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Math 4305 Final Exam: Process Standards

Math 4305
Summer 2021
Final Exam: Part I – Due Thursday, June 24
Describe the process standard in your
own words
Problem Solving
Is the ability to make sense of any
problem and be able to have a clear
comprehension to adapt to a solution in
order to solve the problem.
Communication is a means of
transmission in order to get the students
to be able to risk them expressing their
own knowledge of mathematical
communication, and also a component
in order for them to know how to “do”
Representation is the ability for students
to share and create their problem in
more than one way. Expressing their
ideas from various amount of pictures,
symbols, and written/spoken languages,
that can connect to real world situations
and concepts.
Provide an example of the process
standard from this class and explain how
the example addresses the process
When learning about the jawbreaker
assignment and had to draw and explain
why we thought our answer was correct
and how we got to it. This shows our
own comprehension over the
assignment and also using the correct
formulas in order to solve.
We had an activity called “adding and
subtracting integers with two color
counters”, this pre-assignment allowed
for us to openly express how to use
counters for visualization for students,
but also can be used for questions and
open engagement for classes.
Provide an example of the process
standard from this class and explain how
the example addresses the process
When assigned the integers discussion,
we had to explain the zero pair concept
and how we could use this concept.
Being able to fully describe and explain a
real-life scenario on how we could use a
zero pair concept is being able to make
sense of the problem and can adapt to a
solution around the problem.
Communication can be made in different
ways, not just us explaining how we
know there are this many jawbreakers
for this problem or comparing the graph
and seeing why one works more. We
communicated with others through
discussion boards and can actively
explain why their work is also correct
even if they did it a different way. We all
understood the assignment even with
different variety of thinking.
During our “creating graphs and
:Modeling with Algebra tiles” was a
analyzing” in order to help others grasp
concept to use in order to use tiles to
our concept for what we created we
help show symbolically how we can
needed to be able to visually show an
model a problem and solve using the
example of a graph in order to help
tiles. This is representation at it finest
other be able to analyze and connect our and can help students and other realize
finding with our graphs.
that visually you can make different
scenarios out of physical elements.
Describe the process standard in your
own words
Students need to be able to connect
their own prior and current knowledge
of mathematical learning, while also
being able to represent them in visuals
and real-life situations.
Reasoning and Proof
This is for students to be able to explore
and explain their own reasoning.
Students need to be able to provide
context for their own development of
mathematical ideas.
Provide an example of the process
standard from this class and explain how
the example address the process
For our proportional reasoning
assignment, we had to have partners
and be able to connect our own ideas
and share them with others about our
“students work”. In order to explain why
students had a hard time with
proportions, we had to dive in and
explore their mindset and why they
thought of using this type of solution
and also how they got the wrong
Creating our Google classroom is
something we had to create while also
using our own prior and current
knowledge of materials in math. We did
decimals and expanded notation
because we needed to expand our own
knowledge of the material in order to
help and create a fun lesson for
Provide an example of the process
standard from this class and explain how
this example address the process
We had to make connections from our
previous knowledge of graphs and how
to analyze them, before actually making
our own and having others be able to
analyze it and make comments on our
graph. They have to be able to connect
our findings to the graph and make sure
that it has sufficient evidence and that it
can work.
In our part 3 for proportional reasoning
assignment, we had to explain the
reason for our student’s success after
watching our video, and I believe that
the reason behind making videos in
order to engage students will help them
in the making of their further problems
one day. They can also see proof at the
end of the video that it worked, and they
can make their own solution out of it
and use different numbers.