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How Does The Ayurvedic Treatment for Dermatitis Differ From Modern Medical Treatment?

How Does The Ayurvedic Treatment for Dermatitis Differ From
Modern Medical Treatment?
Atopic eczema or dermatitis is one of the most common kinds of eczema that can happen to people of all sexes. The
primary symptoms of this problem include dry and itchy patches of skin. Sometimes these patches retain water and then
it swells and fills with pus. The patches mostly form on the areas exposed to sun and dust. Most commonly affected
areas include fingers, soles, toes, and other such areas. Atopic eczema usually occurs during seasonal changes because
the skin loses its moisture when we are in-between seasons.
It has also been noted that specific conditions like asthma or stress too sometimes lead to an outbreak of eczema. The
problem affects around 40 percent of the global population and the number seems to be accelerating at a high rate.
Biologically speaking, our skin has a close connection with our internal systems and glands. Whenever there is any fault
or dysfunction with any of these parts it has a clear effect on our skin. If you are suffering from a dermatitis problem
then dermatitis treatment in Ayurveda is the best option for you.
The real reason for dermatitis is yet to be discovered which makes finding a reliable cure for it a little tricky. However,
Ayurveda has its own way of defining dermatitis and its causes. The causes of dermatitis vary according to the disease
responsible for the problem. The most common causes include:
1. Contact with skin-irritating substances like nickel, cosmetics, oak, poison ivy, etc.
2. A general kind of dermatitis that occurs due to seasonal changes.
3. Poor blood circulation especially in feet and lower legs that causes an outbreak of stasis dermatitis.
Eczema diagnosis is done through thorough examination and observation. The doctors consider the characteristic
appearance of itchy and dry thick skin patches and rashes. Then they try to go into the history of the disease to
understand possible trigger factors of the disease. Sometimes, a doctor may ask you to go for a biopsy to confirm the
kind of dermatitis you are suffering from. The conventional medicinal system treats the condition through regular
application of steroid-based, anti-itching, and anti-inflammatory creams. Further, they prescribe strong moisturizers to
alleviate the symptoms of dermatitis. Antibiotics and oral medication is also used to prevent any secondary infections.
Dermatitis patients need to keep their skin clean, moisturized, and aloof from any kind of irritants. Soft and loose
clothing is considered a must for all eczema patients.
Antihistamines and steroids are an imminent part of allopathic dermatitis treatment. They work to suppress allergies
and hypersensitivity in the patient’s body which is the basic reason for dermatitis manifestation. These medications have
an immediate effect on the problem but it has been observed that their effect is temporary and often the problem
returns in a more severe form.
On the contrary, dermatitis treatment in Ayurveda works its way at a rather slow pace. Most Ayurvedic creams,
ointments, and topical procedures are directly done on skin, inner vascular structures, and subcutaneous tissues. They
are used to reduce the sensitivity and inflammation levels, hyperpigmentation, and restore the health and strength in
the affected parts. It minimizes the chances of recurrence of infection in the long term.
Ayurveda believes that most skin problems, like dermatitis, result from accumulated toxins inside the body. It addresses
this issue through Panchakarma therapies that include induced purgation, emesis, as well as bloodletting. The best thing
about Panchakarma is that these are completely natural therapies that detoxify the body on a cellular level and help in
quick rectification and recovery from various problems including dermatitis. There are multiple cases where
longstanding and localized rashes were subdued with just one application of herbal pastes (lepam) or one session of
Apart from that, Dermatitis treatment in Ayurveda includes specific diet and lifestyle ramifications. It focuses on healthy
routines and diet choices that increase the effectiveness of herbal medicines by a hundredfold. From a holistic and safe
point of view, Ayurvedic treatment is a safer and more fulfilling choice. It helps the patient with long-term relief and the
best alleviation of symptoms without any side effects. The steroids used for allopathic treatment often leave long-term
side effects on our internal and external systems. Unlike Ayurvedic treatment, it resolves the problem temporarily and
has a tendency to leave lasting side effects.
Address: Prakash Nethralaya & Panchakarma Kendra, Plot No. 140-141-142, Regal Residency, Vishwakarma Marg,
Nirman Nagar E Block, Ajmer Rd, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)
Email us: info@ayurprakash.com
Contact Number: 8396919191
Visit us: https://www.launchora.com/story/how-does-the-ayurvedic-treatment-for-dermatitis-di