Arreglo, Arnold John V. BSEE – 2nd year Group 9 – EDM 2 After watching the video, please answer the following: 1. How do Fr. Heinz Kuleuke, SVD, and other SVDs respond to the call of dialogue of love? Fr. Heinz Kuleuke went on to live in the slumps of Cebu for awhile and became friends of the citizens in the dump. He carried on evangelizing the people who were living in the dumps who are mostly criminals and committed crimes such as rape, murder and attempted homicide. His goal was to create a community out of these people and help them become closer to God. 2. What insights did you gain from the video? From the video, I realized how lucky I am to live in a house with electricity, water and any other necessity. These people are literally searching food in the trashes. It made me feel guilty since sometimes I’m not grateful for the things I have. But seeing these people made me realize that I should be very grateful for everything I have because other people do not have what I have. For the case of evangelization, my faith in humanity has been restored because of Fr. Heinz and seeing the community that he has built made me realize that the world can still be a better place if only there were more people like Fr. Heinz.