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physical properties of metals and non metals and boiling and melting points

Melting and boiling points
Water has a melting point of O°C and a boiling point of 100°C.
What state is water at room temperature (20°C)?
 Solid 0°C
Water is a liquid at room temperature.
1. Argon has a melting point of -189°C and a boiling point of -186°C.
What state is argon at room temperature? ________________________
2. Copper has a melting point of 1085°C and a boiling point of 2580°C.
What state is copper at room temperature? ________________________
3. Mercury has a melting point of -39°C and a boiling point of -357°C.
What state is mercury at room temperature? ________________________
4. Ethanol has a melting point of -115°C and a boiling point of 78°C.
What state is ethanol at room temperature? ________________________
5. Caesium has a melting point of 29°C and a boiling point of 685°C.
What state is caesium at room temperature? ________________________
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