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Machine Learning Algorithms & Techniques Cheat Sheet

7) What are the five popular algorithms of Machine Learning?
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Decision Trees, Neural Networks (back propagation), Probabilistic networks, Nearest Neighbor, Support vector
8) What are the different Algorithm techniques in Machine Learning?
Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Semi-supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Transduction
, Learning to Learn
11) What is ‘Training set’ and ‘Test set’?
In various areas of information science like machine learning, a set of data is used to discover the potentially predictive
relationship known as ‘Training Set’. Training set is an examples given to the learner, while Test set is used to test the
accuracy of the hypotheses generated by the learner, and it is the set of example held back from the learner. Training
set are distinct from Test set.
17) What is the difference between artificial learning and machine learning?
Designing and developing algorithms according to the behaviours based on empirical data are known as Machine
Learning. While artificial intelligence in addition to machine learning, it also covers other aspects like knowledge
representation, natural language processing, planning, robotics etc.
39) What is PCA, KPCA and ICA used for?
PCA (Principal Components Analysis), KPCA ( Kernel based Principal Component Analysis) and ICA ( Independent
Component Analysis) are important feature extraction techniques used for dimensionality reduction.
41) What are support vector machines?
Support vector machines are supervised learning algorithms used for classification and regression analysis.
3. What is Supervised Learning?
Supervised learning is a machine learning algorithm of inferring a function from labeled training data. The training data
consists of a set of training examples.
Support Vector Machines
Naive Bayes
Decision Trees
K-nearest Neighbour Algorithm and Neural Networks.
4. What is Unsupervised Learning?
Unsupervised learning is also a type of machine learning algorithm used to find patterns on the set of data given. In this,
we don’t have any dependent variable or label to predict. Unsupervised Learning Algorithms:
Anomaly Detection,
Neural Networks and Latent Variable Models.
9. What are Different Kernels in SVM?
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There are six types of kernels in SVM:
Linear kernel - used when data is linearly separable.
Polynomial kernel - When you have discrete data that has no natural notion of smoothness.
Radial basis kernel - Create a decision boundary able to do a much better job of separating two classes than the linear
Sigmoid kernel - used as an activation function for neural networks.
11. What is Bias in Machine Learning?
Bias in data tells us there is inconsistency in data. The inconsistency may occur for several reasons which are not
mutually exclusive.
12. Explain the Difference Between Classification and Regression?
Classification is used to produce discrete results, classification is used to classify data into some specific categories.
For example, classifying emails into spam and non-spam categories.
Whereas, regression deals with continuous data.
For example, predicting stock prices at a certain point in time.
Classification is used to predict the output into a group of classes.
15. How to Tackle Overfitting and Underfitting?
Overfitting means the model fitted to training data too well, in this case, we need to resample the data and estimate the
model accuracy using techniques like k-fold cross-validation.
Whereas for the Underfitting case we are not able to understand or capture the patterns from the data, in this case,
we need to change the algorithms, or we need to feed more data points to the model.
19. How do you make sure which Machine Learning Algorithm to use?
It completely depends on the dataset we have. If the data is discrete we use SVM. If the dataset is continuous we use
linear regression.
So there is no specific way that lets us know which ML algorithm to use, it all depends on the exploratory data analysis
EDA is like “interviewing” the dataset; As part of our interview we do the following:
Classify our variables as continuous, categorical, and so forth.
Summarize our variables using descriptive statistics.
Visualize our variables using charts.
Based on the above observations select one best-fit algorithm for a particular dataset.
31. What is Reinforcement Learning?
Reinforcement learning is different from the other types of learning like supervised and unsupervised. In reinforcement
learning, we are given neither data nor labels. Our learning is based on the rewards given to the agent by the
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