages based on
progress and merit, competitive
environment of working,
incentives and bonuses, etc.
Highly secured jobs,
multiple retirement
benefits, allowances and
perquisites, etc.
Usually unstable since it is based
on merit and production output.
Extremely stable since. It
cannot be threatened by
the parameters of merit,
progress, production
output, revenue
generation, etc.
This table above gives a detailed description of the types of public enterprises and
private organisations, their differences, functional capabilities, etc. Understanding
the difference between public and private companies gives clarity to students.