Bioenergetics Part I: Four-Square Model Directions: Fill in the four sections of the model to describe the vocabulary word or phrase. Be sure to write the definition in your own words. Definition Facts/Characteristics Studying cellular respiration and photosynthesis Bioenergetics Examples Nonexamples Definition Facts/Characteristics Releases energy from the chemical bonds of the glucose molecule Takes place in mitochondria Examples Cellular Respiration Nonexamples 1 Bioenergetics Definition Facts/Characteristics Produces more ATP per molecule of glucose than anaerobic respiration Requires oxygen Three pathways: glycolysis, citric acid (Krebs) cycle, and the electron transport chain Aerobic Examples Cellular Respiration Nonexamples Definition Facts/Characteristics When nitrate ions, sulfate ions, or other molecules accept an electron instead of oxygen Examples Anaerobic Cellular Respiration Nonexamples 2 Bioenergetics Definition Facts/Characteristics The reactants of photosynthesis are water, light, and carbon dioxide The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen Takes place in chloroplasts Photosynthesis Examples Nonexamples 3