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Alchemist - Analytical Essay Rubric

Unit 1 Essay Rubric – The Alchemist Thematic Analysis
English I G/T
A: An excellent paper (A+: 98, A: 95, A-: 92)
- Writing shows good critical intelligence, careful
- Thesis clearly and cohesively addresses prompt
and provides insight as to the theme(s) of the text
and the strategies used to accomplish the
- Evidence is specific and well-chosen and clearly
illustrates the points made by the topic sentences
and thesis
- Analysis connects evidence to topic
sentences/thesis and uses the evidence to prove
the thesis; no “how” or “why” questions are left
- Organization is organic and clear; transitions are
smooth and content is presented in a logical and
sensible order
- Paragraphs are coherent and well-developed;
sentences are clear in meaning
- Word choice is exact, appropriate and sensitive;
syntax is varied
- Quotations are smoothly, and clearly, and
grammatically incorporated into the writer’s prose;
there are no floating quotations; quotation choice
is exact and pertinent
- Very few minor grammar, punctuation, or spelling
errors; no major errors
C: A good, average paper (C+: 79, C: 77, C-: 75)
- Writing is routine and too general; flat
- Thesis addresses the prompt but does not
provide full insight into theme(s) and strategies.
- Some evidence is strong, but some evidence
could be better-chosen or more specific; not all
evidence directly correlates to topic sentences
and thesis
- Some analysis connects evidence to topic
sentences/thesis and uses the evidence to
prove the thesis; “how” or “why” questions are
left unanswered; analysis needs more depth
and detail
- Organization is unclear at times; little transition
from paragraph to paragraph; structure is
formulaic with arbitrary paragraph placement
- Paragraph structure loose; sentences not
cohesive, limited fluency
- Word choice generally appropriate; syntax
plain without much variety
- Questionable quotation choice and
implementation; routine quotation incorporation;
lead-ins too vague
- Multiple grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors
B: A very good paper (B+: 88, B: 85, B-: 82)
- Writing shows better than average ability to relate
- Thesis addresses prompt and provides insight as
to the theme(s) of the text and the strategies used
to accomplish the theme(s) but may be less
sophisticated or eloquent than an A thesis.
- Evidence is well-chosen and illustrates the points
made by the topic sentences and thesis; slightly
less sophisticated or specific than an A paper
- Analysis connects evidence to topic
sentences/thesis and uses the evidence to prove
the thesis; a few “how” or “why” questions are left
- Organization is clear, but it could be stronger;
structure is formulaic with some awkward
transitions and some paragraphs in an order that
is not the most effective possible
- Paragraphs are well-developed; sentences are
clear and progress the essay
- Word choice is good; syntax is varied
- Quotation choice is good; no floating quotes;
quotation incorporation is good, but not
outstanding; lead-ins set up the quote
- Few grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors
D: A paper that is below average (D: 73, D-: 70)
- Writing is thin, vague
- Thesis addresses the prompt but does not
provide full insight into purpose(s) and
strategies; may not be easy to find within the
- Failure to support thesis completely or clearly
- Much evidence is poorly chosen or weakly
correlated to topic sentences and thesis
- Analysis is inadequate and does not connect
evidence to topic sentences and thesis; “how”
and “why” questions are left unanswered
- Organization unclear; lacks transition from
paragraph to paragraph; progression of ideas
not entirely logical
- Paragraphs incoherent; poorly developed;
sentences awkward or overly simple, no fluency
- Poor quotation choice; floating quotations; poor
quotation incorporation; lacks sufficient lead-ins
- Word choice stale, inappropriate; little to no
variety in syntax
- Grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors
F: An insufficient paper (F+: 60, F: 50)
- Paper does not meet minimum requirements of
- Paper does not address the prompt
- Paper does not support thesis
- Writing is thin, vague, stale
- Textual misunderstandings; mistakes in
comprehension of text
- Evidence and analysis are either absent or
inadequate; minimal effort is demonstrated
- Organization weak or absent; illogical
progression of ideas; no transitions
- Paragraphs are poorly developed; sentences
awkward, unclear
- Word choice is often inept; syntax is elementary
- Distracting combinations of grammar, punctuation,
or spelling errors
Point Deductions
- One error in MLA formatting (-5)
- Multiple errors in MLA formatting (-10)
- One day late (-20)
- Two days late (-40)
- Three or more days late (-50)
- Parenthetical citations missing (Paper receives a
- Works Cited page missing (Paper receives a 0)