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A Rose for Emily Study Notes

A rose for Emily
Emily (protagonist) : struggles with internal or external factors.
A rose: a gift from the author for respect. Passion , beauty or death.
The speaker: plural ( third person) we, our ( the people of the town)( to make the
story more reliable, probable, likely to happen)
Whole town (loved by all) (curiosity)(pity)(isolated)(alienated)
* Four narrative techniques.
-A narrator- to report actions (what happened)
-Describe setting and characters.(boring)
-Dialogue (character revealing)
-Comments by the author (boring, it interrupts the action)
* Two new techniques
-The stream of consciousness.
Emily was the master(capitalism)
Negro is the slave(working class)
Irony of situation: when they think she will kill herself, when she had the poison.
Verbal irony: to make fun, to mock.
Lit. theories:
Criticism (evaluation, analysis, fair judgment( objective))
Historical criticism:Author , age, history, time, and place , religion (shows the meaning from these
information)- contextual criticismFeminism : that is used to describe the conflict between men and women.
Focus on Women characters-dress, wealth, how they speak, how they are related
to menPsychological : inner feelings, thoughts, motivation,deep into the characters
* Freud’s type:-id: wish/ desire/ heart
-ego: mind/ intellect
-superego: conscience/ guilt
Post-colonialism: effect of colonialism on the colonized