Uploaded by Daniel Gilbert

Earth's Interior: 7 Ways We Know

Crash Course 7 Things We know What’s Inside the
In 2003, the journal Nature proposed we study the inside of the Earth by using what type of
device to make a hole? ___________________________Nuclear Bomb
So, here are seven ways we have peered inside our planet.
Let's start with the obvious one: just #1 __________________________________.
Drilling Big hole
A simpler idea is to #2_____________________________________activity right here on
the surface. Surface rocks
Diamonds form only under very specific conditions at depths of ____________Killometers or
more in the upper mantle. 140
But there are also ways to look inside the Earth without heading into the field. Such as using
#3 ________________________________. Seismic Waves
We can also learn a lot from noticing when things get weird. Irregularities in the planet's
properties happen for a reason, and sometimes that points towards a cause that we can't
actually see.
#4 Electromagnetic ___________________ Anomalies
So far, we've looked at real measurements in nature. But figuring out what those mean often
relies on. Scientists' models and #5____________________________________lab
Amazingly, to find some of the planet's interior anomalies, we actually have to go to space.
This is especially true for one particular kind -- #6 ______________________________
anomalies. Gravitational.
Finally, not only can we examine the interior of the Earth by going to space -- we can also let
space come to us. #7 _________________________________________ Meterrites
So, yeah, unfortunately, the Earth isn't ______________________________see-through.