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Mid-Term Exam: Electrical Circuits

Mid-Term Exam – Set A
1. Battery, dc generator – voltage source
Alternators, oscillators - current source
4. A practical voltage source can be considered to consist of an ideal voltage source
in series with an impedance. This impedance is called the internal impedance of
the source.
5. Zener Diode - operate similarly to conventional diodes when in the forward-bias mode. They have a
bias turn-on voltage of between 0.3 and 0.7V. When connected in the reverse mode, there is a small
leakage current flow in most applications.
6. a voltage source should ideally provide a fixed terminal voltage even though the current drain (or load
resistance) may vary.
10. The voltage source representation consists of an ideal voltage source Vs in series with a source
impedance Zs1· And the current-source representation consists of an ideal current source ls in parallel
with source impedance Zs2.
Multiple choice
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. A
True or False.
1. F
6. F
2. F
7. T
3. F
8. F
4. T
5. T