Directorate: Curriculum GET Quality learning @ home GET Term 4 Take Home Package Life Skills PSW Grade 4 1. a) b) c) 3. a) b) c) 5. a) b) c) 7. a) b) c) 9. a) b) c) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER BY CIRCLING THE CORRECT LETTER Where is a safe place to cross? 2. When crossing a road, which direction should you walk? Zebra crossing Behind a parked car a) Diagonally While cars are coming b) In a wavy line c) In a straight line 4. When crossing a road, what should you When riding a bicycle, you must … be doing constantly? Wear a helmet and show off. a) Running Wear a helmet and use hand signals Wear a helmet and drive as fast as you can b) Looking and listening c) Closing your eyes When out at night, what should you wear? 6. Before your cross the road you should...? A warm coat a) Stop, look and run The trend b) Stop, listen and talk Reflective clothing c) Stop, look and listen When crossing the road, you should cross a 8. At a pelican crossing what does the pelican crossing when it is ... flashing green man mean Red a) Do not cross Green b) Start to cross Yellow c) Go back to the pavement When is safe to cross at a zebra crossing? 10. When you are riding a bicycle, you must When the traffic one side has stopped a) Drive on the left side of the road When the traffic both sides have stopped b) Drive on the right side of the road When the traffic lights near you has turned c) Drive wherever you want red CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER AFTER READING EACH STATEMENT, BY CIRCLING TRUE OR FALSE. If you’re a good swimmer, you don’t have to wear a lifejacket on a boat. True False You should always swim with a buddy. True False It’s OK to swim during a storm. True False If you’re caught in a rip current, you should swim toward the shore. True False You should always swim with an adult or lifeguard nearby. True False Swimming in very cold water can be dangerous. True False CHOOSE THE BEST REASON FROM COLUMN B THAT WILL SUIT THE RULE IN COLUMN A. WRITE ONLY THE LETTER IN THE ANSWER COLUMN. Column A Column B Answer Buckle up your seatbelt. a. Something can hit and seriously hurt you. Do not distract the driver. b. A car can hit you if they don’t see you. Never attempt to drive a car by c. It is illegal to drive without a licence yourself. and you will make an accident Do not stick your head, hands or any d. You could go through the windscreen other body parts out the window. in an accident. Do not play in or around parked cars e. A distracted driver can make an accident USING THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE CHART, WRITE A SENTENCE TO ILLUSTRATE WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED AFTER AN OIL TANKER SANK IN MAURITIUS. LOOK AT THE PICTURES TO GUIDE YOU. STUDY THE PICTURE. EXPLAIN THE CORRECT WAY TO WEAR YOUR MASK AND SIMPLE LIFE SAVING RULES TO FOLLOW, DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. LOOK CAREFULLY AT THE PICTURE AND READ THE RULES AT THE BEACH BELOW. NUMBER THE FOLLOWING DANGERS ON THE PICTURE IN THE CIRCLES PROVIDED. 1. Make sure you know what is beneath the surface. 2. Never jump off a cliff into the water. 3. Take care in the sun. It can take you as little as an hour to burn. 4. Don’t ignore danger signs. 5. Never swim when the red flag is flying. 6. Don’t swim near pipes and rocks. 7. Beware of currents – they can carry you out to see. 8. Alcohol limits your ability to swim. 9. Don’t use inflatables in the sea when it is windy. 10. Red and yellow flags mean that lifeguards are supervising swimming. 11. Listen to what the lifeguard tells you. 12. Keep an eye on children. Don’t let them wonder off. IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING ROAD SIGNS COMPLETE THE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES WORDSEARCH S M L K A V Q V H P N N L Q E T E G O E R R M R W U E I C L E L C D X E V O J W T Z S O P care citizen education family E D Z I T S T U D Y R I T H O X T U L V E F C F E I T E R Y J E E C C R V C E U T I N E S health listen love name Y H W T A H E Q F T I C M V K S C I A E T F S I C O A Q O P N O F A S R I H L O N R H L U N E L Y L T A O X A R H P A O F T L S G Z E C N K I K V Z E nationality nutrition parental protect H P A R E N T A L N T C E T P Y T I L A N O I T A N R O N Y N V I A M P E Y L I M A F S Q K F N Q C L F H Z W P O V H G shelter social services study waste COMPLETE THE TABLE BELOW BY NAMING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. You have the right to: You have the responsibility to: Family care and parental care A name and a nationality at birth Basic Nutrition Basic health care services Shelter Education Social services Protection Grade 4 PSW Teacher: Remember that assessment must always be valid, reliable, fair, transparent and authentic. Assess only what you have taught your learners. Follow the links below to get a template for setting a PSW test: Gr 4 – 5 test and examination template: Grade 6 test template: Grade 6 examination template: