Uploaded by Mahammed Tahir

yr 9 components of fitness (lesson 3)

Week beginning: 25th January 2021
Lesson: Components of Fitness Part 3
You have 5 minutes
to complete this.
Recall and Retrieval exercise: Task 1:
Last lesson we looked at Muscular Strength and Speed. Write down what
they mean .
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Body Composition
Aerobic Endurance
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
What do you think when
you hear muscular strength
and speed?
Week beginning: 25th January 2021
Lesson: Components of Fitness Part 3
Recall and Retrieval exercise:
We will be looking at
Flexibility and Body
composition this
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Body Composition
Aerobic Endurance
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
Where in Sport do you see flexibility?
Checking understanding of prior knowledge:
Task 2:
1)What do you think Flexibility means?
What does the word ‘composition’
means? What do you think when you
hear this word.
What do you think the picture is
showing you?
2)What do you think Body Composition means?
You have 5 minutes
to complete both
Success criteria.
To know what Flexibility and Body
Composition is and be able to describe
its importance within sport
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
I do:
What is Flexibility?:
This is the ability to move all your joints through their full range of movements smoothly.
Flexibility is determined by how elastic the ligaments and tendons are at a joint, how strong the
muscles are that pull against the joint, and the shape of the bones that form the joint.
Most joints are designed to give either strength or flexibility, so the shape of the bones is usually
the most important factor in determining flexibility. For example, the shoulder joint is made up
of a ball-shaped bone (the end of the humerus) and a cup-shaped bone (the end of the scapula),
allowing lots of movement in many directions.
Gymnasts have to be flexible so that they can twist their bodies into different shapes when
performing routines or vaults. Flexibility can be improved by taking part in lots of stretching
exercises on a regular basis.
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
Literacy toolkit:
Flexibility-The ability to
move all joints fluidly
through their complete
range of movement
Task 3
Can you give 5 examples of sports that need Flexibility.
You have 8 minutes to
complete the question above
and the question in the green
What sports require
you to be flexible?
Deepening knowledge: Can you give a specific example for
each sport you have chosen of when flexibility is needed.
For example
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
How to improve your flexibility
Watch the video bellow and name at least three activities that you
could perform to improve your Flexibility Component of Fitness.
How can you improve
your flexibility?
Literacy toolkit:
Flexibility-The ability to
move all joints fluidly
through their complete
range of movement
Deepening knowledge:
Pick a sport and describe how
flexibility is needed for an
athlete to perform well in it.
You have 5 minutes to
complete the question above
and the question in the green
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
I do:
What is Body Composition?:
This is a measure of how much of your body is made up of fat-free mass, of vital organs, and
how much is made up of fat.
It is important to have a good balance of the two but sports players usually have a greater
proportion of muscle.
Some sports performers, such as rowers, require a large muscle mass to give them lots of power
and strength, but others, such as marathon runners, require a lower muscle mass so that they
don’t have to carry ‘extra’ body mass as they are running.
Some sports performers, such as sumo wrestlers, even require quite a large mass of body fat to
be successful.
Everyone is born with a predisposition to a particular body composition, although small changes
can be made by varying your diet and the amount/type of exercise that you take part in. The
important thing is to have the correct body composition for your sport.
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
Scaffolding: Can you
think of another
word for
You do:
Task 4
Pick a sport and talk about an athletes Body Composition. Explain why they need this Body
Composition for their Sport.
Literacy toolkit:
Body Composition-how
much of your body is
made up of fat-free mass,
of vital organs, and how
much is made up of fat.
Example: A marathon runner needs a low muscle mass to be successful. This is because they are
running a long distance and so can not afford to carry extra mass.
State whether the
athlete needs a lot of
muscle mass or not
to do their sport.
You have 5 minutes to complete this
question and the question in the green
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.
Deepening knowledge:
Do all athletes on the same team
have the same Body Composition.
Explain your thoughts.
How to test Body Composition
Watch the video bellow and name three activities that you could perform to test
your Body Composition of Fitness.
Literacy toolkit:
Body Composition-how
much of your body is
made up of fat-free mass,
of vital organs, and how
much is made up of fat
You have 5 minutes
to complete this
question and the
question in the green
Deepening knowledge:
Why is it important for athletes
to test their Body Composition?
We do: Complete the
following questions
Which is a good activity that would increase flexibility?
A. Basketball
B. Golf
C. Yoga
D. Tennis
You have 3 minutes
to complete this.
Describe your favourite athletes body composition and how that makes them successful. Think about what they have to do in
their sport and the requirements it has on them.
Curiosity ~ Independence ~ Reflection
Every Student A Leader.