10-DAY fitness challenge #10daysforme welcome MEET YOUR COACH If you are reading this know that I am so proud of you for committing to yourself! You deserve so much more than just these 10 days of making time for YOU. Your body. Your mind. Your health. Your life. But I promise you that committing to this challenge every day for 10 Days straight means that you will walk away feeling like a champion on Day 11! You will likely be introduced to new movements, lifts, and stretches. You may feel some things you've never felt before and hey, you may even make some new friends! My hope is that you can walk away from this not just feeling amazing but also with a few new tools in your toolbox to take with you and use all the time! xo Kayla www.healthandhoneywellness.com | @health.and.honey.wellness DON'T FORGET TO JOIN the giveaway 1 STEP ONE: Share on IG "I'm in for #10DAYSFORME !" & tag @Health.and.Honey.Wellness on Instagram 2 STEP TWO: Share your progress using the Workout Selfie Calendar and attend the LIVE workouts! 3 STEP THREE: Comment on the Health & Honey Instagram Post on October 26th sharing your "WIN" from the challenge! TIPS FOR getting started 1 Print the Printables! Be sure to print as many copies as you need of the Food Log, Journal & Habit Tracker. Keep them in a place you will see and use them daily. Workout Equipment Dumbbells - light, medium & heavy &/OR Resistance Bands - light, med, heavy Stick (broomstick, PVC, etc) for mobility Yoga Mat may be helpful ✓ 2✓ ✓ ✓ 3 4 Decide Your Nutrition Goals & Shop. Review Page 7 and decide what nutrition goals are right for you. What changes can you make in just 10 days? Be sure to stock your kitchen accordingly! Take the "Before" Photo. Don't forget! It's the most wonderful feeling to be able to look back and see the changes that YOU made in such a short time. No need to share this, you can just keep it for yourself. Trust me, you will be glad you did! workout plan ACTIVITY PUMP DAY 1 MOBILITY DAY 2 BONUS GOAL Squat 3x15 (wide, reg, narrow) OH Shoulder Press 3x15 Push Ups 3 x10 Bicep Curl 4 x 15 Rear Delt Fly 3x15 90/90s Waiter's Bow PVC Pass Through Windmills STRENGTH Rear Delt Fly 2x 16-20 ea. DB Walking Lunges (1 x 16-20) DB Curl (2 x 8-12) DB Sumo Deadlift (2 x 8-12) Tricep Dip (2x 8-10) DB Bench Press (2x 12-16) Isometric plank (hold 30-60 sec 2x) DB Shoulder Press (2x12-16) Calf raise (2 x 20-40) DAY 3 MOBILITY 90-100 grams of Protein PUMP 90/90s Down Dog with Internal Rotation Then Up dog Thread the Needle Childs Pose Walking Lunges 2x16-20 Chest Flys 3x15 Bent Over Rows 2x 15 ea. Lateral Raise 3x12-15 Bicep Curl 3x12-15 LIVE 25 ! DAY 4 4 DAY 8 hours of Sleep LIVE 25! 2 MIN MOBILITY 90/90s Thread the Tune inneedle LIVE for our 25 minute HIIT style workout. Workout will be emailed in advance and Zoom will be recorded 64 oz. water & Adrenal Cocktail 20 min Take a 30 10 min minute walk 2 hrs. outdoors. DAY 5 STRENGTH DB Bg Split Squat (2 x 8-10 ea.) DB Deadlift (3 x 8-12) DB chest flye (3x 10-12) DB lateral raise (2x10-12) Single Arm DB Row 2x 16-20 ea. DB Hammer Curl (2 x 8-12) Calf raise (2 x 16-20) Russian Twist 2x12-15 Make a Protein Packed dinner from scratch! workout plan ACTIVITY BONUS GOAL DAY 6 DAY 7 MOBILITY Lizard with rotation Crab Reach Thread the Needle Childs Pose DAY 9 STRENGTH Single Arm DB Row 2x 16-20 ea. DB Walking Lunges (1 x 16-20) DB Curl (2 x 8-12) DB Sumo Deadlift (2 x 8-12) Tricep Dip (2x 8-10) DB Bench Press (2x 12-16) Isometric plank (hold 30-60 sec 2x) DB Shoulder Press (2x12-16) Calf raise (2 x 20-40) DAY 8 PUMP MOBILITY Active Pigeon Superman Into Retraction Out/In Tension ShoulderPress Windmills Squat 3x15 (wide, reg, narrow) Shoulder Press 3x15 Push Ups 3 x10 Bicep Curl 4 x 15 Rear Delt Fly 3x15 Sleep without your phone in your bedroom Journal Prompt: What are you proud of accomplishing? What would you like to accomplish before the year end? PUMP Walking Lunges 2x16-20 Chest Flys 3x15 Rows 2x 15 ea. Lateral Raise 3x12-15 Bicep Curl 3x12-15 LIVE 25! DISNEY WORKOUT Tune in LIVE for our HIIT style workout to Disney Music! Dressing Up HIGHLY ENCOURAGED Workout will be emailed in advance and Zoom will be recorded 64 oz. water & Adrenal Cocktail Magnesium Foot Soak DAY 10 STRENGTH DB Bg Split Squat (2 x 8-10 ea.) DB Deadlift (3 x 8-12) DB chest flye (3x 10-12) DB lateral raise (2x10-12) Single Arm DB Row 2x 16-20 ea. DB Hammer Curl (2 x 8-12) Isometric plank (hold 30-60 sec 2x) Body weight calf raise (2 x 20-40) 8 hours of Sleep. Nutrition Tips No need to restrict yourself an insane amount or rob yourself of all joy for 10 days. However I have provided some guidelines below to help you FEEL your best these 10 days. This is YOUR challenge. You decide how you want to feel on Day 11. 1 2 3 FOCUS ON PROTEIN: Almost every female client I have worked with is under consuming protein. A good rule of thumb is .6-.8 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight. 150 lbs x.7 = 105 grams protein per day DITCH PROCESSED FOODS: I know this is a generic rule of thumb so use your discretion. But ultimately the more you can make out of your own kitchen the better. Sometimes it requires some planning - so plan ahead! Get that shopping done before Day 1! EAT BREAKFAST: Here we're not a fan of Intermittent Fasting for most women. We should be filing our energy tank soon after we wake up, to avoid blood sugar issues and spikes in stress hormones. Plan to eat something within 45 minutes of waking. Even if its small, then you can eat again later. HABIT TRACKER D A I L Y health tracker G O A L : B L D S BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER SNACK E X E R C I S E : W A T E R : A F F I R M A T I O N S : 10 day fitness challenge Day Day one two Day four Day three Day Day five six Day Day seven eight Day Day nine ten Journal