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Quality Control Standards Training Manual

Ethiopian TVTE system
Level IV TTLM for Establish Quality Control standards
How to Establish Quality Control Standards
Perfect quality control begins with well-defined standards.
Implementing a quality control program has numerous benefits for your business. By setting a
high standard to work toward, you raise your chances of producing a perfect product and thus
increasing customer satisfaction. Specific guidelines must be set and followed. A vague goal of
merely doing well and trying your best will get you only so far. Having a clear, well-defined set
of standards from the beginning is essential.
1. Establish specifically what you want to produce. This goes beyond the vague hyperbole
of a mission statement. Pore over every detail and clearly define what you want to supply
to your customer. Before you can map out an action plan, you need to define standards
for every facet of production.
2. Define each person's responsibility. This includes not only those on the production level
but supervisors as well. It's not enough for them to have a general idea of quality goals;
specifics need to be mapped out and taught. Everyone needs to be working together,
because teamwork is a key ingredient to forming a quality product.
3. Train all workers completely and effectively. Laying out objectives is important, but it is
ultimately useless if workers do not know how to execute them. It will serve you well not
to cut corners on time or money at this stage, because inefficiency and poor production
can cost more in the long run.
4. Maintain your overall focus and keep your eye on the big picture. Details are important,
but it can become all too easy to get bogged down in statistical analysis of every aspect of
production. Commitment to attention to detail is there to serve you, not the other way
5. Observe the competition. Keep an eye on what your successful competitors are doing and
measure your progress against theirs. This is known as benchmarking. Note, however,
that you should ultimately follow your own standards and convictions.
6. Communicate with your suppliers. Take things a step further by ensuring that those who
supply you with your components are also held to high standards of quality.
7. Use feedback to your advantage. By acting on customer and employee feedback, not only
can you correct the errors in production, but your staff can let you know what does and
doesn't work. This will allow you to work together and increase quality.
TTLM Development Manual
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Date: 08-2007 E.C.
Butajra TVET College By:-selamu
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G. ICT Sector Trainer