Student Motivation Reflection 1 Student Motivation Reflection Shania M Baltan Quesada Educational Psychology 2002-57751 Student Motivation Reflection 2 To begin with, fourth grade is the grade level I have chosen for my student learning profile. Reasoning for selecting fourth grade was because I felt like the age range (9-10) was perfect for me, and Fourth grade in my opinion is key year in elementary. It is the year when students become “big kids,” with all that entails—greater physical and intellectual capabilities, but also more academics and more homework. Fourth grade is packed with great content,fun and fascinating subjects like fractions, meteorology and the American Revolution,and it’s a foundational year for key concepts that will carry elementary students into middle school. To add on, I selected Clark Elementary as the school to teach fourth grade. Fourth-grade science curriculum depends on each school district but Hillsborough country, 4th graders study electricity, geology, such as earthquakes and erosion, and the systems of the human body.I actually went to Clark just for grades 1-3, and I had the best experience. Clark elementary is very diverse all around, from teachers to students. The minority rate is at 72%, dividing between Asain (26%) , White (28%),Hispanic (21%), Black (18%) all others were not specified. Additionally, the genders divide from females at 47% , males at 53%. Student Motivation Reflection 3 When a student enters fourth grade, they will learn to use research tools to write reports. They will become pros at addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills and start to learn simple geometry. They will also read and create their own charts, graphs, and tables. Normally,, fourth grade science students will start to understand the complexity of the systems in nature. And it being year 4 of elementary, they tend to focus on everything from ancient civilizations to modern economic principles in social studies. For the experience aspect, I believe fourth graders become quite social, and break out their shell slowly, interacting with other classmates and group projects. A few academic expectations for fourth grade in Hillsborough County, FL are Florida Standards Assessments: The Florida Standards Assessments, which measure student success with the Florida Standards, include assessments in English Language Arts (grades 3-10), Mathematics (grades 3-8), and End-of-Course (EOC) assessments for Algebra 1 and Geometry. A few studying skills I would like my future fourth grade to obtain by the end of the school year is defiantly Organizing homework assignments, assign a two specific subjects for homework, so they do not get overwhelmed and can take their time Student Motivation Reflection 4 to learn each subject,Conduct a weekly summary of each lesson, Preparing for the day ahead,provide ENDLESS SUPPORT AND POSITIVE TEACHING! Concrete operational stage is the third stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Which connects to fourth graders the most. This stage enters around the age seven to eleven years of age, and is characterized by the development of organized and rational thinking. I believe students can achieve to begin thinking on their own, understanding real life problem solving, and interacting with others in a social setting without relying ont their parents to speak for them. In addition, Extrinsic Motivation would be a good motivation strategy for a typical fourth grader, because they still are children, and children are normally motivated by a reward, or some type of positive ending that benefits them. In conclusion, I have gained so much knowledge based off this little bit of research I did on fourth grade in hillsborough county. From learning about all the state expectations, (Which is crazy compared to different states) and ways to motivate your elementary student inspires me so hurry and graduate so I can put all of these to use! Student Motivation Reflection 5 Student Motivation Reflection 6 Student Motivation Reflection 7 References Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers. Lastname, O. (2010). Online journal using DOI or digital object identifier. Main Online Journal Name, Vol#(Issue#), 159-192. doi: 10.1000/182 Lastname, W. (2009). If there is no DOI use the URL of the main website referenced. Article Without DOI Reference, Vol#(Issue#), 166-212. Retrieved from