See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Designing a Smart Museum: When Cultural Heritage Joins IoT Conference Paper · September 2014 DOI: 10.1109/NGMAST.2014.21 CITATIONS READS 115 6,380 2 authors: Francesco Piccialli Angelo Chianese University of Naples Federico II University of Naples Federico II 149 PUBLICATIONS 1,900 CITATIONS 69 PUBLICATIONS 1,001 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Medical Image analysis View project CHIS -Big Data for Semantic Social Business Intelligence View project All content following this page was uploaded by Francesco Piccialli on 11 September 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Designing a smart museum: when Cultural Heritage joins IoT Angelo Chianese1 and Francesco Piccialli2 1 2 Department of electrical engineering and information technologies Department of mathematics and applications ”Renato Caccioppoli” University of Naples Federico II Naples, ITALY Email: {angchian, francesco.piccialli} Abstract—The adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm constitutes the basic building block to progress towards unified ICT platforms for a variety of applications within the large framework of the smart cities. Unfortunately, designing a general architecture for IoT is still a very complex challenge, since in such system may be involved several devices, link layer technologies and services. Cultural Heritage represents a worldwide resource of inestimable value and it gains more and more importance when embedded into the digital ecosystem of a smart city. In this paper we focus specifically to design a IoT architecture that is able to support the designing of a smart museum, a static cultural space that becomes intelligent thanks to the definition of an innovative model of sensors and services. Furthermore, the paper will present and discuss a real case of study, placed in a temporary art exhibition of sculptures in the Maschio Angioino Castle, located in Naples, Italy. I. I NTRODUCTION The feasibility of equipping everyday objects of a ”digital” identity and to connect them to each other on a network, opens up many opportunities, such as to arouse in the recent past, a growing interest from governments, international research centers and companies. The Internet of Things paradigm supports the transition from a closed world, in which an object is characterized by a descriptor, to a open world, in which that object interacts with the surrounding environment, because it has become ”intelligent”. Accordingly, not only people will be connected to the internet, objects such as cars, fridges, televisions, water management systems, buildings, monuments and so on will be connected as well. Combined with sensor technologies, this allows for remote management of the objects and remote monitoring of conditions and changes, which in the future might improve preservation, valorization and fruition of culture heritage. Indeed, thanks to recent advances in miniaturization and lower cost of RFID, Bluetooth Low Energy, sensor networks, NFC, wireless communications, technologies and applications, IoT is gradually acquiring an important role in several research fields. In the recent years, Cultural Heritage has turned out to be one of the most suitable domains in which such achievements can be profitably exploited, since it characterizes a domain where several aspects have to be considered at the same time: logistics, economy, tourism, entertainment, tutelage, and so on. Many areas of interest of the Cultural Heritage can be considered as environments where people come into contact with a reality of objects capable of arousing interest and excitement because they are offered a direct perception or their knowledge or a combination of perception and knowledge. In this paper, we focus specifically to design a IoT architecture that is able to support the smartness of indoor cultural environments like museums or art exhibitions, within DATABENC 1 , the high technology district for Cultural Heritage management founded in Regione Campania, Italy. The purpose of the authors is to design an intelligent cultural space where an innovative model of technological sensors and services can support the smartness of such space. Moreover, we present and discuss an useful case of study of the proposed architecture, immersed in a temporary art exhibition of sculptures in the Maschio Angioino castle rooms located in Naples, Italy. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 explains the motivating example and the state of art in the Cultural Heritage applications, Section 3 describes the smart museum architecure, Section 4 reports a cases of study aimed to assess the proposed approach. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper with some considerations and future works. II. M OTIVATING EXAMPLE AND STATE OF ART In order to better understand motivations behind the design of the proposed IoT architecture supporting the development of a smart indoor cultural space, it is important to deeply analyze the kind of relation that exists between such spaces and people: usually the purpose of a person, when he is inside this kind of environment, is to see and learn more and not to explicitly use the technology. The behaviour of a person/visitor, when immersed inside a space and consequently among several objects, has to be analyzed in order to design the most appropriate architecture and to estabilish the relationship between people and technological tools that have to be non-invasive. For this reason and to better appraise and promote the Cultural Heritage, it should be preferable to provide cultural objects with the capability to interact with people, environments, other objects and transmitting the related knowledge to users through multimedia facilities. We can image a situation in which a user is walking within a museum among a number of art objects and when he is particularly close to one of them, its mobile device (e.g a smartphone or a tablet) is detected by the object. This detection phase can be possible thanks to the deployment of particular sensors inside the area and near the cultural objects. Once such person has been detected, the object begins to talk about itself, its story and its status by means of multimedia content and facilities. Hence, these smart objects have the dual function, from one side the generation of a new fruition and 1, enjoyment of the user cultura experience, from the other side to collect the environmental information in order to monitor and thus preserve the environment itself. A. Related work The modern ICT technologies and services, especially that of sensors and smartphone, have the purpose to facilitate the integration between the digital and real dimension in an environment which has to become smart [1]. In an intelligent cultural space, technologies must be able to connect the physical world with the world of information in order to amplify the knowledge but also and especially the fruition, involving the visitors as active playesrwhich offer the pleasure of perception and the charm of the discovery of a new knowledge. The development of such technology and the connected advanced services for the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is still complicated by the high dynamism of the system, which has to deliver meaningful information to users in real-time, depending on their movements in the physical space, on their interaction with sensors, etc. In the last months, the authors of this paper have experienced the design and the application of location-based services and technological tools applied to Cultural Heritage environments (especially indoor), in [2], [4], [5], [3]. These presented prototypes aimed to transfer a smartness to cultural sities, applying different communication technologies and sensors. In addition, several papers and projects have been proposed, by using technological and multimedia facilities to enhance cultural items; since the valorization and the fruition of cultural heritage are probably the most interesting and useful applications of modern technologies. Accordingly, the authors in [6] stated that technology can play a crucial role in supporting museum visitors and enhancing their overall museum visit experiences; content and delivery must provide relevant information and at the same time allow visitors to get the level of detail and the perspectives in which they are interested. The authors in [7] propose a mobile recommender system for the Web of Data, and its application to information needs of tourists in context-aware on-site access to cultural heritage. In [8] the initial steps of a project aimed at creating mobile apps to facilitate the usability of museum visits for differentlyabled and special-needs users are discussed. DALICA [9] is another agent-based Ambient Intelligence for outdoor culturalheritage scenarios that it sends information about nearby points of interest from sensors, while in [10] the authors propose a general architecture of a SNOPS (Social Network of Object and PersonS) Platform and present a specific smart environment related to the archeological site of Herculaneum. In [11] a system, called SMART VILLA, based on a set of mobile applets, each interfaced with a NFC based subsystem, related to particular sites (SMART BIBLIO for ancient books, SMART ROOM for particular rooms and SMART GARDEN for surrounding historical gardens) is presented. From a point of view of the preservation of the Cultural Heritage, the authors in [12] analyze some preservation technologies and solutions, and describe existing problems. The diversity of the mentioned methods and applications, whether for indoor or outdoor cultural spaces, highlights that in most cases, they remain isolated ”exercises” and do not arouse effective interest due to the lack applicability and difficulty of reuse in different environments and scenarios. It is Fig. 1. A representation of the IoT architecture for a cultural space. evident that, for a whole fruition, enjoyment and valorization of cultural spaces, in all its forms and needs, there is the necessity of designing an integrated architecture following the IoT paradigm, that can be exploited and adapted to the different scenarios. III. A MUSEUM OF SMART OBJECTS In this section, the architecture of an intelligent museum, the technological sensors immersed in the environment and the communication framework are presented. The sensors aimed to transform cultural items in smart objects, that now are able to communicate with each other, the visitors and the network; this acquired identity plays a crucial role for the smartness of a cultural space. Indeed, as stated in [13], [14], smart objects represent an important step on an evolutionary process that is affecting modern communication devices and has been triggered by the advent of IoT. Accordingly, in order that these sensors can perform their role and interact with the end-users transferring multimedia content, a mobile application (App) for smartphone and tablet has been designed; in this way people have the opportunity to enjoy the cultural experience and be more at ease simply using their own mobile device, without the need of having to equip itself with other devices. A. The IoT architecture To describe the proposed system we resort on the three-layer architectural model for IoT presented in [15]. It consists of: (i) the sensing layer, which is devoted to the data transfer and acquisition, and nodes collaboration in short-range and local networks; (ii) the network layer, which is aimed at transferring data across different networks and applications; and (iii) the application layer, where the IoT applications are deployed together with the middleware functionalities. Figure 1 shows the resulting three-layer architecture. The three basic elements of the proposed system are: the CHIS (Cultural Heritage Information System) server, the gateway, and the sensor. 1) CHIS Server: As depicted in Figure 1, the Cultural Heritage Information System server is composed by the Network and the Application layers. The Application Layer is modeled by three sublayers. The first sublayer includes (i) the knowledge base for the storage and management of the content, (ii) the ontologies used to represent a semantic view of the cultural heritage domain and (iii) the semantic engines used to provide a framework for representing functional and non-functional attributes and operations of the IoT objects. The second sublayer includes the instruments that implement the core functionalities of the CHIS system. The profiling is aimed at configuring manually and automatically a (static or dynamic) information about the objects and people. The recommendations module enables a user-customized multimedia delivery during the cultural experiences. The Events manager is a fundamental component which is aimed at finding which person can enjoy the content about the cultural items, when he is near an artwork. The Access manager enables the interaction between user mobile devices, sensors and the network. The Sensors manager is a key module since it manages the deployed sensors inside a cultural space; main task of this component is to allow sensors to start, update and terminate their relationships with visitors, other sensors and the network. Finally, the Context Manager provides the management of the environmental awareness, including the parameters monitoring of the spaces and the visitors behaviours. 2) Gateway and Sensor: As to the gateway and sensors systems, the combination of functionalities may vary mainly depending on the environment characteristics. The Gateway module is enabled to manage the overall communication between the sensors and the CHIS server; moreover it is responsible to adapt and deliver the environmental data captured by the sensors. The Sensor module is aimed to provide the connectivity interfaces that enable the sensors functionalities according to the different types of sensor nodes. B. The sensor nodes hierarchy According to the IoT requirements, two types of sensor nodes are designed in order to make smart the cultural items inside a museum or an art exhibition. In Databenc research laboratory a prototypal set of these sensors, with the aim to cover all the possibile contexts of use, has been designed and developed starting from the BeagleBone Black board, an open hardware product offered by BeagleBone 2 . The choice of this board has been made after a careful analysis; it’s a complete open hardware and software board with a very active community that support the developers and several expansion capes. Moreover, the embedded Unix-based operating system allows a full and effective control of this board. It is important to underline that although the current realization costs of a single sensor node might seem slightly expensive (about $40), production costs in large scale would decrease drastically and it would allow a widespread application in museums with a high number of objects. It is clear that, especially in indoor environments such as museums, the invasiveness of a technological item can be an obstacle in its installation and deployment. In this scenario, the goal to be pursued is 2 to strongly reduce both size and power consumption of the sensor nodes as low as possible, in order to make this sensors applicable in most contexts. The district DATABENC and its research laboratory DatabencLAB, in collaboration with the Department of Physics of the University of Naples ”Federico II”, is currently re-engineering the Beaglebone black board, eliminating unnecessary hardware components according to the above mentioned type of node. The feasibility model designed and developed in this research article represents the first step towards the realization and diffusion of these sensors in large-scale. These sensor nodes can be configured in the following modalities according to the environment needs and restrictions, setting up nodes of a different types; in the follow we detail the main designed configurations (Server node and Slave node). • SERVER node: this type of node stores on board the content related to the items where it is placed and creates a Wi-Fi coverage area; the App automatically connects to this network and retrieve the content. Moreover, in absence of connectivity, this node can be equipped with a UMTS/GSM module, in order to manage the status of this node and communicate with the CHIS server. • SLAVE node: this type of node can placed (i) near or on a single artwork, (ii) near a set of artworks very close together; the user mobile device can be sensed by this node, since it creates a Bluetooth Low Energy surrouding area, and requests to the SERVER node transferring to the App the related multimedia content. The SERVER node can be equipped with supplementary functionalities to monitor the environmental status (e.g. temperature, humidity, etc.), that we have already deployed in our laboratory. All types of nodes can be equipped with an e-ink display 3 with the purpose from one side to replace the caption of an artwork and from the other side to provide information about the sensor status. Hence, a key feature of the proposed approach is certainly to be able to configure a node in hybrid mode, for example, in such a way that it can be at the same time both the SERVER and SLAVE node. From a point of view of communication and interaction, the sensor nodes are equipped with the following features: • Discover the neighbors: A sensor node, thanks to the proximity algorithm, is able to sense the neighbors SLAVE nodes; this feature allows any node to contextualize itself inside the space and enable mechanisms of content recommendations or visiting paths inside the cultural space. • Discover the visitors: A sensor node, thanks to a proximity algorithm, is able to sense the visitors inside the surrounding area; this feature allows any node to present itself to an user and deliver to him multimedia content. These functionalities enable a smartness of the objects equipped with a sensor node; indeed an object is now capable 3 Fig. 2. A simple schematic layout of a museum. to sense the environment, the presence of others objects and people, in order to start the mechanisms of enjoyment, fruition and safeguard of cultural spaces. C. Deploying the sensors In Figure 2 a layout of a museum environment, where the sensor nodes can be deployed, is presented. This example layout shows deliberately a limited number of artworks in to ensure that the proposed feature are as clear as possible. The SERVER nodes create a Wireless area that covers the entire environment; they also store the content related to the cultural items inside the space. Each object or group of objects can be equipped with a SLAVE node, which (i) create a Bluetooth Low Energy area that surrounds it/them and (ii) is connected to the SERVER nodes. A group of object is a set of artworks that are very close to each other; in this situation a SLAVE node represents this group. A visitor that is walking inside the space, equipped with its mobile device and the App installed, is automatically connected to the Wireless network, and its mac address is stored in the SERVER node associated with its IP address. When the visitor is inside the BLE surrounding area of an object, (i) it detects the mobile device mac address, (ii) notifies to the SERVER node this address and (iii) the SERVER node delivers the multimedia content to the App of that mobile device. Obviously, it may happen that two or more BLE surrounding areas can overlap (see the yellow circle in Figure 2); in this case, both cultural items are proposed to the visitor on the App (see top-left screen in Figure 4) and he can choice between them. As mentioned, the SLAVE nodes are equipped with a localization algorithm aimed to detect the closest mobile devices and objects; this algorithm is explained in [2] and adapted to be embedded on the sensors. In each area will be a SLAVE node equipped with temperature and humidity sensor; it collects these parameters at selected time intervals. The SERVER nodes store a LOG file where are archived all visitor requests of multimedia content, temperature and humidity sent by each responsible SLAVE node. D. The sensor nodes configuration interface A web-based interface is designed in order to easily configure the sensor nodes; it is composed by a number of software modules that are shown (the main ones) in figure 3: the topleft shows the home of the application where a functionalities menu is displayed; the top-right shows the multimedia content management page where the administrator can add/edit/delete images, audio, video files of the cultural object associated to the cricket; the down-left shows the artworks management page where the administrator can add/edit/delete cultural objects carrying out the content retrieval from the knowledge base, and finally, the down-right shows the connectivity management page where the adminstrator can manage the BLE and Wi-Fi networks created by the node. IV. E XPERIMENTS In this section a case of study of the proposed architecture is presented and discussed; as real scenario, the temporary art exhibition of sculptures within the Maschio Angioino castle, in Naples (Italy) (see figure 5). The multimedia content (texts, audios, videos and images) of the cultural items related to the case of study are stored in the knowledge database of the district DATABENC. The cultural space is composed by several sculptures of Francesco Jerace and other minor artists, equipped with a set of SLAVE sensor nodes; in the environment are placed two SERVER sensor nodes that create a Wi-Fi network. This testing scenario has been devised with the aim of giving a proof of concept of the smartness principle underlying the design of the architecture. During the testing phase, a number of visitors were enrolled and equipped with a smartphone (if they had not one), with the App installed. At this step, the visitors can benefit of the following functionalities: • Event details: retrieve the details (title, description, images, etc.) and the cultural items list that composed the art event where they are located; Fig. 3. • The sensor nodes configuration interface main panels Discover the Artwork: walking among the cultural items and discover the multimedia content related to a specific artwork when they are in its surrounding area. A. Implementation details The App runs on Android and iOS based smarthphones, with a Wi-Fi connection to the SERVER sensor nodes and expose a easy-to-use Graphical User Interface, as shown in Figure 4. The knowledge base consists in a workstation with a local PostgreSQL DBMS that stores the multimedia content about the artworks collection. The Multimedia data have been collected and organized from several archives (digital and not) of the department of humanities studies at the University of Naples ”Federico II”. Each object is associated with a set of metadata, in according to the CIDOC-CRM model. All the data are managed by the Multimedia Data Management Engine that is based on the Windsurf library 4 . All the server nodes have been configured and tested during the experimental scenarios; in particular several nodes have been equipped with a e-ink display with the dual functionality of showing the status of the node and displaying the artwork caption (see Figure 5). Moreover, two SLAVE nodes have been equipped with an Analog Temperature and humidity sensors, in order to capture environmental parameters in some critical areas where changes in temperature and thermal shocks can cause damage to the artworks exhibited. B. Usability, usefulness and satisfaction A number of trials have been performed to assess the behaviour, the users’ satisfaction and, consequently, the feasibility of the proposed approach. In all, 40 volunteers were recruited. These participants were attendees at the 4 Fig. 4. The main screen of the App. From left to right: (i) the discovery page showing at the top the artwork nearest to visitor, (ii) By clicking on the image, the detail page where the user can enjoy multimedia content is shown, (iii) the images gallery related to the proposed artwork. entrance of the exhibition, before they start the visit and were enrolled first given a 10-minute presentation about the system. In order to investigate the usability of the proposed model, with specific regard to the ease of use, usefulness and users’ satisfaction dimensions mentioned by the literature in [16], post-visit questionnaires was submitted to the participants after the trials. These questionnaires stimulated volunteers to express their level of agreement with a set of statements, using a 10-point Likert scale, or to make choices between options. The Table I summarizes the post-questionnaries results and reports the most relevant questions related to the three dimension of our usability framework and their average ratings. The overall degree of satisfaction manifested by volunteers towards our infrastructure was positive with an average rating of 7.43 (SAT4). Multimedia features such as photo-galleries (SAT1), texts (SAT2) and audio (SAT3), were TABLE II. I NDICATORS COMPARISON . Indicator Average total duration of the visit (minutes) Average number of artworks on which a visitor focalized his attention. Fig. 5. Some sensor nodes prototyped with the Beaglebone black board. rated 7.77, 7.64 and 7.14, respectively. As for the usefulness dimension, users agreed that the application was useful overall (USN1, 7.88), facilitating to a certain degree the acquisition of a better knowledge (USN2, 7.45) and a deeper insight (USN3, 7.65) on the artwork on display. Additionally, the analysis of the ease of use dimension pointed out that participants found the information access about the artworks quite easy (EoU1, 8.11) and the multimedia content browsing (EoU2, 7.52). Before the deploying of our infrastructure, this art exhibition was equipped with a standard system of audioguide and some papers backing material aimed to assist in a static mode the visitors. If a visitor choose to adopt this audioguide system, he can listen a voice that explains several features of the exhibition and some details about the main artworks 17.3 10.2 C ONCLUSION IoT constitute a powerful tool to address the design of the complex connection between new technologies, knowledge to be transmitted and visitors of Cultural Heritage environments. As an effort in this direction, this paper define an architecture to represent and manage the smartness inside cultural spaces, adopting the IoT paradigm and supporting this direction with the design of a set of sensor nodes that are able to transfor cultural spaces, in an indispensable dynamic instrument for valorization, knowledge diffusion, fruition and growth for all the people. The technologies cover the fundamental role of connector between the physical world and the world of information, in order to amplify the knowledge but also and especially the enjoyment. For these reasons, our research has been primarily focused on the design of IoT architecture for Cultural Heritage spaces. Moreover, the designing of a set of sensors, configurable starting from a common core and adapted to different needs are presented. These sensor nodes have the capability to observe the environment and characterize, for example, the health status of the inside cultural objects and are able to support the people fruition process, establishing multiple connections among the end-users through which convey information, stories and multimedia content. A case of study, the art exhibition at Maschio Angioino castle in Naples, has been devised as a feasibility test of our architecture, the related sensor nodes and the users’ satisfaction. The research contribution is currently concentrated to design a real working physical communication model, based on IoT and to deploy an architecture that implements a smart cultural environment. R EFERENCES [1] C. Comparison with the pre-existing system Pre-existing system 38.5 in the environment; this traditional audioguide system does not take into account the user’s position. With the aim to further measure the effectiveness of the proposed architecture, two indicators of the users’ behaviour were analyzed, both of the enrolled visitors that used our architecture and of a same number of visitors that used the pre-existing system of audioguide. The two indicators are: (i) total duration of the visit, (ii) average number of artworks on which a visitor focalized his attention. Table II reports the comparison results that emphasize the increase of the average duration of the users’ visits (using our architecture) and the increased dwell on the presented artworks, thus allowing a more in-depth cultural and consequent diffusion of knowledge. V. Fig. 6. The Maschio Angioino rooms with Jerace sculptures where we have deployed the architecture. Our system 48.7 C. Balakrishna, “Enabling technologies for smart city services and applications,” pp. 223–227, 2012. [2] A. Chianese, F. Marulli, V. Moscato, and F. 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