Uploaded by Nicholas Stranix

Cells Video Guide Worksheet

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- NOT for student devices – only for PRINTING on PAPER.
- Revised and converted to Google DocsTM for ease of use.
- Easy differentiation before printing.
- Older pdf versions included – no need for Google DocsTM.
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Name: _______________________________
Date: __ / __ / _____
Period __ Room ____
While watching, complete this video guide.
Three things I knew
that were confirmed in
the video:
A- ____________________________________________________
B- ____________________________________________________
C- ____________________________________________________
Three things I didn’t know
but I now know because I
watched the video.
A- ____________________________________________________
B- ____________________________________________________
C- ____________________________________________________
__ ∆
1. All living things are made up of ____________________________.
__ ∆ 2. Different kinds of cells have _________________________types of jobs.
__ ∆ 3. Cells __________________________ to make new cells.
__ ∆ 4. Only animal /plant cells have a cell wall instead of a cell membrane.
__ ∆ 5. In all cells the ______________________ controls the cell.
__ ∆ 6. Cells are __________________________; they eat, reproduce and drink.
__ ∆ 7. Mitosis is when cells divide / come together.
__ ∆ 8. In the nucleus, __________________ tell cells what to do and how to change.
__ ∆ 9. The fastest growing organ in humans is the __________________________.
__ ∆ 10. Some animals only have_______________________ cell.
__ ∆ 11. Genes tell certain cells that you are going to have a certain ______________ of eyes.
__ ∆ 12. _________________________ is a very long molecule that has chemicals in a special order.
__ ∆ 13. _________________ have cells that are all dried out.
__ ∆ 14. _______________________ blood cells help to fight viruses and bacteria.
__ ∆ 15. Some molecules are so small that they move between other molecules in __________________ .
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Ready-made with HELP videos. Keeps students engaged and can self-check.
Easy differentiation, assign to students directly or modify versions first.
FIVE (5) Differentiated Google Quiz versions - NO PREP required!
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Upgraded Google Docs™ printable or Archived .pdf version
Word Bank
Easily Differentiated.
The Questions/Statements are Identical.
Fill in Blank
Video Guide
15 questions with the same "Look and Feel"
• Word Bank for suggested answers – All words are used.
• Students can fill them out before viewing and then
correct the information while watching the video.
• Next to the question numbers there are triangles (Δ)
that teachers may fill in indicating which to do.
Reusable Quiz
Questions have the same "Look and Feel"
Fill in the blanks help students keep up with the video.
Print on colored paper for re-use
Question quantity determined by bubbling in triangles.
Ideal for 'clicker' response systems.
FREE answer sheet at: StarMaterials.com/Documents/
Individual (Special Ed) Quiz
Work on same page.
When marking, have checkers put a "C" for correct and
"X" for wrong in blanks next to the triangles (Δ) then
count the "C"s for grade.
Different classes can take different quizzes.
Repeat or do-over quizzes can have different questions.
Every quiz has the same "Look and Feel"
Answer Key
The answer box lists suggested answers.
Online video search link provided for each video.
Next to the answers are presentation times in the video.
Print the answer key on colored paper to find it quickly.
A grading percentage key is provided for easy grading.
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Free Quiz
Answer Sheet
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Word Banks, Quiz
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