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speaking test GEP5

TÂM: So I start first?
THƯ: Sure
TÂM: In my opinion, country life is better than city life because first of all living in the
country has more space around the house, more privacy and independence. Do you
have any ideas?
THƯ: Hmm I don’t know, I am not sure about that. maybe it is more independent but
living in the country may require you to travel a long distance to purchase other
goods and services, whereas, in the city, it is much more convenient.
TÂM: I'm sorry, but I don't see it in that way because, for instance, in my hometown,
there are many small grocery stores and even markets near people's houses, so they
are not so far away as people might think.
THƯ: Okay, what about transportation infrastructure? When I visited my father's
hometown as a child, the roads there were very poor, and there were not many
vehicles and people on the road. This made me bored.
TÂM: I see your point but fewer people means less traffic and noise, quieter and
more peaceful life, easier to relax, it allows you to be closer to nature. Which is
obviously very good for your health, you see what I mean?
THƯ: Yeah, I totally agree with you on that, but because I'm an active person so I
prefer crowded places. Another advantage of living in the city is that you will have
more opportunities to work because it is home to many large companies and
corporations, so you will earn more money and be able to buy more things. What do
you think?
TÂM: That’s a good point but you know, the cost of living in the countryside is lower
than that in cities. People in the countryside can produce their own food such as
vegetables, fruits, meat and so on. I understand that working in the countryside
doesn’t earn as much money as working in the large cities. However, people in the
countryside don’t have to waste money on unnecessary things.