Uploaded by Paramita Cucu

IGCSE Chemistry Course Review: Teacher Reflections & Plans

5.3 Course review, KWL and next steps – Pramita
1. How has your understanding of teaching IGCSE Chemistry developed during the course?
- I used to think that the textbook was a benchmark in learning. Now, I think the
syllabus and the SoW were the benchmark.
- I used to think that SoW is not important. Now, I think the SoW is really important
and useful if we know how to use it.
- I used to think there are no good resources for learning experimental techniques in
this pandemic situation. Now, I think chemix.org is a good resource to learn that
- I used to think the Assessment Objectives and Learning Objectives are the same
thing. Now, I think those two things are two complementary things.
- I used to think that common words are only for English lesson. Now, I think it is
really important for me as a chemistry teacher to promote and implement common
words to my students.
- I used to think that mark scheme is not really necessary in the worksheet. Now, I
think it is really important to put the mark scheme so students are familiar with that
- I used to think that students certainly understand the previous lesson. Now, I think
that I have to identify their knowledge and skills before I start a new topic using
initial assessment.
- I used to think that learning hours for each topic is determined only by looking at the
level of difficulty. Now, I think that guided learning hours in SoW help me to plan
my lesson.
2. Is there anything in your ‘Want to know’ section that was not answered on the course or
you are not clear about? No, everything has been answered.
3. How are you going to implement what you have learned on this course? How can you
continue your development? Is there anything that you want to learn more about? Make a
note of one or two things that you will try:
Next week: I will try to keep myself updated by using many useful resources and
suggested learning activities in SoW on my lesson plan every week.
I will introduce common words to my students.
I will give initial assessments to my students.
I will use past paper more often as a reference in making worksheets.
I will put mark scheme in every questions that I give to my students.
Next term: I will continuously evaluate how I teach during the last semester.
I am planning even better learning for the next semester based on evaluation.
Next year: I will continuously evaluate how I teach during the previous year.
I am planning even better learning for the next year based on evaluation.
4. What support do you need to achieve these goals? Where can you find this support? How
are you going to measure the impact of the changes that you make to your practice?
I need updated additional sources to keep learning. I think find them by joining
chemistry teachers community in my country to exchange ideas. I also can easily find it
on the internet. in my school there are teacher performance evaluations every semester. I
can use it to measure see the changes within my learning performances. I also can use
students understanding as a measurement.